<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1>--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
40) Weaken<br>
This spell will weaken a target by zapping his
energy reserve. It<br>
does not actually weaken his energy level but
weaken his strength<br>
reserves on a temporary basis. The other
affect of the spell is<br>
to weaken armor's atomic characteristics thus
making the AV reduced<br>
in value. It does nothing to natural armor
for creatures.<br>
It is cast on one target. Success will do
the benefits as listed<br>
while failure does nothing. Abysmal will
backfire and cause the<br>
caster's armor and strength to weaken.
- (EL+1)x2"<br>
AV Decrease
- EL/3 Rounded up<br>
Strength Decrease - (EL+1)x5<br>
Duration - EL+1
- 4<br>
Alignment - Chaos<br>
Example: A wizard casts this on a strong fighter
with a EL3 Weaken<br>
spell. IT will last 4 turns and weaken the
heavy fighter by<br>
20 points and weaken his armor (plate mail) by 1
AV making it a<br>
AV of 3 instead of 4.<br>
Note: This will balance out a wizard who finds
himself aloen with<br>
a heavy fighter who will slaughter him. It
will give him a fighting<br>
chance. The Strength reduction could
affect the Strength Bonus<br>
and thus damage he does or in hand-to-hand
41) Power Strike<br>
This spell allows a caster a one-time Power
Strike on a Target.<br>
It will add damage to the strike it may do
normally and it will<br>
strike using one category less on the combat
table. A miss is<br>
a hit, shield hit is a hit, hit is a severe hit,
severe hit is<br>
a deadly hit and deadly hit will kill instantly
regardless of<br>
amount of damage. In order to learn this
spell the caster must<br>
be strong enough thus have at leas ta Strength
of 50 or better.<br>
If they do not they can not use this spell as
they are too weak.<br>
The range would be touch on impact of the
spell. There is no<br>
duration. The listed damage will be
increased to normal damage<br>
by weapons or hand-to-hand. To get the
benefit the spell must<br>
suceed AND the hit must be scored on the combat
table as normal.<br>
A hit in this case would be anythign below a 90
for him due to<br>
the category decrease. A 90-100 is a fail
to hit at any result<br>
for this spell. <br>
Damage - +EL+5<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Example: A wizard finds himself fighting a Giant
Ape and will<br>
cast a Power Strike at EL4. He has a great
sword and tends to<br>
do 4-8 points on a average strike. On use
of this spell though<br>
he will do 13-17 points of damage and will do
one category less.<br>
42) Critical Strike<br>
This spell has a two fold purpose. It
takes TWO phases for this<br>
spell to work in both manners. But it does
not require 2 consecutive<br>
phases to use. The spell should be cast
first to learn of a critical<br>
or weak point in a target's body frame or
armor. Cast in this way<br>
the caster will learn the weak point. Then
the caster can use<br>
the spell AGAIN to gain the benefit of this
knowledge. It will<br>
give the benefit of a Power Strike in terms of
its added damage<br>
but any strike of Hit, Shield hit or Severe hit
is a Deadly hit.<br>
A miss will act as a regular hit. This
spell can be used on<br>
animate and inanimate targets. For
inanimate objects it could<br>
be used say on doors or walls to find the weak
structure or weak<br>
point so it can be hacked at or fired at to
reduce time to take<br>
it down. To learn the critical weak point
it must be cast at<br>
EL0. Because of this situation though the
Base Mana Cost is<br>
reduced 50%, rounded up to use in this
way. Once the weak point<br>
is learned it can be retained in memory for
unlimited time. To<br>
gain the benefit of the Power Strike and Deadly
hit it must<br>
be cast a full normal cost and hit as listed
above must be done.<br>
Alignment - Chaos<br>
Note: A high value spell but it could be abused
thus have a high<br>
BMC for it. This should be used rarely
though for large creatures.<br>
Normal combat doesn't help much since combat may
be fast and<br>
furious. But if a person finds himself
fighting a Dragon or<br>
Hydra or some creature he has never seen this
might just do it.<br>
43) Charged Bolts<br>
This spell creates lightning that leaves the
caster in a random<br>
zig-zag fashion to hit any targets in its
path. The number of<br>
bolts depends on the EL of the spell. Each
bolt leaves the caster<br>
and moes away in a zig-zag way. It does
not move in a straight<br>
light. Use of this spell allows a area
effect for lightning and<br>
could even go around obstacles and around them
if the bolts move<br>
in such a fashion. The lightning is in the
form of a round ball<br>
of lightning that twirls and shows in the form o
a static field.<br>
Each bolt will leave the caster two per
phase. If the caster<br>
is damaged before all bolts leave the
caster the remaining<br>
bolts are negated. Once the bolt hits its
target it will explode<br>
and the lightning will discharge all over the
target's body.<br>
The movement is how fast it can move each
phase. <br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"
(How far out the bolts go before dissolving)<br>
Damage - (EL)D6+EL per
Number - EL+1 Bolts per<br>
Movement - (EL+1)x2" per phase <br>
Alignment - Elder<br>
Example: A wizard casts a EL4 Charged Bolt
against 8 Orchi. They<br>
will shoot out to a max distance of 100 feet and
will do 4D6+4<br>
points of damage each. He can create 5
bolts taking 3 phases to<br>
