<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1> Comments on Magic
1) Abandon: No MDV Limit? Seems like this spell would
do good with<br>
a MDV Limit. I had an optional rule
for this spell but think<br>
a new spell and family group might fit
this better. See below.<br>
2) Astral Paths: Should there be some form of this spell
used to<br>
travel via the Lower World instead of
Upper? I've thought of<br>
it but cna't reason out a good way but
anyone ever think about it?<br>
I know in theory this spell works on the
godly mystical aspects<br>
of the Upper World. but ther are
also supernatural forces of<br>
the Lower World. So a alternative or
option might work, no? <br>
3) Astral Well: How about an optional rule to spend x3
or x5 for<br>
sending the person to a specific upper
world location. However<br>
the caster must have precise information
or knowledge of said<br>
location to use this option. I think
a x3 Mana Cost would work.<br>
4) Blindness: Optional rule suggestion - Since some animals
like Bats,<br>
Dolphins, etc. use radar/extrasensory
things to 'see' how about<br>
an optional rule so this spell works on
those creatures. Maybe<br>
a x3 mana cost for this to be effected or
a x2? Say your swimming<br>
and suddenly a shark is coming toward
you..you cast this spell and<br>
its magnetic sense/blood sense is lost and
it goes off in some<br>
random direction. In some
regard I recall reading a myth about<br>
underwater creatures (like Mermen) that
had this ability to use<br>
on the sea creatures when in danger.<br>
5) Choking Moisture: I've thought about getting this to
affect more<br>
than one target but havne't come up with a
good plan. Anyone<br>
try to modify this spell for area
effect? BMC wise and such?<br>
6) Compulsion: Should this spell be more restrictive for
pnp2? Say<br>
make it Tasks: EL so the person has to
perform EL tasks rather<br>
than some vague endless number of
tasks. As it stands now<br>
it could be abused. <br>
7) Concealing Mist: How about optional rule to cast this at
the mana cost. Used this way the
caster can move away from<br>
the Mist which stays in place. The
person is also invisible.<br>
Could make for good escapes. But
requires Invisibility spell<br>
be known to the caster. Cost is x3
mana for Concealing Mist<br>
plus cost of invisilibity. Right now
the mist is used to<br>
confuse enemies but its easy to track the
caster. Must cast<br>
and have success in both spells to
use. <br>
8) Cold: Alternative spell suggestion: See below for
new spells.<br>
9) Damage Reversal: Just a clarification. Does this
spell work only<br>
once to the person attacking first come
first serve? Ie if 3 wizards<br>
cast fire darts on the caster does the
first fire dart reverse or<br>
do all three if all three hit in the same
phase? This may need<br>
to be clarified for pnp2. <br>
10) Darkling Light: Is the damage pernament after negation or does
just suddenly go away if negated
completely? Just a clarification.<br>
Also is the damage to Energy Level or
Physical. Just making sure.<br>
My guess is the damage just goes away and
it goes to physical.<br>
11) Grasping Sands: Can you explain the success/failure/success
It says to crush spell must be cast
again. Does this mean you<br>
have to cast Grasping sands ONCE to grab
the target then cast it<br>
AGAIN to get the crush chance?<br>
12) Detection: The EL+1 inches squared range is tactical or
inches? Just clarifying.<br>
13) Dark Sight: Alternative or optional
suggestion. How about<br>
a IR/heat night vision effecT?
Instead of a spell for night<br>
viewing how about something to see heat or
UV signatures like<br>
animals do? Maybe a x3 mana option
or something.<br>
14) Fog of Death: How does weather affect this spell.
Does it<br>
magically remain say in high gusts or will
it blow away?<br>
15) Hand of Death: I think it should be required the hand
that <br>
is used in this spell glow in some
fashion. :) I mean this<br>
spell is powerful if folks see some
glowing hand coming toward<br>
them they'll run away. But some
caster can come up and slap<br>
a guy in the back and he'd never know what
hit him. Also<br>
should there be a MDV limit to this
16) Decay: Does the spell ONLY end if negated or also at the
end of<br>
the listed duration?<br>
17) Desert Powers: Shouldn't there be a sand ability like Earth
Transport? Maybe a caster can use
the fine mist of sand as a 'water<br>
surfing' type effect and move across the
desert like the Earth<br>
Transport does with regular earth.
