<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1> ** Powers & Perils -
Alternative Spell Information<br>
What follows are spells that are not found in
the basic Book 2 Magic<br>
& Combat Book for Powers & Perils.
The sources include Wout's P&P<br>
Website, Heroes Magazines, P&P Mailing List
and other articles or<br>
minor sources (listed if applicable). If
there is a author to these<br>
spells they are also listed. This file
contains the follow sections:<br>
o Alternative Spells<br>
Spell # Spell Total<br>
A) Elder Priest
B) New Illusion
C) New Spells
D) Priesthood Spells -
E) Priesthood -
F) Priesthood - Ashipu/Qadishtu Mah
137-150 14<br>
G) Priesthood -
- *<br>
H) Priesthood -
I) Priesthood - Qadishtu /
J) Priesthood - Tariti
162-186 25<br>
K) New Spells -
* Can learn all the spell sections of the previous Priest
sections [D-F],<br>
any spell of their alignment and Wizardy general
skills. Their spells<br>
are derived from their gods they worship.<br>
o Variants to Spells<br>
1) Elf Shot Variant [Casting]<br>
* Alternative Spells<br>
These spells were found in various P&P sources.
Those sources will be<br>
listed after the spell. They are included here to just
collect all<br>
the spells into one place. The spells were not be
changed from their<br>
source unless stated otherwise. I may have personal
comments in a<br>
"Note:" section.<br>
A) Elder Priest Spells<br>
In the description of the Elder pantheon three new
spells were<br>
introduced. These spells may only be cast by the
priests of the<br>
respective gods: Chauntea for Crop Protection,
Silvanus or Mielikki<br>
for Tanglevine and Malar for Lycantropy Curse.<br>
119) Crop Protection Elder<br>
The spell protects crops within the affected
area against natural<br>
threats such as diseases, hail, frost and vermin
for the Duration<br>
specified. If cast at twice the normal cost, the
spell grants crop<br>
within the affected area immunity against the
spells Cold, Disease,<br>
Foyson Theft and Withering Hand as well. The EL
of the immunity<br>
equals EL of the Crop Protection spell.<br>
BMC - 2<br>
Area - EL+1" (a
Duration - (EL+1) squared strategic turns<br>
Source: Main P&P Website. Mathijs
120) Tanglevine
The spell creates an area of intense plant
growth that catches any<br>
creature within its area of effect for the
duration specified. The<br>
strength listed is the minimum strength required
to move 1".<br>
BMC - 1<br>
Casting Area - (EL + 1)* 2"<br>
Effect Area - EL + 1"<br>
Duration - 20 + (EL*
Strength - (EL+1)* 5
Source: Main P&P Website. Mathijs
121) Lycanthrophy Curse Elder<br>
All parameters of the spell are as specified for
the Black Curse (of<br>
the Necromantic Powers). The victim changes into
a lycanthrope or a<br>
beastman (caster's option).<br>
BMC: 6<br>
Source: Main P&P Website. Mathijs
B) New Illusion Power Spells<br>
Note: These spells look like they would fit into the
Illusion Powers<br>
Family of spells. No alignment is
used so I assume the illusions<br>
are the same alignment as Illusion Powers
family regular spells.<br>
122) Deceptiive Creation<br>
With Deceptive Creation the mage can create
illusionary things,<br>
creatures, smells, sounds etc. The spell is not
capable of inflicting<br>
damage. It is automatically disbelieved if it
would in reality<br>
inflict damage. When the spell has been cast,
the creation can be<br>
maintained at a cost of 1 Mana Point per turn.
