<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1> 41)
Caster must know the person. Makes one
person obsessed with burning<br>
hatred of another person. Spell lasts
until dispelled or person is<br>
killed. Target must be known to
Range - (EL+1)x2"<br>
Heals damage.<br>
Range - Touch<br>
Damage healed - 1D6+StB+EL<br>
HC increase - (EL+1)x5%<br>
Stamina Bonus Increase - EL/3 RD [For Next day's
43) Healing Light Law<br>
Caster heals 2d10+(ELx2) alloted points to
people in affected area.<br>
Caster can't be healed this way. Caster
and those healed can't<br>
move. Caster can't use any other magic. It
takes 1 turn for the<br>
healing process.<br>
Range - (EL+1)/2' [diameter]<br>
44) Hell Powers Chaos <br>
A) Fire Darts<br>
As for fire powers. If
cast at 3x the mana cost can send a wave<br>
of darts to affect multiple
targets in the area. If this is the<br>
case then +5 to success roll
for each target.<br>
B) Fire Resistance<br>
As for Earth Powers, Fire
C) Pain<br>
Searing spasms of searing
pain. If cast at 3x mana then can<br>
create sphere of pain to
affect beings in area, except caster<br>
(the range is the diameter
instead of range to target).<br>
Range -
Duration - EL+1 turns<br>
Roll Modifier -
Speed Reducton - (EL+1()x5%
Note: If cast multiple times
has an additive effect on target<br>
D) Summon Demons<br>
Same rules as for Summoning
but all Demons summoned at 50%<br>
cost, rounded up.<br>
45) Illusion Powers Varies<br>
A) Active Illusion<br>
Illusion that can move and
attack caster's enemies. It can<br>
inflict damage and kill if
believed. If spell succeeds then a<br>
Will roll is made to believe
(for ceatures MDV x4) adding ELx5<br>
to the roll. If result
is greater than Will then it is believed.<br>
Important: If in combat and
the illusion is defeated (killed)<br>
it will be
immediately disbelieved.<br>
- (EL+1)x2"<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x3
Max HPV - (EL+1)x5
(per 10 RD +1 Mana cost)<br>
MDV - (EL+1)x2 (MDV of illusion and
creature simulated)<br>
OCV - (EL+1)x2 (per 3 RD +1 Mana
DCV - EL<br>
Important: If simulated
creature is able to cast magic the illusion<br>
can also simulate
this. The cost is the same as the mana cost<br>
of the spell and
can affect the believer as if real magic.<br>
B) Glamours<br>
Can change the appearance of
inanimate objects. The weight limit<br>
is used as a max weight of the
object. Per 10% increase over this<br>
factor RU add 5 to the
caster's roll. Does not change physical<br>
reality just the
Range - (EL+1)x2"<br>
Duration - 2 hours (EL as power)<br>
Weight Limit - 2 pounds (EL as
C) Major Illusion<br>
Changes appearance of
everything in the affected area as for<br>
Active illusion and
Range - EL+1
(radius of effect)<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2
Important: Caster can move but
can't cast other magic.<br>
D) Personal Illusion<br>
Changes appearance of specific
being. If Caster himself then<br>
subtract MDV in addition to
the EL modifier roll. To disbelieve<br>
anyone with Will (MDV for
creatures) higher than ELx2 will<br>
Range -
Touch and target is motionless if move fails<br>
Duratino - 2 hours (EL as
46) Insanity
Can create insanity based on EL. Can be at
the EL or any EL below it.<br>
EL Type<br>
1-3 Neurosis<br>
4-6 Paranoia<br>
7+8 Schizophrenia<br>
9+ Cataonia<br>
Neurosis allows caster to force a trait on a
victim. Paranoia is<br>
when the world is out to destroy the
victim. He may attack creatuers<br>
but the paranoid is clever and those who roll
Empathy or less will<br>
see he is insane. Schizophrenia gives the
victim 1D3 personalities<br>
beyond his own using the determiantion table
Roll Trait<br>
6 Sadistic<br>
7 Masochistic<br>
8 Flighty<br>
4 Self
Effacing 9 Braggart<br>
10 Overbearing<br>
GM will determine daily which personality is
dominant that day. The<br>
trait is extremes in the behavior. Catatonic
victims incapable of<br>
voluntary movement thus will die if not cared
for. Lasts until<br>
cured by Sanity spell, caster is killed or
victim dies. Only<br>
castable on intelligent enemies. Non-humans may
add MDVx2 to<br>
success roll.<br>
Range - EL+1"<br>
MDV Limit - (EL+1)x3<br>
47) Invisibility Varies<br>
Caster and any person he has body contact with
is invisible. Doesn't<br>
affect surface where caster walks. If
duration ends or contact lost<br>
become visible. All persons in contact
with caster or item held by<br>
him can see him whether contact maintained or
not. Per person in<br>
contact -1 to duration for caster.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x5 turns<br>
48) Invulnerability Chaos<br>
Enhances physical damage resistance.