OR do you guys consider the<br>
Earth Transport to be ok on desert
terrain? Hmmm...just thought<br>
of that.<br>
18) Disorder: Is this a slight redudant spell since Abandon is
much like this spell?<br>
[New Spell Suggestions]<br>
Many of the following are from notes and campaigns from years gone
Some even created by players. I present them here since I'm
on this project to see what you guys think. Maybe if richard
they are worthy of official representation in pnp2. No
order here just as it comes to me or as I find my notes:<br>
1) Turn Undead: Spell will force the undead (Dead, Ghosts,
etc.) away from caster and its affect
area. It creates a force<br>
of living energy around the caster to overwhelm
the dead. Those<br>
affected will leave the affect area.<br>
Range: (EL+1)x2" (Radius)<br>
Duration: EL+1 phases<br>
BMC: 1<br>
Alignment: Shamanic or Law<br>
Notes: I know some systems use this spell in
some form. Even<br>
that other game with drgons we won't
mention. I've done many<br>
games with Dead and Ghosts and this spell
would've been useful<br>
if only to give the caster and his group a
reprieve from a onslaught<br>
of undead cretures like skeletons.<br>
2) Energy Web [or Spider Web]<br>
This spell creates two forms of webs that entrap
a single target.<br>
The web is just like that of a sticky spider web
that prevents<br>
movement and activity. This spell is used
in two ways. If it<br>
is a regular entity it is used like a spider
web. But if it<br>
is a supernatural force a mystical form of web
is created with<br>
energy rather than a sticky substance. In
order to move the<br>
entity must have a higher strength over the
listed strength.<br>
If they do not break free they can't move for
the duration<br>
and are limited on their actions.<br>
Range: (EL+1)x2"<br>
Duration: EL+1 phases<br>
Strength: 10+(ELx10)<br>
BMC: 3<br>
Alignment: Balance<br>
Notes: I know astral web is there. But
that's a BMC 4 spell<br>
and it does more than one
target. This one just does a<br>
single target. It also is 1
BMC less. <br>
3) Deafness<br>
This spell will cause a creature to become deaf
for the listed<br>
duration. All those in the effected area
will lose hearing<br>
for the duration. The roll modifier is for
attacker rolls as<br>
they are confused and disoriented.<br>
Range: EL+1" (Radius)<br>
Exclusions: EL<br>
Duration: EL+1 Turns<br>
Roll Modifer: EL+1<br>
BMC: 3<br>
Alignment: Sidh Magics<br>
Notes: Blindness is create but it onlyd oes one
target. Imagine<br>
a caster being attacked by a small force
led by a leader who<br>
shouts orders. If those attackers
are suddenly deaf they<br>
become confused. The leader would be
useless and his troops<br>
would become single individuals rather
than a distinct unit.<br>
4) Sensory Powers<br>
This family has the following member
BMC: 3<br>
Alignment: Balance<br>
A) Sight:<br>
This spell will increae sight
perception and range. This<br>
spell is used in several ways. Cast at EL0
it can increase<br>
the normal perception of vision to help pick out
distinctive things<br>
in a room or area. Used in this way it
gives a (EL+1)x5% chance<br>
of spotting a particular thing you are searching
for, be it a<br>
secret door or a particular rune out of 100
runes on a tapestry.<br>
Used in the other way it increases the sight of
normal 20/20 vision<br>
by telescoping the distance seen. This
would be affected by terrain<br>
type since some terrain limits more
Range: (EL+1)x2" (Used in EL0 mode
Duration: EL+1 turns<br>
Telescoped distance: Distance x (EL+1)<br>
Example: A normal person in the plains might be
able to see 1 miles<br>
in any direction in the heat of 100 degree
weather. But if a EL3<br>
spell is cast to increase his sight he
could now see at 1x(3+1)=4<br>
miles. He would see it as if it was
the same distance if his<br>
sight was not increased in detail.<br>
Notes: This spell would help if a caster
is being chased or<br>
tracked by people and he needs
to keep a track on THEM say<br>
in a desert or
plains. Used in the first method it just<br>
increases NORMAL perception
(no telescoped vision) but used<br>
in the other way it increases
the range. IF someone was lucky<br>
to get to EL10 they could see
say 11 miles down the plains as<br>
clear as it was a mile.