discharge all 5. Each bolt will move 100
feet in one phase and<br>
thus is very fast and hard to dodge.<br>
Optional: Cast at 4x this cost the spell can be
used as a forced<br>
lightning spell that discharges all bolts at a
specific target.<br>
In this case the bolts are directed (do not
zig-zag) toward one<br>
person and that person takes all the
bolts. <br>
Note: A alternative to Lightning. In this
case its a area effect<br>
spell and does less damage than basic
Lightning. The thing about<br>
this spell is it can miss targets. To
dodge such bolts one would<br>
use the Dodging Magic rules.<br>
44) Dizzy<br>
This spell will cause one specific target to
become dizzy and lose<br>
his balance. He will have to roll Dex / EL
(if EL0 then x1) on<br>
D100 to remain balanced. Otherwise he will
fall down or off what<br>
ever he is on. The level of dizziness
depends on the EL.<br>
There is no duration but effects are
immediate. MDV is used<br>
to resist this spell normally. <br>
Range -
Alignment - Sidh<br>
Example: A wizard casts this on a guard on a
castle wall. It<br>
is within his range and he casts a EL4 Dizzy
spell on him. The<br>
wall the guard is on is not wide so if he falls
he could fall into<br>
the castle but hopefully will fall outside the
castle. The guard<br>
has a Dex of 21 and will have to roll Dex / 4 or
21/4=5. he<br>
will have to roll 1-5 on a D100 or fall.<br>
Note: This spell could be used for targets on
horses as well or<br>
many other things. It was a suggetion by a
player I had one time.<br>
45) Pyschic Hammer<br>
This spell creates a visible mental ball of
energy to attack a<br>
single victim. The effect of the strike is
to stun the person.<br>
Once stunned he can not perform any
action. There is a chance<br>
the target will fall down from the
attack. MDV is used normally<br>
in resisting the spell. <br>
Range - EL+1 feet<br>
Duration - EL+1 phases [Time
Falldown - 10xEL% (Percentage chance of
target falling down)<br>
Alingment - Elder<br>
Example: A wizard will attack a guard down a
hall at a door. He<br>
will walk up to him and at the last instant use
the spell during<br>
the bluff. He casts a EL3 Hammer spell but
has to get within 4<br>
feet of the guard to do so. It will stun
him for 4 phases and<br>
has a 40% chance of knocking the guard down to
the ground instantly.<br>
Note: This power would fit in with Telepathic
Powers. It is a stun<br>
alternative to Mind Burn.<br>
46) Block<br>
This spell is a limited form of
clairavoyance. It allows the caster<br>
to pre-determine where a weapon is to
strike. He will then use<br>
this knowledge to gain a free weapon or shield
parry. The duration<br>
is how long he can gain the benefit. He
can gain this parry ONCE<br>
per phase. Thus if attacked 3 times the
spell gives him a free<br>
warning once for those 3 attacks in that one
phase. <br>
Duration - EL+1 phases<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
Note: This allows a magical alternative to
normal Dodge/parry rules.<br>
The Referee can determine if this free party is
the one action allowed<br>
or a action ABOVE normal parries.<br>
47) Double Attack<br>
This spell allows 2 attacks per phase rather
than the standard 1<br>
attack for the caster. The duration is
increased for how long<br>
this spell continues as EL increases. This
does not allow<br>
double magical attacks but just melee weapon
Duration - EL+1 phases<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Note: If two-weapon fighting is used for the
character then he<br>
will gain 4 attacks based on the spell.
48) Iron Skin<br>
This spell creates natural armor out of a
person's skin. It toughens<br>
the skin to affect it like normal armor.
This will act even if<br>
the caster is wearing other armor. <br>
AV -
EL/3, rounded up (If 0 then AV 1)<br>
Duration - EL+1 turns<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
Note: Even at EL10 this only adds a AV 3 skin
armor. To give<br>
a downside to the spell a Referee could allow
exhaustion or stun/sleep<br>
effects after the duration ends. <br>
49) Howl (Battle Cry)<br>
This spell allows the caster to yell a Howl or
Battle Cry out to<br>
a group of enemy. The battle cry is raised
in tone and octave<br>
in such a way it litterally is felt in the bones
by the enemy<br>
within the targets range. Because of this
loud battle cry it<br>
can cause the enemy to scatter or require a
morale check to<br>
retreat or even surrender. The benefits of
the spell will have<br>
to be determined by the Referee. For
creatures with a Int of 3<br>
or less it will automatically cause those
creatures to flee<br>
away from the caster (non-supernatural
forces). There is no<br>
duration to this spell.<br>
Range - (EL+1)x5"
(60 degree cone)<br>
Alignment - Elder<br>
Note: I envision this being used by Barbarians
who can use magic.<br>
Barbarians are notorious for their battle crys
and howls to<br>
intimate the enemy. This spell if used en
mass by other casters<br>
at once could cause an enemy large force to
scatter. The odds<br>
and situation will all ahve to be factored in by
the Referee.<br>
50) Warmth<br>
This spell increases body temperature to pretoct
against coldness.<br>
IT is mainly used to protect against the
environemnt of cold<br>
weather. But it could be used to defend
against cold spells.<br>
The temperature is constant so that it acts as
if 3 layers of<br>
clothing plus a coat is on the caster. The
caster can vary that<br>
temperature depending on how cold it is.
