Here is the timeline...or rather a sneak preview of it. I think it
will be interesting to use for games you want to go BACK in time and use
as a reference point. LEt me know wha tyou think. highlights
are individual timelines for each nation then the global timeline AND
current reulers of each nation at the bottom . At the bottom I have
2 questions for Richard/list.<br>
This only goes up to Chunrey...though I have up to D's finished actually
in my copy..<br>
<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1>
A'ha'kacili Year
991 Kacili Calender<br>
Year 2566 Korchi Calender<br>
Aratad Confederacy Year 1483
La'Ced Calender<br>
The Assiran Year
1100* [Valheim Calender]<br>
The Bal'sani Year
5319 [Bai'sani calender]<br>
Year 1633 Thaliban Calender<br>
Year 997 Bhamotin Calender<br>
Year 761 Caldan Calender<br>
Empire of Ced Year
1483 La'ced Calender<br>
The Cerulean Empire Year 311
[Rogizini calender]<br>
Year 1100 [Salaq Calender]<br>
Year 3900 Katai Calender<br>
Year 3900 Katai Calender<br>
Year 906 Climan Calender<br>
Note : ** Dates starting with this are my estimation of
() Dates in () are in
the future and haven't occured<br>
109 Holy
city Kacili founded.<br>
0-104 The powerful
A'korchu empire exist in the area<br>
104-539 Empire's Dark Age, land
reversals by Fomorian Empire<br>
539 A'mara
the Builder seizes throne<br>
539-700 A'mara's reign saw some
Empire power come back<br>
708 Admiral
A'Asu kills A'mara and took throne <br>
708-755 A'asu the Cursed reign,
military ruled the land<br>
755 A'asu
killed himself during a Fomorian invasion<br>
755-801 Civil War, great magics
almost destroyed the island<br>
755-801 Period of 13 A'korchu
Emporers ruled the land<br>
801 A'Chori
the Great took throne in a bloody coup<br>
801-1091 A'chori restructures the Korchi
888 A'chori
proclaims himself God Emporer<br>
1091-now A'Chori II reign, reclaiming past
glory/power for Empire<br>
The Aratad Confederacy <br>
0-830 Aratad lands are
part of Empire of Ced<br>
830 Don Host
entered lands and pillaged<br>
830-839 Don host continues to
pillage the nation for many years<br>
Duke of Rhozad formed coalition with Eured and Aratad<br>
The Aratad Coalittion drove the Don host back out to Salaq<br>
Silar, Duke of Rhoazad names himself King of the 3 Nations<br>
840-888 Silar's reign reclaims
the nations.and rebuilds power<br>
888-916 Nation prospered under
Silar's Son and Grandson reign<br>
Silar IV, the Foolish, took throne and attacked Clima<br>
916-919 The War with Clima
leads to defeat and occupation by Clima<br>
919-1019 Aratad is under Climan
Silar IV Dies a blind slave of the Immortal Ghova<br>
Society of the White Fist formed in Aratad to fight Clima<br>
1040 Duke
Phiros I, the Great, begins War of Liberation<br>
1040-1051 War of Liberation finally
driving Clima out.<br>
Articles of Confederation published by Duke Phiros<br>
1052 Duke
Phiros I elected Autocrat by acclamation<br>
1058 Death
of Duke Phiros I<br>
1058-now Agnar III, the
invincible, becomes Duke and Autocrat<br>
1084 Aratad
occupies Khoba in coup led by Agnar III's son.<br>
1084 Cleared
major pirate enclave out of Khoba by Aratad forces<br>
1084 Aratad
becomes "Protector of Thaliba"<br>
Alliance formed with Zarun by Agnar III<br>
1097 Agnar
III heir marry into Clan Iravoy, Phiros the Navigator<br>
The Assiran<br>
190-225 Valheim's occupation,
drawn into worship of Valheim Mysteries<br>
The Bal'sani <br>
1000 Royal
clans drove lesser men out of sacred mountains<br>
Ba'rual became an independent nation<br>
399-479 Ba'rual took over
small realms in the vicinity<br>
477-501 Maras I reign.<br>
