The Perilous Lands -- Caldo
Scott Adams
longshot at JAX.FIDONET.ORG
Sun Feb 22 08:01:39 CET 1998
*** Quoting "Choinski, Burt" from a message to longshot ***
"B> If you are talking about my RQ usage, well, there is some conversion.
"B> Since RQ rules have religion be a more important part of the game
"B> (unlike P&P, where it ismore fo a background thing), things do get a
"B> bit tricky. Caldo, as stated, would follow the "cult" (using their
"B> term) of ancestor worship, which has a few interesting spells. Not
"B> all of the glorantha cults convert over, and I will probably go
"B> through the list of gods in the site book and try and pull out their
"B> "spells" (i.e. restrict followers of a certain god to
Well good luck with it...cosmo stuff isn't that fun sometimes :)
~~~ Telegard v3.09.b15/mL
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