Area affected is the<br>
maximal size of the deceptive creation.<br>
BMC - 1<br>
Range - (EL+1) * 2"
(center of radius)<br>
Duration - (EL+1)
* 2 phases<br>
Area effected - EL + 1" (radius)<br>
Source: Main P&P Website. Unknown
123) Tumble<br>
Tumble spells are cast on an area. Everyone in
this area is affected<br>
by the spell. If the spell succeeds, roll as for
Active Illusion for<br>
every target in the area. If the target believes
the spell, he will<br>
be convinced the area around him turns and moves
and trapdoors open<br>
everywhere and he is falling. The target is
incapable of any action<br>
for the duration of the spell.<br>
BMC - 6<br>
Range - EL + 1"
(center of radius)<br>
Area affected - EL + 1" (radius)<br>
Duration - (EL+1)
* 2 phases<br>
- EL + 1 per phase<br>
Source: Main P&P Website. Unknown
C) New Spells<br>
124) Invisibility Sphere<br>
An invisibility sphere is a spherical area,
which has no effect on<br>
the earth or inanimate structures. All persons
who are within the<br>
sphere, or who enter it, are invisble to people
outside of it AND<br>
visible to anyone inside of it.<br>
The spell may be cast, by the caster, on others
without including<br>
himself in its effect. It is cast to effect a
specific number of<br>
beings and is negated when any of those beings
leave the sphere, or<br>
when the duration ends.<br>
- (EL+1) x 5 turns (If the spell is cast at three<br>
times the normal cost, the
duration can be doubled.)<br>
Number of Inclusions - EL+1<br>
- EL x 1/2" (A diameter)<br>
NOTE - If the spell is cast at increased power,
it will only effect<br>
entities that are specifically included in it
regardless of who may<br>
enter the diameter at a later date.<br>
IMPORTANT - The Base Mana Cost for this form of
invisibility is 4<br>
instead of 2.<br>
Source: Main P&P Website. Tower of the
125) Sound Sphere<br>
Version 1 - <br>
The spell creates an area filled with a
cacophony of other-worldly,<br>
infernal sound. Anyone in the area of effect has
a chance to be<br>
affected. Those that are suffer EL+1 squared
days of deafness and<br>
must roll their Will. If they fail the will roll
they suffer Insanity<br>
at 1/2 the EL of the Sound Sphere spell (RD) -
if the result equals<br>
the Sound Sphere EL no chance of Insanity
exists. The caster is not<br>
immune to the affect of this spell unless his
lifeform is. If he casts<br>
the sphere such that he is in its radius,
he must roll to be affected<br>
CASTING RANGE - EL+1 * 2<br>
SPHERE RADIUS - EL (If zero, the sphere will
only affect a single<br>
individual in the target hex)<br>
IMPORTANT - Demons, Beasts and any being with
demon or beast blood<br>
of whatever source are immune to the affect of
this spell.<br>
Version 1 -<br>
The spell may be cast at 1/2 the listed BMC.
When it is used in<br>
this manner it is used as a tactical diversion.
Persons entering<br>
the sphere offect hear strange sounds from
random directions. Now<br>
and then emphatic sounds shout from nowhere.
Used in this manner,<br>
the spell disrupts the concentration of people,
strikes fear into<br>
animals, etc. No magic-user may cast magic while
affected by the<br>
sphere without making a Will roll each
DURATION - EL+1 * 3 (Phases for Version 1, Turns
for Version 2.)<br>
Note: Below is directly from Richard Snider's
comments on the<br>
above versions from the P&P
Mailing list <br>
The above is just off the top of my head. I will
solidify it for<br>
the redo of Book Two. Hope it helps.<br>
The wonderful paste up artist chopped the
description out and I didn't<br>
catch the mistake. Sorry about that. One of many
I didn't catch. I do<br>
not remember the exact particulars any longer. I
do recall the general<br>
intent and affects.<br>
Source: P&P Mailing List. Richard
D) Priesthood Spells - Basic Powers<br>
All spells from Priesthood article found on main
P&P Website.<br>
These are as with the Book 2 spells summarized
versions of the spell.<br>
Author: Richard Snider<br>
126) Bless
Gives temporary increase in a characteristic or
given combat advantages<br>
for attack or defense. Person must be
willing to take blessing. For<br>
x2 Mana cost priest can put conditions on the
blessing. Also double<br>
mana gives double duration. Per increase
cost paid, the number of<br>
days the person affected is doubled.<br>
BMC: 1<br>
Amount of Blessed's OCV/DCV - Priests
bonus - EL+1 x2.<br>
- EL+1 days<br>
127) Healing Varies<br>
As for the Wizardry spell listed in Powers &
BMC: 1<br>
128) Insight Varies<br>
Limited form of Shamanic Soul Sight combined
with Elf's Intent reading<br>
ability. Success gives:<br>
1. The basic attitude of the
2. The person's orientation, i.e.
Law, Chaos, etc.<br>
3. If person has supernatural powers
and orientation of powers<br>
Also may add (EL+1)x2 to Influence chance in
talking to this person<br>
if not hostile to the Priest.<br>
BMC: 2<br>
129) Detect Evil Varies<br>
As for Mana Reading and priest must be actively
searching for Evil.<br>
BMC: 2<br>
130) Presence Varies<br>
Increased chance of influence (EL+1) DCV
increase of (EL+1 / 3 RU).<br>
Repels enemy aligned forces. The Base Line
on Magic table to roll<br>
for repulsion is Caster's EL+ (MEL/2) RU.