Count of Ba'rual becomes Maras I, King of Ba'rual<br>
Defeated Cholcharan with help from Zen'da<br>
Allied with Sar'manda by marriage.<br>
501-516 Death of Maras I,
Queen served as Regent<br>
501-516 Become close friends
with the Zen'da, especially Sar'manda<br>
516-538 Kerain I reign, sacked
Cholchara and Asichi<br>
Raids were sent into Marentia.<br>
539-600 Occupation and
invasion continues of Cholchara/Asichi. <br>
600-901 Be'rual became a
peaceful trade center.<br>
Ba'rual fell to L'p'nth.<br>
901-909 Ba'rual resists
L'p'nth rule, with help of Marentia<br>
Ba'rual capital sacked by L'p'nth. <br>
Marentia retook Ba'rual capital and sacked it as well<br>
King Ghamal II of Marentia makes Ba'rual tributary ally<br>
1100 Kier II
present ruler, seeks serparation from Marentia<br>
Bhamotin <br>
Miracle of Bhamot.<br>
103-203 The message of the
Miracle is spread to its people<br>
231 A
Rogizini Emir invades island to stop the faith but failed<br>
231 In
the war the Bhamti gained the hills south Of Lake Bhamot<br>
Founded Kasha, to celebrate the spreading of the faith<br>
** 239-311 Three generations of peace<br>
300-400 Century of pain
started during major disasters/defeats.<br>
Fight major war with Cerulean Empire and badly beaten.<br>
416-461 Paid Ceruleans a
yearly tribute to stay independent<br>
432-485 Primate Toval Maresh
of the Citadel reigns.<br>
460-461 Declares war on
Cerulean empire<br>
Tribute ends during reign of Primate Toval Maresh of Citadel<br>
Death of Toval saw Bhamotin becoming a major power<br>
485-493 Kravas the Blind
Climan Debacle as the war fleet is shattered<br>
601-603 Tries to recover from
the Climan Debacle<br>
Primate Zenara killed by Rogizini Raiders<br>
603-611 Bhamotin shattered 2
Rogizini armies and captured A'zan<br>
603-634 Provinius Malcon reign
saw invasion of Rogizini Empire<br>
631-831 Period of 200 years of
815-832 Primate Zer led
Bhamotin to conquest by Cerulean Empire<br>
Cerulean Empire attacks.<br>
832-861 Foyar the Bold reign
saw war with Cerulean Empire<br>
850 At
Valley of Shame Battle war ended in victory<br>
850-852 The Rozini attacked
after the Bhamotin victory of Cerulea<br>
The Bhamti had a huge victory over a large Rogizini army<br>
Migration of Kazi clans into area<br>
0-339 Fought
constant war with Giants/trolls<br>
339-739 Nation grew and became
civliized in a time of peace<br>
**339-730 Given Dagger and the Jewel by
Kril Schrandaor Dwarves<br>
731-748 Under the 13th Dagger
reign a alliance formed with Kazi<br>
740-840 North open to Caldan
889 At
battle of Xad with Salaq help they defeat the Don Host<br>
889-1089 Remained in peace though
some wars with trolls.<br>
Caldo recognized Donara as a kingdom<br>
1081 Donara
demanded a tribute from Caldo<br>
1081-1084 Caldo invaded Donara<br>
1082 Battle
of Eama w/Kazi & Dagger Legion hit Donara City <br>
1084-1094 Caldo continued trade, training
and troll baiting.<br>
Empire of Ced <br>
0 Ced A'caran
created the empire.<br>
251-269 Sargon the Uncaring
251-269 Iravoy and Western
Zarun won independence<br>
269-421 Remained in
421-424 Defeated by Kingdom of
Salaq losing Ticasi, Shiben, Chiros<br>
Thesovius the Magnificent took throne<br>
504-533 Thesovius reign, fleet
died and army prospered.<br>
522-530 Advance to the river
Minor raids into Iravoy where Thesovius died<br>
533-540 Thiebald the Demented
533-540 Saw loses of Zarun
gains and defeated by Xianese rebels<br>
Thiabald assinated by commanding generals of the army<br>
540-840 Army controled puppet
Emporers and ruled.<br>
830-839 Don Host
attacks. Aratad, Rhozad, Eured lost<br>
Don host driven out with help of King Sillar<br>
