<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1> ** Powers & Perils
Book 2 Magic Spells<br>
What follows is the Book 2 Magic Spells for
Powers & Perils. However,<br>
they have been paraphrased and summarized into a
tighter format. These<br>
are in my own words. But there may be some
spells that use the exact<br>
wording of the listed spell. Each spell is
listed in a quick format<br>
so it can be edited or printed out in a separate
format for easy<br>
reference. The format of the spells are as
Spell #)
Spell Alignment [Notes]<br>
Spell Body<br>
Spell characteristics
like Range/Duration<br>
Wheras Notes will be later used for
If a spell is listed as Varies that is directly
from the book or they<br>
are spells that are multi-alignment.<br>
This basic file contains all book 2 magics
Spells 1-118. There are<br>
family spells like Fire Powers which have
sub-members but those are<br>
not given a number. So in this file there
are 118 spells.<br>
Note: Abbreviations - RU - Rounded Up<br>
RD - Rounded Down<br>
EL - EL used as a power shortened to EL as Power<br>
Target loses all sense of purpose and moves
randomly about. If<br>
target is attacked they are ambushed and spell
is negated.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x3 Turns<br>
Range - EL+1"<br>
2) Astral Fire
Balance <br>
Invisible flames. Can be used against
Inanimate objects, if so Caster<br>
remains motionless. If at animate objects,
may move but each phase<br>
rolls Success chnace. If cast any other
magic or damaged spell<br>
fails. If any failure occurs the effect is
Abysmal automatically.<br>
No effect on those with innate Earth or Desert
Powers. When cast<br>
against inanimate objects person will resist
using MDV x 2.<br>
Inanimate objects can resist as well, if magical
the resistance<br>
is MDVx2, otherwise object is consumed.<br>
Duration - EL+1 phases<br>
Range - (EL+1)/2"
(Radius) <br>
MDV Limit- (EL+1)x5<br>
3) Astral Powers Balance
A) Akasha<br>
Learn information from past
events. Failure is automatically<br>
Duration : 2 weeks (EL as
Range -
Time -
1 Phase per week viewed (period of trance)<br>
Optional- Can use for specific
animate or inanimate objects. The<br>
duration is 2
month periods instead of weeks. Time is not<br>
Double casting cost if used this way.<br>
B) Astral Leech<br>
Astral being (same as enemy)
is created. Must have object or<br>
bit of person's anatomy
discarded in the last 72 hours. It then<br>
seeks its target and leech
away the target. The MDV of leech is<br>
MEL of caster. It adds 1 to
MDV per day the leech exists. Only<br>
Dispell/Banish can affect the
Duration - Until spell
dispelled/target dies.<br>
Range -
Unlimited (can go 100 miles a day & is 1" from target)<br>
Damage - 1D6+EL
Energy points per day.<br>
C) Astral Paths<br>
Can travel astral paths among
the Middle World. All encounters are<br>
Upper World on the
paths. If no protection is cast the party will<br>
age 5 days per day on the
paths. Sleep is not required while on<br>
the paths through the Upper
world. Travellers are not in the<br>
middle world but are moving as
if through the terrain of the<br>
middle world with no
obstruction. <br>
Duration - EL+1 Strategic
Range: - Touch
when casting, (EL+1)/2" after<br>
Speed -
Normal, for Middle World equivalent in distance use<br>
MR x (EL+2).<br>
Note: Those leaving the radius
of the caster while travelling will<br>
Empathy. If greater than Empathy they are dead, otherwise<br>
ranodmly appear
somewhere in Middle World.<br>
D) Astral Web<br>
Strands of Astral energy that
binds all enemies of caster within<br>
the radius. The target
can't move until end of duration. If Caster<br>
moves Range x 5 hexes from
target the effect is negated. Bounds<br>
can only be removed
magically. Like Astral Leech, if a target is<br>
not affected initally he can't
be during the duration.<br>
Duration - 3 phases (EL as
Range - EL+1
E) Astral Well<br>
Astral well is created and
players are sent to Referee selected<br>
point in the Upper
Range - EL+1"<br>
Well Diamater - 1"x(EL/3
Limit - (EL+1)x3<br>
F) Opposition<br>
Force attacks only
supernatural creatures that is diametrically<br>
opposed to the being. If
success they are destroyed. Can't affect<br>
Balance aligned supernatural
forces or creatures.<br>
Range: EL+1"<br>
G) Creation <br>
Can create animate life from
memory or imagination. It can attack,<br>
speak and do other
actions. If cast at triple mana cost can be<br>
given any power or ability the
caster has (x3 per ability or power).<br>
If failure occurs a monster
from subconscious is created and<br>
attacks the Caster using -EL
from combat/magic rolls. If Abysmal<br>
then -35 to all rolls.