Duration - EL+1 hours<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Optional: Caster can convey warmth to a
target. In stead of the<br>
caster warming the target (on touch) is
warmed. This is useful<br>
if a person is suffering from frostbite.
Note: If one has no coat in the middle of snow
country they could<br>
freeze but using this spell it increases their
body warmth to that<br>
of a coat. The effects of cold spells on
thsi spell are dependent<br>
on the spell being used. The referee will
have to determine results.<br>
51) Static Field<br>
This spell creates a field of static energy of
charged particles<br>
around the caster. Cast at normal cost it
will have a field of<br>
charged particles (that is not seen until
touched) surround the<br>
caster. Anyone that touches or comes
within half an inch of the<br>
caster will then suffer the listed damage.
Cast at 3 times the<br>
cost it will create a field that will shoot out
particles of<br>
static energy that will damage targets it may
hit. The particles<br>
emit out in a random direction and speed.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 turns<br>
Damage - 1D3+EL<br>
Alignment - Sidh<br>
Note: Another user defined this spell. I
never was too keen on it<br>
but i see where it could be useful. Its a
primitive form of<br>
lightning if you will.<br>
52) Chain Lightning<br>
This spell creates pulses of lightning to hit a
specific target.<br>
IT will create 3 pulses of lightning
energy. Each pulse will<br>
take 1 phase and must be consecutive. If
the caster switches<br>
target the pulses will be negated and spell
fails. All 3 pulses<br>
must be for one target even after the target may
be dead. The<br>
caster can defend himself with a shield or
weapon with his free<br>
hand. The other hand casts the pulses of
lightning. The caster<br>
can move to avoid attacks but can not cast any
other magic till<br>
all 3 pulses are discharged. <br>
Duration - 3 phases [1 pulse per
Damage - (EL)D6+EL<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
Example: A Hydra attacks a caster who casts a
EL4 Chain Lightning<br>
spell against it. The hydra will attack
each phase but it will<br>
suffer 4D6+4 points of damage per phase.<br>
Note: This spell should be used against LARGE
targets like a dragon<br>
or something the caster may not be able to
handle. For npcs it<br>
might be overkill. For player characters
it could work with 2 pulses<br>
so it should be used mainly for things like a
Dragon. The referee<br>
could allow this spell to be used against
inanimate objects like<br>
a door or wall as well. <br>
53) Telekinesis<br>
This spell allows the caster to move objects
with his mind. The<br>
weight limit is how much he can lift the
object. He can shift<br>
the object around with his mind (ie move it
around or upside<br>
down or such). The caster must concentrate
on the object for<br>
the full movement. If his concentration is
lost or he is<br>
damaged he will lose concentration and the
object will fall and<br>
spell will be negated.<br>
Duration - EL+1 turns [How long spell
Weight - (EL+1)x10 pounds [How
much object can weigh & be moved]<br>
Speed - EL+1 PMR [Object
moves at this rate each phase]<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Example: A caster needs a key in a drawer in a
desk he can see<br>
to escape a jail cell. He casts a EL1
Telekinetic spell. He<br>
can lift and move objects weighing 20 pounds or
less. The drawer<br>
should not weigh much. So he first opens
the drawer with his mind<br>
and then lifts the contents of the key. If
he knows it is specifically<br>
on top in the drawer the key will move. If
its under a folder or<br>
something the caster could have trouble.
The key will float toward<br>
him and then eh can escape.<br>
Optional: Cast at 3x the basic mana cost he can
use this spell to<br>
move (EL+1)x3 objects that weigh no more than 5
pounds each. An<br>
example might be to move 10 Daggers straight
toward an enemy. Used<br>
in this way the speed and force will cause each
dagger to hit the<br>
enemy with damage. Used in this manner the force
of the blow is<br>
as if a Strength bonus of EL/3, rounded up, is
being used as if<br>
the object was thrown normally from the
Note: I'm surprised this spell was not in pnp
when I first read<br>
it back in the '80s. But this finally
gives that alternative to<br>
the spell. A high powered mage could even
lift another person<br>
with a EL10 spell. OF course if this was
the case their MDV would<br>
be used in resisting the spell. The basic
spell only affects 1<br>
object while the optional rule allows multiple
objects but small ones.<br>
54) Trap Powers<br>
This family group has the following member
Note: Traps are spells that are left in a area
for others to set<br>
off and be damaged. <br>
A) Fire Blast<br>
This spell creates a blast of
fire that explodes and ignites when<br>
a person enters its effect area. The trap
will explode on the<br>
first sign of movement in its area. It is
fire in such it can<br>
ignite flammable objects. The fire quickly
will burn out in EL+1<br>
phases. Anyone that enters the fire will
be damaged. Duration 2<br>
is how long the trap remains in place.
