<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1>154)
Knowledge Varies [Baru]<br>
Expertise depends on use of the spell as
1) Used To Master Baru Skills<br>
For Baru Magic, Meditation or
Scholarly skills associated with<br>
Divination he gains 2D6+EL
expertise with each success.<br>
2) Used For Other Priestly Knowledge<br>
When the spell is used to gain
knowledge from other classes of<br>
the the Priesthood, the normal
expertise (1D6+EL) is gained.<br>
3) Used For Any Other Purpose<br>
Used for other than 1+2 gain
is caster's EL.<br>
The referee is free to devise the restrictions
and more uses of<br>
this spell. All other restrictions like
Frequency are as for the<br>
basic Knowledge spell.<br>
BMC - 3<br>
Source - Either Casting Ability or Energy
155) Divine Vision Varies [Baru]<br>
Only used on purified ground usually in a temple
with other Priests<br>
monitoring the affair. The Priest
concentrates on a problem of<br>
importance and opens himself to the will of the
gods. It is used<br>
to gain the best solution to placate the angry
god or overcome enemies<br>
of the god. There is a chance the misuse
of this spell can lead to<br>
the Priest's death. The table below using
the magic table results<br>
should be consulted.<br>
Effect Table<br>
+50+ God is open to the
question asked with his knowledge. Priest<br>
gets a definite response & the god is likely to give him some<br>
support in the goal's end. <br>
+21- +49 God favors the Priest & gives good
resposne. <br>
-20- +20 God responsds, answer is given in riddles but
does give info<br>
of benefit tot he Priest. No other aid.<br>
-21- -40 God it mitted. May mislead Priest to
teach lesson. If god is<br>
deadly or very angry may give temporry disability or insanity<br>
on the Priest to teach some manners.<br>
-41&less God is furious with Priest. God
will mislead the Priest,<br>
give him a pernamnet disability or strike him dead.<br>
Note: A positive value on the table above
indicates a roll less than<br>
or equal to the number the Priest
needs to roll. A negative value<br>
is a number greater than the roll
BMC - 6<br>
156) Vision Trance Varies [Baru]<br>
Only used in very serious instances when Priest
must have a precise<br>
view of future for himself or some other
person. Priest enters a<br>
trance where he is comatose during the
spell. While in this trance<br>
he travels the future in spirit form. Per
day in future, 10 minutes<br>
pass in present. While in the future he
sees what is occuring in<br>
the future for the person. <br>
Days Forward - (EL+1) x 2 (Days of future)<br>
Energy Loss - 20-(EL+1) per day
BMC - 8<br>
Source -
Casting ability or Energy Level<br>
Note: Due to this spell it can disrupt players
and the Referee in<br>
a great deal. Referee must use
the spell with caution.<br>
I) Priesthood Spells - Qadishtu And Kalu Magic<br>
157) Spirit Blessing Varies [Qadishtu/Kalu]<br>
Effect of Healing Light for replacing energy
lost to disease, poison<br>
or soul-draining attacks of any kind. The
amount gained is divided<br>
evenly among all persons withint he effect area
(RU). If attack is<br>
from a creature from an enemy alignment the gain
is 2 energy points<br>
for every benefit gained. All parameters
for range and effect are<br>
as for Healing Light. Never will give
benefit to a member of the<br>
enemy alignment.<br>
BMC - 2<br>
Source - Casting Ability or Energy Level<br>
158) Blessed Sphere Varies [Qadishtu/Kalu]<br>
Roll for success is taken each phase it remains
in effect. Creates<br>
an area hostile to the enemy alignment.
