[PnP] Ship Project - Ship Gear v1
Scott Adams
longshot at darktech.org
Sat Sep 30 05:22:45 CEST 2006
* Ship and Water Based Equipment Information
This document contains information on new Powers and Perils
equipment that is based around water and ships. It mainly centers
on ships and boats. but it may related to water environments like
ports and fishing villages. The bottom of this file contains
information, rules and more details on each item.
1. Armor
Item Item Armor
Item Price Avail. Weight Value Notes
Arm Shield 8 CC 95% 4 4 Arm length shields
Breathable Leather 15 CC 55% 5 1 Specialized Water Armor
Coral Helmet 3 CC 90% 10 +3 Helmet made from Coral
2. Weapons
Item Item
Item Price Avail. Weight WSB FV Skill Area
@ Net 2 SC 95% 6 0 6 Misc. Throwing Wpns.
Puncher 14 CC 100% 5 0 10 Spear
Quints 9 CC 70% 2+ 0 3 None
Spear 7 SC 90% 4 0 9 Spear
Springed Spear 18 CC 5% 6 +1 9 Spear
@ Trident 8 SC 60% 4 +1 11 Spear
@ Water Lasso 8 CC 100% 2 0 5 None
@ = Two handed weapon
3. Animal Table
Item Upkeep
Item Price Avail. Cost Notes
Anaconda 2 GC 10% 2 Medium Sized Anaconda
Crocodile 1 GC 30% 3 Adult Sized
Crab/Lobster 3 CC 100% 1 2 FP of Food
Dolphin 8 GC 5% 4
Eel 2 SC 10% 1 Electrical
Fish Varies 100% Varies Various types of fish
Jellyfish 5 CC 30% 1/4 Average hand sized
Leech 3 CC 90% 2 12 Leechs in container
Seal 5 SC 40% 2 Adult Sized Seal
Shark 9 GC 5% 4 5-6 Foot Adult shark
Turtle (River) 8 BB 90% 1/4 Hand Sized turtle
Turtle (Ocean) 6 SC 10% 2 Adult Size 3-4 feet in length
Worms 2 BB 100% 1/4 D100/2 Worms in container
Upkeep = Amount of Food (FP) required by animal per day.
4. Animal Equipment Table
Item Price Avail. Weight Notes
Animal Prod 3 CC 95% 3 Control animals
Dolphin Harness 2 SC 10% 5 Harness for Riding Dolphin
Dolphin Seat 1 SC 10% 2 For Rider on Dolphin
Lobster Clamp 3 BB 100% 1 Prevents Lobster Claw action
Snake Gloves 3 CC 100% - Snake protection
Tank Material 4 CC 80% 1 Fish Food, plants, etc.
Water Tanks Varies 80% Varies Holds Fish & water creatures
5. Buildings/Property
Public Business Private
Item Cost Cost Cost
Docks -
Docking Fee (Port A)
Private Craft 5 CC 9 CC 18 CC
Merchant Craft 5 CC 6 CC 27 CC
Military Craft 13 CC 27 CC 4 SC
Docking Fee (Port B)
Private Craft 4 CC 8 CC 16 CC
Merchant Craft 8 CC 16 CC 24 CC
Military Craft 12 CC 24 CC 36 CC
Docking Fee (Port C)
Private Craft 3 CC 6 CC 12 CC
Merchant Craft 6 CC 12 CC 18 CC
Military Craft 9 CC 18 CC 27 CC
Docking Fee (Port D)
Private Craft 2 CC 4 CC 8 CC
Merchant Craft 4 CC 8 CC 12 CC
Military Craft 6 CC 12 CC 18 CC
Docking Fee (Port E)
Private Craft 1 CC 2 CC 4 CC
Merchant Craft 2 CC 4 CC 6 CC
Military Craft 3 CC 6 CC 9 CC
Docking Fee (Port F)
Private Craft 5 BB 1 CC 2 CC
Merchant Craft 1 CC 2 CC 3 CC
Military Craft 15 BB 3 CC 45 BB
Docking Fee (Port G)
Private Craft 2 BB 5 BB 1 CC
Merchant Craft 5 BB 1 CC 15 BB
Military Craft 7 BB 15 BB 20 BB
Warehouse Rental Space
Port Class A 5 CC 1 SC 15 CC
Port Class B 1 SC 2 SC 3 SC
Port Class C 12 CC 25 CC 4 SC
Port Class D 15 CC 3 SC 45 CC
Port Class E 2 SC 4 SC 6 SC
Port Class F ---- ----- -----
Port Class G ---- ----- -----
Public = Civilian purposes, please craft, etc.
Business = These docks serve only business purposes
Private = These docks serve private interests only
Private Craft = Civilian craft like sailboats or pleasure craft
Merchant Craft = Business craft like fishing boats or merchants
Military Craft = Military craft of any warship capability
Fees are Daily (24 hour period or until next morning). Prices
subject to change by local rules and Dockmaster. Docking
fees only allow docking. They do not guarantee protection of
craft. For protection additional fees may apply. These
fees are PER 10 feet of craft in length.
Warehouse rental Fees are for a 10 by 10 feet area where cargo
or materials can be stowed away.
