
Scott Adams longshot at DARKTECH.ORG
Sat Dec 18 03:37:07 CET 1999

Another topic :)

I was reviewing the experience rules from someone asking about it.  Each
time I read it I read it slightly different.

The per 50/per 25 CEP/MEP points for 1 Char. point rules
I believe that's

Could be read as you have to earn that 50 for ONE fight or it could be per
So that would mean you'd have to kill a big beastie like a Dragon to get
even the rare 1 CP out of it...the common monster/bandit won't ever do it.
But if its per encounter then you might.

Another way is a total based on the adventure...

How do you guys rule on this?

Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network
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