Will affect supernatural<br>
members of that enemy alignment each phase that
it succeeds against<br>
them. It also affects non-supernatural
members to a lessor degree.<br>
Supernatural members, with a Contact Level, are
affected by both<br>
Energy Loss & damage. Other members
are only affected by Energy Loss.<br>
Priest may not move or take ANY other action
during spell. His entire<br>
being is concentrated into his song. The
physical damage is only<br>
protected by armor dedicated against Priestly
Range - EL+1
(The effect radius)<br>
Damage - EL/2,
round up (HPV).<br>
Energy Loss - EL+1<br>
BMC - 3<br>
159) Ritual Music Varies [Qadishtu/Kalu]<br>
Helps enhance performance of allied Priestly
music. Only used to<br>
enhance the music not other Priestly
Diameter - (EL+1)x2<br>
Modifier - EL+1 (To other Priests using
BMC - 5<br>
160) Punish/Satire Varies [Qadishtu/Kalu]<br>
Rarely used but most potent of spells. To
use caster must be trained<br>
as both Musician and a Singer. Must
succeed with both entertainment<br>
skills. The Audience Type modifier using
the Entertainment Table<br>
is target's MDV/2 RU (must be 16 or less).
To work the Priest must<br>
succeed with all 3 rolls. Effects are
infinite but follow procedure:<br>
1. Priest states EXACT effect AND what crime
known to the Priest is<br>
his reason, of the
target. Just being Evil is not sufificent.<br>
2. Priest defines the conditions, will lift the
effect of the spell.<br>
If can't be lifted by target's
actions then MDV+5 to target.<br>
After the Priest delineates his spell, the
Referee determines the<br>
effectiveness required for it to take effect.
Effectiveness is<br>
determined by adding the amount the spell
succeeded by to the amount<br>
that the Entertainment skills succeeded by times
Effects - EffectivenessDesired Results<br>
0 to 10 Minor
malady, inconvenient physical or mental problem,<br>
target is hardly impaired.<br>
11 to 25 Non-fatal
illness, slight physical or mental problem,<br>
target is slightly impaired.<br>
26 to 50 Significant
mental or physical problem, target is impaired<br>
51 to 80 Lingering
illness, major mental or physical problem,<br>
target is severely impaired.<br>
81 to 120 Fatal illness,
disabling mental or physical problem,<br>
transmutation, target is completely impaired.<br>
121 and up Anything the Priest
wishes is possible.<br>
This spell must be cast in the presence of the
target to be affected.<br>
It may not be used unless the Priest has a
Significant reason for<br>
doing so. It is primarily used as a spell of
last resort to punish<br>
those who need it or who may profit from a
lesson. It has no effect<br>
on non-intelligent (INT rating for species 4 or
less) creatures or<br>
supernatural forces (creatures with a Contact
Level). T<br>
Range - EL+1<br>
BMC - 7<br>
Source - Casting Ability or Energy Level<br>
161) Sacred Bane Varies
Bane is placed on target with following
1. Damage as for Blessed Sphere if enters
purified ground or sacred to<br>
Priest's alignment.<br>
2. All members of Priest's alignment add bane's
EL+1 to any damage<br>
3. Supernatural members of Priest's alignment
who encounter the victim<br>
attack with uncontrollable
battle fury.<br>
Negate Curse is required to remove the
Bane. It also ends with death<br>
of victim cursed with it.<br>
Range - EL+1<br>
MDV Limit - (EL+1) x 5<br>
J) Priesthood Spells - Tariti (Allani)<br>
Note: Where these Priestess are dominant they have the
following powers<br>
plus those of Urigallu.<br>
162) Master Emotion Varies [Tariti (Allani)]<br>
Cast from Energy Level Tariti can control her
emotions. Using the<br>
Casting Ability may lessen another person's
response to an emotion.<br>
On success the target ignores effect of emotion
specified for duration.<br>
If target is affected by spell causing extreme
emotion this spell will<br>
negate the effect. It operates like Immunity
does for spells. If her<br>
EL is greater, the enemy spell is negated.