824-851 Maviaius the Cunning
839-851 Maviaius tries to get
Sillar's sworn fealty<br>
++ 851-857 Empire of Ced attacks Rhozad
(Sillar's kingdom)<br>
Rhozad sacked by Empire of Ced<br>
A'iam sacked by Empire of Ced<br>
851-868 Larentian the Loud
reign, gave three nations independence<br>
868-1168 Morale of Empire
1059-1078 Saw defeats at hands of
1089-1092 Saw defeats at hands of
1090-now Ruverian II reign<br>
The Cerulean Empire<br>
Acosha I founded the empire<br>
246-261 Acosha I reign, allied
with Choal and Indar houses<br>
253-255 Tested new army and
conquered Nyshan<br>
261-293 Maeru the Great
Empire conquered Dhalran<br>
Empire conquered Samai<br>
Empire conquered Ba'shan<br>
276-283 Allied with Patani and
conqured the Dallaza<br>
Empire conquered Huam<br>
Empire conquered Chohas<br>
291-293 Empire tried an
abortive invasion of Teosa<br>
407-411 Dhaji the Supple ,
defended against northern desert tribes<br>
Ermeta founded by Empire after victory over tribes<br>
Invaded Bhamotin and forced a tribute to be paid<br>
416-440 Maure the Stubborn
423-426 Conquest of
Halle from Rogizini Empire<br>
430-437 Failed to pin the
Bai'sani and had heavy losses<br>
Gained alliance with Col'ka and opened a mountain road<br>
440-461 Acosha the Mad
Empire suffered bloody defeat by Bal'sani<br>
448-452 Empire failed to
conquer Hadat<br>
Acosha the Mad ordered fleet to attack Vahear<br>
453-454 Half of Empire fleet
destroyed by Vahear<br>
Acosha the Mad assinated before he could invade Katai<br>
Empire lost the Bhamotin tribute<br>
461-467 Empire saw a major
civil war<br>
Maoud Maulitii became first Emporer of Maulitii dynasy<br>
467-789 Maolitii Dynasty gave
the Empire a Golden Age<br>
Maulitti Dynasty ended by Patani guard<br>
789-844 Amy'pas I became first
Emporer of Patani dynasty<br>
790-793 Empire fought with
804-806 Empire conquered
Amy'pas I married a Rogizini princess<br>
831-850 Empire fought with
850-873 Marshal Ho'aza Dalya
served as Regent<br>
(1105) Aym'ayya II dies
(311th ruler of Patani dynasty)<br>
Chiros <br>
Chiran revolt from Empire of Ced<br>
Chiran revolted against Salaqi rule<br>
Salqai Royal Army crushed the rebellion<br>
640-812 Chiros became Royal
duchy of Salaqi<br>
807-820 Salaq X returned
Chiros to local rule<br>
Allied with Donara secretly and revolted against Salaq<br>
Donarans attacked Salaq and won in 30 days<br>
Chiros gained its independence<br>
1079-Now Mabor IV rules as
leader (puppet of Duke Salin of Pelara)<br>
Founded as a Katai mliitary colony<br>
533-553 Khaton Dynasty takes
Katai and Choshai becomes independent<br>
Chunrey <br>
Conqured by the Katai<br>
129-392 OCcupied by
Royal house of Chunrey (house Chunsa married Katai house<br>
Gained full rights as a province of Katai<br>
533-553 Backed the wrong side
in a civil war in Katai<br>
Allied with Kingdom of the East<br>
Purchased peace by paying Katai a tribute<br>
Invaded the Formorian realm, while Fomoria was weak<br>
601-613 War with Fomoria<br>
Clima <br>
0-193 Clima
remained a freeport<br>
194-219 Heirana Ghova leads
civil war to eradicate the noble class<br>
First Immortal Ghoval was declared and reigned for 2 months<br>
217-293 Second Immortal Ghova
217-293 Economy stablizes and
the military grows<br>
293-356 Third Immortal Ghova
293-356 Climan's empire grew
taking islands nearby<br>
Fort Kira founded<br>
Affea colony founded<br>
357-438 Fourth Immortal Ghova
357-438 Expansion and attacks
against Rogizini Empire<br>
357-438 Climan attacks against
Bhamotin and Marentia<br>
Climan fleet defeated by a Salaqi fleet ending a short war<br>
438-503 Fifth Immortal Ghova
438-503 Thaliba and Bhamotin
