<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1>--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
15) Detect Energy<br>
This spell will detect a specific form of energy
for the caster<br>
and let him know of its existance. The
caster must define the<br>
type of energy to sense for. Success
reveals its location and<br>
distance to that energy. There are four
basic energy forms to<br>
detect for. Life Energy can allow the
caster to detect the<br>
presence of lifeforms in their range. Fire
Energy works just<br>
like that of Fire Detection. Magic energy works
just like<br>
mana sensing for detection of mana and magical
forces. The<br>
last form is Cold energy. There may be
other forms of<br>
energy the Referee and Player cna work together
to devise.<br>
Range - (EL+1)x3"
Duration - EL+1 phases<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
Optional: Cast at 2x the mana cost the caster
can detect the<br>
LEVEL and strength of the energy. How
strong the lifeform<br>
is (weak, damaged or full strength) for
example. <br>
Note: I know there is the basic Detection, Mana
Sensing and Fire<br>
detection spells. But this spell gives an
alternative spell to<br>
those and lumps all into one spell. For
those without innate<br>
mana sensing abilities this allows the caster to
detect mana<br>
as would those with innate mana sensing.
The main use I see<br>
this is for detecting lifeforms when entering
say a villa the<br>
caster can detect how many enemy he is up
against. <br>
16) Knot Untie<br>
This spell will work only on rope, cord or some
form of leather or<br>
cloth type restraint device. Cast on said
object it will magically<br>
releae and untie knots and thus loosen the
restraint for the caster<br>
to escape from. The Caster does this
through use of a mind's eye<br>
view of the restraint. This does not work
against metal or iron<br>
type restraints that use some form o lock
mechanism. For those<br>
spells a Open Prison is required. Success
loosens the restraint<br>
enough for the caster to escape. Failure
does nothing. Abysmal<br>
will actually tighten the rope and could cause
circulation problems.<br>
If the restraint is enhanced magically it will
have its MDV in<br>
resisting this spell. The spell only
unties one restraint at a<br>
time, for more restraints another spell must be
cast. <br>
Range - Touch [Caster's
own or other restraint]<br>
Duration - 10-EL phases [time to untie the
Alignment - Law<br>
Optional: Cast at 2x the mana cost this spell
can be used to<br>
untie knots at sight and range of the
target. In this case<br>
it is not used for restraints but used to untie
ropes that<br>
restraint objects like rigging on a sail.
The range in this<br>
case would be (EL+1)x2".<br>
Note: An alternative to open prison but for
ropes. It allows<br>
the wizard to escape being a prisoner.
Used in the optional<br>
way it can untie things like on a ship's rigging
and suddenly<br>
have a beam fall on a sailor as a distraction
for the prisoner<br>
to flee the ship. Another alternative or
optional rule might<br>
be Knot Tie in which case it does the
reverse. It will tie<br>
a knot or restrain a target. Used in this
way the rope would<br>
have a temporary MDV in restraining the prisoner
or may be used<br>
to capture a person or creature in a rope
17) Earth Bridge<br>
This works just like the Ice Powers - Ice Bridge
spell but uses<br>
the Earth terrain as the bridge. It has
the same parameters<br>
as the ICE bridge except for the
weather/temperature effects.<br>
Earth bridges will remain until duration ends in
which case it<br>
will return back to the earth. There is no
movement problems<br>
over this bridge unelss the referee deems loose
earth as a<br>
consequence. The resistance of the earth
is half that of the<br>
Ice Bridge since the earth bridge is less sturdy
unless it<br>
uses Rocks and boulders as its foundation.
All other parameters<br>
are same as Ice Bridge.<br>
Note: This spell could fit in the Earth Powers
family and alignment.<br>
18) Placity<br>
This spell allows the caster to increase or
decrease his size for<br>
the listed duration. It does not affect
physical characteristics<br>
other than the size change. Weight remains
proportional to the<br>
change. The caster remains the same weight
but in proportion to<br>
the size change. The caster can define
exactly how far he grows<br>
or shrinks. If the caster is shrunk down
and in a place where<br>
he can't get out of and the duration ends he
will grow in that<br>
space and could be in serious trouble.
Failure does nothing.<br>
Abysmal failure will cause the caster to grow or
shrink in<br>
a random amount determined by the Referee.