Success means the the<br>
target affected can't approach within EL inches
of the Caster. If<br>
already in that range he must flee out of the
radius of affect.<br>
While doing so he can't do anything else but
move directly away as<br>
fast as possible.<br>
MDV Limit - Priest's EL x 5<br>
Duration - EL+MEL in turns.<br>
131) Purification Varies<br>
Same as basic Purification spell but also repels
supernatural forces<br>
hostile to the caster's alignment. The
rules for Presence also apply<br>
here as well. Those forces too strong to
be repelled are infuriated.<br>
BMC - 2<br>
Range - EL+1 inches (A diameter, with caster in
E) Priesthood Spells - Urigallu Magic<br>
Note: They have two types R)itual and C)astable at any
time of<br>
spells. They will be listed as such in the
header. Rituals<br>
require long preparations for the spell to be
cast. <br>
132) Blessed Truth Varies [Urigallu] [Castable]<br>
Like the basic Truth spell. But the person
is aware and not<br>
compelled to speak truth in any way but if he
lies he will be<br>
in danger. Cast a normal mana allows
caster to tell when someone<br>
is lying to him at a Will+(ELx5) chance.
If roll succeeds then<br>
the Priest is aware of the lie, if fails he
believes the lie to<br>
be truth. When cast at x3 the cost Priest
can impose a minor curse<br>
on the affected person. When the person
lies the curse strikes him.<br>
Types of curses are nervous twitches, boils,
minor disease symptoms<br>
& other such things. Curse ends when
the spell ends with no lasting<br>
damage. Can only cast this way (at 3x
cost) when Priest is on<br>
Purified ground for his alignment.<br>
BMC - 2<br>
133) Ceremony Varies [Urigallu]
Basic forms of ritual worship. Required
material preparation,<br>
purification and a prepared altar and/or sacred
ground. Basic forms:<br>
1. Worship: Worship of Deity for praise.
Prayers to complex festivals.<br>
2. Placation: Appease angry gods & renew
deity and people ties<br>
3. Dedication: Dedication for person, plate or
things like Marriage,<br>
Ordination of a Priest,
Confirmation and Baptism.<br>
4. Holy Observances: Rituals for celebrating
high holy days & periods.<br>
5. Funerals: Other Priests may help out
with the ritual.<br>
Effect of basic ceremony varies with basic
chance of ELx5 with modifier<br>
of +20 to -20. The benefit gained is up to
the Referee. If success<br>
is done with ELx5 by Priest the Priest will
subtract EL from roll.<br>
Partial success benefit gained is Priest's
EL+His Rank.<br>
BMC - 8<br>
133) Curses Varies
[Urigallu] [Ritual]<br>
Curses that affect the victim in the
afterlife. At 2x cost can be<br>
done like regular Cuses spell for immediate
BMC: 6<br>
134) Judgement Varies [Urigallu]
Used in church trials. On success the
caster becoems aware of EVERY<br>
crime that the person affected has committed
against the god that the<br>
Priest calls on. Cast at x2 cost it grants
this awareness for the<br>
God's entire court. Cast at x3 the
knowledge is gained for the<br>
God's entire alignment. Victim must be
willing or prevented from<br>
resisting. Ritual demands victim must be
relatively motionless<br>
while judgement is read. <br>
BMC: 4<br>
135) Command Varies [Urigallu]
Victim must perform a action Priest wants him to
do. But victim has<br>
a choice rolling under Will he may flee rather
than obey the command.<br>
Targets who worship the God called on by the
Priest have +20 chance<br>
of the spell working on them and a -20
subtracted from their will<br>
if they choose to resist the order. The tasks
must be performed<br>
immediately within 10 seconds or less. It
can be cast for greater<br>
effect but must be on purified ground with
target willing or<br>
restrained. Done this way it is x3 the
casting cost and no Will is<br>
allowed to resist. Success this way puts a
Geas on the target.<br>
Range - EL (If the EL is zero, the Priest must
touch his target.)<br>
BMC: 5<br>
136) Hidden Truth Varies [Urigallu] [Castable]<br>
Cast on himself the Priest can't be lied to
easilly. The chance<br>
to detect the truth is Em+(ELx5) if the speaker
makes an Influence<br>
roll to conceal the fact. If the speaker
fails in this roll the<br>
Priest learns the full truth. Both sides
are not in a trance and<br>
are fully aware during the duration.<br>
Range - EL+1
(Min. Distance from speaker and Priest)<br>
Duration - (EL+1) x 10 (minutes)<br>
BMC - 5<br>
F) Priesthood Spells - Ashipu And Qadishtu Mah Magic<br>
137) Healing Hand Varies [Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Healing
Heals damage and targets are immune to infection
for 48 hours.<br>
Have normal healing benefits of Healing
Spell. Priest can't<br>
use it on himself. Can only be cast on
those with same alignment<br>
as Priest or that have no alignment.