fleets massacred by Clima<br>
503-600 Sixth Immortla Ghova
503-600 Clima defeated by Gom
and Xan fleets<br>
Gom tricked into breaking treaty with Xan by Ghova<br>
601-698 Massa the Wise, 7th
Immortal Ghova rules<br>
601-698 Climan culture blossom
and navy rebuilds<br>
698-783 Eigth Immortal Ghova
698-703 Defeated Empire of Ced
in a war.<br>
Clima sacks Nerid<br>
Ghova marries son of Salaq forming an alliance<br>
783-906 Ninth Immortal Ghova
906-993 Tenth Immortal Ghova
reign known as the Master Ghova<br>
917-920 Kingdom of the Three
Nations conquered<br>
939-1031 Took political control in
Clima shatters Bhamotins fleet<br>
993-1031 Eleventh Immortal
Clima fails to help Salaq in Donaran Invasion in time<br>
1021-1024 Clima loses Maske and
1031 Gom
slips away from Climan control under the 11th Ghova<br>
1031 The
11th Ghova kills herself after the defeats<br>
1031-1051 Twelfth Immortal Ghova
1031-1051 Clima loses the Three Nations,
Thasovia and Rhida<br>
1048 Vizan
1048-1051 Defeats by Bhaomtin, Rogizini
Empire and Xan<br>
1051-1085 Council of Regents rule
1086-now Thirteenth Immortal
1090 Clima
recaptured Merin and Murani from Rogizini Empire<br>
Current Rulers<br>
A'ha'kacili Unknown<br>
A'Chori II, God Emporer<br>
Aratad Angar
III, The Invincible<br>
The Assiran Unknown<br>
Ba'rual Kier II
[seeks separation from Marentia]<br>
Empire of Ced Ruverian II<br>
Cerulean Empire Aym'ayya II 311th ruler of Patani
Chiros Mabor
IV (but is puppet of Duke Salin of Pelara)<br>
Choshai Prince
Mogara Choshama<br>
13th Immortal Ghova<br>
[AKa] =
[AKo] = A'korchu<br>
[Ara] = Aratad Confederacy [Ass] = The
[Bas] = The
Bai'sani [Bar] =
[Bha] =
[Cal] = Caldo<br>
[Ced] = Empire of
Ced [Cer] = Cerulean
[Chi] =
[Cho] = Choshai<br>
[Chu] =
[Cli] = Clima<br>
Nation Historical Event /
0 [AKa] The
powerful A'korchu empire exist in the area<br>
0 [Ara] Aratad
lands are part of the Empire of Ced<br>
0 [Cal] Migration
of Kazi clans into Caldan lands<br>
0 [Cal] Kazi fight
constant wars with Giants/trolls<br>
0 [Ced] Ced
A'caran creates the Empore of the Ced<br>
39 [Cal] Migration of
Kazi clans into Caldo ends<br>
103 [Bha] Miracle of Bhamot
occurs in Bhamotin<br>
103 [Bha] The Miracle of
Bhamot is spread to its people<br>
104 [AKo] The powerful
A'korchu empire begins to wane in glory<br>
104 [AKo] Dark Age begins with
land reversals by Fomorian Empire<br>
109 [AKo] Holy City Kacili
129 [Chu] Chunrey is conquered
by Katai<br>
129 [Chu] Occupation of
Choshai begins by Katai<br>
190 [Ass] Valheim occupies
land & introduces Valheim Mysteries<br>
203 [Bha] Miracle of Bhamot
message starts to wane in dispersion<br>
225 [Ass] Period of
introduction of Valheim's Mysteries wanes<br>
231 [Bha] A Rogizini Emir
invades island to stop the faith but fails<br>
231 [Bha] In the war the
Bhamti gained the hills south Of Lake Bhamot<br>
239 [Bha] Kasha founded, to
celebrate the spreading of the faith<br>
239 [Bha] Three generations of
peace begin in Bhamotin<br>
246 [Cer] Acosha I founded the
Cerulean Empire<br>
246 [Cer] Acosha I reign of
Cerulean Empire starts<br>
251 [Ced] Sargon the Uncaring
reign in Empire of Ced begins<br>
251 [Ced] Iravoy and Western
Zarun won independence (251-269)<br>
253 [Cer] Tested new army and
begins war against N<br>
255 [Cer] Army is tested with
success when they conquer Nyshan<br>
261 [Cer] Acosha I's reign
ends; alliance with Choal & Indar houses<br>
261 [Cer] aeru the Great reign
262 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
conquers Dhalran<br>
263 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
conquers Samai<br>
265 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