This would be very useful if a caster<br>
served as a military scout for
example. The level of detail<br>
would be up to the Referee and
weather. Would work on the<br>
same principal as satelites of
today. They would be able to<br>
zoom in but they may not get
details like reading scrolls at<br>
10 miles away. They
might make out groups of people and who<br>
they are but that's about
it. Spell only cast on the caster.<br>
B) Taste<br>
This spell increases the taste
sensation of the caster's mouth.<br>
It serves in two ways. First method it to
simply detect if certain<br>
foods are good to eat or if poisoned. The
caster would take a small<br>
bite of the food but be unaffected by its sour
or poisoned effects<br>
from the magical defense of the spell. It
would then give a sensation<br>
to the caster of being bad or poisoned.
The other way cast at x2<br>
the Mana Cost would ask to block poisoned
foods. While the duration<br>
lasts the caster can withstand the
poison. The Reduction is the<br>
amount of Base Line reduction for the poison in
its effect. If<br>
used to simply detect bad or poisoned food the
duration is only<br>
for the time it takes to eat the first bite
(usually 1 phase).<br>
Exclusions: (EL+1)x2 turns (if used to defend
against poison.<br>
BL Reduction: (EL+1)x2<br>
PR Resistance Increase: (EL+1)x3% [If used to
defend against poisons]<br>
Example: A BL10 Immediate Death Poison Apple is
given to a caster<br>
who casts a EL4 Taste spell to
defend against suspected poison.<br>
The BL reduction is 10 making it BL0
Immediate Death.<br>
Note: This spell does NOT destroy the poison but
just simply reduces<br>
the effects of poison and its
chances of success. Mainly it would<br>
be used in the wilderness to detect
things like berries if they<br>
are poisonous or good to eat for
survival. In civilized areas<br>
one would use it if they suspect a
host might poison them.<br>
C) Hearing<br>
This increases the hearing a
person affected. The caster's<br>
hearing will be increased for the
duration. To listen better<br>
the caster must see the noise and target while
it is within his<br>
range. The Roll Modifier is for the one
who uses this spell<br>
since heightened hearing can also distract and
confuse. To<br>
give this ability to someone they must touch
that person. The<br>
spell is cast only on one person at a time so if
not the caster<br>
then it is cast on another person. <br>
Range: (EL+1)x2"<br>
Duration: EL+1 Turns<br>
Roll Modifier: EL+1 (Normal and combat success
Optional: Cast at x2 the mana cost this spell
can affect a area<br>
for the person to listen for movement or
noises. In this way<br>
the range is the listed Range but a
Radius. But used this<br>
way the Roll Modifier is twice the listed above
since more noises<br>
are coming to the one affected.<br>
Notes: Ever want to hear a conversation said by
a king about<br>
to kill you in a royal court as you
stand 40 feet away<br>
as they whisper? Well this
spell allows it. The one<br>
using the spell MUST see the target
directly without<br>
obstruction. The target does
not have to be looking at the<br>
one with better hearing. The
downside is while you are<br>
concentrating on hearing for things
the roll modifier<br>
is the amount of disorientation you
have. Besides conversations<br>
this is good for detecting noises in
a abandoned area or the wild.<br>
D) Smell<br>
This spell increases the smell
sensation of the one affected.<br>
How the detail of this spell improves things is
up to the Referee.<br>
To affect another person caster must touch that
person for him<br>
to get the spell results. The spell
gives the direction of the<br>
speicified smell or odor along with the
distance. Failure gives<br>
only the direction but no distance.