If this is not the case<br>
they suffer the amount of healing in hit points
as damage if the<br>
alignment is not matched.<br>
Heals - 1D10+EL [Partial Success -
EL points]<br>
BMC - 3<br>
Source - Energy Level [Cast from Energy
level not Casting ability]<br>
138) Dispell/Banish Varies [Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Healing Arts]<br>
As specified for basic spell but only used on
supernatural forces<br>
of the enemy alignment.<br>
BMC - 3<br>
139) Regrowth Varies
[Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Healing Arts]<br>
Heals pernament physical damage of many
kinds. At basic cost it<br>
can heal losses to a character's
characteristics. On success a<br>
number of characteristic points is Priest's EL+1
are healed.<br>
Cast at x3 the cost it can heal pernament,
debilitating Injuries,<br>
Cast in this way it takes 1 day per normal phase
required to cast<br>
the spell. Injury is cured if rolled
(EL+1)x10 or less on D100.<br>
If failure then the chance is doubled. If
victim is tained by<br>
evil to the Priest then spell can't
BMC - 5<br>
140) Energy Varies
[Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Healing Arts]<br>
Heals back lost energy. Can be cast from
Casting Ability or from<br>
Priest's Energy level. Cast from Energy
level the minimum gain<br>
is EL cast times 2. When used from Energy
level it has same<br>
restrictions as Healing Hand. If used from
Casting Ability it<br>
can be cast on himself but must obey all other
restrictions. Damage<br>
suffered as a result of misuse of this spell is
a number of points<br>
subtracted from the Energy Level of the Priest
and his intended target.<br>
Heals - 2D6+EL (Energy level] [From
Casting Ability]<br>
Heals - 2D10+eL (Energy level) [From Energy
BMC - 6<br>
141) Negate Poison Varies [Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Healing Arts]<br>
Success or failure negates poison with BL less
than or equal to<br>
(EL+1)xw2 If the BL is higher than success
is reguired to negate<br>
the Poison. It has no further affect but
the previous poison effects<br>
are retained until recovery. When success
is required the poison<br>
is allowed to use BL as for MDV in resisting
BMC - 6<br>
142) Negate Magic Varies [Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Healing
This spell operates against evil magic, as
defined by the religion,<br>
only. It can be used to negate a spell
being cast if the Priest's<br>
Casting Speed is at least equal to that of his
enemy. The effect, in<br>
this case, adds the EL x 2 PLUS the Priest's MDV
to the enemy's roll<br>
for success. If Success does not result, the
spell is negated<br>
BMC - 7<br>
143) Exorcism Varies
[Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Healing Arts]<br>
As specified for the Shamanic spell.<br>
BMC - 8<br>
144) Repel Evil Varies [Ashipu/Qadishtu]
[Offensive Spell]<br>
Priest can repel forces of the opposite
alignment. While spell is<br>
being employed the caster has a certain radiance
about him relative<br>
to the EL in radiance. Those who are
higher than MDV limit will add<br>
Priest's EL to all attacks they attempt magical
or physical while<br>
in his affect radius. After duration ends
can be recast, without<br>
chance of failure, at full cost. This will
increase the duration by<br>
1/2 the duration above, rounded down.<br>
Limit - (EL+1) x
Radius of Effect - EL (If the EL is
zero the effect applies if the<br>
enemy tries to touch the Priest.)<br>
Duration of Flight - (EL+2) x 2 phases<br>
Duration of Effect - (EL+1) x 3 (Turns) <br>
- 2<br>
- Cast from Energy Level<br>
145) Paralyze Enemy Varies [Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Offensive Spell]<br>
Enemy is paralyzed by success as for Paralysis
basic spell.<br>
To effect the touch Priest must roll a Hit or
better on combat<br>
table and shield hits are normal hits.
Range - Touch<br>
Duration - EL+1 phases [Time Priest can touch
BMC - 3<br>
146) Purifying Lance Varies [Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Offensive Spell]<br>
Priest forms and casts a lance of his deity's
power into soul of<br>
his enemy. If spell succeeds then roll on
combat table using BL of<br>
ELx2. With the following attack
Hit Type Effect Of
Target killed or converted or taken by the god,<br>
Sevre Target takes major damage, dazed,
cuse laid on him<br>
Hit Minor damage or fights
under tactical disadvantage<br>
Shield Hit Little damage,
subdual of EL on enemy<br>
Miss Chance by more than 25, suffers
subdual damage instead<br>
BMC - 5<br>
147) Inner Revelation Varies [Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Offensive
Like Knowledge spell. Only used to gain
Priestly spell knowledge<br>
or Scholarly knowledge associated with his
faith. Effect is like<br>
the basic Knowledge spell. When used on
willing or confined persons<br>
in purified ground can be used on others.