conquers Ba'shan<br>
269 [Ced] Sargon the Uncaring
reign ends Nyshan<br>
269 [Ced] Empiire of Ced has a
period of peace start<br>
276 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
allies with Patani and Conquers Dallaza<br>
283 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
finishes conquest of the Dallaza<br>
284 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
conquers Huam<br>
289 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
conquers Chohas<br>
291 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
invasion of Teosa<br>
293 [Cer] Maeru the Great
reign's ends<br>
293 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
aborts invasion of Teosa<br>
300 [Bha] Century of pain
starts during major disasters/defeats<br>
311 [Bha] Three generations of
peace ends in Bhamotin<br>
328 [Cho] Choshai founded as a
Katai military colony<br>
339 [Bar] Ba'rual became an
independent nation<br>
339 [Cal] Kazi war with Giants
and Trolls ends<br>
339 [Cal] Caldo as a antion
grows and becomes civilized in peacetime<br>
339 [Cal] Caldo given Dagger
and The Jewel by Kril Schrandaor Dwarves<br>
379 [Chu] Royal house of
Chunrey house Chunsa marries Katai house<br>
392 [Chu] Occupation by Katai
of Choshai ends<br>
392 [Chu] Choshai gains full
rights as a province of Katai<br>
399 [Bar] Ba'rual starts to
take over small realms in vicinity<br>
400 [Bha] Century of pain in
Bhamotin begins to end<br>
407 [Cer] Dhaji the Supple
defended against invasion by desert tribes<br>
411 [Cer] Dhaji the Supple,
saw desert tribe invasion ends<br>
413 [Cer] Ermeta founded by
Empire after victory over tribes<br>
413 [Cer] Invaded Bhamotin and
forced a tribute to be paid<br>
416 [Bha] Bhamti Fight major
war with Cerulean Empire & badly beaten.<br>
416 [Bha] Bhamotin starts to
pay yearly tribute to Cerulean empire<br>
416 [Cer] Maure the Stubborn
reign starts in Cerulean Empire<br>
421 [Ced] Period of peace ends
in Empire of Ced<br>
421 [Ced] Kingdom of Salaq
wages war on Empire of Ced<br>
421 [Chi] Chiran revolt from
Empire of Ced<br>
423 [Cer] Conquest of Halle
from Rogizini Empire starts<br>
424 [Ced] Defeated by Kingdom
of Salaq losing Ticasi, Shiben, Chiros<br>
426 [Cer] Conquest of Halle
from Rogizini Empire ends<br>
430 [Cer] Cerulean try to pin
the Bai'sani down<br>
432 [Bha] Primate Toval Maresh
of the Citadel starts his reign<br>
437 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
fails to pin Bai'sani with heavy losses<br>
439 [Cer] Gained alliance with
Col'ka and opened a mountain road<br>
440 [Cer] Maure the Stubborn
reign ends<br>
440 [Cer] Acosha the Mad's
reign starts<br>
443 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
suffers bloody defeaty by Bai'sani<br>
448 [Cer] Cerulean Empire goes
to war with Hadat<br>
452 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
fails to conquer Hadat<br>
453 [Cer] Acosha the Mad
ordered fleet to attack Vahear<br>
454 [Cer] Half of Cerulean
Empire fleet destroyed by Vahear<br>
460 [Bha] Bhamotin declares
war on the Cerulean Empire<br>
461 [Bha] Bhamotin - Cerulean
Empire war ends<br>
461 [Bha] Tribute paid by
Bhamotin to Cerulean empire ends<br>
461 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
loses the Bhamotin tribute<br>
461 [Cer] Acosha the Mad
assinated before he could invade Katai<br>
461 [Cer] Acosha the Mad's
reign ends<br>
461 [Cer] Cerulean Empire sees
a major civil war start<br>
467 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
Civil War ends<br>
467 [Cer] Maoud Maulitii
became first Emporer of Maulitii dynasy<br>
467 [Cer] Golden Age of
Cerulean Empire begins<br>