It will kill the target per Vengeful<br>
Horror application. If
it kills the Caster the monster lives<br>
on, otherwise he fades in
20-EL phases.<br>
HPV: (EL+1)x10<br>
Creature Duration: 2 days (EL
as power)<br>
Commadn - 20%+(ELx5%)<br>
Range: 2" (EL as
Total Bonuses: EL-2 (Referee
Command - If creature obeys,
roll %, if greater creature flees<br>
Range: Initially appears EL+1
hexes from caster.<br>
Note: Creatures created are
not illusions. If failure occurs they<br>
are totally immune
to Caster commands.<br>
Sidh Magics<br>
Target is blinded for duration.<br>
Range - Touch only<br>
Duration - EL+1 strategic turns<br>
5) Blood Vengeance Elder<br>
Only cast on willing targets & dedicates
them to killing another person<br>
They will seek out the person & have
Uncontrollable Battle Fury on<br>
sight of target. Attacker will subtract EL
from all combat rolls.<br>
Range - Touch only<br>
Damage - +EL (added to target damage
inflicted in normal combat)<br>
Chaos <br>
Creates visible magical bonds. Each
Chaining spell will have to be<br>
broken to be free if cast more than once. If
target strength is<br>
more than spell strength it will take
3-((creature strength-spell<br>
strength)/10, RU) phases to break the
Range - EL+1"<br>
Duration - Until broken/dispelled<br>
Strength - 20+(ELx10)<br>
7) Choking Moisture Chaos<br>
Target can't breath and can't do any other
Duration - EL+1 phases<br>
Damage - 1D6+(ELx2) to Enl per 4 RD
1 HPV taken<br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"<br>
8) Clairvoyance
Balance <br>
Limited form of Divination. Target gets +EL
(spell EL) added to all<br>
attacker roll's and can't be ambushed.
Target gets -(EL/2 RD) to<br>
attack rolls. Present can be clouded for
non-combat so ELx2 is<br>
added to all success rolls for target.<br>
Duration - 10 turns + (EL squared)<br>
Range - (EL+1)/2" (radius
of clairvoyance for target)<br>
9) Communicate
Varies <br>
Can talk to target in same language. Spell
ends of duration or by<br>
caster's will (Roll will or less). For
random creatures use<br>
2D10+MDV for will. Neither can fight or
cast magic.<br>
Range - EL"<br>
Duration - (EL+1)xMEL turns<br>
10) Compulsion
Chaos <br>
Target must perform specific task or tasks with
specific goal. Ends<br>
when either person dies, dispelled or goal
reached. It acts like<br>
Geas on Target and can't fight caster.<br>
Range: ELx2"<br>
11) Concealing Mist Elder<br>
Thick mist that only the caster can see
through. No one in it or<br>
outside can see through it. Mist follows
Caster. Can't use any<br>
other magic during spell. Those in the mist and
in same hex as<br>
target will add ELx2 to their attack rolls (must
be in same hex).<br>
Missile fire adds ELx5 to their rolls and has x4
range values. Any<br>
fire spell contacts the spell will consume that
portion of the mist.<br>
Spell ends if Caster damaged. Caster cna
be anywhere in the mist<br>
not just the center.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x3 turns<br>
Range - EL+1"
Elder <br>
Intense sphere of cold. Plants x2 the
damage and x2 the Freeze chance.<br>
Duration is only if frozen, x3 for plant
duration. If insect or<br>
reptile is frozen they are killed. While
frozen the target will take<br>
1 hit point per EL+1 each phase until he is
Frozen Chance - 10+(ELx5)%<br>
Duration -
(EL+1)x2 phases<br>
- 2D6+EL (only on first phase of effect)<br>
Range - EL+1"
13) Corruption
Chaos <br>
Any animate or formerly animate object
rots. Damage is scored every<br>
day. No effect on supernatural
forces. Spell is negated if person<br>
heals points greater than damage inflicted that
Damage - EL+1 per day<br>
Range - (EL+1)/2" (side of 60 degree
14) Cure Disease Varies<br>
Cures effects of Plaque or Disease. Only
one person for target.<br>
Chance of success is same for Revelation.<br>
Range - Touch<br>
15) Damage Reversal Balance<br>
Spell reverses damage done by enemies.