Absyamll gives nothing.<br>
Range: (EL+1)x5" (Radius)<br>
Duration: EL+1 Hours<br>
Note: This spell I envion as mainly a tracking
spell. If a caster<br>
is trying to track a female in a marketplace
that has a distinctive<br>
odor or perfume this spell will help the caster
to track that smell<br>
by giving the dirction of the smell as long as
the small remains<br>
in his range area. It could also be used
to track for things<br>
normal smell can't like gas in a mine or
such. <br>
E) Touch<br>
Caster is only person affected
by this spell. It increases<br>
the sense of touch. The spell effects are
two fold. The first<br>
method allows the caster to detect surfaces fare
better in<br>
times where he may be blind or in
darkness. Even the slightest<br>
touch will yield what the object is likely to be
with a simple<br>
brush rather than raking the hands over a entire
object. Used<br>
in this way it is good to find your way out of a
tunnel or maze<br>
by the sheer wall layout and distinctive
touch. It is also good<br>
to detect secret traps or doors through their
outlines on walls<br>
before its too late. The second method is
when cast at x2 the<br>
Mana cost. Used in this method a person
can read text or runes<br>
in total darkness or lack of vision. The
caster must also know<br>
the language of the text read. The Referee
is free to limit the<br>
use of this spell and its effects.<br>
Range: Touch<br>
Duration: EL+1 turns<br>
Notes: This spell s more subjective. But
I've had use of it in<br>
game at one time. The first
method is good to find secret<br>
rooms or doors or items in a room
that is totally dark. The<br>
second method allows a caster to
read a book or scroll in<br>
darkness. Why is this spell
usefull? What if a Darkness<br>
spell is cast and a magic -user has
to read his scroll or<br>
book to cast the spell to negate the
darkness. Well this<br>
spell allows the reading of the
exact details for chanting the<br>
5) Animal Powers <br>
This family has the following member
BMC: 3 <br>
Alignment: Shmanic<br>
Note: Slay the Tame, WildNess and Music could be
put into<br>
this family group. <br>
A) Animal Sight<br>
This spell allows the caster
to view through the animals of<br>
a selected animal. The Caster must have
prior recent (within<br>
last hour) knowledge of the animal or see the
animal directly.<br>
The caster can then see through the eyes of the
animal as it<br>
moves about. The animal is not affected in
any other way.<br>
If the animal has non-normal vision like
Infra-red then the<br>
caster also sees in that wavelength. If
the caster is a Shaman<br>
and the animal is a Tonah he gets a -EL to the
success roll. <br>
Range: (EL+1)x10"<br>
Duratoin: (EL+1(x2 turns<br>
Notes: This spell is useful for example if you
cast it on a Hawk<br>
flying over a valley. As he soars you can
see the valley and<br>
see if your being followed or of other forces in
the area. The<br>
caster has NO control over the animal just can
see through it.<br>
B) Animal Disruption<br>
This spell is like Abandon but
for Animals only. It allows<br>
ALL animals in the effected radius area to
suddenly go berserk<br>
or crazy. They will immediately react and
flee the area in<br>
some fashion. This affects ALL animal life
in the area from<br>
the lowest Ant to the biggest of animals like
Bear. <br>
Range: EL+1" (Diameter)<br>
Duration: (EL+1)x2 phases<br>
Notes: An example of this spell is a caster is
in a forest and<br>
suddenly he is attacked by
bandits. A caster that does this<br>
spell suddenly has all the forest
animals go berserk. Birds<br>
go flying in every direction.
Bees swarm out of the area.<br>
Deer stampede. The bandits are
so confused by this it gives<br>
the caster time to attack or
retreat. Another example is if<br>
on a plains near horses that are
simply grazing. If attacked<br>
by a few bandits the spell will
cause the horses to stampede.<br>
Course the direction is up to the
Referee but it could be<br>
straight for the bandits.<br>
B) Animal Speed<br>
This spell increases the speed
of a animal in a given range<br>
area. The listed PMR is the increae in
Range: EL+1" (60 degree Cone)<br>
Duration: (EL+1)x3 turns<br>
PMR Increase: EL+1<br>
Note: This spell is mainly used on horses but
could be used on<br>
other animals like War Dogs or
such. The caster can cast it<br>
to increae the speed of the
horses. It is given a Cone area<br>
rather than touch since there may be
a few more horses (like<br>
a wagon). Teh regular speed
spell seems to affect a single<br>
target and persons rather than
animals. So this spell helps.<br>
E) Animal Talk<br>
This spell allows the caster
to learn information from a animal.<br>
It is not the same as talking to the animal but
the informatino<br>
gained is more generic. The main use of
this spell is to learn<br>
if a speific target was seen by the animal and
how long ago it<br>
was seen. The success chance is helped by
the Intellect of the<br>
animal. Per Int point the animal has the
success chance is<br>
decreased by 5%. Spell has no duration but
if the spell succeeds<br>
the caster learns if the target was seen.