6. Travel Charges
Charge Cost Description
Merchant Ship 2 CC per 10 miles, meal extra, pay in advance
Military Ship 4 CC per 10 miles, meal extra, pay in advance
Pleasure Ship (Low) 2 CC per hour, meal extra, pay in advance
Pleasure Ship (Med) 4 CC per hour, meal extra, can pay after trip
Pleasure Ship (high) 8 CC per hour, meal included, can pay after trip
Fishing Boat 1 CC per 10 miles, meal extra, pay in advance
Messenger Ship 2 CC per 10 miles, meal extra, pay in advance
Small boat rental 1 CC per hour (size of up to 10 feet)
Medium Boat Rental 4 CC per hour (size of up to 50 feet)
Large boat rental 8 CC per hour, per 50 feet
Ship's Meals -
Merchant ship 1 CC per 2FP from ship's stores
Military ship 2 CC per 2FP from limited ship's stores
Pleasure Ship 2 CC per 3FP from ship's stores [Low & Medium]
Pleasure (High) ---- 4 FP included meal on High Quality ship
Fishing Boat 5 BB per 1FP plus fish caught extra
Messenger Ship 2 CC per 2FP from limited ship's stores
Shipping Cargo -
Merchant Ship - 3 SC per horse, 5 SC per elephant
- 1 BB per 10 pounds inanimate cargo transported
Military Ship - 2 SC per horse, 4 SC per elephant
- 2 BB per 10 pounds inanimate cargo transported
Pleasure Ship - 4 SC per horse, no elephant allowed
- 3 BB per 10 pounds inanimate cargo transported
Fishing Boat - 9 SC per horse in very limited space
- 4 BB per 10 pounds inanimate cargo transported
Messenger Ship- 2 GC per horse, weight slows ship down, limited
- 8 BB per 10 pounds inanimate cargo transported
7. Hirelings Table
Person Min. Cost Avail Description
Marine 3 SC/month 40% Trained naval warrior, random gear
Archers 4 SC/month 60% Trained archer, random equipment
Boatswain 1.5 SC/month 80% Rowing Officer
Rower 1 SC/month 90% Rower, non-combat, non-slave
Helmsman 2 GC/month 80% Trained helmsman, weapons officer
Captain 3 GC/month 40% Trained Sea Captain
Navigator 2 GC/month 70% Trained Navigator for travel
Deck Hand 2 SC/month 90% General purpose ship deck hand
Piper +5 CC/month 50% Issues commands to crew
Fishermen 10 CC/day 95% Trained Fishermen
Pilot 3 CC/hour 70% Trained harbor pilot/navigator
Shipwright 2 CC/day 60% Trained shipwright
Cartographer 2 cc/day 30% Trained map-maker
Husbander 2 GC/month 40% Trained Animal deck hand
Ship's Cook 2 GC/month 60% Trained cook for only cooking
Steward 2 SC/month 70% Trained servant
Cargomaster 2 GC/month 40% Trained for cargo handling
Carpenter 2 GC/month 60% Trained wood worker for ships
8. Miscellaneous Equipment
Item Cost Weight DR Description
Anchors -
Wooden 4 BB 1 4 Wooden 1 pound anchor weight
Stone 5 BB 1 6 Stone 1 pound anchor weight
Iron/Metal 2 CC 1 8 Iron 1 pound anchor weight
Anchor Tethers -
Rope 1 BB 0.25 2 1 Feet of anchor tether rope
Metal Chain 3 BB 0.25 4 1 feet of anchor tether chain links
Belaying Pin 2 CC 2 2 Wooden pin for rigging lines
Bell 2 SC 2 8 1 Ship's Bell
Boarding Plank 5 SC 50 90 Ship's main boarding plank/gangway
Booms, Sail 5 SC 20 30 Wooden sail booms and spars
Booms, Sail 5 GC 40 75 Metal sail booms and spars
Buttons 1 SC -- -- Gross set of buttons
Canvas 4 SC 1 5 1 Square yard of Canvas cloth
Carpentry Tools 1 GC 8 -- For ship wide repairs
Compass 3 CC 1 -- For finding North/direction
Cork 8 BB 1 -- Container full of cork material
Crow's Nest 3 GC -- -- Crow's nest rigging setup
Drum 6 BB 2 -- For controlling a Rowing Beat
Fishing Gear
Fishing Net 4 SC 4 10 A 10 x 10 foot mesh fishing Net
Fishing Kit 6 SC 6 -- Tools and spare parts
Fishing Hooks 3 BB 0.25 -- Set of 20 Fishing Hooks
Lures 1 CC 1 -- Set of 20 Fishing Lures
Poles 3 CC 2 -- Wooden fishing pole
Rods 8 CC 4 -- Metal fishing pole
Worms 2 BB 0.25 -- D100/2 worms in small container
Figureheads Varies V -- Decorative front piece
Flags 2 CC 0.5 -- Ship flag or signal flags
Grappling Hook 9 CC 3 -- For various purposes
Hammock 1 CC 5 -- Used for sleeping
Ladder 5 CC 20 -- Per 10 feet of a ladder
Life Boats -
Large 200 GC 500 -- [Prices are estimated]
Medium 100 GC 250 -- [Prices are estimated]
Small 10 GC 100 -- [Prices are estimated]
Life Preserver 8 CC 4 8 Preserver ring for rescue [no rope]
Maps Varies 1 -- Nautical travel maps
Map Case 25 SC 8 -- Holds maps and tools
Mirror 1 SC 1 -- Used for Sending signals
Mooring bits 8 CC -- -- Secures ship to docks
Netting 12 SC 50 30 Per ton of ship
Oar 8 BB 4 -- For rowing this is for 1 oar
Paddle 3 BB 2 -- Spare paddle for smaller boats
Peg Leg -
Child Novelty 25 BB 4 -- Small, toy like
Wood 50 BB 1 -- Wooden manufacture, can be hollow
Metal 4 SC 4 -- Made from metal alloys
Ivory 22 SC 2 -- Ivory designed
Brass/Copper 10 GC 4 -- Brass/Copper mixture
Silver 24 GC 6 -- Silver manufacture
Gold 100 GC 4 -- Made from purest gold
Paint 6 BB 1 -- 1 Quart of a single color paint
Pulleys 2 GC 15 -- Extra pulleys for sails, etc.
Ropes -
Normal Rope 1 BB 0.25 2 1 Feet of everyday normal rope
Twisted Rope 2 BB 0.25 3 1 Feet of double twisted rope
Cord 3 BB 0.25 1 For binding and tying only
Fine Rope 2 BB 0.25 1 Climbing rope
Silk Rope 4 BB 0.25 1 Special situations
Tow Rope 3 BB 0.5 6 1 Foot of Twisted Towing rope
Sextant 8 GC - -- For navigation
Signal Lights 6 CC 3 -- For signaling at sea
Spyglass 40 GC 1 -- For viewing long distances
Tar 3 BB 2 -- 1 Quart of thick ready to heat tar
Small 3 SC 1-10 -- For small ships under 500 pounds
Normal 4 SC V -- For larger ships per 100 pounds
Storage Items -
Arms Locker 2 GC 30 45 Holds Weapons, Metal lock, holds 50
Buckbox 12 BB 5 12 Cheap Wooden Box holds 40 lbs.
Chest (Wood) 3 SC 16 16 Wooden chest holds 65 lbs.