Duration - EL+1 turns<br>
Height Increae - EL+1 feet<br>
Height Decrease - ELx10 inches <br>
- 4<br>
Alignment -
Note: A basic shrink/grow spell. Ok.
So I got this spell from<br>
the Fantastic Four sue me. but seriously
it has merit in pnp<br>
in times when jsut the right size is needed for
some situations.<br>
The main issue with the spell is the
Weight. It can retain<br>
proportional or can vary with the change.
But the change would<br>
likely affect things like attributes and hit
points. The referee<br>
is free to determine his own weight rules for
this spell. AN<br>
alternative is to increase weight proprotional
to the increase.<br>
An example if a 5 foot man 100 pounds grows to 8
foot. That<br>
is a increase of 60%. So his hit points
are 10 but would<br>
increae to 16 as well as other attributes like
Strength and<br>
such for the short duration. <br>
19) Phermones<br>
This spell is mainly for females. It will
cause phermones to<br>
leave the body to attract men to influence
them. All males<br>
in the range area will suddenly be attracted to
the female.<br>
They may be able to resist at a Will x 3 (MDV is
int eh roll to resist the basic spell)
roll. On top of this<br>
resistance chance the Modifier is added to the
roll to decrease<br>
the chance of resistance. On success the
spell will attract<br>
and get the attention of the male and the
benefits below.<br>
Appearance Boost - ELx3 [Added to Ap for
Influence Boost - ELx5% [Added to
Influence Chance]<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2
- 3<br>
Modifier - (EL+1)x5
(added to roll for resisting)<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
Note: A basic succubus type effect.
A male option could<br>
be used but there are other spells like
Fascination for that.<br>
This is more to increase the womanly ways.<br>
20) Battle Mind<br>
This spell merges Clairavoyance with luck to
form a new type of combat<br>
spell. The caster will learn through
supernatural methods tactics<br>
that will help in a battle. Using
this spell the group he is<br>
in becomes a slightly more cohesive tactical
unit that uses the<br>
new tactics subconsciously shared
together. The level of tactics<br>
and details of those tactics is up to the
situation and the Referee.<br>
Examples may include choice of better terrain,
spells to use in<br>
magic, which weapons may do the best damage, how
to surround the<br>
enemy, how to route the enemy, who might be in
charge in the enemy<br>
force and much more. Success gives the
tactics needed and benefits<br>
below. Failure gives nothing.
Abysmal failure will give the Roll<br>
Modifier but as a INCREASE to the caster's roll
(not those in<br>
the group just to the caster). <br>
Roll Modifier - (EL+1)x3
[Decreae of all combat/skill rolls]<br>
Range -
(EL+1)x2" (Radius around caster for spell effects)<br>
Inclusions -
Ambush Increase - ELx5% [Chance less of
being ambushed by enemy<br>
Duration - EL+1
- 5<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
Note: This spell actually came from a book from
the Star Wars series.<br>
It was a Jedi trick which increases the Jedi
Squadron to fight<br>
better as a unit. In fantasy terms this
would work as well. The<br>
Referee could use clues in the tactics like what
spells might<br>
do the most damage to the enemy wizards or
creatures. It is up<br>
to the Referee what he gives out or
21) Tempest<br>
This spell will create a sudden rain storm to
hit the area. It<br>
can only be cast in open sky where there are
clouds. Only the<br>
affected area will get the rain. The
caster will also be included<br>
in the area of rain.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 turns<br>
Alignment - Elder<br>
Note: Ever get in a forest fire and need
rain? This spell will do it.<br>
It can also help in crops who may need
21) Marbles<br>
This spell creates marble objects from ordinary
rocks and pebbles<br>
that are found on the ground. This spell
is cast in two ways.<br>
Cast at EL0 it will create quickly grabbed
pebbles or rocks<br>
and convert them to circular marbles. Cast
in any other way<br>
it allows the marbles to stay longer to be
stored in a bag for<br>
later use or as projectiles. There must be
enough rock material<br>
to create the marbles. To make one marble
it shoudl be enough<br>
material to fit in a thimble. The rock
material must be broken<br>
up to form the marbles. If a large stone
is used it should<br>
be broken up to smaller pieces. <br>
Range - Touch [To conert
the rocks to marbles]<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x5 turns [Length of time
they stay rocks<br>
Number - 1D10+EL [Number of
marbles created]<br>
Alignmnet - Sidh<br>
Note: An alternative to caltrop. This
spell can be used to<br>
create objects for enemy to stumble on. As
a basic throwing<br>
weapons marbles have no real value. But
used right they can<br>
make enemy tumble. They can also be used
as sling projectiles.<br>
The first method allows a wizard to quickly in
times of battle<br>
to grab pebbles to throw on the ground.