If not it is ignored for<br>
the duration of the spell. When the spell
ends, the enemy spell<br>
resumes at a reduced EL. When cast in this
way it is cast gainst the<br>
MDV of the spell and the person it is cast at
considered to have an<br>
MDV of zero for influencing the chance of
Range - EL (The range the
person to be affected must be within.)<br>
Duration - (EL+1) x 2 turns<br>
BMC - 1<br>
Source - Casting Ability or Energy
163) Sublime Peace Varies [Tariti (Allani)]<br>
Enahanced version of Peace cast at a single
person. Those affected are<br>
incapable of any hostile emotion & may not
initiate combat for any<br>
reason. They are also sensitive to
pleasant stimuli & can't feel pain<br>
(other than magical pain with EL higher than
spell EL). When cast on<br>
herself twice Casting Cost is subtracted from
the Energy Level. Used<br>
in this way it has range of Peace spell for
herslef and everyone else.<br>
Duration - EL+1 squared minutes<br>
Rnage - Touch (or Peace range
if cast other way)<br>
BMC - 2<br>
Source - Casting Ability or Energy
164) Inflict Emotion Varies [Tariti (Allani)]<br>
As for Master Emotion above except this use of
the spell increases the<br>
degree to which the target is affected by the
specified emotion and<br>
the Priestess has no ability to cast it from her
Energy Level. All<br>
other factors remain the same.<br>
BMC - 3<br>
165) Destroy Emotion Varies [Tariti (Allani)]<br>
Person can't experience emotion the Priestess
attacks. On success the<br>
person loses the emotion. Spell effect
ends by a Negate Curse spell. <br>
Cast at 3x normal cost can eliminate only part
of the choosen emotion.<br>
Range - Touch<br>
BMC - 5<br>
166) Soul Search Varies [Tariti
Determines major motivations & desires of
the target are. Her influence<br>
Chance is increased in interaction with that
person. This causes the<br>
target to be hard to dislike her or doing her
harm. If Priestess is<br>
not within 1 hex of target (Range for spell)
then +10 to EL modifier.<br>
Influence Chance increase - (EL+1)x5<br>
- 8<br>
167) Empathic Union Varies [Tariti (Allani)]<br>
Cast at half normal cost it allows her to sense
CURRENT emotions of<br>
her subject and an impression of what is causing
those emotions. At<br>
normal cost she gains this knowledge and may use
Master EMotion or<br>
Inflict Emotion (if she knows those spells) to
modify emotions read.<br>
When used with this spell the Emotion spell
automatically succeeds.<br>
The emotion spell may only be used to influence
the strongest<br>
emotions the target is feeling (the Priestess
may exclude feelings the<br>
target may have for her if she chooses to do
so). Cast at twice normal<br>
power, this spell reads the emotional history of
the person's recent<br>
past and can modify emotional memories (all
factors are as for<br>
Forgetfulness in Powers & Perils).<br>
At three times normal cost the Priestess unites
with her subject. This<br>
yields perfect understanding of all that that
person is and grants the<br>
same understanding of the Priestess to her
target. Both feel what the<br>
other is feeling as well as what they are
feeling themselves. Neither<br>
are truly aware of themselves while they are
affected by this spell.<br>
They become one.<br>
After the Union, the Priestess retains perfect
knowledge of the<br>
emotional foundation and personality of her
partner. Her partner<br>
will retain only flashes of insight about
This spell can be cast at five times cost to
forge a permanent<br>
Empathic Bond between the Priestess and ONE
other person. If this is<br>
done, both retain awareness of their
individuality while gaining the<br>
ability to feel the emotions of their partner
when they choose to.<br>
When one experiences extreme emotion, such as in
combat, under<br>