Chest (Metal) 8 SC 25 22 Metal box holds 90 lbs.
Crates 5 BB 6 8 Wooden box 3' x 2', holds 20 lbs.
Locker (Wood) 15 BB 8 20 Wooden box with lock, holds 50 lbs.
Locker (Iron) 6 CC 12 30 Metal box with lock, holds 75 lbs.
Strongbox 42 CC 7 25 Metal box holds 30 lbs. with lock
Small 8 SC 3 -- A 5 x 5 foot area for protection
Medium 16 SC 6 -- A 10 x 10 foot area for protection
Large 32 SC 12 -- A 20 x 20 foot area for protection
Water Cage
Wooden 3 GC 45 18 Wooden Cage for underwater use
Metal 12 GC 90 35 Metal Cage for underwater use
Wheel, Ship's 10 GC - -- For replacing a damaged wheel
Whistle 3 BB - -- For making noise/signals
Anchors - These anchors are in 1 pound increments. The total
anchor weight of a ship should be 1% of its ship's total
weight. One or multiple anchors should be paid for that
equals this total.
Each above item depends on local supply and demand. There is
no static Availability to each item. The Referee can assign
such factors. The DR is the Damage Resistance of how much
the item can take in damage before it breaks or is destroyed.
The above items are meant to replace lost or damaged items.
Ships and Boats tend to be constructed with the above items
included in the final cost.
9. Ship's Armament
Item Cost Weight Description
Ballista Bolt 8 SC 4 Arrow used in Ballista weapons
Catapult Stone 2 CC 3-10 Used in catapult weapons
[Detailed description of each item]
1. Armor
Breathable Leather - This armor was first seen in Fomoria. Crafted
by skilled armorer's who saw sailors die during ship battles.
It is a specialized form of leather and plant material hybrid.
It allows a sailor to wear the armor but does not add to his
encumbrance or weight in the water. Its light and allows air
to circulate through the suit which gives its name. Its tight
enough it can protect from sharp objects like coral and also
give some light protection against weapons in the water. It later
spread to the mainland and become popular but not many can create
the special material making its availability low. Outside the
water the armor is loose and hard to wear so its best for water
or ship use only not on the land. This armor is popular for
pearl divers off Lemasa who have to deal with sharp coral.
Coral Helmet - This heavy helmet is made from carved coral. Inside
is a light cloth to protect the head from the coral. But outside
is pure coral with a strap to keep it in place. It is very heavy
in or out of the water and bulky for typical use. Most sailors
laugh at the helmets but some marines use them. The technique
is not hard to create such helmets. Mermen have in some cases
shown to use these to show their strength. It does give good
head protection.
Arm Shields - For sailors or marines who have to fight underwater
or up against creatures these shields are popular. These are
made from leather and light weight metal. They are worn on the
arm and extend from just below the wrist to just above the elbow.
The "top" of the shield lays on top of the arm. From there 2
sides extend at 45 degree angles to protect the side of the arm.
This leaves the bottom of the arm uncovered with only the arm
band to hold the shield in place showing. This shield allows
the swimmer to wear them and fight keeping his hands free. It
does not help in swimming however as its not shaped for good
water resistance. While it does protect against light weapons
its mainly used against sea creatures like sharks. These shields
deflect attacks against them. So a shark that comes at a sailor
with arm shields can deflect the attack. If a creature does
bite down the armor might also protect the person. The price
listed is for 1 arm shield only. Some variations include
purely wooden forms (-3 CC, -2 weight, -1 AV). Some heavy
versions contain pure metal and no leathers (+4 CC, +2 weight,
+1 AV).
2. Weapons
Net - A basic net of various shapes and sizes. Some may be
as tightly woven to capture fish others may be larger to only
capture large prey depending on the need of the sailor. Some
are cheap rope (12 CC), hemp (8 CC), regular rope (16 SC)
and fine tightly woven rope (2 SC). All are basically the
same weight. Weight will also depend on the size of the net.
Most are able to capture a person but some may be smaller to
only capture half a man's size or as large to capture a large
shark. Per 1 pound of weight increase add 8 CC to the price.
It will take both hands to throw a net and hit the target.
Once under the water a net is hard to manipulate so its best
used out of the water. These nets are not meant for fishing
but as some form of weapon or defense item.
Puncher - This is a simple half spear about 3-4 feet in length.
At the tip instead of a point is a padded square of thick
cloth material. Sometimes this tip could have metal in it
but typically not. It is used to punch attackers away in
the water. Its more a non-violent weapon meant as defense.
It can be used to deflect hostile sea creatures like sharks.
Quints - These are metal hooks with sharp points. Alone they
are a deadly weapon in the water. But there is a second use
for them. The hook tied with a weight of various size and
weight adds further damage. An attack that impales a person
or thing with the hook and then lets go the hook's weight
will draw it down into the water. For this attack to be
effective a group of attackers with quints are used. Some
intelligent sea creatures have been known to use these in
group attacks to sink enemy targets to their death. The
2+ weight is the base hook weight plus any poundage of the
weight involved. Some could be as light as 2 or as heavy
as 20 pounds. As a group attack these weights are fierce.
Spear - The basic spear but specially treated for long term
water use. The Water Spear will rust less due to this
special treatment if metal. Some water spears are wood though.
Springed Spear - Invented by a Port Doman slaver lord this
weapon is popular by divers. It is a common spear inside
a wooden tube the length of the spear. At the base is
a tight spring. On top or somewhere along the shaft is
a mechanism to wind the spring and reset it. Another trigger
is on the tube to fire the spring. Once fired it will thrust
the spear out into the water with speed and force. the
basic design will shoot the spear out with a base range of
3 (30 feet). The Range effects are Point Blank (0 hexes,
line +3), Short (1 hex, line -2), Medium (2 hexes, line -8),
Long (3 hexes, line -16). It takes 3 phases to rewind and
reset the spring into a tight position. The +1 WSB only
applies for point blank and short ranges. This is the only
known water missile weapon to be effective. Many times the
spring can break from use or too much tightening. There is
a 10% chance this will occur and the weapon will have to be
fixed. Many divers use this to defend against sharks.
While the weapon can be fired with one hand its best to
use both to keep the weapon stable. While this can be
used outside of water its more awkward than normal missile
weapons which are more powerful.