477 [Bar] Maras I starts reign
in Ba'rual<br>
479 [Bar] Ba'rual's conquest
of realms in vicinity ends<br>
480 [Bar] Count of Ba'rual
becomes Maras I, King of Ba'rual<br>
485 [Bha] Primate Toval of
Citadel's reign ends in Bhamotin<br>
485 [Bha] Death of Toval saw
decline in Bhamotin as major power<br>
485 [Bha] Kravas the Blind
starts reign in Bhamotin<br>
490 [Bar] Ba'rual defeats
Cholchara with help from Zen'da<br>
493 [Bha] Kravas the Blind's
reign ends in Bhamotin<br>
497 [Bar] Ba'rual allies with
Sar'manda by marriage.<br>
501 [Bar] Maras I's reign in
Ba'rual ends<br>
501 [Bar] Maras I dies, Queen
serves as Regent<br>
501 [Bar] Ba'rual becomes
friends with Zen'da, especially Sar'manda<br>
504 [Ced] Thesovius the
Magnificent took throne in Empire of Ced<br>
516 [Bar] Queen of Maras I
reign ends<br>
516 [Bar] Ba'rual friendship
with Zen'da begins to wane<br>
516 [Bar] Kerain I reign
520 [Bar] Ba'rual sends raids
into Marentia<br>
522 [Ced] Empire of Ced starts
advance to the river Zara<br>
530 [Ced] Empire of Ced
advance to the river Zara ends<br>
533 [Ced] Thesovius reign
ends, with fleet decline and army prospered<br>
533 [Ced] Minor raids into
Iravoy where Thesovius dies<br>
533 [Ced] Thiebald the
Demented starts his reign in Empire of Ced<br>
533 [Cho] Khaton Dynasty tries
for control of Katai<br>
533 [Chu] Choshai backs wrong
side in civil war in Katai<br>
538 [Bar] Ba'rual sacks
Cholchara and Asichi from 516-538<br>
539 [AKo] A'korchu Dark Age
nears its ending period.<br>
539 [AKo] A'mara the Builder
seizes A'korchu throne<br>
539 [AKo] A'korchu Empire
under A'mara's rule sees power come back<br>
539 [Bar] Ba'rual occupation
& invasion of Cholchara/Asichi begins<br>
540 [Ced] Saw loses of Zarun
gains and defeated by Xianese rebels<br>
540 [Ced] Thiebald the
Demented's reign ends when assinated<br>
540 [Ced] Army starts control
of puppet Emporers<br>
553 [Cho] Khaton Dynasty takes
Katai and Choshai becomes independent<br>
553 [Chu] Choshai fails to
back the wrong side in Katai civil war<br>
558 [Chu] Choshai allies with
Kingdom of the East<br>
571 [Chu] Choshai purchases
peace by paying Katai a tribute<br>
600 [Bar] Ba'rual occupation
& invasion of Cholchara/Asichi ends<br>
600 [Bar] Ba'rual begins to
become a peaceful trade center<br>
601 [Bha] Climan Debacle as
the war fleet of Bhamotin is shattered<br>
601 [Bha] Bhamotin begins
recovery from Climan Debacle<br>
601 [Chu] Choshai begins war
of Fomorian realm while they were weak<br>
603 [Bha] Recovery of Bhamotin
resources ends<br>
603 [Bha] Primate Zenara
killed by Rogizini Raiders<br>
603 [Bha] Bhamotin shatters 2
Rogizini armies & Captures A'zan<br>
603 [Bha] Provinius Malcon
reign saw invasion of Rogizini Empire<br>
611 [Bha] War against Rogizini
armies end with Bhamotin victory<br>
613 [Chu] Fomorian and Choshai
War ends<br>
631 [Bha] Bhamotin 200 years
of prosperity begins<br>
634 [Bha] Bhamotin invasion of
Rogizini empire wanes/ends<br>
639 [Chi] Chiran revolt
against Salaqi rule<br>
640 [Chi] Salqai Royal Army
crushed the rebellion<br>
640 [Chi] Chiros becomes Royal
Duchy of Salaq<br>
708 [AKo] A'korchu Empire
growth suddenly ends<br>
708 [AKo] Admiral A'Asu kills
A'mara and took throne in A'korchu<br>
708 [AKo] A'asu the Cursed
reign, military takes control of land<br>
730 [Cal] Dagger and Jewel
given to Caldans (339-730)<br>
731 [Cal] Alliance formed with
Kazi under reign of 13th Dagger<br>
739 [Cal] Caldo period of
growth and peace ends<br>
740 [Cal] North is opened to
Caldan traders<br>
748 [Cal] Caldo & Kazi
alliance ends during 13th Dagger's reign<br>
755 [AKo] A'asu the Cursed
