<DIV>Actually, this is simply the EASIEST place to correct my mistakes:</DIV>
<DIV> In reference to MAGICAL HEALING, it says the die used is 1d6. Only 1 curative spell uses 1d6, as do potions and an herb (white poppy?). Only HEALING LIGHT directly addresses the recovery as healing, but it is BMC 8!! Would Wounds be magical healing after a severe or deadly? No, but it does restore HP.</DIV>
<DIV> The immediate heal ROLL was my mistake, it is a factor of an herb (wp I think), but I see no mention of a second healing roll. OOPS to my players. The initial healing is AUTOMATIC. Still, does the Healer's care increase StB for this roll?</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV> I appologise for my oopsies. <BR></DIV>
<DIV> HEALING LIGHT: It heals a lot of damage, yes, but not enough to make it THAT MUCH more expensive. As written, I feel that healing should cost more, perhaps BMC 2 or 3. Healing Light and Regeneration should cost less. As written 6 and 4 respectively. Perhaps Earth Strength should be revised (Regeneration Aspect). I've long since percieved the Death Risk as the drawback of the Healing Spell. I admit, I was wrong. This makes healing light a NASTY attack spell, if you think about it (include enemies for 1 hp healed to prevent them from using magical healing).</DIV>