Must be in range and damaged<br>
to work. If not in range automatic failure
and the damage listed<br>
is added to Caster. Otherwise the damage
is removed from Caster<br>
and inflicted on the enemy. If in contact
with someone caster can<br>
use spell on them paying 2x mana cost and +10 to
roll. Damage in<br>
this way is not affected by armor. <br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"<br>
Damage - (ELx2)+1<br>
16) Darkness Powers Chaos <br>
A) Darkling Light <br>
Lightning of Darkness.
Unless dispelled target will be killed. If<br>
caster is killed spell engated
and person is undamaged. Otherwise<br>
dispell of EL or higher needed
to negate. Creatuers of Light take<br>
x2 damage.<br>
Range -
Damage - EL+1 (each phase
until consumed)<br>
B) Darkness<br>
Only castable where Light
exists. It negates any light spell and<br>
is negated by light
spells. Darkness is total. Only caster,<br>
those he touches and creatures
with magical darkness sight can<br>
see. If damage is done
it is consumed in doing so. Damage is<br>
only against supernatural Law
aligned forces and those with innate<br>
light powers. Any force
damaged will fight the caster with<br>
uncontrollable battle fury and
there is no AV protection effect.<br>
Range -
EL+1" (diamater)<br>
Duration - 2 turns (EL as
power) <br>
Damage - (EL+1)x2
per phase<br>
C) The Dark Companion<br>
A speechless Dark companion
who obeys the Caster. Non-magical<br>
light does 1D3 damage per
phase. To issue orders Caster must<br>
know Dark Chaos tongue or use
communicate spell. The Dark<br>
companion can: A) hide in any
darkness B) In normal combat will<br>
score EL8 (as weapon user)
DOUBLE damage with a SB+2. C) listed<br>
AV doesn't appy against light,
magic or silver coated weapons<br>
Optional: Caster can use it to
seek out a specific enemy. Duratino<br>
is unlimited but
the mana cost is x10. To maintain Caster pays<br>
1 mana point per
EL+1, per day. If target is knocked unconscious<br>
or killed the
companion takes over the body and the victim is<br>
now under the
control of teh Caster. After this takes place no<br>
maintenance is
Duration - EL+1
strategic turns<br>
- 2" (EL as power)<br>
EL+4 HPV - DCVx2 (If 0 then Dispelled)<br>
AV -
EL+4 MR* - (EL+1)x2"<br>
OCV DCV: EL+2<br>
* If seeking companion is
created only. Strategic rate is MRx5<br>
miles. Never
will enter any light wilingly.<br>
17) Dark Sight
See in darkness. Range is the range to see
and how far inclusions<br>
will need to be from Caster.<br>
Inclusions - EL<br>
Duration - 2 phases (EL as
Range -
18) Death Blast
Corporate or discorporate spirit is destroed for
an enemy. With<br>
success the person is dead. Victim will
add DOUBLE MDV to the<br>
caster's roll. MDV limit applies, if MDVx2
is greater than the<br>
listed MDV limit the person is only
stunned. The stunned person<br>
will move at 1/2 speed, fight at 1/2 OCV/DCV
(RU) for EL phases.<br>
It is cast on specific target only<br>
MDV Limit - (EL+1)x5<br>
Range -
19) Death Powers Chaos<br>
A) The Fog of Death<br>
Noxious cloud that kills
anyone, other than Caster, that enters.<br>
Add MDVx2 to Caster's roll for
success. This roll is taken each<br>
phase a person is in the
fog. Abysmal failure is only taken on<br>
the initial success
roll. Spell will move with the Caster who<br>
remains in center. If
cast any other magic or damaged the caster<br>
will have to roll to fall
victim to his own spell. Any missile<br>
fire in or out of the fog will
use the Obscured range values.<br>
Range -
(EL+1)/2" (Radius)<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2
B) The Hand of Death<br>
Must touch the target.