kills himself during a Fomorian invasion<br>
755 [AKo] A'korchu civil war
starts, great magics ravage the land<br>
755 [AKo] Period of 13
A'korchu emporers start to rule the land<br>
789 [Cer] During Maolitii
Dynasty the Empire's Golden Age ends<br>
789 [Cer] Maulitti Dynasty
ended by Patani guard<br>
789 [Cer] Amy'pas I became
first Emporer of Patani dynasty<br>
790 [Cer] Cerulena Empire
begins war with L'p'nth<br>
793 [Cer] Cerulean Empire ends
war with L'p'nth<br>
801 [AKo] Period of fast 13
A'korchu emporers ends<br>
801 [AKo] A'korchu civil war
ends, magics almost destroy the land<br>
801 [AKo] A'Chori the Great
takes A'korchu throne in a bloody coup<br>
801 [AKo] A'Chori the Great
starts restructuring the Korchi society<br>
804 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
begins conquest of Hadat<br>
806 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
conquers Hadat<br>
807 [Chi] Salaq X returned
Chiros to local rule<br>
812 [Chi] Chiros ends being
Royal Duchy of Salaq<br>
815 [Bha] Primate Zer leads
Bhamotin into conquest of Cerulean Empire<br>
819 [Cer] Amy'pas I marries a
Rogizini princess<br>
820 [Chi] Chiros period of
local rule ends<br>
824 [Ced] Maviaius the Cunning
reign starts<br>
830 [Ara] Aratad lands end as
part of the Empire of Ced<br>
830 [Ara] Don Host enters
Aratad lands and being to pillage<br>
830 [Ced] Don Host attacks
Empire of Ced<br>
831 [Bha] Bhamotin period of
200 years of prosperity ends<br>
831 [Bha] Cerulean Empire
attacks Bhamotin<br>
831 [Cer] Cerulean Empire
begins war with Bhamotin<br>
832 [Bha] Foyar the Bold reign
of Bhamotin starts<br>
832 ]Bha] Invasion of Cerulean
Empire by Bhamotin ends<br>
839 [Ara] Duke of Rhoazad
formed coalition with Eured and Aratad<br>
839 [Ara] Don Host pillage of
Aratad begins to slow<br>
839 [Ara] The Aratad Coalition
drive the Don Host back to Salaq<br>
839 [Ced] Aratad, Rhozad,
Eured lost to Don host in Empire of Ced<br>
839 [Ced] Don host driven out
with help of King Sillar<br>
839 [Ced] Maviaius tries to
get Sillar's sworn fealty<br>
840 [Ara] Silar, Duke of
Rhoazad names himself King of the 3 Nations<br>
840 [Ara] Silar's reign starts
with rebuilding of nations<br>
840 [Cal] North is slowly
closed to Caldan traders<br>
840 [Ced] Army ends rule of
puppet Ced Emporers and their power ends<br>
844 [Cer] Amy'pas I's reign
850 [Bha] At the Battle of
Valley of Shame war ends in victory<br>
850 [Bha] After Bhamotin
victory of Cerulea the Rogizini attacks<br>
850 [Cer] Cerulean Empire ends
war with Bhamotin<br>
850 [Cer] Marshal Ho'aza Dalya
begins to serve as Regent <br>
851 [Ced] Maviaius gives up on
getting Sillar's fealty<br>
851 [Ced] Maviaius the
Cunning's reign ends<br>
851 [Ced] Empire of Ced
attacks Rhozad (Sillar's kingdom)<br>
851 [Ced] Larentan the Lout
reign starts<br>
852 [Bha] Bhamti see a major
victory over a large Rogizini army<br>
853 [Ced] Rhozad sacked by
Empire of Ced<br>
856 [Ced] A'lam sacked by
Empire of Ced<br>
857 [Ced] War against Rhozad
ends in victory by Empire of Ced<br>
861 [Bha] Foyar the Bold's
rule of Bhamotin ends<br>
868 [Ced] Under Larentian the
Loud three nationss go independent<br>
868 [Ced] Morale of Empire of
Ced starts to decline<br>
873 [Cer] Marshal Ho'aza Dalya
ends reign as Regent<br>
888 [AKo] A'Chori proclaims
himself God Emporer of the A'korchu<br>
888 [Ara] Silar's reign ends
and his son & grandson takes over<br>
888 [Ara] Silar's son takes
throne and nation starts to prosper<br>
889 [Cal] Don Host defeated by
Caldo & Salaq at Battle of Xad<br>
889 [Cal] Caldo sees period of
peace with only minor wars with trolls<br>
901 [Bar] Ba'rual period as
