[PnP] Navigation Woes

Wout Broere broere at powersandperils.org
Tue Feb 5 09:41:08 CET 2008

The navigational error table has been added to the site. To do this 
in pure html was a kind of a mess, but I figured it out. In firefox 
it displays ok. Have no idea in other browsers. In any case, the 
word-doc from Burton is also available on the site.

At 20:13 2006-10-16, you wrote:
>Ok, here is a revised version of the table.  Taking Alex's concerns, 
>I rendered the 100 spots into a bell-curve ranging from 0 to 90 
>(average 45).  For easy access, the squares are 
>color-coded.  Pondering the various degrees of Scout one might hire, 
>I calculated human average (with some tweaks to represent someone 
>with talent going into the field, not joe average).  This produced 
>trained, skilled and expert scouts.
>By this table, if you have an EL80 Nav and survival EL10 under basic 
>conditions you need not bother with the chart.  Likewise, EL40 and 
>EL5 in the survival (or EL45 nav) if you have plenty of landmarks.
>Hmm. And EL45 is your skilled scout.  I'll take that as you, Alex. :}
>The bell curve means that Players skilled beyond the EL45 area will 
>have much fewer failures.  Likewise, those groups who skimp on their 
>Navigation would be advised to do what the other peasants do and 
>stick to the roads.
>The classifications are there so you can hire local Scouts.  Need to 
>figure out what their rates should be.
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Wout Broere		broere at powersandperils.org
P&P Website:		http://www.powersandperils.org/ 

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