The second method just<br>
allows marbles to be stored for later use.
Alignmment could<br>
be Law or Balance but Sidh makes it more
michievous as a spell<br>
the sidh would cast. <br>
22) Strobe<br>
This spell creates light in the form of flashes
that act as a strobe<br>
light. It will cause the enemy to be
distracted by the light and<br>
disoriented. Actions may be slowed or
tedious during the light.<br>
Even time seems to be slowed down during the
effect but its more<br>
mental than actual time. The range is
where the light is more<br>
concentrated but outside the listed range the
effect is lessened<br>
but can still be seen. <br>
Duration - EL+1 Phases<br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"
Alignment - Law<br>
Note: A basic strobe light effect. It has
no damage effect but<br>
just disoriented creatures and enemy.
We've all seen the strobe<br>
lights in discos and its hard to tell what is
going on at times<br>
as the flashes increase. This spell might
best be suited in the<br>
Light Powers family. <br>
23) Fog<br>
This spell will create a dense fog bank to move
in around the caster.<br>
In order to cast this spell conditions must be
suitable for the fog<br>
to exist. This would include times of day
(like sunrise, sunset)<br>
and temperature/humidity conditions.
Coastal areas tend to increase<br>
chances of fog over a desert area which would
have no ability for<br>
fog. This spell does not damage like Fog
of Death but does diminish<br>
visibility of those in the effect area.
Since the fog is not magical<br>
the caster is also limited in vision as the
others. The fog is<br>
natural but helped created or moved by the
magical effects of the spell.<br>
The caster can move once the spell is
cast. He can also cast<br>
other magic spells. At the end of the
duration the fog will begin<br>
to melt away. Since conditions are ripe
for fog naturally the<br>
fog will drift away slowly rather than just
disappearing all at once.<br>
Visibility will improve immediately as it begins
to break up.<br>
The visiblity is how far a person can see
clearly in the fog.<br>
Afte the duration the visiblity will increase 2
feet per phase until<br>
the fog is gone. <br>
Range -
(EL+1)x5" (Radius)<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 turns<br>
Visibility - 10-EL Feet<br>
Alignment - Elder<br>
Example: A wizard is surrounded by 3 strong
bandits. Wizard casts<br>
EL3 Fog in hopes to elude the enemy. He is
in a forest at sunrise<br>
so conditions for fog are good. On success
the fog rolls in fast<br>
and surrounds the caster. The area effect
is 200 feet around the<br>
caster and lasts 8 turns. For the enemy
and caster it only allows<br>
them to see 7 feet clearly in front of
them. <br>
Optional: Cast at x3 the cost the caster can
change the color of<br>
the fog from grayish/white to any color he
wants. He can also<br>
add light or eerie sound effects if he wishes
to. <br>
Note: This spell is an alternative to Fog of
Death and allows the<br>
caster to use this spell to elude or disorient
his enemy. Cast<br>
in a pernament manner it can also create fogs
around homes as<br>
a pernamnet deterent to enter them. Since
the fog is is not magical<br>
it allows the caster to use it but also suffer
from its effects.<br>
In mass combat situations it allows small armies
to be stopped as<br>
they consider attacks. This spell would
fit nicely in Storm Powers<br>
or a Weather Power type family where other
weather oriented spells<br>
like the Tempest one above is included.
24) Jump<br>
This spell allows the caster and any that he
touches (max of 1 on<br>
each hand) jump either across something or
upwards. The effect<br>
is a one time jump. The boost is a magical
increase in jumping<br>
power. There must be normal method for
jumping before this spell.<br>
In case of jumping upwards he must be prepared
for a phase (ie<br>
bending the knees, etc). To jump across he
must get a normal<br>
running start to the jump. <br>
Range - Touch [For
Length - EL+1 feet [How far
can jump across something]<br>
Height - EL+1 feet upwards
[Over walls, etc.]<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Optional: Referee can allow failure to do normal
jumping while<br>
Abysmal to create short fallings in the magical
jump. <br>
Example: A wizard has a princess in his arms and
needs to jump<br>
across two buildings to escape enemy. The
Princess holds on<br>
to him and they both back up. The space is
10 feet which a<br>
normal jump could not do. But he casts a
EL6 Jump spell which<br>
will increase the jump distance by 7 feet.
