Pertaining to the copyright question

Maouse maouse at FULTON-NET.COM
Fri Oct 27 19:32:22 CEST 2000


Not much you can do except make modules for the game... Maybe (if you are
careful to stay away from their intellectual properties such as describing
the game system in it).

Who did you talk to? Maybe we can lobby them (or just so we know who to ask
if we can reproduce a certain number of copies or copies on CD, etc...
Modified copies containing all the information on Wouts site would be nice
(but PANDA's site is a bit out there)).

I guess writing to the person you talked to at Hasbro would be MY next step.
Personally, I'd like to be involved in the generation of a GUI or even a
game based on P&P.


ps. Chaosium plays into it because they are the original copyright owners
of Runequest, which was mentioned in the article.

pps. the letter that was recieved by ??? on this thred site stated they had
not bought it or were unsure? Is there any way to get a legal copy of the
transaction (is it public knowledge due to freedom of information act,
etc...)??  are we back to where we were about a year ago?

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