After this time it will<br>
simply disappear. The caster will
designate a place away the<br>
trap will be placed (Range 1). The area
affect is Range 2.<br>
Damage - 1D10+EL<br>
Duration 1 - EL+1 phases [of fire once set
Duration 2 - EL+1 hours [How long the trap will
remain dormant]<br>
Range 1 - (EL+1)x2" [How
far away trap is set]<br>
Range 2 - EL+1" (Radius
of fire)<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
Note: Good to place right behind a door.
So that once the door<br>
is opened the fire will damage those who enter
it. <br>
B) Shock Web<br>
This spell creates a trap of
lightning that acts just like that<br>
of Charged Bolts above. Once the trap is
set off it will ignite<br>
bolts in a random direction and may hit
targets. It will emit<br>
2 bolts per phase until duration ends.
Damage - 1D6+EL<br>
Duration 1 - EL+1 phases [of bolts once set
Duration 2 - EL+1 hours [How long the trap will
remain dormant]<br>
Range 1 - (EL+1)x2" [How
far away trap is set]<br>
Range 2 - EL+1" [How far
away bolts will go from trap point]<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
Movement - (EL+1)x2" per phase
[Each bolt moves PMR wise]<br>
Note: This trap is easier to avoid. Once
it goes off one only<br>
has to leave the area to wait it out.
C) Blade Sentinel<br>
This spell sets a trap of
spinning blades that fly in every<br>
direction to do cutting and slicing
damage. The blades will spin<br>
in the effect area until duration ends.
The caster must leave the<br>
daggers in the area to be used. If no
dagger is left the spell<br>
is useless. The number of daggers left is
the amount od flying<br>
daggers that will be used by the spell. It
causes each dagger to<br>
fly up and fly in random directions to stab, cut
and slice targets<br>
that may be in the effect area. The
daggers will use a OCV of<br>
MEL+EL of the caster and spell EL on the combat
line. This trap<br>
will activate when the blades are moved or
touched. <br>
Duration 1 - EL+1 hours [How long trap will
remain in place]<br>
Duration 2 - EL+1 phases [How long the blades
will spin]<br>
Range 1 - EL+1" [Radius
of flying daggers]<br>
Range 2 - (EL+1)x2" [How
far away trap can be set away from caster]<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
Example: A wizard leaves 3 daggers in a small
room and casts a<br>
EL2 Blade Sentinel. He leaves 3 daggers
and walks away. Soon<br>
a guard finds them lying on the ground and goes
to pick them up.<br>
He goes to pick them up and they suddenly fly
around. He drops<br>
the dagger he touches and is suddenly in the
middle of spining<br>
wild blades. He will likely be hit and
damaged before he<br>
Note: A fun spell but it could cause problems
for innocent victims<br>
as the other traps. A maid or child who
touches them could be<br>
hurt when the caster doesn't mean to.
There could be other traps<br>
like Cold, Poison or simple traps like ropes,
noises. Each<br>
could be developed by the Referee. <br>
55) Blade Shield<br>
This spell creates a energy shield that only
protects against<br>
blade weapons. Any blade that enters the
field may be deflected<br>
away and no hit will occur. This mainly is
for melee blade<br>
weapons but not for missile or magic
effects. The energy field<br>
is a full inch away from caster's body.
Blades not deflected<br>
will do their normal damage. <br>
Duration - EL+1 phases<br>
Deflection - (EL+1)x10% [Chance the blade is
Alignment - Balance<br>
Note: The spell only needs to go up to EL9 and
it will deflect<br>
blades automatically. A hit by the blade
will hit the field<br>
and may be deflected. <br>
56) Fire Powers<br>
Note: More members for this family group<br>
A) Fire Wall<br>
This creates a Wall of Fire
around the caster. Anyone that<br>
touches or enters the wall will be
damaged. Missile weapons<br>
fired into the wall will have projectiles
engulfed. Magic<br>
may affect the wall depending on the
spell. Basic water can<br>
negate the spell if used en mass. Once the
wall is put into<br>
place the caster can leave it in place till burn
until the<br>
duration ends. If the area he puts the
wall is too small like<br>
a doorframe he can limit the wall to only fit in
that place.<br>
Otherwise it will do tis full size and try to
burn things it<br>
has contact with. <br>
Length - (EL+1)x3 feet
[How long the wall is from side to side]<br>
Width - EL+1 feet [How
thick fire is<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 turns<br>
Damage - (EL)D6+EL<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Range - EL+2 feet [how
far away wall can be placed by caster]<br>
Note: This spell could be used to block enemy
from entering<br>
a area. It could also be used to
create 4 walls around a caster<br>
to protect himself from all enemy. <br>
B) Inferno<br>
This spell creates a area of
fire like an inferno. The caster<br>
will place the spell away from him otherwise it
will affect the<br>
caster himself. The fire will explode in a
rage of inferno fury<br>
and burn everything in the effect area.