All the wizard has<br>
to do is a normal 3 foot jump to cross to the
other side.<br>
Note: This only boosts NORMAL jumps. If
the distance is not<br>
viable for normal jumping then this spell should
be used. This<br>
spell would work good with Burton's Jumping
rules for Jumping<br>
Indexes and modified to improve the Jumping
Index. <br>
25) Weapon Mastery<br>
This spell increases your Expertise Level in
weapons that are known<br>
to the caster to be increased. This does
not affect untrained<br>
skills (ie those not een EL0 yet). The
caster can affect one<br>
person on touch for this spell if not used on
the caster. This<br>
increases only combat oriented skills (weapon or
skills that<br>
help in combat like hand-to-hand). The
increase is for the skill<br>
currently being used during the duration.
This EL increase can<br>
affect damage done by those skills. The EL
increase can never<br>
exceed TWO times the MAX EL for that
skill. <br>
Range - Touch<br>
Duration - EL+1 phases<br>
Increase - +EL/3, rounded up [To EL of
Alignment - Balance<br>
Optional: Spell can be used as an area effect
spell to increase the<br>
ELs for all allies in the group. Used in
this case the spell is<br>
cast at 3x the cost. Inclusions are EL+1
people to include for this<br>
effect. Range in this case would be
(EL+1)x2" a radius around<br>
the caster. The Caster should be one of
those included if he<br>
wishes the effects of the spell. <br>
Example: A wizard is in a fight and casts EL6
Mastery. He is<br>
using a War Staff and gets a +2 EL to his normal
EL2 making it<br>
a EL4 for damage and roll purposes.<br>
Note: Special attributes has Skill Mastery but
this allows a temporary<br>
increase in ELs during combat. A Referee
may want to limit this<br>
EL increase in Assassin skill as it is a
powerful skill already. I<br>
thought about a attribute increase spell but
theres enough NAtrual<br>
magic items out there to do that but it could be
a option for a<br>
Referee. If a caster does not know how to
use a Pike and picks up<br>
a Pike this spell will not increase the EL in
that spell since it<br>
is unlearned.<br>
26) Armor<br>
The spell will create a temporary armor effect
for the caster. The<br>
protection from this spell is for missile or
melee attacks. Magic<br>
attacks that are not resisted using the MDV of
the spell will be<br>
blocked by the damage of the magical
armor. Those who are not<br>
resisted against magical attacks on this armor
will have HALF the<br>
damage listed for the magical armor plus the
nromal AV of any armor<br>
worn. This magical armor that is created
can be reduced and<br>
destroyed as if normal armor through the Armor
rules depending on the<br>
amoung of damage done to the armor. If the
armor is destroyed it<br>
is just negated at that time and effect
ends. The magic effects<br>
what is worn at the time. If it is normal
clothing that clothing<br>
is stiffened in such a way to act as tough
cloth/armor. If there<br>
is plate worn then that plate is enchanced for
the duration. If<br>
nothing is worn the body frame (bones and skin)
become tough and<br>
will withstand the damage. <br>
Armor Value - (EL+1)/3, rounded up [AV of
magical armor created]<br>
Duration - EL+1
BMC - 4<br>
Alignment - Chaos or Law<br>
Example: A wizard casts a EL4 Armor spell while
wearing just leather<br>
armor. This will give a AV of 3 for the
person (AV1 for leather<br>
and AV2 for the magical enhanced leather
effect). The duration<br>
would be 5 turns.<br>
Optional: as a downside the Referee can allow
exhaustion to be<br>
set in after this spell is done. The
person will have to rest<br>
and do no actions for EL minutes after the spell
since the armor<br>
created has a burden of weight (though in
reality there is no<br>
weight increase).<br>
Note: Going on the optional rule there could be
a weight increase<br>
using the natural AV of the worn material.