If the target was seen<br>
a mental image is projected to the caster by the
animal of how<br>
long ago through use of the sun and moon.
Since animals do not<br>
judge time they can only determine passage of
time by how the<br>
sun and moon across the sky. Thus if the
animal projects the<br>
sun being at 3 o'clock and the current sun is
straight up the<br>
time the target was seen was 3 hours
prior. The max time this<br>
works is 12 hours since above that the animal
can't project<br>
a valid time. <br>
Range: (EL+1)x5"<br>
Optional: Referee could allow for EL days since
the target was<br>
seen if the animal can project a 'day' by
showing the sun and<br>
moon move across the sky.<br>
Note: This spell is mainly for tracking
purposes. A caster<br>
can ask a bird through the spell
(the communication is<br>
not through words but through a
mystical questioning of<br>
the animal's subconscious) if a
person was in the area in<br>
the last few hours. The bird
will determine yes and no<br>
and if so how long ago.<br>
6) Camouflage<br>
This spell acts like a Chameleon and will hide
the person in the<br>
terrain he is in. It does not act like an illusion but
simply distorts<br>
the terrain and phyiscal appearance of the person TO those who are
The caster or target is never affected physically. The type
of terrain<br>
will affect this spell. It is mianly affected for terrain
that allows<br>
for good hiding like Snow, Ice, Tundra, Desert, Forest, Jungle,
and Hills. Other terrains will be far more difficult to hide
in like<br>
open plains or just a pasture and will not work in those
areas. The<br>
person acts hiden as if the Elven Forest Hiding skill for the
For those in the area who are speifically looking for the one
this spell they will require a success roll like Active Illusion
find the person hidden even though this spell is not an
For those the caster includes in this spell to be affected they
have contact with the caster. Those affected can't move or
spell will be negated. If target is also damaged the spell
be negted for the attacker. <br>
Range: Touch<br>
Inclusions: EL<br>
Duration: (EL+1)x2 Turns<br>
BMC: 2<br>
Alignment: Sidh/Shamanic/Balance/Elder [Either works for me
Note: This spell is good for eluding enemy. <br>
7) Morale Change [For lack of better words]<br>
This spell affects the Morale of those affected.
The listed<br>
Morale Check will be rolled to determine if the enemy's
is affected. This spell creates a sense of dread to the
so that they will rethink their tactical position in combat.<br>
The results of the morale check is up to the Referee but it
result in the enemy surrendering, fleeing or going berserk.
depends on the enemy especially if they are fanatical or
uncontrollable battle fury. There is no duration The
is done once and result is immediate.<br>
Range: (EL+1)x2" (50 degree cone)<br>
Morale Check: (EL+1)x5%<br>
Example: A EL 5 Morale spell is cast on 3 bandits. The
is alone so outnumbered. The rnage is 120"
plenty of time<br>
for the caster not to be attacked. The Morale
Check is 30%<br>
which means the Refree rolls under this and gets a 23
on D100.<br>
The Referee determines the bandits slow and begin to
think the<br>
enemy is a Wizard of power. Sudden dread
overcomes them and<br>
they flee the area for a time deteremined by the
Referee. If<br>
the bandits were Chaos and Fanatical and the Wizard
was Law<br>
they may not flee but may act cautiously. This
spell could<br>
use some work and maybe a Morale Results chart.
This is just<br>
a rough idea and mostly leaves it up to the GM to
decide results.<br>
There could be a Duration on the spell on how long the
flee or stay away from attacking the enemy.