The entire effect area<br>
is ablaze with fire. The caster can move
and cast other magic<br>
while the inferno was blazing away. <br>
Range : (EL+1)x3"
(How far away fire can be placed]<br>
Area -
(EL+1)x2" (Radius of fire)<br>
Damage - (EL)D10+EL per phase
if target is in the fire<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 phases<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Note: A powerful spell that can ignite an entire
small room and<br>
burn everyone alive. <br>
C) Nova<br>
The spell creates a circle of
fire that emits from the caster<br>
and expands like a supernova. The fire
will expand out to its<br>
radius limit and burn everything in its range
with the listed damage.<br>
The spell will last until the fire reaches its
radius limit and<br>
then dissolve. <br>
Damage - (EL)D10+EL<br>
MR -
(EL+1)x2 PMR per phase [Expansion rate in every direction]<br>
Range - (EL+1)x3"
Alignment - Law<br>
Example: a Wizard is surrounded and casts a EL4
Nova spell. The<br>
fire explodes out from him moving at 8 hexes per
phase (very<br>
fast moving). At that speed it can not be
avoided. It hits<br>
all enemy in its range and will do 4D10+4 points
to each target.<br>
It will expand out to 150 feet. It will
take 2 phases for the<br>
spell to last (80 feet movement per
phase). <br>
Note: Probably the most powerful spell pnp could
have. There<br>
could be balances of MDV to resist the spell but
the spell would<br>
move so fast that it may be hard to avoid.
The BMC could be<br>
increased to make it hard to cast say to BMC
8. Another way<br>
to balance this spell is to assign a pre-defined
height for the<br>
nova to move at. It could expand at the
height of the caster's<br>
hands (usually 5 feet or so). The fire
could be thin in that<br>
it is a stream of fire and the target could fall
to the ground<br>
to avoid the fire over his head. That
could balance it or he<br>
could slow down the movement.<br>
57) Poison Dagger<br>
This spell places a magical poison on a
dagger. A dagger must be<br>
held while casting this spell for the spell to
work. If no dagger<br>
is held or touched the spell fails. It
will give 3 levels of<br>
poison type effects as follows:<br>
EL Effect<br>
Paralytic poison<br>
2-4 Slow
Death Poison<br>
Immediate Death poison<br>
The effects of slow or immediate death are as
for the normal rules<br>
of poisons in book 2. The paralytic poison
will cause the person<br>
to be paralyzed for (EL+1) phases. The
magic of this spell will<br>
coat the dagger without poison. Actual
poison material is not<br>
needed for the spell. The poison effect
remains on the blade until<br>
the duration ends. The dagger must hit and
inflict at least 1<br>
point o damage to inflict the poison on
Range - Touch<br>
Duratoin - (EL+1)x2 phases<br>
Base Line - EL+2 [Base Line for poison
Alignment - Chaos<br>
Note: Burton has a poisoner skill and chart
variant that can allow<br>
more poision effects like for this spell.
The Referee can vary<br>
those effects. The most common weapon
found seems to be a cheap<br>
dagger so this spell uses the dagger as a
increased powerful weapon.<br>
58) Archery Powers<br>
This family has the following members:<br>
Note: Casters who have skills in archery can use
this spell. It<br>
enhances the arrows or proejctiles fired by the
caster. <br>
A) Fire Arrow<br>
A normal arrow that on impact
will ignite and cause additional<br>
fire damage. Success will cause any arrow
fired during the duration<br>
to use the fire arrow effect.<br>
Damage - +1D6+EL [Added to
normal arrow hit damage if any]<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 phases<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
B) Cold Arrow<br>
As for Fire Arrow but causes
Cold damage. All other parameters<br>
are same for Fire Arrow. On impact it
causes a wave of cold in<br>
a small area in the wound.<br>
C) Multiple Arrows<br>
This spell will cause one
arrow to magically duplicate and<br>
create the same type of arrow multiple
times. It will create<br>
EL+1 copies of the sme tyep of arrow or
projectile. The caster<br>
will cast the spell and fire as normal but once
the projectile<br>
leaves the weapon it multiplies. Each
arrow will hit and cause<br>
damage per arrow.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 phases<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Example: A Wizard casts EL3 Multiple Arrow using
a Bow. The<br>
spell will last 8 phases. Since a bow can
fire a arrow once<br>
per phase he can use the spell 8 times. He
fires the arrow<br>
and it will suddenly duplicate and become 4
arrows (1 original<br>
and 3 copies). If one arrow would hit
doing 3 points then<br>
all 4 would hit doing 12 points.<br>
Note: The projectiles will all hit if one
hits. But the Refere<br>
could allow each to hit as a distinct
roll. <br>
D) Guided Arrows<br>
The spell will cause a
normally fired arrow to be guided by<br>
the caster. For the duration of the spell
the caster can guide<br>
the arrow by sight and concetration to its
target. In effect<br>
he gets a automatic hit with the projectile as
long as he can<br>
guide the projectile. If he loses
concentration or damaged<br>
the arrow will fly on its normal flight
path. The spell can not<br>
be combined with any other Archery spell or the
caster can not<br>
cast any other magic during it. As he
concentrates on guiding the<br>
projectile he can not move. <br>
Range - (EL+1(x5"
[How far away the caster can guide the projectile]<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 phases<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Note: A nice spell that could be useful.