MDV is used in resistance to the spell.<br>
If success the person
dies. Caster can touch a person once per<br>
phase for the duration.
If not affected the first time he will<br>
add MDVx3 thereafter.<br>
Range -
Duration - (ELx1) phases<br>
Affects healing process. Only cast on
damaged living creatures. No<br>
effect on supernatural forces. Only Negate
Curse can end the spell's<br>
effects. Without magical heailng the
Healing Chance is reduced ELx4<br>
until spell negated. If magical healing is
used then the reduction<br>
is (Decay EL-Heailng EL)x4. If result is
negative, increase the<br>
Healing Chance. If HC is 0 or less the
person can't heal without<br>
magical aid.<br>
Duration - EL+1 days squared<br>
Damage - EL+1 (Hit points per
Range - EL+1"<br>
21) Desert Powers Varies<br>
A) Desication<br>
Affects Energy Loss. Per
phase takes the Damage listed. Per 3<br>
Energy Level hits 1 Physical
point is scored. IF Energy Level<br>
is 0 or less the person is a
dried dead husk.<br>
Duration - EL+1 phases<br>
Damage -
1D10+(ELx2) per phase to Energy level (per 3 then 1 HPV)<br>
Range -
B) Grasping Sands<br>
Sand will grab and encumber a
person. A Crush chance is taken<br>
when spell is cast again and
gets success. Then the person takes<br>
the listed damage each
phase. Armor helps in the damage.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 phases<br>
Range - (EL+1)x3"<br>
Crush Chance - (EL+1)x10% (MDV
and AV added to roll.<br>
Damage - EL+1 per phase<br>
C) Heat<br>
Intense area of furnace like
heat. Caster never affected by his<br>
own spell. Caster can
move anywhere in the radius area. If<br>
caster mvoes out of effect
area spell is negated. No jinn,<br>
Ifret or those with innate
fire powers can be affected.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2
Range -
EL+1" (radius)<br>
Damage - EL+2 per
phase [No AV is applied]<br>
D) Navigation<br>
Caster can navigate in any
direction to a specific place in the<br>
desert. If no specific
place then failure is automatic. Success<br>
gives a course in the right
direction. Failure gives only a course<br>
in the general direction of
the destination. Caster is in an<br>
trance until goal
reached. While in this trance his OCV/DCV, D,<br>
A and S reduced 50%, RD.
Abysmal failure give a totally wrong<br>
direction. Can't cast
any other magic or spell is negated.<br>
Range - (EL+1)x10 miles (if
object further away failutre automatic)<br>
E) Whirlwind<br>
Twister of air and sand.
Caster can move inside it with others he<br>
touches if he wishes.
Anyone enters the area or is in it but not<br>
touched by caster suffers the
listed damage and is thronw out. If<br>
no damage is suffered from the
spell the person may enter the eye<br>
of the funnel where the caster
is. To do so must roll Dodge<br>
Value on 1D10 or less.<br>
Duration : 5 turns x
Distance -
(EL+1)x4" per phase<br>
Damage -
Funnel -
1"x(EL/3 RU) if 0 radius = 1 (Radius)<br>
22) Destruction
Only affects inanimate objects and then destroys
them. Offensively<br>
it is cast on one target. It will destroy
cubic feet in or around<br>
that target. Damage is from falling debris
and material (if exists).<br>
Defensively it creates a zone of destruction
around the caster. Any<br>
inanimate material entering it will be
destroyed. If item is not<br>
magical it has a MDV of 0 but if magical it uses
MDVx2 in resisting<br>
the spell.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 phases*<br>
Range - 2" (EL as power)
Offensively its 2 cubic feet and<br>
defensively its diamater for base
Damage - 1D6+(ELx2)<br>
* Duration is only for Defensive mode.
Caster can move and<br>
objects are not affected over 10 x
(EL+1) pounds.<br>
Detect a specific class of thing. Success
gets the general direction.<br>
Failure detects it but no direction.