Trident - A long spear anywhere from 3-7 feet in length. The
tip instead of 1 point ends in 3 points like a pitchfork.
Some of these points may be flat across or in the shape of
a triangle to increase the size of a wound. It can be used
by one hand but best used with both to get the full benefit
of the attacker's strength. These weapons are popular among
the Mer people but less so with most sailors.
Water Lasso - This is not a true lasso in the sense of a throwing
lasso. Its a sharp tight rope in the shape of a noose. An
attack uses this to come behind another attacker and use it
on the person's neck. It may be an open rope lasso where its
put around the person's neck and tightened. It could be
a non-loop rope which is used like a garrote to choke the
person. Some may come with metal barbs or thorns to further
wound a person's neck. Trold Folk have been known to
use these at times. The non-looped noose version requires
both hands but the looped version requires only one once
the loop tightens around the neck.
3. Animal Table
Anaconda - Captured in tropical river areas. These can be served
as pets or as mild guardians if the snake is real vicious.
Low demand so high price. Prince does not include cage or other
materials. The listed details are for a medium sized version.
For large increase price by 10% and for small decrease by 10%.
Crocodile/Alligator - Captured in tropical waters mainly.
There are some hunters who can capture these easily so the
price is kept down but there is still low demand. These
serve as guardians and some put them in moats to protect
a castle from intruders. This is a full adult sized which
could be 4-7 feet in length (on average 5.5 feet). For
baby crocodiles decrease size by 30%. Baby tend to die
if held in captivity and not cared for so adults tend to
be captured.
Crab/Lobster - A popular food item in coastal regions. The
price is kept down due to the large fishing markets.
This is the average crab or lobster which if eaten gives 3
FP of good meat. But it can average 1-3 FP depending on size.
Dolphin - These creatures are easy to find but hard to capture.
If captured they have to be maintained with care or they
may die in captivity. Some buy dolphins as pets or to help
protect harbors from sharks (tourism). Some even buy them
to try to learn to use them as a tool to move in the water.
If captured they will need a large area to swim in to survive.
Some can be trained but it takes a long time to do so.
Eel - The popular form of these to capture are Electrical Eels.
These are captured and put into places like rivers or moats
to protect some thing like a castle. They require little
maintenance beyond good water supply and food.
Fish - Fish is a general term for any type of fish not listed
in the animal table. It may vary from small pet goldfish
(1 BB) to large trout (8 CC) and everything in between. The
rarity of the fish depends on the type. Some rare fish are
prized by nobles so high priced. Like the nobles in Katai
enjoy the Rainbow Carp found around Lemasa and have been known
to pay as much as 1 GC for one.
Jellyfish - Jellyfish are numerous and easy to find but difficult
to contain and capture. If they are they are hard to take
out of the water before they die (sometimes explode due to
the pressure change). Some fishermen have to use special
tanks to capture these. These are mainly used as pets by
some nobles or communities.
Leech - These blood suckers are used mainly in the healing
arts to drain blood and infections. When paid for a
container of 12 is supplied but 6 can be paid for at half
the price. Other than by healers they have no other value.
Seal - Easy to capture since many enter onto the land but
are feisty creatures to control. If one is captured when
its young it may be trained and used as a pet. Entertainers
have been known to use these creatures in shows but it is rare.
Shark - Like Dolphins these are very difficult to capture and
keep alive. Most are man-eaters so are a risk to capture
in itself. If one is lucky to capture a person could set
these up as guardians in a area or moat. A Aredan noble
even paid to have 2 captured for his large 30 foot wide, 20
foot deep moat that circled his small castle. Though they
did not live but a short time.
Turtle (River) - These turtles are popular as pets for children.
Typically Snappers as they are called are timid and can easily
be maintained. Most do not grow bigger than 2 hand sizes.
Turtle (Ocean) - These are hard to capture at sea but easy if
they are on a beach during mating season. Once captured they
serve as pets or food. But most are not practical to keep.
Worms - The typical ground worms. So common they are cheap
that really anyone can find them. But these come in special
dirt containers to keep them alive for some time. They
contain D100/2 worms in each container. Mainly used for
4. Animal Equipment Table
Animal Prod - This is a wooden or iron stick up to 5 feet in
length. They tend to have a leather lasso to capture
a animal to control them. These are used for snakes and
crocodiles mainly.
Dolphin Harness - This is a harness which allows a person to
attach a sled or a person to swim behind a dolphin. Usually
this is used by 2 dolphins to carry a person or item. Doing
this requires a rare training time however.
Dolphin Seat - If one is small enough and has a rarely trained
Dolphin a seat can be tied onto the Dolphin. it allows a
person to ride onto of the animal.
Lobster Clamp - A leather brace or ring that holds claws together
so they can't be used as a weapon.
Snake Gloves - These are triple thick gloves specially made to
hopefully stop a biting snake.
Tank Materials - These are items for a water tank that includes
special food, plants or decorations.
Water Tanks - Iron, Wood or glass tanks to contain sea creatures.
Some may be as small as hand sized glass tanks for goldfish
or as large to hold catfish sized fish. Cheapest and smallest
tank might be 1 CC and largest (5-6 feet in length) could be
as much as 2 GC.
4. Animal Equipment Table
Public Docks - These dock all forms of civilian craft from personal
craft like rowboats to sailboats. May include houseboats.
Business Docks - Serves all form of business clients. For this
purpose fishing boats are included with merchant ships if they
make profit off of fishing.
Military Docks - These docks tend to be restricted only for the
military. But some private or business craft may be allowed
to dock here at higher fees. Sometimes the military will have
their own private docks away from the others. If these are
Royal or Noble docks fees may be doubled or tripled.
Private Craft - All non-military and non-business oriented craft.
From the smallest one man canoes to the largest houseboats.
Merchant Craft - All business oriented craft that are out to
make some form of profit from the sea. The two main forms of
these are fishing boats and merchant freighters.
Military Craft - All forms of warships which tend to be from
medium to large (trireme) sized craft. These may include
local patrol barges.