To balance it the Refere<br>
could add a basic chance of hit even if the
arrow is guided or<br>
a modifier to basic hit. One could also
add a rule that if a miss<br>
is done this chance is rolled. Otherwise
anything else is a normal<br>
hit. If this chance is rolled on a miss
and is guided the arrow<br>
will hit anyways.<br>
E) Exploding Arrow<br>
This spell creates projectiles
that will explode causing more<br>
damage beyond their basic damage on
impact. The explosion is<br>
a slight fire explosion but improved damage over
Fire Arrow.<br>
Damage - +1D10+EL [Added to
normal arrow hit damage if any]<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 phases<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
F) Slow Missiles<br>
This spell will cause missiles
fired at target to slow down<br>
such that they could be seen, tracked and even
grabbed. As<br>
a general rule of thumb most objects will fly at
95 feet per<br>
second to their target. In reality this
may be increased or<br>
decreased but for purposes of this spell 95
works. This spell w<br>
ill affect a group of EL projectiles fired at
him that are in one<br>
area. A group of archers for
example. If ther eare 4 archers in<br>
each cardinal point then only one archer can be
used against this<br>
spell since they are spread out.<br>
Speed Decrease - 10x(EL+1) [How much it slows
Duration -
EL+1 turns<br>
Range -
(EL+1)x5" [Hwo far away projectiles must be targeted]<br>
Allignment - Law<br>
Optional: Cast at x3 the mana cost. The
spell can create a area<br>
effect using the Range above as a radius.
All missiles that enter<br>
this range will slow down as per above.
Example: 3 Archers fire on caster at distance of
50 feet. At<br>
normal speeds the arrows would hit that
phase. But the caster<br>
casts this spell at EL5. The speed
decrease would be 60.<br>
Thus speed is 95-60=35 feet per second.
This means the caster<br>
will be able to move out of the way since it
will take 2 phases<br>
for the arrows to hit him. First phase
they will move 35 feet<br>
per second (3.5 hexes). Second phase they
only have 15 feet to<br>
go but the caster has moved away they complete
the last 15 feet<br>
and hit nothing. A powerful mage with a
EL9 in this spell could<br>
do wonders with this spell. The speed
reduction would be 100<br>
feet per second. Using the core 95 as a
basis this would make<br>
all projectiles stop completely (if negative
speed). If the<br>
arrow was cast at say EL8 the speed of the
projectiles would<br>
be 5 feet per second. At this rate it
could be possible for one<br>
to even grab the arrow if quick enough.
The basic rule of 95<br>
feet per second is a rule of thumb. If
some can determine the<br>
actual speed of various projectiles they should
use that speed.<br>
Physics could help in this determination.