Abysmal gets nothing. Can<br>
study a particular type of object that is in
phsyical contact with<br>
Caster. If success gets detectino of magic
and basic type of magic.<br>
Only through touch of the item. Abysmall
yields no info. Failure<br>
gets detectino of magic but not type of magic
(ie alignment).<br>
Range - EL+1 inches squared<br>
Gives target a non-contagious disease.
Duration is how many days<br>
it'll take to kill the victim. On success
the damage listed is<br>
taken in Energy Level on success. Then
roll 2D10-spell EL. The<br>
effects: 3 or less Victim in coma till cured or
4-10 Victim passes out, coming in/out,
can't move<br>
11-20 St-(St/Duration) RU if 0 passes
Any Stamina or Energy lost will be regained if
survive. After<br>
duration roll <= to current energy level on
D100 or die. May<br>
subtract Poison Resistance from roll.<br>
Range - Touch<br>
Duration - (10-EL) days (if 0 take death roll
Damage - 5% + (EL+2) to energy
25) Disintegration Chaos<br>
Only affects animate objects. Results in
total dissolution of the<br>
entity becoming a fuming powder. If target
is larger than the MDV<br>
listed he is not affected. Armor will not
affect the spell unless<br>
its magical, granting immunity to this
Range - Touch<br>
MDV Max - (EL+1)x3<br>
Victim loses control and moves randomly at 1/2
speed (RD). Roll<br>
1D10 every phase for random direction:<br>
1 -
North 6 Northwest<br>
2 - Northeast 7-9 No
movement allowed<br>
3 - Sotheast
10 Any direction of player's choice<br>
4 - South<br>
5 - Southwest<br>
Victim will attack any target within melee range
at the end of<br>
the movement. Roll modifier is taken by
all affected persons in<br>
combat Spell ends at end of duration
(can't be dispelled/cured) or<br>
when victim leaves area of effect. If
leave the area he is stunned<br>
for 1 phase then enxt phase acts normal.
Caster may move out of<br>
area and cast other magic. Missile fire
into area is not obscured<br>
in any way. Victims can't do missile
Roll Modifier - EL<br>
Duration -
(EL+1)x4 phases<br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"
27) Dispell/Banish Varies <br>
Dispell magic or banish supernatural
forces. Must learn for ONE<br>
alignment when learning. If not the same
alignment of the magic or<br>
force then their MDV is doubled in
Dispell - Spells end on success. MDV of
spell is MEL+EL of it's caster.<br>
Banish - Success sends the force back to
Upper/Lower World.<br>
Failure nothing. Abysmal the
force may attack the creature freely<br>
with modifiers since the caster
can't move.<br>
Range - EL+1"<br>
MDV Limit - (EL+2)x3<br>
28) Divination
General forecast of a person's future.<br>
Duration - 2 hours (EL as power)<br>
Range - Subject must be known
to Caster or 2"xEL range. If 0<br>
then Caster must touch him.<br>
Can be used only on sleeping targets to
interrogate or attack mind.<br>
To interrogate must touch the victim and the
mind replays events the<br>
person remembers. Parameters for knowledge
are same for Akasha. In<br>
attack mode a mind creature is sent to attack
the mind. Any damage<br>
inflicted to or by the creature goes to the
victim's Energy Level.<br>
If Energy level goes 0 then victim is catatonic
and an insane<br>
vegetable. Can only be cured by a Sanity
spell and can't do<br>
anything till then not even move.<br>
Damage - EL+1
(energy level)<br>
Hit point value - (EL+1)x3 (of mind creature
attacking mind)<br>
Combat factors - Identical to the
30) Earth Powers Varies<br>
A) Avalanche<br>
Causes rock slippage.
Must be underground in mountains or hills<br>
and have stone near caster
that is higher elevation than he is.<br>
Damage - 1D6+(ELx2)<br>
Range - EL+1<br>
Speed - (4+EL)x2 (MR of
falling rocks)<br>
Note: Avalanche can cause more
avalanches at Referee's whim. That<br>
is set off within
2d6+EL hexes in either direction.<br>
B) Earth Strength<br>
Doubles Strength and Stamina
of person. To affect others must<br>
touch him. It also has
same effect of EL/2 RU Regeneration. If<br>
contact is lost with earth
caster will pass out for a number of<br>
hours equal to the amount of S
and St increase.. <br>
Duration : EL+1 hours<br>
C) Earthquake<br>
Open or close chasms.