Docking Fees - For information on the Port Class Types (A-G)
consult the other Port documentation file. The rationale
from these fees are based on the type of craft and the
type of docks they stay in. These fees are DAILY fees for
a 24 hour period or until the next morning depending on the
dockmaster. All prices are subject to local laws and the
dockmaster's skill in haggling. To determine hourly fees
(the lowest fee to be charged) divide the fee by 24 or some
other factor (like 12 or 10) depending on the dockmaster
and Referee. Class A ports charge more due to limited space.
While Class G which has alot of empty water charges less
if they can even get that. For Class E-G some ports may
not have docks. But if they have some form of ownership
(city, noble, village, dockmaster, private citizen, etc.)
he may charge a fee listed in the table for a ship to stay
in the water. This fee only allows docking it does not
give protection to the ship. For that the captain will
have to haggle with the dockmaster. These fees apply
per 10 feet of the craft's length. These fees assume average
supply and demand factors of the docking space.
Example: Three boats are docking - a sailboat, a trireme and
a merchant ship. Sailboat finds a Class D port but the
spaces are filled. He finds a private dock. The Dockmaster
charges 8 CC per day. Merchant freighter finds a Class E
port for the night and finds a public dock with empty space.
He only pays 2 CC per day. A Trireme needs to come to
port and finds a Class A port. The military docks are filled
so the captain tries the public docks and finds space. He
is charged a base fee of 13 CC per day. This assumes a 10
foot craft for all. But the sailboat is 37 feet so he is
charged 24 CC. The Freighter is 87 feet and is charged 16 CC.
The trireme is 140 feet so is charged 112 CC.
Warehouse Fees - These fees allow a person to stow cargo or
other materials in a warehouse building. Class F and G
ports do not have warehouses. Captains will have to
deal with private merchants or citizens for space rental.
The money increases as the port is smaller as there is
less room but higher demand. Class A ports are cheaper
since they have major warehouse districts compared to
maybe 1 warehouse building in a Class E port. This fee
is for a 10 by 10 foot area. The warehouse is a building
protected by the elements.
Guards - Some warehouses may have protection in the form of
dogs or guards. Other protections may apply as for locks
and locked crates. Prices are negotiable by the Warehouse
master. A typical Class B port will charge 7 CC to guard
a 20 by 20 foot area for a person. for one day. Hourly
charges might be 6 BB per hour for the same hour. Class A
would be x2.5, C x0.5, D x0.25, E x0.10 of these charges.
Example: A Pirate lands in a Class C port. He has large
booty to store away. He needs a 30 x 20 foot area. The
fee to store it in a public warehouse district is 12 CC.
The final fee is 18 CC per day. Pirate hires a local guard
from the warehouse to guard the booty from thieves. The
guard will charge for the 5 hours needed 15 BB.
Docking / Warehouse Fee by Station - Station of a captain
will certainly affect the fees. A rich noble will be
charged more compared to a poor peasant. To reflect
this option one can use the following table:
Station Fee Modifier Station Fee Modifier
0 x0.5 4 x3
1 x1 6 x4
2 x1.5 8 x5
3 x2 10 x6
Example: A prince decides to dock at another private dock
owned by a local Count. The count knows the prince is
rich. The prince refuses free dockage and feels obliged
to pay. So the count charges him (Port Class B) 96 CC
(16 CC x 6) per 10 foot which is the normal custom. The
prince's sailboat is 50 foot so he is finally charged
48 SC to dock the night a steep fee indeed but the prince
can likely afford it. This gives the prince protection with
full guards as well.
6. Travel Charges
Merchant Ship - Includes freighters and all forms of business
class ships. This is the average passenger ship of the game.
Some merchant ships may have cabins for passengers.
Military Ship - Warships tend to not take outside passengers.
If the ship is heading into a war zone prices will triple.
The passengers are guarded or watched constantly. Passengers
will have to stay on deck.
Pleasure Ships - These are pleasure craft of all sizes and ships.
There are three forms of the ships Low, Medium and High Quality
ships. Low may represent a simple 20 foot sailboat with no
frills. But a high quality pleasure ship might be a 50
foot yacht with crew to serve passengers. Some of these
may have fancy cabins.
Fishing Boat - Fishing boats have limited space. But some may
allow passengers to travel from place to place usually along
a short route. Space is limited and reserved for the fish
holds. Most passengers will have to stay on the open deck.
The smell of dead fish may disgust many passengers but its
a quick profit for captains to make if they have the room.
Messenger ships - These are fast couriers. Weight is a problem
to slow these ships. They will charge more for passengers
if they can take them.
Boat/Ship Rentals - Dockmasters may allow a ship to be rented
by the hour. Prices can be haggled. Collateral is required
for Medium and Large boat rentals. Failure to return ships
may result in higher fees if not being tracked down. Per
hour over the planned rental an additional 30% of the fee
will be charged until it is returned. Any damages suffered
to the ship will have to be inspected and renters will have
to be charged for repair fees. Destruction of the ship
will result in the renter buying the ship's current market
Ship's Meal - Merchant ships plan ahead and bring food on board
for passengers. Military ships tend to only have rations
or limited food variety for passengers. Pleasure ships
will have the best food and best variety. The best ship
(high quality pleasure yachts) will have rare foods that
will be included with the price. Fishing boats have the
cheapest meals since the choice tends only to be fish.
Since they catch fish that's their main diet. Most
captains will give caught fish to passengers aside from
a limited variety of other foods. Messenger ships tend
not to bring food on for passengers. But if they do they
will charge extra since the storage weight adds up to slow
the ship down further.
Shipping Cargo - Shipping cargo and animals can be expensive.
Merchant ships are known to carry cargo so charge the
average price. While its not common some can carry elephants
with some extra work. Military craft have limited space
so charge more for cargo. Many military craft already carry
horses and elephants for war. Pleasure craft don't normally
have space for animals but some can be designed for it. Pleasure
craft will charge more for cargo since they can tend to get
away with it due to a richer client base. Fishing boats
tend to not have horse space unless on deck so they charge
high prices for it. Same for cargo space they are limited
due to daily short runs. Messenger ships get slower from
added weight so horses are limited so captains charge very
high prices. Cargo is cheaper but prefer not to take on
too much cargo so charge to reflect this.
Passenger / Cargo Fee by Station - Fees for passengers and
Cargo may be modified by the following Station Table:
Station Fee Modifier Station Fee Modifier
0 x0.5 4 x3
1 x1 6 x4
2 x1.5 8 x5
3 x2 10 x6
7. Hirelings Table
Marines - Specially trained for Naval combat on board ships.