torture, etc, the other is allowed a Will roll
to keep those emotions<br>
from affecting them as well. If the roll is a
success, they are not<br>
affected. A partial success means they are
visibly affected and a<br>
failure forces them to react to the emotion as
if it was happening<br>
to them.<br>
Emotional Union at this level is a permanent
spiritual tie between two<br>
beings. Though they remain seperate, they are
one. This grants the<br>
following benefits:<br>
1. Either can track the other no matter how far
apart they are.<br>
2. If physical damage, energy loss or illness
afflicts one, the<br>
other can minimize its effect
by taking half the effect on themself.<br>
3. The MDV of each is increased by half the MDV
of the partner with<br>
the highest MDV when that
partner is in range.<br>
4. If either suffers an attack on their soul,
both suffer equally.<br>
These are the basic attributes of the spell. The
last two forms must<br>
be cast on purified ground. Neither may be cast
on an unwilling target.<br>
Both require a good deal of Ritual and specific
influences (referee discretion) to succeed. If
an Abysmal Failure<br>
occurs in either case, the spell may never be
tried on that target<br>
again. The less powerful forms are usable
without these restrictions.<br>
Duration -
EL+ 1 squared minutes<br>
MDV Limit - (EL+1)
x 4 (When target is not willing)<br>
Range - Touch<br>
Transfer Range - EL" (Max distance of
united pair can be separated &<br>
still use the full attributes. If 0 must touch)<br>
J) Shadow Magics -<br>
168) Communicate Varies <br>
Caster can communicate with shadow of any being
within his range.<br>
Must be cast using Tongue of Shadow. It is
used to gain info about<br>
person's orientation, intent and
personality. Not used to communicate<br>
with that person. When spell is used 1/3
of target's MDV, RD can be<br>
applied in defense against it. Unless he
rolls EM or less, the target<br>
is unaware that any communication is taking
Range - (EL+1) x 3"<br>
Duration - 12-EL phases (Time to learn info
BMC - 1<br>
169) Create Warriors Varies<br>
Shadow Warriors are created. Per Warrior
created Caster loses 1<br>
energy point per full turn that they remain.
This is in addition to<br>
the normal mana/energy lost to cast spell.
Cast at x3 cost, caster<br>
can form 1 Shadow warrior with 1+(EL/2), RU,
times normal Shadow<br>
Warrior values. When formed the Warriors
flow out of the caster. They<br>
move as Caster directs. While controlling
more than 1 warrior the<br>
caster can do nothing else. If controlling
single warrior he may use<br>
other Shadow Magic, move or engage in other
physical actions. The<br>
Range listed is how far the shadow can be away
from the caster before<br>
it disappears. <br>
NOTE - Innate Shadow Weavers may command any
number of warriors<br>
witfiout suffering the restriction above.
Instead of using the base<br>
cost specified in Book One, determine an EL as
an Innate Power for<br>
this spell. Treat it as an innate power in all
ways unless the Shadow<br>
Weaver is trained. Once he is trained, this
spell starts at his<br>
Innate EL, can be cast at that EL or lower and
can draw from either<br>
the Casting Ability or the Energy Level.<br>
- (EL+1) x 5"<br>
Max Warriors - EL+1<br>
BMC - 2<br>
170) Dark Sight Varies<br>
Spell may not use spell to include others.
Not usable in total<br>
darkness and does not grant better than normal
vision. Can see in<br>
Note: Innate Shadow Weavers have total Dark
Sight at no cost. They<br>
see in the dark as well as they can
in the day. (Their sight is<br>
as good as an Elf at night and as
good as a man in the day.)<br>
Range - (EL+1)x5"<br>
Duration - 2 phases (EL as power)<br>
BMC - 1<br>
171) Deadly Shadow Varies<br>
Victim's own shadow is turned against him.