Chance of death is A-(ELx2) on D100 if<br>
player is in chasm and rolls
higher. If not killed roll 1D6<br>
1-3 they are on opposite side
of chasm from CAster, while 4-6<br>
they are on same side as
caster. Add AB x 5 to roll for death<br>
chance in addition to their
MDV. Spell may be used at EL-4 as<br>
a Destruction spell.<br>
Range -
Width - EL+1 feet (Open
or close movement)<br>
Length - EL+1" [of
Depth - 2 (EL as power)
D) Fire Resistance<br>
Resistance fo fire.
Listed damage is the amount of protection<br>
person has against fire.
Duration ends or if all points are lost<br>
in protection spell
ends. Must touch person and have fire in<br>
same hex for spell to
Duration - EL+1 hours<br>
Damage -
E) Location<br>
Find specific item or person
in the earth that the Caster has<br>
precise knowledge or
information about. Success gives the<br>
direction, distance to object
and Caster can see it. Failure<br>
only see the object.
Abysmal yields nothing.<br>
Range - 2 miles (EL as
F) Transport<br>
Waves in the earth to
move. Those caught under or in the waves<br>
not included by Caster will
suffer the damage. Damage: 1D6+(ELx2)<br>
and be knocked down.
Wave will continue in the direction until<br>
duration ends or
dispelled. Caster remains in midpoint of wave<br>
and can't move or suffer
damage as well.<br>
Damage -
Duration - (EL+2 tactical
turns) squared<br>
Range -
(EL+1)/2" (length of wave)<br>
Speed -
31) Elemental Powers Elder<br>
Must be in area where elemennt is dominant and
within 1 hex of it in<br>
its free state. Success forms pact with
element and Caster gains<br>
knowledge at the EL of this spell as
Type Knowledged
Air Storm Powers, Flight<br>
Fire Fire Powers, Fire
Earth Earth Powers<br>
Water Water Powers, Water from Stone and
Sweeten Water<br>
When summoning an elemental from the one the
elemental alliance made,<br>
the caster will double Summoning EL.
Summoned creature will add MDV<br>
to caster's roll. Any magic-user not
forming an alliance (this<br>
spell) first will have MDVx2 added to casters
roll and failure is<br>
Range: (EL+1)x2" (range of Caster to
elemental possible, it must be<br>
in the element for elemental to
Duration: 2 turns (EL as power) if longer
alliance broken and<br>
elemental will attack the summoner
unless dispelled.<br>
32) Elf-Shot
Sidh Magic<br>
Must have Bow and Arrow both dedicated. It
costs 10 to dedicate the<br>
Bow and 5 for each arrow. Once dedicated
if not used the mana is<br>
lost if not for this spell. If any hit
(Using -EL) on Combat Table<br>
then victim's HPV goes to 0 and they are
paralyzed. Duration is the<br>
days of paralysis before they can move.