Damage listed is the number of<br>
hits scored to inflict actual damage.
Touch is required to affect<br>
targets for spell who must be undamaged.
If not then spell is<br>
automatic abysmall failure. If cast on
Caster than duration and<br>
damage is reduced 50%, RD. Daamage
by ono-magical weapons will<br>
affect the resistance. Spell ends at
duration end or when all<br>
resistance is gone.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x10 phases<br>
Daamge - (EL+1)x5<br>
49) Knowledge
Gain general info about specific thing from
supernatural forces. It<br>
can be used for Expertise in spell, educational
skill or other area.<br>
Can't be used to learn combat skills due to
physical activity they<br>
require. Cost is normal to learn magic
from same alignment as<br>
caster or skill. But modified for other
alignments by Orientations.<br>
Sidh magicians can only learn from Sidh or Elder
magics. If this<br>
spell is used more often than Frequency listed
failure is abysmal. <br>
Expertise Gained: 1D6+EL (total never exceeds
cost to learn a skill<br>
or spell or increase it to
next EL).<br>
Frequency: 15-EL days<br>
Note: Can only cast in area that has been
purified for magic of same<br>
alignement as caster otherwise failure is
50) Leeching
Leech energy from intelligent, animate
life. Effect of success <br>
increases Casting ability of Caster and kills
victim. Caster must<br>
touch the victim for full turn and victim must
be alive at end of<br>
turn. Increase Gained 3+(EL squared) mana
Note: Casting ability can't be increased beyond
current ability.<br>
Can't leech more than a victim's Energy
51) Liberate Spirit Law<br>
Caster's spirit leaves the body and can move
through Middle World<br>
areas at listed speed (PMR). Can't be
affected by normal combat but<br>
only through magical or supernatural
basis. Duration is number of<br>
turns spirit can be out of body, if it doesn't
return to the body by<br>
end of duration the body dies. If the
spirit does return it enters<br>
the body and can end the spell then.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x5 turns<br>
Speed - EL+Mana Level
52) Lichcraft
Caster must be trained in Necromantic Powers.
Success makes the Caster<br>
a Lich failure kills him. As a Lich get
the following abilities:<br>
A) Cast Necromantic Powers +2 Current/Maximum
B) Invulnerability - Caster must disembowel
himself. Immune to all<br>
normal attacks aside from
special dedicated magical items.<br>
Important: Viscera of the Lich
is held in a special container. If<br>
its destroyed the Lich can be
killed in normal combat.<br>
C) Immortality - Immune to Death. If magic
kills lich and viscera<br>
remains unharmed he will
reform in 1D6 days.<br>
D) Self-Sustaining- Must cast 2 mana points
daily (success automatic)<br>
to sustain himself.<br>
E) To kill a Lich 100% of the hit points needed
to kill him must be<br>
inflicted on him in 1 phase by
a power that can harm him. Otherwise<br>
the container sustaining his
viscera can be destroyed.<br>
Can only be cast once. If not chaos
oriented failure is automatic.<br>
Can only cast Chaos magic and General skills of
magic for caster once<br>
becomes a Lich. Listed range is how far a
Lich can be away from his<br>
apparatus sustaining himself. he will know
the location and of any<br>
contact made to the container at all
Range - (EL+1)x10 Miles*<br>
* Lich may improve the apparatus EL each day
without mana. It will<br>
take 1 day per EL. <br>
Note: If Lich is reborn he must rededicate
himself as a Lich and is<br>
reborn into a human as old as the Lich was when
he first succeeded<br>
with the rite. Until the redediction he
will lost 1 Energy point<br>
per day. These points are lost until
rededication is completed.<br>
53) Light Powers Law<br>
A) Light<br>
Magical light that can only be
created in darkness. The listed<br>
damage is only for those
afflicted by Light.<br>
Range -
EL+1" (radius)<br>
Duration - 4+(EL+2)
Damage - EL+1 per
B) Killing Light<br>
Cast at specific target.
