Proposed Lands Perilous Calandar

Scott Adams longshot at DARKTECH.ORG
Fri Jun 15 22:07:59 CEST 2001

At 12:51 PM 6/12/01 -0400, you wrote:
>I don't know how many of you out there really need it, but I have dabbled
>with nailing down the PL solar calandar and am posting my idas for it here
>for general discussion.  I have created an excel sheet of the calandar,
>which i mailed to Wout for the web page.

Interesting stuff.  Love the names :)  6 days would be 5 weeks for a month
change but could handle.  

>The first day of the year is the first day of Planting season.  Now, I was
>somewhat lazy and based the names on our Earthly calandar, thus making it
>easier to mentally grasp what the climate outside would be like (naming
>reflects sea of tears region)
>     Marqi         <-- Planting
>     Apris
>     Ma            <-- War
>     Junaqa
>     Julis          <-- Siege
>     Augado
>     Sepes       <-- Harvest
>     Octaqi
>     Novehas    <-- Storm
>     Decalis
>     Janaq        <-- Dark
>     Febris

I saw your explanation and guess it is ok.  But to me the storm and harvest
be reversed simply based on how farmers do things and the climate but I can
understand why you did it :)

>For people wishing to roll dates (birth date?):
>     1d6 for season
>         1d2 for month of season
>             1d5 for week of month
>                1d6 for day of week

 That gives averages of the middle seasons might use alternative of
D12 for month and get a wider range maybe.

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