There is a Hit point limit<br>
to this sepll. Once dedicated and used a
arrow doesn't need to be<br>
rededicated. If too large to be affected he will
suffer (ELx2)+Normal<br>
damage. The dedicated Arrow is treated as
Elven arrow for normal<br>
damage purposes.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x3 days.<br>
Range - Range
of bow used times 2<br>
Hit point limit - 10+(EL+1)<br>
Note: Success rolls taken for dedication of
bow/each arrow not<br>
each shot.<br>
33) Exorcism
Shamanic <br>
Banishment spell that affects Ghosts and
Edimmu. Attributes are like<br>
that of Dispell/Banish. Can banish
posession of demons.<br>
Note: Dispell/Banish has no effect on
34) Fascination Varies<br>
Specific target becomes enthralled by Caster
until released, cured or<br>
person resists the spell. Only negate
Curse and Dispell/banish<br>
affect this spell. Caster may release at
any time but pays 1 Mana<br>
point per EL+1 per day. To
resist the person rolls D100 and uses<br>
MDV-EL of spell. If it is 0 or less he is
helpless to resist.<br>
Chance is MDV-EL on d100. If resist then
person has 2D10-EL turns<br>
before Caster realizes control is lost.<br>
- (EL+1)x2" (Spell to be maintained must be in range)<br>
Max Duration - 2x(EL+5) weeks*<br>
* If beyond this duration the soul is destroyed
if not breoken by<br>
then and the victim is a total
thrall. If this is the case and<br>
spell is broken the victim
35) Fatal Spear Elder<br>
Same parameters as Elf-Shot. If hit is
cored victim is killed. Same<br>
mana cost for spear as is listed for Bow in
Caster puts a Bane on the victim. Effect
occurs 24 hours after the<br>
spell is cast. The caster will specify a
creature and situation in<br>
which the victim will die. ALL damage
scored by it will do one level<br>
lower on the Combat table (ie Hits are severe,
deadly are automatic<br>
deaths). Victim fights creature but it has
a NAV+2. If the creature<br>
is killed the spell is broken. IF spell
broken or fails abysmally<br>
the creature rebounds and the Bane becomes the
Caster's problem. No<br>
range or limit applies however caster must have
a object the victim<br>
used in the last week. OCV (EL+1)x3 (Max OCV of
bane caster can select).<br>
37) Fire Powers Law<br>
A) Combustion<br>
Ignite inanimate combustible
matter. First must start in same<br>
hex as Caster. Caster
controls the direction the fire spreads<br>
as long as he remains
motionless. If he moves the spread stops<br>
unless referee determines it
spreads naturally. Victim can add<br>
Dodge Roll to Caster's roll to
be affected. <br>
Distance - EL+1 (other hexes
that can be affected)<br>
Speed -
(EL+1)/2" (PMR of fire spread)<br>
Damage - (EL+1)x2
(Not to caster)<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 turns
minimum fire continues to burn after<br>
caster moves or
reaches max distance.<br>
B) Fire Ball<br>
Expanding sphere of
Range -
Speed -
EL+1" <br>
Damage -
Duration - 2 phases<br>
C) Fire Darts<br>
Intense tongue of flame at
specific target.<br>
Range - EL+1"<br>
Damage - 1D6+(EL)D6<br>
D) Fire Detection<br>
Finds closest fire or flame in
range. If no object then it will<br>
detect for those who have Fire
Mana (ie innate or learned ability<br>
to use fire). If still
none then it will detect fire at 0" (ie<br>
the caster). On success
direction and distance of the closest<br>
body in his range is
Range - EL+1 miles
E) Fire Showers<br>
Shower of fire centered on
area specified by caster within his<br>
range. All in shower can
be affected including Caster. Caster<br>
can maintain for the listed
duration as long as he does not cast<br>
other magic, move or defend
himself in normal combat if these<br>
things are done the spell ends
Range -
(EL+1)/2", EL+1" (1st is area effect, 2nd -max distance<br>
away the
caster can put the center)<br>
Damage - 1D10+EL
(each phase)<br>
Duration - EL+1 turns<br>
38) Flaming Death Elder<br>
Specific animate target burns until duration or
Range - EL+1"<br>
Duration - EL+1 phases<br>
Damage - 2D6+(ELx3), EL+1
(1st-initial phase 2nd-after first phase)<br>
Optional; If water is present can douse
water at 40% each turn, <br>
minus Victim's MDV and adding spell
ELx2 to the roll. During the<br>
phase of dousing the victim is
engaged and can do no other action.<br>
39) Forgetfulness Elder<br>
Memory for listed duration, except learned
physical skills, is<br>
forgotten. If cast at 3x Mana cost person
can implant memories at<br>
1 day per tactical turn implanting them.
Once caster begins this<br>
though he must finish the implanting or his mind
will go blank for <br>
listed duration.<br>
Duration - EL+1 days, squared<br>
Time to regain memory - (EL+1 weeks) if implant
than x4 the<br>
time for memories to slowly begin
Range - EL<br>
40) Foyson Theft Sidh Magic<br>
Food doesn't change appearance but Caster can
obtain nutritional<br>
value in the form of flour like substance from
food. Only affect<br>
raw or prepared foods and won't affect animate
or magical creatures.<br>
Range -
Food points - 2 (EL as power)<br>
Weight - 1/4th
(flour) lb per 16 lbs of FP converted.<br>
Continued ... 1/3<br>
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