Note: These spells are used as the weapons are
used. However,<br>
a Referee could allow dedicated items like Bows
(example) and<br>
arrows to use the abilities above. To do
this the spells must<br>
be cast at X3 to dedicate the bow (x3 the cost
to cast the<br>
spell used above) and must pay 1x(EL+1) mana
point per projectil<br>
to dedicate. Example might be to dedicate
a bow and 10 arrows<br>
for Fire Arrow would cost x3 mana of Fire Arrow
for dedication<br>
of the bow (scuccess dedicates). The
caster then must pay 10<br>
more mana to dedicate each arrow. The
duration of said dedications<br>
last for the spell being used (in this case the
Fire Arrow Duration).<br>
But used in this way the duration is
doubled. The caster could<br>
make pernament dedicated items using this
method. <br>
59) Shield Powers<br>
This family has the following members:<br>
Note: This family is the most powerful defensive
spells that could<br>
exist in pnp. They have to be used with
caution and be limited in<br>
their use. Each spell has notes on how to
restrict and limit them.<br>
The above spells Blade Shield and Static Field
could all be put<br>
into this family as well. <br>
A) Water Shield<br>
This spell creates a circular
bubble of air in the form o thin<br>
membrane. It allows the caster to submerge
and survive in water.<br>
The membrane will protect from the water and
allow the caster to<br>
breath normal air. This bubble only allows
one to sink and<br>
submerge in the water and move with the
current. To actually<br>
moe on a voluntary way the caster will have to
use other magic.<br>
The best suggestion is a Friendly Current or
levitate spell that<br>
can allow the bubble to move. The shield
will dissolve and the<br>
water and pressure will soon overtake the
caster. He will have<br>
to swim up to the top to avoid being crushed and
drowning unless<br>
he uses other magic. The Max depth is the
max how far it can<br>
go underwater. If it goes beyond that the
pressure will crush<br>
the bubble negating the spell. The
caster cna also cast this<br>
spell but not be in it. In doing so he can
se tit for another<br>
person at a range of (EL+1)x3". He
could also use it to place<br>
items with a weight limit of (EL+1)x20 pounds in
the bubble<br>
and send it into water. This is why the
duration is longer since<br>
the air is not needed for objects. In this
use, the caster will<br>
have to obtain the object or bubble back through
other methods<br>
like spells (Teleport, Telekinesis, etc.).
Air Reserve - (EL+1)x30 minutes [for 1
Bubble Size - EL+1" (Diameter) [Can
Duration - EL+1
Max Depth - (EL+1)x20
BMC - 4<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Example: A wizard is in a river and the bank is
full of enemy soliders<br>
looking for him. The river is only 20 feet
deep. He decides to<br>
cast a EL3 Water Shield and will sink to the
ground. He swims out<br>
tot he middle and casts the spell. The
bubble pushes out the<br>
water and keeps in the water. The bubble
size is 4" but he only<br>
needs 2". He can sit on the bottom
and just wait it out. It will<br>
give him 2 hours of air. The shield will
last 4 hours. By that<br>
time the soliders should have moved on.
Note: This shield will burst on any real attack
on it. It can<br>
withstand just the level of water around
it. But a simple<br>
hacking of its membrane will destroy it.
Referee could allow<br>
a Membrane HPV - (EL+1)x5 to give it some
resistance against<br>
fish or creatures in the water who may wish to
attack it.<br>
B) Strength Shield<br>
This shield creates a hard
membrane that can withstand intense<br>
weight nad pressure. It should only be
used in emergency situations.<br>
The membrane can withstand up to the crushing
weight listed below<br>
before it will burst. Uses of this spell
might include a sudden<br>
avalanche and caster may be crushed by rock and
snow. IT could also<br>
be used in a cave in to hope to keep air and
remain uncrushed. There<br>
has to be at least a short time to create this
spell. This is meant<br>
to withstand pressure from all sides. If
there is pressure from<br>
one single point it will break and spell is
Air Reserve - EL+1 hours [for 1
Bubble Size - EL+1" (Diameter) [Can
Duration - EL+1
Max Pressure - (EL+1)x20 <br>
BMC - 4<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Example: A Wizard is on a mountain and sees a
avalanche start<br>
about a mile up. He only has about 10
seconds before it reaches<br>
him. He casts a EL4 Strength Shield. This
will create a area<br>
bubble of 40" in diameter (a large enough
area others could be<br>
in it and have room for sleeping). The air
reserve will last<br>
5 hours and the bubble lasts 5 hours.
After that time if he<br>
is not rescued by friends and dug out he will be
crushed and likely<br>
die. <br>
Note: This should not be used in combat.
This is why I added the<br>
downside of one point of pressure will snag the
bubble. In this<br>
case this would mean a intense hacking point by
a sword or pick<br>
or some other weapon. Referee can
determine this precise bit<br>
of weapon and pressure. This would be a
rarely used spell but could<br>
save a person from certain doom. The air
pressure per square<br>
cube or such should be refined based on the
depth and type o problem<br>
(sand, rocks, underground, water, or
snow). <br>
C) Energy Shield<br>
This spell creates a shield of
energy around the caster. In this<br>
case it is not a bubble but the caster can set
it as a bubble. It<br>
is more a energy field that covers the body and
is a inch above<br>
the body's surface as the surface moves.
