I'm back...with a new email address.

David Jackson araborn at BELLSOUTH.NET
Mon Jan 18 05:11:54 CET 1999

In my opinion, having closely studied the rules in regards to this question,
I would say that mana regeneration is per day.  The rules are actually very
clear on this, in my opinion.

Pg. 17, Book One, The Character Book

Paragraph 1.32721
"If a magic-user does not use any mana during a day that he is regenerating,
or if he is a natural magic-user, add his MEL to the number of points that
he normally regains for that day.  If a natural magician rests, add MELX2 to
the mana points that he regains instead of MEL."

Paragraph 1.32722
"All mana is regained at the start of the day, based on the expenditures of
the preceding twenty-four hours.  Mana never regenerates to a point greater
than the magic-user's current Casting Ability."

So, we can infer that if he "normally regains for that day" a certain amount
of mana, that amount must be his Mana Regeneration amount.

David Jackson
(Any Powers and Perils fans who are interested should contact me regarding
playtesting of Dark Fantasy, my game based largely ON Powers and Perils).

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul L. Ming <pming at YT.SYMPATICO.CA>
Date: Sunday, January 17, 1999 19:27 AngryBob
Subject: I'm back...with a new email address.

>Hiya folks.
>    I'm back, and have a new email address. And, to kick off my return, I'd
>like to pose a question:
>    Mana Regeneration:  Is the regeneration per day? (24 hr)  Is it per
>Grand Tactical Turn? (12 hr)  Or maybe per hour?  Per minute? Per round?
>just started a new campaign...I *actually get to play this time!* (as
>opposed to DMing it for the last 10+ years)...and the DM and I (Hiya Tim!),
>couldn't difinitively decide how long a time was needed to regenerate mana.
>IMC, I used that as per hour of sleep.  But in this campaign we are running
>it right now with the assumption that the time is per 12-hours.  Anyone
>for sure?  What do you use?
>Denakhan the Arch-Mage.
>a.k.a. Paul L. Ming

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