Ie if plate weighs<br>
50 pounds and the AV increase by this spell is 2
then it would be<br>
2x50 or another 100 pounds increase. This
could make caster's<br>
think of using the spell. If he is just
wearing clothing like<br>
a tunic then the weight is maybe a pound
more. If wearing nothing<br>
then it would just seem to increase his body
weight by ELx10 pounds<br>
or something the Referee can determine. I
created this spell since<br>
alot of creatures have Natural Armor. This
creates a Carapace and<br>
option for those wizards who always are limited
to wearing say<br>
just leather armor. I made the BMC 4 but
it could be higher or<br>
lower. I made it fairly high since it
could be abused. This<br>
spell fits well with Chaotic or Lawful
27) Entangle<br>
This spell will cause rope to tighten around a
object or cause objects<br>
like vines or plants to entangle the
enemy. In case of rope it<br>
allows the caster to tighten around a enemy's
hands so they can not<br>
escape beyond basic knots. The caster cna
control the way the object<br>
(rope, vine, etc.) moves around the
Range - (EL+1)x2"
(How far object like rope can be from caster)<br>
Duration - EL+1 phases (How long it can
control rope movement]<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Note: If one wishes to use Knot Untin spell this
gives the reverse<br>
of it. It may have to be devloped more but
gives a basic outline<br>
of the spell to use. A strength limit
could be used so the person<br>
can resist based ona Strength roll. In
another way it could be<br>
used with a Whip to help movement of the whip or
a laso/bolas.<br>
28) Endurance<br>
This spell increases the endurance of the caster
or for those he<br>
touches if not used on himself. The
endurance will allow prolonged<br>
activity for the duration. At the end of
the duration he or the<br>
others will be exhausted for the amount of
Stamina increase elow<br>
in hours. If the person is using this to
avoid sleep he will fall<br>
asleep after the spell.<br>
Range - Touch [if used
on others]<br>
Duration - EL+1 hours<br>
Increase - (EL+1)x3 [To stamina]<br>
Alignment - Elder<br>
Note: This spell has many uses. It is not really
designed for<br>
combat but for strategic things like long
distance running,<br>
swimming, climbing mountains or other activities
which require<br>
long periods of endurance. If a person has
to cross a sea<br>
from losing his boat and it takes 4 hours to
swim but he will<br>
get exhausted after 2 hours he can cast this
spell to help<br>
increase his endurance to cross the sea.
The referee should<br>
limit this to strategic methods but not for
combat. He may<br>
allow it for combat but in this case it would
only crease the<br>
StB rather than the full Stamina
attribute. There could be<br>
other effects like a Constritution boost if
needed. <br>
29) Duplicate<br>
This spell will duplicate objects for the
caster. The caster must<br>
touch the object to duplicate it. The
object will be an exact<br>
copy of the original object. It only
affects inanimate objects.<br>
The following characteristics apply for the
Food: A food item like a Apple or a loaf of
break is the basic unit<br>
to copy. It creates the full nutritional
value of the item and<br>
the same size of the item.<br>
Clothing: Clothing items are an exact copy of
the original like<br>
a tunic or a pair o boots.<br>
Weapon: A weapon can be copied but will take a
bit more time.<br>
For weapons an addtional EL phases is
required. For projectiles<br>
like arrows or sling projectiles the caster can
grab a handful<br>
and duplicate the exact amount of those in
another pile. So<br>
if 10 arrows are hold it will duplicate 10 more
on the ground.<br>
But for weapons like swords or bows it will only
create 1 copy.<br>
Magical Items: Magical items can be coied but
will use MDVx5<br>
to resist the spell and if this is the case it
will copy it<br>
as for 1 object and 1 copy.<br>
Other: Other items are dependent up to the
Referee within reason.<br>
Only small objects should be copies.