These have seaman skill so not affected by ship movement.
Some may be trained for water combat as well. Tend to be
light armed and armored. They tend not to perform other
actions unless needed when deck hands die.
Archers - These are special warriors trained for ship based
archery. Some may also be trained for ship based archery
weapons and how to handle them.
Boatswain - The Rowing Officer keeps all Rowers moving in pace
through verbal or drum commands. He is in charge of keeping
all rowers healthy and ready for combat or speed.
Rower - These sailors are specially trained to work in groups.
They are not trained for combat but for physical work and
have high stamina for long term rowing. Some rowers may
come with their own oars (30% chance). These are hired
rowers who have rights on a ship. Slaves may be used as
rowers who aren't paid for their skill thus quality is lower.
Helmsman - The weapons officer is trained in all forms of ship
weapon technology. He may specialize in one form or be
a jack of all trades. A ship with weapons should have at least
one of these.
Captain - If a ship has no commanding officer or captain a crew
or ship owner can hire a captain from the local worker pool.
These tend to work month by month so charge high prices for
their services. If they are hired long term (usually over
6 months) they may charge lower in the long run.
Navigator - This sailor is trained in all forms of Navigation
from storms to night and day sailing. This person is
responsible for the safety of the ship at all times due to
water hazards. These tend to be hired by the region.
Typically these are skilled up to Navigator EL * 5 in miles
around the port they are hired from. Outside this region
their knowledge of water hazards decreases.
Deck Hand - These are specially trained workers on a ship that
perform the physical labor of a ship. They do everything from
loading/unloading cargo, dealing with rigging to keeping the
ship safe in storms among other functions. Deck Hand life
tends to be dangerous as many are killed in accidents or thrown
off a ship during storms.
Piper - For large ships these officers are trained to use
instruments (usually flutes or pipes) to issue ship wide
orders to the crew at one time. Sometimes a deck hand
may be trained to do this in which case he gets the extra
5 CC per month in doing this duty.
Fishermen - A ship may need to hire fishermen for short
jobs on fishing assignments. Some pleasure craft may
hire these for tourist to learn from. These are paid
per day due to their short assignments.
Pilot - In order for a ship to enter a unknown port a Pilot
must be hired. Some ports require it by law already. These
are trained in handling ships past local water hazards like
reefs and sandbars. They are trained to assess where a ship
needs to go for docking or repairs. Some pilots come with
guards for customs inspections as well. These tend not to
be hired more than 2 hours. They are busy all day so they
get ships in and out fast.
Cartographer - A ship may need to hire a map maker in order
to make new maps for voyages they make. They tend to be
paid per day but can be hired by the month for longer
assignments. They come with all the tools needed for maps.
Shipwright - When a ship is damaged Captains may need to hire
shipwrights to inspect the damage and give repair estimates.
Some may also hire them to give quick design tips on new
ship purchases or construction.
Husbander - These non-sailors are trained to handle animals on
board a ship. They come generally in two skill areas.
Horse and Elephants. They are given the job of keeping the
animals docile, safe and under control.
Ship's Cook - Most ships have a sailor that can cook for the
crew. But on large ships or pleasure craft these specialized
cooks can make life much better for the crew. They usually
come with some cooking materials but not all.
Steward - These servants are here for the pleasure of passengers.
They are usually hired on pleasure craft to do various tasks
for passengers.
Cargomaster - Some merchant ships will have these people. They
are trained in handling all forms of cargo from securing them
to making sure they stay safe or good from spoiling (like
food). They are also trained as a moneylender to deal with
local trade groups in acquiring cargo for a ship.
Carpenter - Some large ships may have a full time carpenter.
These are trained to fix damage to any wood on a ship or
make repairs to ship structures.
8. Miscellaneous Equipment
Anchor - There are 3 main types of anchor weights. Wood, Stone
and Iron/Metal. There can be combinations of one or more of
these types. The listed anchors are for 1 pound increments
only. The listed HPV is how much that increment needs before
it is destroyed. This does not include the rope/chains.
Anchors should basically be 1% of a ship's weight. There
could be any number of anchors a captain wishes.
Example: A sailboat is 450 pounds. The captain determines
he needs at least a 5 pound anchor for steady water. But
he decides storms are a problem so triples this value to
a 15 pound weight. He pays for a 15 pound stone anchor
and pays 75 BB. It weighs 15 pounds and takes 90 hit points
to destroy it. A merchant ship is 50 tons. The captain
figures he needs a half ton of anchorage. He decides to
buy 4 iron anchors of 250 pounds each. He pays 5 GC for
each and they take 2000 hit points to destroy.
Anchor Tethers - This is rope or chain links that are tied to
the anchor of a ship. These are in 1 foot increments. The
captain will have to decide the length of the tether for his
anchor. Rope tears over the long term but metal links do not.
Belaying Pin : This is a weapon of convenience for sailors.
Belaying pins are used to secure the lines of a ship's rigging.
Bell - These iron bells are used to summon the crew from meal
breaks, shift changes, sleep period endings or crew meetings.
Ships typically have up to 6 bells. They are controlled from
the navigator's, captain's or the Helmsman's stations/chamber.
Here are some typical bell codes:
1 Bell: Shift change, Sleep period end.
2 Bells: Meals are being served.
3 Bells: Meeting on the main deck.
Constant: Land Ho! Enemy sighted!
Boarding Plank - These removable wooden platforms are commonly
used during boarding actions. Instead of swinging to the
enemy ship using ropes and lines. These planks are laid
across the ships' railing to form a makeshift bridge. The
crew then boards the enemy craft on them to do battle.
These are 5 feet wide and 30 feet long. They can support
1,000 pounds (about 5-6 men).
Booms, Sail - Booms are long spars extending from the masts to
secure the bottom of the sail. Without the bracing provided
by this wooden spar, the sail would flap uselessly. Sail
booms cost depends upon their size. Metal booms are also
available, but may require an additional crewmember to man.
Buttons - These are needed for sailor's clothing, especially,
those made of sailcloth. When sails are worn, ripped, or
otherwise rendered useless, crewmembers are generally allowed
to cut the fabric into pant and shirt material. This
material, too strong for normal sewing methods, is usually
held together by snaps, rivets, or buttons. A gross is 144.