7) Entropy<br>
This spell works through the mystical ways of
Fate. This spell<br>
affects physical reality or non-physical reality. The exact
are random and up to the Referee. To those in the affected
they will notice some minute change in reality. The Caster
is not<br>
affected by this spell. this spell can also affect time in a
way by moving those affected forward in time by a minute
Each phase the Referee will determine the results of Entropy
relay those changes to the environment. Any time effects
Caster is not affected by the Time and realizes what has
Range: (EL+1)x2" (Radius)<br>
Duration: (EL+1)x2 phases<br>
Entropy Chance: ELx10% [Chance of Entropy to have affect each
Time Effect: (EL+1)x3 Seconds [If time is affected]<br>
BMC: 7<br>
Alignment: Elder<br>
Example: A Wizard is in a room with 3 others gambling. The
casts a EL4 Entropy spell. This gives 8"
range which will affect<br>
the entire room easilly. Duration is 10
phases. Chance of Entropy<br>
is 40%. If time is affected it will do 12
seconds. First and<br>
second phases no entropy takes place. But third
phase GM rolls a<br>
33 so entropy changed. He secretly decides it
affects Fate of<br>
Gamling Chance. Thus that round it may affect
the caster in good<br>
or bad ways in his favor. The next phase time is
affected and<br>
the gamblers suddenly find themselves replaying the
same hand they<br>
did a few seconds ago. Yet the Caster sees it as
a Time Loop<br>
and replays the hand in his favor. This goes on
for the duration.<br>
Note; The Referee can have fun with this spell. It
could affect<br>
things from Gambling to Horse Races to
Combat. It is critical<br>
the GM wage the results to fit the
reality. If in a horse race<br>
the caster replays the last curve in the race
that occured 5<br>
seconds prior it must fit in reality that those
who see the<br>
race understand what has occured and it makes
logical sense. Any<br>
results are completely up to the GM to determine
or he can make<br>
up his own chart of effects.<br>
8) Encryption<br>
This spell allows the caster to encode or decode
scrolls and books<br>
that he can read in the same langauge he knows. The spell
the caster to encode a scroll or other text so it is scrambled
not readable. A Detection or Knowledge spell will only
determine it<br>
is encoded but not the contents of the scroll or book. This
affect any text or runes in the form of a language. The
spell can<br>
also be used to Decode the material back to normal. This
only one scroll at a time. If it is a book or tome with more
one page it will need +1 Mana Cost per additional 2 pages to
or Decode. No duration for this spell but in order to Encode
Decode a book it will require concentration that is not
until it is complete. If any part of the concentration is
the spell is negated and nothing is encoded or decoded.
Range: Touch<br>
BMC: 2<br>
Alignment: Law<br>
Note: This spell is useful for wizards who may wnt to keep
arcane knowledge private from prying eyes. I
created this spell<br>
due to treasure that always had that 'Encoded' part to
scrolls :)<br>
9) Cosmic Powers<br>
The members of this family are as follows:<br>
BMC: 4 Alignment: Balance<br>
A) Meteor Shower<br>
This pulls asteriods from the
Sky and brings them down around<br>
the caster. The stone could be from hail
size to as large as<br>
a 3 foot rock (or bigger) depending on EL.