If spell succeeds and a Hit of any kind<br>
is scored on 2nd roll on
combat table then target is killed. Using<br>
EL as the OCV. In any
other result the damage is scored using a<br>
BL of MEL+EL on combat
Range -
Damage - 3D6+EL<br>
Exception: If target afflicted
by light the second roll is taken<br>
and any hit will
kill. If not then damage is increased by<br>
(EL+1)x2 to the
listed damage.<br>
C) Radiant Light<br>
Blinding flash of light that
stuns for listed duration. If<br>
creature afflicted by light
then stunned for 2x duration and<br>
takes the listed damage.
While Stunned OCV/DCV are reduced 50%<br>
(RD) for duration and +EL to
all combat rolls.<br>
Duration - EL+1 phases of
Range -
(EL+1)/2" (radius)<br>
Damage - (EL+1)x3
54) Lower World Travel Shamanic<br>
Shaman can send his spirit to the Lower World
while body stays in<br>
Middle World. Same effects as Liberate
Spirit but can alter the<br>
environment (ie use magic the shaman has)
through his spirit.<br>
Automatically oriented so the shaman doesn't
need to cast Orient<br>
Self or use drum. The spirit is physical
in the lower world and<br>
can be damaged as normal. The damage
suffered is taken immediately<br>
on his body in the middle world. <br>
Sidh Magics<br>
Can affect luck of a person good or bad.
The modifier is +/- to<br>
ANY rolls taken by the person while duration
Duration - (EL+1)x5 phases<br>
Range - EL+1"<br>
Modifier - EL+1<br>
56) Masquerade
Spell makes caster look like a trusted friend or
relative to those<br>
who see him. Spell lasts until duration
ends or Caster attacks the<br>
fooled person. If cast on another person
other than Caster than x2<br>
normal mana to cast. It is only good
against sight of intelligent<br>
humanoid creatures.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x20 turns<br>
Range - Touch<br>
Strength increased for duration. Amount of
increase divided by 5<br>
(RU) acts as damage resistance like
Invulernability. Never cast on<br>
Caster but must touch others.<br>
Duration - 2 turns (EL as power)<br>
Increase - (EL+1)x5<br>
Optional: If Referee wishes it can have a
draining effect on the<br>
character. Per point of increase 1 Energy
Level point is subtracted.<br>
If the result is 0 or less the person goes into
a Coma and a Cure<br>
Disease si required to regenerate the Energy
Level to normal after<br>
duration ends.<br>
Has soothing effect on dumb creatures. The
caster can move and cast<br>
other magic but if the creature is attacked the
spell is negated yet<br>
the creature is taken unaware. Intelligent
creatures will be stunned<br>
for 1 phase as they figure out where the music
is coming from. Thsoe<br>
affected will not move more than 1 hex or 1/4th
normal movement (RD),<br>
whichever is less. Intelligent creatures
are those with a Intellect<br>
of 5 or more. <br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 turns<br>
Range - EL+1"
62) Open Prison Law<br>
All locks within range are unlocked.
Magical locks may use their MDV<br>
to resist the effect. Doors thare are
unlocked but barred have no<br>
Range - (EL+1)/2" (60 degree cone)<br>
Dissolution - Shaman should benefit since both in contac tiwh tearth
Origin powers<br>
C) Repulsion<br>
Creatures that are given a
specific description are stunned for<br>
number of phases. They
must flee away from the shamana during<br>
this time. Caster must
remain in area where the spell was cast.<br>
Creatures with the specific
description given must roll each<br>
phase they are in the effect
area to be affected. If affected<br>
twice they are killed.
Three phases are required to cast spell<br>
with Orient Self cast on 3rd
phase. Can't repel anything caster<br>
hasn't seen.<br>
Range is Radius??<br>
59) Necromantic Powers Chaos<br>
Only chaos oriented wizards can learn these
powers. Others can learn<br>
Dark Knowledge but not the other spells if not
A) Animation<br>
Can make the dead move.