Things like Wagons or<br>
Houses can not be duplicated. A general
rule of thumb is if<br>
the person can hold the object and lift it then
it is able to<br>
be copied.<br>
Range - Touch<br>
Duration - EL phases [time to build plus
any addtional above]<br>
Alignment - Elder<br>
Optional: Cast at 3x the cost it can be used to
copy the CASTER<br>
himself. In this case it effects animate
material. It acts<br>
as a Doppleganger type spell. It will
create EL+1 copies of<br>
himself. The copies act as if the caster would
act normally.<br>
But if the caster is touched or attacked and hit
the copy will<br>
disappear. If the duration ends the copies
fade away. Used<br>
in this way he can place the copies within
(EL+1)x2" away from<br>
the caster.<br>
Note: This is a good way to help in times of
need to copy a<br>
sword, arrows or a loaf of bread to feed
others. The<br>
referee can assign a weight limit or a size
limit to the objects<br>
copyable. A typical weight limit could be
(EL+1)x10 pounds or<br>
a size limit of say ELx10 inches as examples
only. It is only<br>
a guideline. I know other systems have a
doppleganger spell and<br>
this optional rule allows that without creating
a new form of<br>
the spell. In this case it acts as a
distraction for enemy. The<br>
caster can place the copies where he
wishes. I always liked the<br>
Superman II movie where Superman copies himself
in the Fortress<br>
of Solitude. One could use this spell
optional rule in that exact<br>
manner. The copies would have a life of
their own but not likely<br>
attack or do magic since that would negate their
30) Dis-track<br>
This spell creates a magical method to elude
enemies. It will cause<br>
footprints or tracks maybe by horses or wagons
to disappear for<br>
the listed duration. The tracks disappear
as soon as they are<br>
created. Thus makes tracking of the caster
and those he includes<br>
impossible to follow. This does NOT affect
other means of tracking<br>
like limbs bent or fallen objects from
caster. This only affects<br>
the footprints and tracks created by
movement. To affect a horse<br>
or a wagon the caster must touch that
horse. If the person on<br>
that horses gets off his footprints are not
affected. If the<br>
caster touches a wagon that wagon and the horses
are all considered<br>
to be one object for purpose of this spell
inclusion. <br>
Range - Touch [if
Include others]<br>
Inclusions - EL+1 [Caster has to be one]<br>
Duration - EL+1 hours<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
Note: Tracking someone is great but this spell
allows a alternative<br>
method to avoid being tracked. This does
NOT affect things like<br>
a piece of cloth fallen, campfires left, bent
trees or scents. It<br>
only affects tracks left. If a track like
bent grass is done it<br>
will de-bend that grass back but not anything
beyond that like<br>
limbs or moved logs. In a desert for
example this would make<br>
tracking virtually impossible. In a forest
it would still give<br>
a chance of following them based on other
terrain effects.<br>
The name of the spell is silly but De-footprint
or footprint<br>
doesn't work since it could also affect a
wagon. <br>
31) Claws<br>
This causes the fingernails of a person to grow
and become sharp as<br>
a weapon. If the claws are then used in
combat they can add damage<br>
to basic hits. If the fingers are
separated the claws cause<br>
scratching damage. If the fingers are kept
together the claws combine<br>
into a single blade like structure. Used
in this way the hand claws<br>
will do slicing or cutting blows. The
damage only affects normal<br>
tissue and will be blocked by normal
armor. Clothing can limit the<br>
effect of the claws depending on material.
if its a simple tunic<br>
for example it can rip through and cause
damage. If its 3 layers<br>
of cloth and a coat it may act as a form of
protection for the target.<br>
If the claws hit a hard object like armor or
non-tissue/cloth it can<br>
possibly break off. The break chance below
is used to figure out<br>
if the claws break. If they break the
fingernails become normal<br>
length again. This affects both hands thus
if one breaks the other<br>
can still remain intact. Because this
creates fingerneails that<br>
grow no weapon can be used in the hands of the
caster. The caster<br>
can determine if one or both hands are
changed. If only one then<br>
a weapon can be used in the other hand.
Only the caster can<br>
be affected with this spell so there is no
Range. the damage is<br>
added beyond normal hand-to-hand damage attacks.