Cast in this way and at<br>
x3 cost it can gain ELx20% of what there is to
know about the target.<br>
At EL5 Priest knows all about the target and at
EL10 he can learn about<br>
the soul's past lives or other arcane
BMC - 5<br>
Source - Casting Ability or Energy Level <br>
148) Absorption of Evil Varies [Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Offensive
Priest becomes barrier against evil. All
evil magic or beings that<br>
enter effect radius are diminished by his
power. He abosrbs this<br>
evil essence into himself to protect
others. He can absorb ELx2<br>
mana or energy points per turn. When this
is exceeded each phase<br>
he can absorb EL+1. The amount absorbed
drains the Priest's Energy<br>
Level. Any that are absorbed beyond his
limit is applied to the<br>
death chance below. Once the spell is
active it lasts for its entire<br>
duration and can't be dispelled. <br>
Importnat - Mana will be absorbed before Energy
unless target uses<br>
magic naturally. If a normal wizard he
will drain the Casting Ability<br>
before he can attack his energy level.<br>
Maximum Drain - EL+1 (Max most
from any one person/being)<br>
Minimum Drain - EL/2, round up
(taken from each enemy)<br>
Radius of Effect - EL+1<br>
- 8<br>
Note: Instead of taking energy or mana he can
inflict subdual damage.<br>
If he does so no armor counts
against the damage caused. However,<br>
the effect listed above is reduced
50%, RD. Also mana being cast<br>
into a spell is drained before
dormant mana from casting ability.<br>
149) Dispersion
Varies [Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Offensive Spell]<br>
[Missing Information from Article]<br>
BMC - 10<br>
Varies [Ashipu/Qadishtu] [Offensive Spell]<br>
[Missing Information from Article]<br>
BMC - 15<br>
G) Priesthood Spells - Mashmashu<br>
Can learn all the spell sections of the previous
Priest sections<br>
[D-F], any spell of their alignment and Wizardy
general skills. Their<br>
spells are derived from their gods they worship.<br>
H) Priesthood Spells - Baru<br>
151) Awareness Varies [Baru]
Baru are trained in art of Divination. Per
hour using this talent<br>
he expends 12-EL energy points. During
this power the Priest increases<br>
Empathy by (EL+1)x5. He grants ability to
detect ambushes at the<br>
Empathy Increase x2. He can also become
aware of other surprises<br>
that give off signs of threat. Used in the
above format does not<br>
entail any casting cost. The minimum cost
to attune oneself in this<br>
way is one energy point per hour. Spell
can also be cast from the<br>
Energy Level in e conventional method.
When this is done the Priest<br>
places himself in a trnace after telling the
Referee what specific<br>
influence he is sensitizing himself to.
The influence chance must be<br>
a specific class of thing. Used in this
way he becomes automatically<br>
aware of the thing within the radius of
effect. He will remain<br>
entranced for the minimum duration stated below.
The maximum duration,<br>
in all cases, is ten times this minimum. Per
minute, or less, that<br>
the Priest remains in this trance he must pay
the casting cost for<br>
the spell.<br>
Important: The referee is free to limit and
devise the spell dynamics.<br>
Range -
(EL+ 1) x 3 (Range in Hexes or inches)<br>
Minimum Duration - EL+1 turns<br>
- 1<br>
Source - From
Energy Level<br>
152) Questing Sight Varies [Baru] <br>
Allows Priest to key himself to discover
whereabouts of specific<br>
person or thing. Must know the precise
appearance of person or thing<br>
or have something that has been in contact with
the target in the last<br>
EL+1 weeks. On success he will learn the
precise whereabouts of<br>
the target i.e. surroundings and how far away it
is, and in what<br>
direction it lies. Priest can cast at up
to 5 times the cost. Per<br>
100% increae the range is doubled.<br>
Maximum Distance - (EL+1) squared miles<br>
- 2<br>
153) Divination Varies [Baru]<br>
As for the spell of the same name in Powers
& Perils. Priests using<br>
this spell may subtract their Awareness EL in
addition to the normal<br>
EL modifier.<br>
BMC - 3<br>
Continued 1/2<br>
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