The MDV is 1/2 of the living creature. On<br>
being animated the corpse will
be unmoving for 1D6 phases. During<br>
this time he should be
controlled or the dead will attack any<br>
living being, including the
Range -
Touch (must touch the dead)<br>
Duration - d days (EL as
B) Communicate with the Dead<br>
Same as basic communicate
spell and is used to give the dead<br>
commmands that are under
necromancer's powers.<br>
C) Control the Dead<br>
Allows caster to control the
dead which has been animated. Can<br>
see through the eyes of the
dead and caster does not have to see<br>
the dead to control
them. Control lasts until dispelled or the<br>
dead is not animated
Range - 2" (EL as power -
Note: Per dead controlled must
pay 1 Mana point per day to<br>
maintain control or the dead
will attack living beings or caster.<br>
D) Corruption<br>
As for Corruption spell.<br>
E) Dark Knowledge<br>
Can question the spirits of
the dead within Caster's range. Can<br>
ask EL+1 questions with
answers that are the literal truth but<br>
may be misleading or
specious. Spirit can only answer things it<br>
may have known and if asked
such a question it doesn't know it<br>
will disapper and spell is
broken. Any person, other than Caster,<br>
not protected will be attacked
if within sight of the spirit as<br>
per an Edimmu attack.
The cost to protect each person is an<br>
additional 2 mana
Range - EL/2"<br>
F) Decay<br>
As for the Decay spell.<br>
G) The Black Curse<br>
Only cast on bound, animate
beings who are within 2" of caster and<br>
the caster must have some
portion of the target anatomy. Also must<br>
be cast on a purified (for
necromancy) altar. If the above is<br>
not met the spell fails.
If spell succeeds then the person is the<br>
total slave of the caster who
can't rebel. The person dies and<br>
becomes controlled and
animated at no cost. The spirit is cast<br>
into the hells. Only a
Negate Curse of the zombie or the casting<br>
dying will end the
effect. Zombie has followign effects:<br>
A) I, W, E, EM reduced to
B) A+D reduced 80% RD<br>
C) S+St doubled<br>
D) Zombine damage is pernament
& no healing until caster heals him.<br>
E) OCV = HPV/5 + SB +
F) DCV equals 2+AB+DB. The
minimum DCV for any Zombie equals zero.<br>
MR is helped
in calculating the DCV.<br>
G) MR equals 8, C and EnL both
equal zero.<br>
H) The Zombie will only heal
if the Caster heals him magically.<br>
In any other
case, damage is permanent. Remember that the<br>
Zombie's MR
is calculated in when determining its DCV.<br>
H) The Seeking Death<br>
Enemy spirit will attack a
target. Only caster and enemy target<br>
will see the white form that
is created. Caster must have a part<br>
of the anatomy of the
target. Once the white form appears near<br>
the target it will grow and
darken while becoming solid. Creature<br>
attributes are:<br>
A) Identitcal to enemy except
no expertise adn HPV is his HPV/2 RU.<br>
B) Hand of Death at EL of
Seeking Death EL, MEL is caster's MEL<br>
divided by 2
C) MDV same as Caster's
D) PMR 8<br>
Creature can only be seen at
night. Range is unlimited and lasts<br>
until creature killed, target
killed or spell is dispelled. It has<br>
the twisted appearance of the
victim. It will always be within<br>
1D10-1" of the
Time to Matrutiy - 30 days -
Note: Caster will have to
administer to this spell nightly for it<br>
to mature. If caster
does other magic during this time the seeker<br>
will attack the caster on
60) Negate Curse Law<br>
Acts like Dispell/Banish for those spells that
require it.<br>
Range - Touch<br>
61) Oblivion
Target sent to oblivion where he ceases to
exist. Caster can recall<br>
target at any time at 2x cost to send him.
Target suffers no effects<br>
of time and will return to the point he was sent
from originally as<br>
he was. A hit point limit applies if
larger then the excess is adding<br>
to MDV in resistance of the spell. If
abysmall occurs the caster is<br>
sent into oblivion until duration ends.<br>
Range -
Duration - 2 months (EL as
Hit point limit - (EL+1)x5<br>
62) Open Prison Law<br>
All locks within range are unlocked.