To cast must have victim's<br>
blood and hair from the person to be affected OR
he must have cast<br>
Soul Sight on that person's shadow within last
24 hours. If neither<br>
is true, the spell fails absymally. If
both are, caster may -10<br>
from his roll in addition to normal
modifiers. Can only be cured by<br>
a Negate Curse spell. Each day he fails to
roll Will, the shadow's<br>
attack drains 2D6+EL energy points from
him. While the victim is<br>
drained the victim loses Strength, STamina and
Constitution equal to<br>
1/2 the energy lost. When one of the stats
are reduced to 0 the<br>
victim's MR, OCV/DCV are reduced 50%. When
2 stats are at 0 he is<br>
put into a coma. If all 3 reach 0 he is
Damage - 2D6+EL (Each day /
Energy loss)<br>
Stat Lose - 1/2 Energy lose to S, St and C per
172) Delusion
Victim sees movement in the shadows around
him. Unless Will-EL is<br>
rolled, he will surrender thinking he is
overwhelmed. Failure causes<br>
immediate surrender of victim, partial causes
him to flee in random<br>
direction. On succes he ignores the
spell. Cast at x2 the cost it<br>
affects everyone in a circular area defined by
its radius. If MDV<br>
is higher than limit he is not affected, may
roll Will x2 to resist<br>
instead of Will. The Range is the Max distance
from the caster that<br>
the person affected, or the caster of the radius
cast, can be.<br>
Range -
(EL+1) x 4"<br>
Radius - (EL+1) x
Duration - 2 turns (EL factor
applies as a power).<br>
MDV Limit - (EL+1) x 4<br>
EL Modifier - EL+5<br>
BMC - 2<br>
173) Disorder
As for the basic Chaos Disorder spell. In
this case it weaves shadows<br>
that mislead and delude the mind and make it
impossible to judge<br>
distance and direction. Caster is
unaffected. Caster can't do any<br>
other type of magic, including shadow
BMC - 4<br>
174) Energy
Regenerates caster's Energy Level. If an
additional Mana Point is paid,<br>
it may be used to raise the energy level of some
other person on touch.<br>
When cast on himself -MDV from roll in addition
to normal modifiers.<br>
IF spell results in failure the energy recipient
loses half the energy<br>
he stood to gain. If Abysmal he loses as
much energy as he was to<br>
gain. If Energy goes below 0 he is dead,
if at 0 he is in a coma.<br>
Can't be cast on same person more than once in a
given day. If it is,<br>
the target is in coma for 1 hour per energy
point he would have gained.<br>
Unless he rolls his current Energy Level or
less, his EnL is reduced<br>
to 0 and he is in coma until a Negate Curse
spell wakes him. After<br>
the initial duration, one roll is allowed every
24 hours.<br>
Range -
Touch only<br>
Energy Gain - 2D6+EL energy points<br>
BMC - 3<br>
175) Fatal Shade Varies<br>
Dark shade that attaches to victim and drains
his soul. Victim is<br>
doomed, unless spell is dispelled or victim is
killed before full<br>
effect of spell. Caster must have blood,
hair or spit of victim to<br>
use this sapell. Shade must be banished
magically if the person is<br>
to be saved. It cannot be banished
magically if the person is to be<br>
saved. It cannot be affected by any weapon or
spell except a Dispell/<br>
Banish spell.<br>
Damage - (EL+1) (Energy level per day)<br>
MDV - MEL+(EL x 2) (The MDV of
the spell)<br>
Range - (EL+1) x 2" (Max distance of
caster to target for success)<br>
BMC - 8<br>
176) Freezing Hand Varies<br>
Paralytic spell doing physical damage to
target. Must touch victim<br>
during duration 1. If he does not caster
loses energy equal to listed<br>
damage and spell is wasted. Duration 2 is
the number of phases the<br>
victim is affected after being touched.
Caster can't do any other<br>
magic during this spell, if he does it ends. Any
part of Duration 2<br>
that remains for any victim is lost when another
spell is begun. The<br>
Max Strength is as for Paralysis spell.<br>
Range - Touch only<br>
Duration I - (EL+1) x 2 phases
[For initial touch]<br>
Duration II - 2 turns (EL factor
applies as a power) [Actual effect]<br>
- EL+2 (HPV per phase or Energy to Caster if touch fails)<br>
Max. Strength - (EL+ 1) x 20<br>
BMC - 3<br>
177) Invisibility Varies<br>
As for basic Invisibility spell but can only be
cast when caster is in<br>
NOTE - Innate Shadow Weavers are not required to
cast this spell.<br>
Whenever they enter a shadow, and choose to be
invisible, they pay<br>
the mana points required for the EL used and
are. If trained, they<br>
may use an EL less than or equal to their innate
BMC - 1<br>
178) Leeching
Caster leeches energy from shadow of another
being. Target gets his<br>
full MDV in defense. Success increases
increases Energy Level and<br>
Casting Ability of caster. Success also
decreases Energy Level and/or<br>
Casting Ability (if he has one).<br>
Range - EL<br>
Damage - (EL+1) x 5<br>
BMC - 2<br>
IMPORTANT - If a spell takes more energy or mana
than a person has,<br>
it takes what he has in that area and no more.