Canvas - Canvas is the main material used in the construction
of sails. When its life as a sail is over, the canvas is often
used as clothing. This worn and comfortable material is
often a prized possession, sought after by crewmen and port
Carpentry Tools - For large ships a carpenter is a vital person
to have. He is there to fix many repairs, holes and damage
to ship wide materials. This tool case includes all the
tools needed for such repair work.
Compass - For Referees who allow Compass devices in their game
this is the generic hand held version. It will always point
to the true North.
Cork - Cork floats so makes a good marker. They can be used to
patch life preservers. They can also be attached by rope or
cord to anchors and mark the exact position of anchors.
Crow's Nest - The crow's nest is a small basket built near the
top of the mainmast. Here, a crew member can stand and look
about for land and other ships. If someone is up in the crow's
nest, it is harder to sneak up on a craft.
Drum - This is a simple drum. it is meant to control the rowing
tempo/beat of rowers to keep them in synch with each other.
Fishing Gear - Shops sell fishing gear in 2 ways. First to the
casual fishermen and then to commercial fishermen. For
commercial fishing boats they tend to get mass buying discounts.
For tourists on pleasure boats shops tend to charge more than
the listed prices.
Fishing Net - This is a thin wire mesh or rope which is used to
capture fish. It is thrown and then retrieved by a rope.
The default rope is 30 feet. These nets are paid for in
increments. A fishing boat looking for carp will need about
a 100 x 100 foot net to drag behind the boat. So he will
pay 4 GC (4 SC x 10) for it and weighs 40 (4 x10). The
rope could then be dragged behind about 130 feet. The
width of the mesh is up to the buyer. Some may be small not
to allow any fish to escape but large to let small fish
escape and capture only large fish.
Fishing Kit - A wooden box that contains everything needed for
fishing. It includes a x1 increment Fishing Net, 50 hooks,
50 lures, 1 breakable pole which can be put together and it
may include a container of worms. it also contains 30 feet
of twine used for poles and a small repair kit to cut and
repair fishing pole twine and hooks. Also includes a
knife for cutting fish.
Fishing Hooks - Small hooks to capture fish. There is a
basic generic hook but specialized hooks can be found to
capture large or smaller fish. These are paid for in a 20
hook batch. The come in a small wooden box size of a
human's palm.
Lures - Some fish needs to be enticed to be caught. These
are specially designed color and odd shape objects to
attract fish. These vary from shop to shop based on
local flair and storytelling.
Poles - This is a wooden fishing pole that may be as long
as 7 feet but usually 4-5 feet in length. They come
included with devices to wind the rope up like a mini
pulley mechanism. These may be more rare than the generic
pole which is just wood and twine on it. Some of these
poles may be bamboo design.
Rods - These are more wood and metal hybrids. They are
are expensive and rare in some places. They are more
sturdy than wooden poles and can bend to stress of pulling
in fish. These tend to be only 4-5 feet in length.
Worms - The basic food of fishermen. See the animal section.
Figureheads - These are large decorative pieces of art that adorn
a ship usually in the front but some could be in back or on
the sides (more rare). Size and shape may vary. Artistic
value may value by the skill of the artist. One could use
the Specialist Wage plus materials to determine a value.
Flags: There are 2 types of flags a ship is known to use. The
first is the ship's flag. This may be a single flag or 2
flags. Generally there will be a national flag that shows
the national flag symbols and colors. Then a ship's flag
to denote a code of arms like feel. It may be personalized
or a generic flag (like a merchant flag, pirate flag, etc.).
The other flags are Signal Flags used in sending messages to
nearby ships. These tend to be one color flags or multi-colored
flags with some symbols depending on the need.
Grappling Hook - Grappling hooks are very effective when used to
grapple (or pull) two ships together. They are useful in
boarding enemy ships or in rigging a tow.
Hammock - This is an already designed hammock used for sleeping.
These are popular by sailors on ships. They allow the body
to sway back and forth with the ship. They are intertwined
ropes like a half net.
Ladder - Ladders are commonly used to board ships whether they
are landing on water or land. Without ladders, it would take
a great deal of time to scale the mainmast to enter the crow's
Life Boats - Lifeboats are small boats to keep people safe while
the mother ship is sinking. The listed prices are standard
but may vary greatly from place to place.
Life Preserver - Life preservers are round floatation devices used
to rescue a comrade who has fallen overboard. The basic cost of
the item does not include a rope.
Maps - The price for these vary but may be as high as 3 GC for
high quality maps. There are maps for local (rivers, coastal
areas within 30 miles), regional (within 500 miles) or
continental (within 2000 miles but less detailed).
Mirror - This is a 2 x 2 or 1 x 1 foot hand held mirror. it
can be used as a cheap signaling device if flags or lights
are not handy.
Map Case - Map cases are cylinders of bone, ivory, or leather that
can hold up to two rolled maps or similar papers. Once sealed
inside, the papers are immune to water damage and take no
damage from special attacks as long as the map case survives.
Mooring bits - Mooring bits are very similar to belaying pins in
function. Mooring bits, however, are used to secure a ship to
a dock. A ship needs one mooring bit for every 25 tons (or
portion thereof) of displacement. Without the required number
of mooring bits, the ship cannot be securely fastened to the
Netting - Ships with large, open decks are often covered with
thick, twisted ropes bound into a net. These nets serve to
protect the crew partially from catapult fire and boarding
from other ships.
Oar - These are used by rowers to move a ship. They are inserted
into holes along the ship. This long piece of fir wood ends
in a paddle. They tend to be 4.2 meters long. The paddle or
blade is 150 cm x 15 cm. Sometimes oars may be included with
other oar materials like straps.
Paddle - Spare paddle for a smaller ship like a rowboat. They
may be as long as 2 meters. They end in a blade that is
same shape as a Oar above.
Peg Leg - Now more novelty items than anything else, peg legs
were originally designed to replace a leg lost to accident or
misadventure. Different sizes are available. The child version
tends to be popular as toys. The wood version can be sometimes
made with pockets or hollow areas to hide weapons or other
Paint - Spare paint is needed at times to retouch up areas of
a ship from constant water damage.
Pulleys - These are extra pulleys for ship operations. They include
some rope, mechanical parts and everything for pulley operations.