Magical locks may use their MDV<br>
to resist the effect. Doors thare are
unlocked but barred have no<br>
Range - (EL+1)/2" (60 degree cone)<br>
63) Orient Self Shamanic<br>
Shaman must cast this before can cast any other
shamanic spell. Can<br>
use -MELx2 for success roll in addition to
normal modifiers. Puts<br>
shaman into a trance for the duration. The
drum is required for<br>
casting this spell.<br>
Duration - (MEL+EL)x2 phases<br>
64) Origin Powers Shamanic<br>
A) Dissolution<br>
Caster must know specific
description of a person or creature AND<br>
have material derived from its
anatomy. If both are correct and<br>
spell succeeds then target is
dissolved into the earth. Victim<br>
must be in contact with the
earth or abysmal failure occurs<br>
automatically. Spell
must be prepared for 2 weeks of consecutive<br>
days and spell cast on 14th
Range - Unlimited.<br>
B) Inanimate Creation<br>
Must take 2 weeks as for
Dissolution. Caster must have the precise<br>
definition of all attributes
of the object created. If the spell<br>
works the object comes to life
near him. It must be cast at night<br>
or failure occurs. To
work the object must:<br>
A) Be something the shaman has
made a detailed inspection of OR<br>
B) Be something the shaman has
the skill to make in a normal way<br>
Object will
fade away in EL+1 days if the Pernamence Chance for<br>
is not rolled. Per trait added to object +10 to the<br>
Permanence Factor - 30+((EL+1)
C) Repulsion<br>
Creatures that are given a
specific description are stunned for<br>
number of phases. They
must flee away from the shamana during<br>
this time. Caster must
remain in area where the spell was cast.<br>
Creatures with the specific
description given must roll each<br>
phase they are in the effect
area to be affected. If affected<br>
twice they are killed.
Three phases are required to cast spell<br>
with Orient Self cast on 3rd
phase. Can't repel anything caster<br>
hasn't seen.<br>
Range -
Duration - (EL+1)x2 turns<br>
Turns stunned - EL+1<br>
65) Painlessness Law<br>
Person is immune to movement effects from
damage. For magic users<br>
damage does not disrupt concentration. Can
be used to cure a Pain<br>
spell. The EL must be greater than or
equal to the Pain spell to be<br>
Range - EL+1"<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 phases*<br>
*If spell ends before Pain is
negated the Pain spell begins anew.<br>
66) Paralysis
Victim can't move due to frozen muscles.<br>
- (EL+1)x2"<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2
Max Strength - (EL+1)x10*<br>
* If stronger +EL to all combat rolls and MR
reduced by 50% RD for<br>
target, can move with
struggle. Multiple spells not additive.<br>
Area of peace created where all, including
Caster, can't fight or do<br>
hostile activities. Combat in the area
will engate the spell for<br>
those involved. Caster can move and do
other magic. Magic and<br>
missile fire into is considered combat.
Any person entering area<br>
can be affected.<br>
Range - EL+1"
Duration - (EL+1)x2 turns<br>
68) Perception
Shaman can learn specific benefits and purpose
of a specific item or<br>
thing held by Shaman. Can learn the basic
attributes, alignment, and<br>
how to use the item's powers. Will only
have this knowledge during<br>
the Orient Self trance. At all other times
shaman will know its<br>
value but not its exact value.<br>
Range - Touch<br>
69) Pernament Magics Varies<br>
A) Curse or Ban<br>
Cast on specific person or
creature. Must have a portion of antomy<br>
or something that has touched
target in last 48 hours to cast.<br>
Curse is used to punish a
previous act or force a future act. A<br>
ban is used to prevent a
specific action, to stop target from going<br>
to a specific place or meeting
specific persons or persons. Curse<br>
or Ban is up to the
imagination of the Caster and up to the limits<br>
of Referee. Upon success
a Curse is active. For a ban to work<br>
the condition must be
broken. Only a negate curse or a Sanity<br>
(if affects mind) spell will
end spell.<br>
Note: Curses must have a
possible non-magical solution for the<br>
person to redeem
B) Enhancement<br>
Enhances the dead or inanimate
material like natural magical items.<br>
Failure destroys 1/2 the
material and does not bring out the<br>
enhanced properties.
Abysmal destroys all the material.<br>
Destruction means the material
can't be enhanced only. Each type<br>
depends as follows:<br>
A) Plant derived, liquid
(EL+1)x2 doses<br>
B) Gem, Metal, Manufactured
item - 1 item<br>
C) Other materials - EL+1
doses (if consumed in use) 1 item<br>
(if not
A negate curse or
Dispell/Banish can destroy the enhancement.<br>
C) Enchantment<br>
Caster must create the object
from virgin material. Can only<br>
enchant one attribute per
spell. Success will enchant the attribute,<br>
failure will not.
Abysmal will not enchant and will not let other<br>
attributes be
enchantable. Failure makes it imposible to enchant<br>
it in that way.
