New game

Scott Adams longshot at DARKTECH.ORG
Sat Sep 2 23:30:03 CEST 2000

At 10:21 PM 9/1/00 -0400, you wrote:

> Well, I have just joined the P&P list a little while ago. I haven't
played in
>a game yet so I would like to now exactly how the game works.

In what capacity?

Generic rule use or how to play overall or how to play in a pbem or what?

There are 2 pbems out there that I know of.  Mine and another web site that I
don't think got
started.  Mine did and is continuing and always open to new players.

If rule stuff just ask away and we can help ya there :)

Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network
Fringe BBS - EWOG II - 904-733-1721
Telegard / Allfix Beta Site

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