Ropes - Ropes are common on ships and boats that serve many purposes.
Normal rope is of light design while twisted rope may be 2 or 3
ropes bound together for reinforced strength. Good for lifting
objects. Cord is for binding or tying up things. Fine rope is
used in rigging for climbing. Silk rope may be used on ships
that cater to more higher station purposes. Silk rope also helps
to prevent rope burns and blisters. They are used in sails as
well for less friction and cutting of cloth. Towing rope is used
to tow ships or boats by other boats/ships. It is Twisted rope
sometimes doubly reinforced for strength to take the stress.
Signal Lights - These lights come in many various shapes and
configurations. The most common design is a closed lantern
with a single hole. This hole then has a colored cloth or
paper like material that can be used to slide over it.
Other signal lights may use flaps to quickly send coded signals
to other ships.
Spyglass - The spyglass consists of a tow-part brass outer sheathing
that protects two precisely ground lenses. The outer sheathing
comes in tow parts, one fitting snugly into the other. By
slipping the inner sheath in and out, objects far away can
be seen as though closer, and objects near can be see as though
very close. The outer mechanism is difficult to construct,
and the special lenses inside are extremely expensive and
time-consuming to produce.
Tar - This is a 1 quart container of Tar that can be stored. It
can later be heated and applied to patch up holes for emergency
use during long trips.
Sextant - Normal sextants are simple brass navigational instruments
that are used to measure the altitudes of familiar celestial
bodies in order to find the location of a ship. (Usually a
stationary object, like the brightest and most northern star,
is used). Some are ornately designed and pride of craftsmen.
They are vital to a ship so in constant demand.
Rudder - These are used to guide ships as they move through the
water. For small ships under 500 pounds a rudder may be
so small as a simple oar or as large as to have 2 hand holds.
They may weight 1-10 pounds generally. For larger ships
the normal rudder is paid for. this is a incremental rudder.
So for every 100 pounds each is paid for. For example a
2 ton ship (4,000 pounds) would need a rudder costing
16 GC (40 x 4 SC), weigh about 400 pounds at most.
Storage Items - Ships and ports are in need of storage devices.
The most common are listed above. Details on each follow.
Arms Locker - This reinforced box is tough to take alot of
damage to destroy or open it. Its thick metal prevents
simple weapons opening it. It stores weapons itself for
safe storage on a voyage so sailors aren't tempted to use
them (like when drunk). The Master of Arms can then open
it to distribute weapons to crew if attacked. It has
a sophisticated lock. It may even have as much as THREE
locks on it. Sometimes the captain, helmsman and first
officer each holds a key. These boxes hold 50 pounds of
weapons or ammo. These tend to come in pre-set designs
that either are foot lockers or larger size that can be
opened and walked into.
Buckbox - This is a cheap simple wood box. Many wagons and
carriages use it. These may or may not have a lock.
The price does not include a lock. If it does include
a lock its an additional EL BB (EL of the locksmith). It
can hold 40 pounds of material. These tend to be 5 feet
in length and 1 foot wide but can vary.
Crates - This is the basic unit of storage and the most common.
The listed crate is a box 3 feet by 2 feet. It can hold
20 pounds before stress of the wood breaks it. These tend
to be nailed shut so not hard to open. To determine larger
crates use this as a x1 factor crate. For example to
buy a 30' x 20' box a x10 Crate is paid for. This would
cost 5 CC and be 30' x 20'.
Chest - The basic chest where treasure or items are held.
For this document chests are Sea Chests. So large about
4 feet by 3 feet. They hold 30 pounds of material easily.
The Wooden version is pure wood but may have some brass
settings to keep it together or for decoration. The
metal version is pure metal with brass. A chest may have
a lock on it (60% chance). If they do an additional
EL (EL of locksmith) BB is paid. Some chests have hand
holds on the sides so they can be carried.
Locker - These are common on ships as a storage device. They
are common on deck but may be below deck. They come in
various shapes and sizes. Most tend to be squat boxes
about 3 feet by 3 feet. But they vary. The wooden box
holds less than the metal box which can take heavy stress
loads if carried. Lockers may have a lock (70% chance)
and if so an additional EL (Locksmith EL) in BBS.
lockers tend to hold clothing, food, tools and everyday
things of the ship not personal gear.
Strongbox - These squat boxes are reinforced to take bumps
and everyday damage. They come with a lock. They hold
30 pounds of materials. They tend to be used as a personal
inventory box of each sailor.
Tarps - These are pieces of cloth (or canvas) that is used to
protect people or objects on deck from weather. They can
be used with deck cabins or by themselves. They are made of
good cloth but Referee can vary the costs based on type of
cloth from cheap, good to silk superior quality. These are
water proof and keep those under it safe.
Water Cage - There is only a 5% chance of finding such cages
in a Class B or higher port. These are rare and seldom
used. These are used in areas where there is a high diving
industry like pearl collection. These are cages that can
hold 2 people at one time. They allow divers to enter them
from the bottom and then close it. They can then hold onto
holds at the top. This allows them to escape sharks and
other animals that may suddenly show up if they can't get
onto the ship in time. Some may be out of the water to
allow the people to breath as well. The wooden bars and
metal bars are reinforced to take damage from the creatures
who hit them.
Wheel, Ship's - The ship's wheel controls the angle of the
rudder and helps direct the ship. This is used to buy a new
wheel when the old one may be damaged or destroyed.
Whistle - A simple whistle. The smallest is only held by 2
fingers. The largest may be 4 inches and held in the hand.
It is used for issuing commands to crew or giving signals
to other ships. The noise can be heard for 300 yards.
9. Ship's Armament
Item Cost Weight Description
Ballista Bolt - A ballista bolt is a large arrow used in all the
standard ballistas. A standard ballista bolt will fit a light,
medium, or heavy ballista. The difference in damage is
caused by the power of the ballista's mechanism.
Catapult Stone - Unlike ballista bolts, three types of catapults
stones are available, one for each type of catapult: light,
medium, and heavy. Only the proper sort of stone is really
useful in each type of catapult. A copper-pinching captain
can use any type of similarly sized and readily available rock
to inflict similar damage, and some combats have involved
tossing tables, dead bodies, cows, and other items through
space as shot.
Updated: 11/05/2005
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