Attributes are as follows:<br>
Weapons A) Hit Chance
B) Fatigue Value - 1+(ELx2)<br>
C) Strength EL/2 RU (to WSB)<br>
Armor A) Armor
Value: (EL+2)/2 RU (to AV)<br>
B) Weight (EL+1)x5% (+/-% to weight)<br>
Shields A) Armor Value: EL+1
(to AV)<br>
Other A) Attribute
Increase (EL+1)x20%<br>
Armor Value can't be triple
the original AV in enchantments.<br>
Shield Armor Value can't be
doubled original AV when enchanted.<br>
D) Enchanted Dedicated<br>
Can be dedicated for a
specific creature or alignment. It will<br>
cost 2x normal cost for the
sword enchantment. For the creature<br>
or dedicated purpose the
enchanted values are doubled. For all<br>
other forces they are reduced
50%, RU.<br>
E) Ensorcelled Items<br>
Must create object from
virigin material. Allows an item to use<br>
a certain magical power.
Caster must be able to cast said power<br>
to enchant it on the
item. Item can cast the spell, defend against<br>
it, grant immunity against it
or attack anyone that touches it with<br>
the power. MEL of
spell is Caster's MEL. EL is the EL spell of<br>
the caster places on it (<=
to EL for caster). The item can't vary<br>
the EL and casts at the listed
EL. It can cast the power (EL+1)/3<br>
RU times a day. No limit
if used as defense or immunity. In<br>
defensive mode the item's MDV
is added to caster's MDV. If 3x<br>
fost tehn can defend against a
particular alignment. If 5z the<br>
cost can defend against all
magic. If used in immunity the Attacker<br>
EL - Immunity EL= Effective EL
of the item. If used when touched<br>
the power affects those who
touch it. Per +1 mana the caster can<br>
exclude person from thsi
Special Ensorcelled
A) Mana Storage: Store
(EL+1)x10 mana Recharge EL+1 per day<br>
B) Intellect: Cost - 3x Sword
cost 10x other items. Intellect<br>
gained is
C) Communication: Can
communicate with magic user. Has a<br>
and Empathy of (EL+1)D6.<br>
D) Emotional
Constraints: Given some personality trait.<br>
Items of C
and D must have an intellect.<br>
F) Ward Pact<br>
Pernament enchantments on
places or things. Is eternal regardless<br>
of fate of caster. Only
negated by Dispell/Banish with an EL >=<br>
to the EL of the ward.
Wards can grant immunity to a guardian<br>
that may be summoned.<br>
A) Cast the Pact<br>
B) Cast the spell, for
personaified Guardian Summoning is cast.<br>
C) Pay 2x(EL+1) Mana points to
place the ward into effect.<br>
Note: EL of a ward can't be
higher than EL for pernament magic cast.<br>
The creator will never trigger
a ward. Family spells are not ut<br>
into wards but the individual
spells of the family are.<br>
Matter turned to stone. Only a negate
curse ends it before duration<br>
ends. Can sue dispell/banish at 3x cost to
end but if the spell fails<br>
the caster is turned to stone. If abysmal
failure then turned to<br>
stone pernamently.<br>
Range -
Duration - 2 days (EL as
Hit point limit - (EL+1)x5 (as for
Given a virulent, contagious disease.
Anyone in contact with the<br>
victim will roll Infection Chance to be
affected. Damage is Energy<br>
level per day. Other effects:<br>
Roll Effect<br>
Victim in Coma<br>
2+3 Accerlating
Pain, Each Energy point lost added to Combat rolls<br>
4-7 Wasting
Plaque, S, St, and C reduced while has disease.<br>
Total is energy level loss, player divides up points to stat<br>
8+9 Balance
affected, D and A as above (4-7)<br>
10 Emotional
Effect. progressive insanity until death<br>
with Referee determing type and effect.<br>
Healing has no effect only Cure Disease will end
Range -
Duration - (EL+1)x3
Damage -
(EL+1)d6 (EnL)<br>
Infection Chance - (EL+1)x15% (Con added to
71) Planar Travel Varies<br>
Can travel in Upper world and other planes of
reality. Caster can<br>
travel or stay with those he includes. If
he stays in the normal<br>
world then cost is 2x mana cost for spell.