Those hit by the<br>
rocks will be damaged. The listed fire
chance is the chance the<br>
rock on impact with target, if its on fire and
can cause additional<br>
fire damage or ignite objects. <br>
Range: (EL+1)x2" (Diameter) [Area where
rocks land around caster]<br>
Duratoin: EL+1 phases<br>
Damage: 1D6+EL<br>
Fire Chance: (EL+1)x10%<br>
Stone Size: See Table Below<br>
EL Inches
wide EL
Inches Wide<br>
6 37<br>
7 45<br>
8 53<br>
9 56<br>
10 60<br>
11+ 72<br>
Optional: Referee can determine if there are
asteriods in the heavens<br>
above the planet to pull down. If none
this spell fails. Otherwise<br>
the stones are mystically created.<br>
Note: I saw a version of this in a computer game
and thought it'd<br>
be cool to have in pnp. :) You
may notice this is the first<br>
spell I've done with damage
B) Star Navigation<br>
This spell is used like Desert
Navigation but uses the Stars<br>
to navigate through the wilderness or
seas. This spell does not<br>
give a distance but will show the direction of a
known target<br>
to the caster. It does this by mystically
increasing the brightness<br>
of a star in the direction it is, and even the
color to make it<br>
easy to stand out. Only the caster can see
this changed view of<br>
the sky. Success gives the
direction. Failure gives nothing.<br>
Absymal may give a totally different
location. Spell only<br>
works so long as there are Stars in the sky that
are not obscured<br>
by clouds or weather. This also only works
at night obviously. <br>
Duration: EL+1 hours<br>
Note: This spell is good for sailors mainly who
may lose their<br>
Navigation skills and spells or charts. If
lost on some boat<br>
alone in the sea this works. Also works in
the wilderness on land.<br>
C) Moon Shine<br>
As long as there is some form
of moonlight this spell will increase<br>
the brightness of the moon as if it was a Full
Moon. If the Moon<br>
is in the sky and not full it will shine as if
its Full. If full<br>
it will be twice as bright as normal. The
affected area only gets<br>
this inrease in moon shine. Only the
caster and those affected<br>
he includes will see this increae in
light. <br>
Duration: (EL+1)x2 turns<br>
Inclusions: EL<br>
Optional: There is Drkness spell but this could
be used to decrease<br>
the night light of enemy targets instead of
increase for the<br>
target. In this case the cost is 2x the
mana cost. The enemy<br>
effected in a (EL+1)x2" (Radius) area see
less light than others.<br>
Note: Good for combat at night. The
optional rule may subvert<br>
the Darkness Power but allows a
alternative to the above spell.<br>
D) Cosmic Time<br>
This spell gives the Caster a
exact time of day based on Celestial<br>
bodies. It can be cast at day or
night. On success the spell will<br>
project a sundial illusion in front of the
caster with the exact<br>
time since the illusion will include minute and
hour type tick marks.<br>
There is no range or duration spell. As
long as there are Sunlight<br>
and Moonlight this sepll will work.
Weather can affect this spell.<br>
Note: Since no clocks exist or timex watches are
around. This spell<br>
is good for determining the exact
time of day. The illusion<br>
created only lasts a phase but it
will show the caster the exact<br>
time as if it was a true
clock. This spell is useful if a person<br>
has to meet or do some event at an
exact time.<br>
10) Memorize<br>
This spell allows the caster or those he is in
physical contact with<br>
to memorize something. It is single item
or piece of information.<br>
If it is a simple piece of information like a
name or a gate code<br>
then there is no duration. If the
informatino is text like a<br>
book or scroll it will take time to memorize the
information. The<br>
information will have to be read within the
listed duration. For<br>
that amount of text read it will be
memorized. The Referee will<br>
determine how fast the material can be read and
memorized. If<br>
the material is text the person can memorize
Intelligence x 100<br>
words. If more the spell can only trap the
memory for that spell<br>
and more words will have to be memorized with
another spell. <br>
Duration: (EL+1)x2 phases (for longer items like
books, scrolls]<br>
BMC: 2<br>
Alignment: Law<br>
Note: I know other game systems use this as a
Skill. But a spell<br>
would be nice. Need to memorize a
map then this spell is useful.<br>
Referee shuold determine level of
11) Ice Powers<br>
This family has the following Members:<br>
BMC: 3 Alignment: Elder<br>
A) Ice Dart: This spell is directed at a
single target. The damage<br>
listed is damage from intense
cold. There is no frozen chance<br>
like the Cold spell.<br>
Range: (EL+1)x2"<br>
DamagE: 2D6+EL<br>
Optional: There could be given
a Frozen Chance slightly less<br>
than that of the Cold
Spell. Used in this way the person<br>
becomes stunned rathan
Note: Whereas Cold is area
affect this is a single target spell.<br>
B) Ice Shield:<br>
A shield made of solid Ice is
created for the caster. It<br>
will block most things like
thrown objects and arrows. It<br>
may not block all melee
weapons depending on the blow against it<br>
which could shatter it.