peaceful trade center begins to end<br>
901 [Bar] Ba'rual falls to
L'p'nth invasion<br>
901 [Bar] Ba'rual begins to
resist L'p'nth, with help of Marentia<br>
909 [Bar] Ba'rual capital city
is sacked by L'p'nth<br>
909 [Bar] Ba'rual's resistance
to L'p'nth wanes<br>
910 [Bar] Marentia retakes
Ba'rual capital and sacks it as well<br>
910 [Bar] King Ghamal II of
Marentia makes Ba'rual tributary ally<br>
916 [Ara] Silar's grandson's
reign ends<br>
916 [Ara] Silar IV, the
Foolish, takes throne and attacks Clima<br>
916 [Ara] Aratad begins war
with Clima under Silar IV<br>
919 [Ara] Aratad defeated by
Climan and occupation by Clima begins<br>
931 [Ara] Silar IV dies a
blind slave of the Immortal Ghova<br>
994 [Ara] Society of the White
Fist formed to fight Clima in Aratad<br>
997 [Cal] Caldo recognizes
Donara as a kingdom<br>
998 [Chi] Allied with Donara
secretly and revolted against Salaq<br>
999 [Chi] Donarans attacked
Salaq and won in 30 days<br>
999 [Chi] Chiros gained its
1000 [Bas] Royal clans drive lesser
men out of sacred mountains<br>
1019 [Ara] Aratad's Climan rule
begins to end<br>
1040 [Ara] Duke Phiros I, the Great,
begins war of Liberation<br>
1051 [Ara] Liveration War ends
driving out the Climas from Aratad<br>
1051 [Ara] Articles of Confederation
published by Duke Phiros<br>
1052 [Ara] Duke Phiros I elected
Autocrat by acclamation in Aratad<br>
1058 [Ara] Death of Duke Phiros
1058 [Ara] Agnar III, the
invincible, becomes Duke & Aratad Autocrat<br>
1059 [Ced] Empire of Ced see defet
start at hands of Confederacy<br>
1078 [Ced] Empire of Ced see defet
end at hands of Confederacy<br>
1079 [Chi] Mabor IV starts reign of
Chiros as puppet of Duke Sailn<br>
1081 [Cal] Donara demands a tribute
from Caldo<br>
1081 [Cal] Caldo declares war and
invades Donara<br>
1082 [Cal] Battle of Eama with Kazi
& Dagger Legion attack Donara City <br>
1084 [Ara] Aratad occupies Khoba in
coup led by Agnar III's son.<br>
1084 [Ara] Cleared major pirate
enclave out of Khoba by Aratad forces<br>
1084 [Ara] Aratad becomes
"Protector of Thaliba"<br>
1084 [Cal] War with Donara ends for
1084 [Cal] Caldo continues to trade,
training and troll baiting<br>
1089 [Cal] Period of peace in Caldo
1089 [Ced] Empire of Ced see defet
at hands of Donara start<br>
1090 [Ced] Ruverian II reign starts
in Empire of Ced<br>
1091 [AKo] A'Chori's reconstruction
ends as his reign ends.<br>
1091 [AKo] A'Chori II starts reign
of A'korchu empire<br>
1091 [AKo] Under A'Chori II the
empire's past glory starts to regrow<br>
1092 [Ced] Empire of Ced see defeat
at hands of Donara end<br>
1093 [Ara] Alliance formed with
Zaran by Agnar III of Aratad<br>
1094 [Cal] Caldo slows trade and
troll baiting.<br>
1097 [Ara] Agnar III heir, Phiros
the Navigator, marry into Clan Iravoy, <br>
1100 [AKo] A'Chori II rules the
A'Korchu Empire<br>
1100 [Ara] Agnar III, The Invincible
still rules Aratad as Autocrat<br>
1100 [Bar] Kier II rules Ba'rual and
seeks Marentia seperation<br>
1100 [Ced] Ruverian II reign
continues in Empire of Ced<br>
1100 [Chi] Mabor IV current ruler of
Chiros as puppet of Duke Salin<br>
(1105) Aym'ayya II dies (311th ruler of
Patani dynasty)<br>
Question 1:<br>
** 239-311 Three generations of peace<br>
I had to guess a generation being 25 years ? Since in
terms it vries rather than medieval. Is this a good date
Question 2:<br>
**339-730 Given Dagger and the Jewel by Kril
Schrandaor Dwarves<br>
Richard, do you reclal exactly when the dagger and Jewel
were given?<br>
This MAY be in the site book for dwarf kingdom but haven't
Could we round this date down a bit? :)<br>
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