The basic form is a inch<br>
above surface but caster can assign a uniform
width away from the<br>
body to form a bubble. In the bubble
format it will have to be<br>
large enough, minimum, to circle the body in a
uniform shape. This<br>
shield will protect against combat weapons and
magic that cause<br>
damage. This does not act like armor with
its AV that can break<br>
or be reduced. The constant strength will
remain in place until<br>
a crushing attack is done in one phase in one
strike that does 3<br>
times the strength. There is no need for
air reserves as it<br>
is able to have air enter the shield as
normal. This shield works<br>
through the lifeforce of the caster. Due
to this it will cost<br>
energy level points equal to HALF the mana cost
spent to cast<br>
this spell. The caster can expend 1 Energy
point to increase<br>
the Strength by 1 and increase Duration by 1
phase. The shield<br>
This shield will protect against all melee
weapons, missile weapons<br>
and magic that can not go over the shield
strength. Melee weapons<br>
that hit the shield will spark against it and be
deflected slightly.<br>
Missile weapons that hit the shield will just
slide off and down.<br>
Magic will splash against the shield and could
affect others nearby.<br>
Certain forms of magic that does no physical
damage can damage<br>
the caster. Examples might include mental
attacks, time spells<br>
or such that do not have to physically touch the
caster to damage<br>
him. The strength will also have to be
withstood against things<br>
like falling rocks or water pressure. In
order to increase the<br>
strength and duration the energy must be paid at
time of casting<br>
the spell. The caster can not fight with
melee weapons as it<br>
will break the shield from the inside. He
may not touch others<br>
since the shield prevents actual physical
contact. The caster<br>
may use spells that do not require them to leave
the body. For<br>
example casting a Fire Dart in a shield could be
deadly as the<br>
spell will bounce off the shield and hit the
caster. Thus<br>
spells like mental attacks or those which do not
leave the<br>
body will be castable by him. He can also
move with the shield. <br>
Shield Strength - (EL+1)x10<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 turns<br>
Energy Loss - Half Mana
cost to Cast, rounded up<br>
- 7<br>
Alignment -
Law or Chaos<br>
Example: A wizard is attacked by 10
people. He is alone so casts<br>
a EL4 Energy Shield. This creates a shield
strength of 50, duration<br>
of 10 turns. It costs 25 to cast mana wise
and 13 energy to use<br>
the spell. He could spend more energy to
increase strength & duration.<br>
The enemy will have to do in a single blow 51
points of damage to<br>
even break the shield with a single
Note: This is probably the most dangerous
defenseive spell. Thus<br>
I restricted it by making downsides of spells to
cast by caster,<br>
and by the high BMC and energy loss. Referee
could vary the strength<br>
of the shield to lower it if need a good
balance. If there<br>
exists a powerful mage out there with a EL10
Energy Shield he<br>
could be virtually impossible to stop. The
Referee could devise<br>
a Achiles Heel to this spell to balance it
further. For example<br>
one could make it that the shield under the feet
is HALF the strength.<br>
Thus one wizard could lift the bubble with
telekinesis and then<br>
try to hack the feet area and bam the shield
would break. Things<br>
like would balance the shield. I envision
this spell more used<br>
for the Chaotic alignment than Law. I
figure evil wizards would<br>
use this to menance society. But I added
Law. Its up to the GM.<br>
C) Corona Shield<br>
This spell is one step up from
Energy Shield. It has all the<br>
same characteristics as that spell. But in
this case the shield<br>
is both defensive and offensive. It
creates a shimmering shield<br>
of fire and static energy. It may be hard
for people to see<br>
through the shield (caster and those outside)
due to the shimmering<br>
static and fire energy. Those who get near
the shield will be<br>
hit by fire darts and lightning bolts from the
shield. They<br>
will only shoot out in the listed range.
If they go further they<br>
will fade and disappear. The caster can
not control how the<br>
bolts of fire and lightning shoot out.
They will fire out in<br>
random directions and random intervals.
There is no order to<br>
which will shoot out first. It could be 3
Fire Darts and 1<br>
lightning. The Referee will have to
determine this through secret<br>
rolls. For the Fire or Lightning to
Hit Referee could use the<br>
Magic Table as normal or use MEL+EL as OCV
for combat table<br>
purposes. The bolts per phase
is how many fire darts or<br>
lightning bolts may be discharged per
phase. <br>
Shield Strength - (EL+1)x5 <br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2
Energy Loss - Half
Mana cost to Cast, rounded up<br>
- 8<br>
Alignment - Law or Chaos<br>
Range of Magic - EL+1" [How far
Fire or Lightning goes out]<br>
Fire Dart Damage - (EL)D6+EL<br>
Lightning Damage - (EL)D10+EL<br>
Bolts Per phase - EL/3, rounded up [If 0 1
per phase]<br>
Example: A Wizard finds himself surrounded by 20
Trolls. He<br>
casta EL4 Corona Shield. The strength is
20, lasting 10 turns.<br>
The magic can extend out to 5" (50
feet). The fire dart will<br>
do 4D6+4 and Lightning will do 4D10+4.<br>
Note: Notice I decreased shield strength to HALF
that of the<br>
Energy shield. Those who dare to get
closer have a better chance<br>
of killing the shield. This is to balance
out the damage it<br>
can do to others. The same level of
balance could be used for<br>
the Energy Shield.<br>
Note: These spells are all a rough outline. Richard may or may
take some or noen of the spells and invoke in pnp2. But GMs are
to use the spells in their games and develop them as they see fit.<br>
OF all the spells the Entropy is the most confusing. This spell
only good to know about through many examples. If you need
let me know and I can give many to flesh out the spell.<br>
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