Hot weather will affect this shield.<br>
Per 5 degrees over 80 degress
-1 phase to duration. Shape<br>
of the shield is up to the
Caster. For size use the size<br>
of normal shields of the same
AV. The Shatter chance is<br>
the chance it will shatter
from a melee weapon hitting it.<br>
In order for this spell to
work there must be some form<br>
of water vapor in the air or
some water nearby to get<br>
energy from. If the
humidity is such that there is<br>
no water vapor chances are it
won't be created. The Referee<br>
will have to determine this
based on weather and climate. <br>
AV: EL+1 [AV of Ice shield
Duration: (EL+1)x2
Shatter Chance: ELx [Amount of
damage to shatter it]<br>
Example: A EL 3 ICe shield is
created. It has a AV of 4<br>
Duration of 8
phases and a Shatter Chance of 3 times<br>
the AV. So
it can take a strike of damage up to 11<br>
hits. But if
it takes 12 hits it will shatter and be<br>
useless. If
this spell is cast in desert during 105<br>
degrees the
duration is decreased by 5 phases so the<br>
shield will only
last 3 phases due to the heat.<br>
Note: Fire Powers has Fire
Showers like a shield of some<br>
sort so why not a
Ice Shield. Those in the far north<br>
would use these a
great deal compared to folks in the Desert.<br>
Its mainly for
folks who don't have a shield and suddenly<br>
find themselves in
a mob with rocks thrown at them.<br>
C) Ice Blast: This is a combination of
Cold and Ice Dart. It<br>
only affects inanimate objects
like doors and locks. It has<br>
no affect on animate
objects. The intense blast of cold<br>
acts like Dry Ice. So on
impact the item is frozen. The<br>
range is the distance from the
object the Caster must be.<br>
The effect area is how large a
area the item is frozen but<br>
is only a max value that can
be varied by the Caster. The Item<br>
becomes so brittle it can be
then kicked or hacked in and<br>
destroyed easilly. If
the item can't be completely covered<br>
by the Ice Blast the listed
Damage is done to the item in<br>
terms of its physical
resistance. Otherwise the door is<br>
completely frozen and acts
like it ha been dipped in Dry Ice.<br>
Range: (EL+1)x2"<br>
Damage: 1D6+EL [If not
completely covered]<br>
Effect Area: (EL+1)x2
Depth Affected: (EL+1)/2
Example: A wizard is locked in
a cage so he casts a EL2 Ice<br>
Blast on the door
lock which is only about 8 inches wide.<br>
The Range is
plenty for the small cell. The Damage would be<br>
1D6+5 but the lock
will be completely covered. The Effect<br>
Area is 6 feet and
1.5 feet thick. This will cover the lock<br>
and most of the
cell door. The wizard can then kick it and<br>
break out.
Note: I always liked the
Destruction spell but it can be a bit<br>
abusive. So this spell allows limits on it and puts<br>
it into a
non-mystical effect (cold rather than magical).<br>
As the spell
incerases one could say at EL10 destroy a castle<br>
wall 22 feet wide
and 5.5 feet thick. Might not affect<br>
an entire side of
a castle but its big enough to take out<br>
a castle gate at
the front.<br>
Ice Movement: Ok. This is
cheesy. I always liked IceMan<br>
in superhero fame. But
why not a spell like it? A wizard<br>
needs to cross a river that is
40 feet wide since hes being<br>
chased by trolls? Well
you could create a ice bridge so<br>
the caster can either move
(like Iceman) or move once its<br>
completed to the other
side. Duration, optional PMR and<br>
width could be factors in the
spell. Like Duration: ELx3<br>
phases. PMR (if used to
self-propel) EL+2, width: EL+2<br>
feet and distance of ice
created ELx10 feet (max value).<br>
D) Ice Movement:<br>
This spell allows one to move
over terrain through use of Ice.<br>
It creates a small path of ice for the caster to
move across<br>
to the other side. The Range is the
distance the ice can extend<br>
to some other point. <br>
Range: (EL+1)x2"<br>
Duration: (EL+1)x2 phases<br>
Width of path: EL+3 feet [Max width defined by
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