At no time may the<br>
total points received by the caster be greater
than 1/2 the amount<br>
drained, rounded up. No more than 2/3 of
the points gained, rounded<br>
up, can be assigned to any one area. The
remainder must be assigned<br>
to the other area. No points may be
assigned to an area where none<br>
have been used or lost. Points that
cannot be assigned due to<br>
this are lost.<br>
179) Liberate Shadow Varies<br>
As for Liberate Spirit but the shadow not spirit
is sent on a specific<br>
mission. It returns when mission is
complete or it is recalled. While<br>
shadow is gone, caster is unaware of his
surroundings & what shadow is<br>
doing. The caster is defenseless.
Only action caster can do is recall<br>
the shadow with a Will-EL roll. Once it
returns the caster will know<br>
what the shadow saw & did while it was
gone. Caster loses 1D6 energy<br>
points per turn shadow is gone. After
shadow is recalled shadow<br>
returns in 1D2 turns. If it exceeds the
recall range in performing<br>
its mission, it must be summoned (CL1) to be
recalled. Cast at x3 cost<br>
it can be on a willing person other than the
caster While this is done<br>
that person suffers effects above and the caster
will be able to<br>
monitor the activities of the person's shadow
& help direct it to<br>
complete its mission. Person whose shadow
is sent must still recall<br>
it (not the caster). He is allowed to add
1/2 caster's Will to<br>
his own in doing so. If this fail the
shadow must be summoned and<br>
force it back into the person's body before
person dies. The range<br>
is the distance shadow can be sent from the
caster and still be<br>
recalled without summoning.<br>
Range -
(EL+1) x 25"<br>
Speed - MDV
(MR equals the Caster's MDV)<br>
EL Modifier - (EL+ 1) x 5<br>
BMC - 4<br>
NOTE - Shadow Weavers have this as an innate
power. Their EL is<br>
determined as specified in Book One. They may
liberate their spirit,<br>
with no EL modifier, at their innate EL. They
may operate as normal<br>
while it is gone except they may not cast Shadow
Magic. If trained,<br>
they cast the spell at 1/4 mana cost, rounded
up, at any EL less<br>
than or equal to their innate EL AND receive the
normal EL modifier.<br>
They may not liberate another person's shadow
unless they are trained.<br>
180) Shadow Bands Varies<br>
Caster creates dark bands, within his
range. This will chain 1 enemy<br>
per band created. If person's strength is
greater than listed strength<br>
then bands has no affect. If not, the
bands prevent ANY action for<br>
the listed duration. Once spell is in
force he can direct bands to<br>
any target he desires as long as he does not
move & does not cast any<br>
other magic. He must hit those
targets using MELx2 as his OCV on the<br>
combat table. Against the initial targets
of his spell this<br>
restriction does NOT apply. The number
affects is the number of bands<br>
created (1 per target). If not used
immediately, a band may be used<br>
later against any target that enters the radius.
If the caster moves<br>
or casts any other magic, bands not in use are
lost. <br>
Range -
(EL+1) x 2 turns<br>
Number Affected - EL+1<br>
Strength - (EL+ 1) x 10<br>
- 5<br>
181) Shadow Cage Varies<br>
As for shamanic spirit cage spell but
restrictions as for Deadly<br>
Shadow. The caster must have a crystal
sphere or prism to serve as<br>
the cage. It can be cast against shadows that
are still tied to their<br>
body. If it is cast against free shadows,
subtract TWENTY when<br>
rolling for success. A person whose shadow is
stolen in this way<br>
wastes away, losing 1D6 energy points per day
until he dies. The<br>
only way to save him is to find the item
containing his shadow and<br>
smash it to release the shadow.<br>
BMC - 6<br>
182) Shadow Command Varies<br>
Anyone affected by this spell rolls Will+MDV,
minus EL modifier, to<br>
resist the wishes of his soul. If he makes this
roll, he may attack<br>
the caster but must add the EL modifier to all
combat and magic<br>
rolls. If the roll is not a success, he must
work towards performing<br>
the command that has been placed on his shadow.