Listed duration is how<br>
long they can travel before rebounding back to
their world. There is<br>
a chance the travellers will end up in a plane
other than that<br>
intended. If caster is not with them the
chance is doubled. If they<br>
arrive in wrong place they stay there (no
duratino) until recalled<br>
and found. To ercall it costs 2x cost to
send him. A planar Map is<br>
helpful in knowing the details of a particular
Duration - 2
days (EL as power)*<br>
Max inclusions - EL<br>
* Time is in the plane's time. Not middle
world time.<br>
72) Preservation Law<br>
Preserves food and prevents infection on
characters for duration. Any<br>
food protected is immune to Foyson Theft and if
attempted Abysmal <br>
failure is automatic.<br>
Range - Touch only<br>
Duration - 2 days (EL as power)<br>
73) Preserve the Dead Balance<br>
Prevents decay and rot of body. Only good
on complete bodies and<br>
the dead.<br>
Range - Touch<br>
Duration - 2 weeks (EL as power)<br>
Note: Body in this way can be resurrected before
duration ends.<br>
74) Protection
Must learn for each alignment. If used for
another alignment it is<br>
3x MDV in resisting the spell. Used to
protect against creatures,<br>
supernatural forces or spells. If success
the modifier is added to<br>
enemy combat and magic success rolls.
Spell will NOT protect against<br>
any person or creature that has the same
alignment or orientation as<br>
the spell is intended to possoe. In this
case, the spell will affect<br>
this person and any enemies.<br>
Duration -
(EL+1)x2 turns<br>
Range - EL/2"
Roll Modifier - EL+2<br>
75) Punishment Sidh
Only affects those who violate the mores of the
Sidh and the interests<br>
of the caster in doing so. Spell creates a
wasting disease on target<br>
that only a negate curse (not a cure disease)
will give relief to the<br>
spell (it will only reduce the duration by
50%). Only the actions of<br>
the target can end the effects before death
occurs. Caster must<br>
define the actions for the target to perform to
end the spell.<br>
If victim survives the disease ends.<br>
Range - Unlimited (as long as
criminal is known to caster or<br>
something is retained from his
Duration : EL+1 weeks<br>
Damage - EL+1 daily to energy
76) Purification Varies<br>
Prepare an area for spells. At 10x cost it
can handle an entire<br>
alignment's spells. Modifier is subtracted
from magic sucess rolls.<br>
Roll Modifier - (EL+2)x2<br>
77) Quarrels
Casuses people to fight their allies and
friends. Caster can exempt<br>
some people and must exempt himself if he
doesn't want the same<br>
effects of spell.<br>
Duration - EL+1 turns<br>
Range -
(EL+1)x2" (diameter)<br>
Exclusions - EL+1<br>
MDV Limit - (EL+2)x3<br>
78) Regeneration Law<br>
Heals the listed damage each turn but per hit
point healed -1 to<br>
Energy Level temporarily. Can rebuild the
Energy Level by paying<br>
1 Mana point per energy point lose. But
only up to energy level 1<br>
if negative and not beyond. Only enough to
sustain life.<br>
Range - Touch<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 turns<br>
Damage - EL+1 per turn<br>
Note: Can negate the remaining portion of spell
at the cost of<br>
the cost of EL mana points.<br>
Important - Energy loss will occur until
duration ends even if<br>
totally healed by the spell. <br>
79) Restoration Shamanic<br>
Restore a tonah tie for a shaman, create a new
tie or return a spirit<br>
to its body. Success results in thsoe
actions. To return a spirit<br>
shaman must release the spirit and return it to
its body. Failure in<br>
any step is failure for the processs. To
restore a tie the shaman<br>
must perform a proven action to placate the
wrath of the Tonah. If<br>
this action is not done failure results.
The tie can't be gained<br>
back if failure with that species. In
future encounters the tonah<br>
will be hostile to the caster. To create a
new tonah must cast Lower<br>
World travel and the first creature encountered
becomes the tonah<br>
(random or referee choice). To create a
new tie you pay 2x the mana<br>
cost. A shaman can't have more than
(MEL+1)/5 RU tonah ties.<br>
80) Resurrection Varies<br>
Returns the dead to life. Any damage is
healed and the person lives.<br>
Failure means the body remains dead
forever. The reduction factor is<br>
a temporary factor reduction fo each attribute,
for constitution<br>
however it is pernament.<br>
- Touch<br>
Max Time to recall - 2 days (EL as power)<br>
Reduction Factor - 100%-((EL+1)x10)
RU to all stats<br>
Note: Those bodies that have any necromantic
powers cast on them or<br>
that die from Energy loss can't be
Continued 2/3<br>
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