Only a single command<br>
may be placed. In all other ways, it operates as
for Compulsion.<br>
Range - EL x
EL Modifier - (EL+1) x 3<br>
BMC - 3<br>
183) Shadow Plaque Varies<br>
The spell strikes the victim with Plague by
affecting his shadow. In<br>
all other ways, its effect is as for the Plague
spell, except the<br>
contagion is passed when his shadow comes in
contact with the shadow<br>
of another living creature. Only a Negate Curse
spell can cure the<br>
spell before the duration, as specified for
Plague, ends.<br>
Infection Chance - (EL+1) x 5% (Constitution has
no effect on the<br>
chance of infection.)<br>
- 5<br>
184) Shadow Sculpting Varies<br>
Caster can sculpt shadow into usable inanimate
objects. Unless caster<br>
casts spell at x5 cost to make item pernament
(recast again), if the<br>
item is touched they will dissolve. Items
created must be created<br>
with personal knowledge the caster has and can
make normally. Cast<br>
at the normal cost they are dark objects of
solidified shadow. At<br>
double the normal cost they have a normal
appearance AND can be<br>
animated if they have the shape of an animate
creature. To animate<br>
such an item the caster must allocate EL x 2
points from his EnL to<br>
the item. While the item lives, it retains these
points and the<br>
caster cannot regain them. When it is dispelled
or dies, he may<br>
regenerate them as normal. In essence, the
caster breaths a soul<br>
from himself into the item. Animated items of
this type have stats<br>
as for Creations and will defend their creator
fanatically at all<br>
Range - Touch
Duration - 2 days (EL factor applies
as a power, the shadow will<br>
dissolve at this time if it has not been made permanent.)<br>
Item Limit - EL+1<br>
185) Soul Sight Varies<br>
As for the Shamanic spell of the same name.
Sometimes used with the<br>
Deadly Shadow spell to curse enemies.<br>
BMC - 2<br>
186) Wasting Hand Varies<br>
The basic parameters of this spell are as
specified for the Freezing<br>
Hand. If the caster touches his chosen victim
the spell drains energy<br>
from him and causes him to age. If he fails to
touch him, he suffers<br>
the damage he would have done to that person.
For Range and Duration<br>
see Freezing Hand.<br>
Range - Touch only<br>
Duration I - (EL+1) x 2 phases
[For initial touch]<br>
Duration II - 2 turns (EL factor
applies as a power) [Actual effect]<br>
- (EL+l)D10 [Energy Level and # of months]<br>
BMC - 5<br>
IMPORTANT - Those effected are stunned one phase
per year that they<br>
are aged by this spell. If they are aged more
than four years, they<br>
pass out for 2D10 turns. This spell has 1/2 its
energy draining effect<br>
and no age effect on creatures with greater than
human life spans.<br>
K) New Spells - Other<br>
187) Leeching Darkness <br>
No effect on those with innate leeching, death
powers or darkness<br>
powers. Not negated by Light but can only
affect those who are<br>
surrounded by Light. It only affects if
the EL is greater than or<br>
equal to the light EL. It has same effects
of LEECHING but does<br>
not require target to be unconscious or
helpless. Spell lasts as <br>
long as there is mana to regain and targets in
radius area. Caster<br>
is center of spell and if he moves the spell
moves. If cast any other<br>
magic any failure is abysmal. Abysmal
failure results in caster<br>
being leeched.<br>
Range - EL+1"
Duration - 2 turns (EL as power)<br>
BMC - 6<br>
Source - Heroes, Doom Manor
* Variants to Spells<br>
1) Elf Shot Variant
The casting rules for the elfshot spell have been
changed slightly. A<br>
caster still has to dedicate both bow and arrows
beforehand, as per<br>
the normal rules. He will then spend the mana
required for the EL he<br>
wishes to cast the spell at, at any time before he
fires the arrow.<br>
Success rolls for the spell are taken at the moment
the arrow damages<br>
the target.<br>
These rule changes do not reflect on the fatal spear
Source: Main P&P Website. Unknown
Author. Uknown if official variant.<br>
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