Duration -
(EL+1)x2 turns<br>
Break Chance - 100-(ELx10)% on D100. [If
less than or greater no break]<br>
- EL inches in length per fingernail<br>
- 1D3+(EL/2 RU) [If scratch] per claw<br>
1D6+(EL/2 RU) if slicing or cutting blow] per claw<br>
BMC - 3<br>
Alignment - Chaos<br>
Example: A wizard is cuaght in a room without
his weapons. He is attacked<br>
by a thief and casts a EL3 Claw and decides it
to be used on both<br>
hands. The fingers instantly grow 3 inches
beyond his normal length.<br>
He uses both hands in slicing attacks and would
do 1D6+1 points per<br>
claw if he hits the thief's skin. If he
hits the thief's ring mail<br>
then the damage will be blocked. If the
armor is hit then it could<br>
break on 70% chance. <br>
Note: Good hand-to-hand combat
spell. The referee is free to<br>
vary the damage as he sees fit. It may be
too low or too high.<br>
A +EL might work better than a divisor would but
may be too high<br>
for a simple weapon. <br>
32) Alertness<br>
This spell works like the Priestly Awareness,
Clarivayance and<br>
Watchful sleep but in a new form. In this
case the caster is<br>
awake and becomes more alert of his
surroundings. The effect<br>
is to give the caster time to react to danger
before it happens.<br>
It gives EL+1 seconds to react before the danger
occurs. This may<br>
include a sudden attack, a object falling from
the sky or a upcoming<br>
ambush. As the experience grows his danger
sense becomes greater<br>
and gives more time to be warned. Failure
gives nothing during<br>
the duration. Abysmal may give a wrong
reading and even give<br>
the danger warning to the caster AFTER the event
occurs. The<br>
danger sense is a mental warning sensation to
the caster. <br>
Duration - (EL+1)x3 turns<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
Note: This spell works like a few of the
others. It gives a alternative<br>
for non-priests and for those who are
awake. The effect is just<br>
a danger sense warning before it occurs.
The exact nature of the<br>
warning is up to the REferee to decide.
This is good for when a<br>
person is in a bar with someone trying to find
the target. This<br>
could warn them the person has entered the bar
and give him time<br>
to flee. <br>
33) God's Eyes [X-ray Eyes]<br>
This spell causes the caster to see through
inanimate and animate<br>
objects within his range. The caster can
wish which object to<br>
see-through and then go to the next area to
choose another object<br>
to see through. The effect is normal
vision of the area beyond<br>
the obstructions ignored. This spell only
affects the caster.<br>
Magical obstructions or items like boxes will
use their MDV to<br>
resist the spell. There is no depth limits
to this spell to<br>
see through as long as the range is used.
The view that is<br>
seen outside the cone range is seen as
normal. The caster can<br>
switch from normal view to x-ray view during the
spell. Failure<br>
does nothing. Abysmal will cause the
caster to become blind<br>
for EL+1 turns. <br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"
(60 degree cone view)<br>
Duration - EL+1 turns<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Note: A typical x-ray spell. I made the
BMC high since it<br>
coudl be absued so it limits use. It could
be lowered to BMC 3<br>
though. The referee could vary it by
allowing the caster to only<br>
see in x-ray and as a downside not seen in
normal view. Thus<br>
he is able to be attacked and may not react as
normal. This could<br>
allow a downside to the spell. <br>
34) Dodge/Weave<br>
The spell causes the target to move in a evasive
manner to dodge<br>
missile weapons. The movement of the
target is normal but the<br>
magic effect increases the chance the missile
weapon will miss<br>
the target as if there were great evasive
maneuvers being used.<br>
If the target stops and remains still there is
no effect and<br>
can be hit as normal but it only works when the
target is moving.<br>
The target must be running but not walking at
least a running<br>
or a fast jog movement to take benefit of the
spell. If walking<br>
the spell acts at half its effectiveness.
If the target runs<br>
and then stops. The effect ends until
target runs again during<br>
the duration. This does not affect melee
weapons just thronw or<br>
missile fired weapons. It can affect magic
spells that use<br>
a ranged type attack but as for Dodging
Magic. <br>
Range -
Touch [if affect others than caster]<br>
Duration - EL+1 turns<br>
Dodge Boost - EL/3, rounded up [To dodge
Modifier - EL+1 [Decrease in
chance to hit for enemy combat rolls]<br>
BMC - 2<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Example: A Wizard has to cross a courtyard where
Archers on the<br>
wall are ready to fire on him with bows.
His dodge value is 3.<br>
He casts a EL2 Dodge spell and runs at full
speed across the courtyard.<br>
IT will last him 3 turns and give a boost of 1
to his dodge Dodge<br>
value. The enemy must add 3 to their
combat rolls to hit with the<br>
Bows. If he stops and stands then combat
is normal.<br>
Note: We have basic Dodging Magic and Missile
Fire and Dodge Value<br>
rules but this gives a boost to those
rules. <br>
35) Telepathic Powers [New spells for family]<br>
Note: The following 3 could be added to this
family Sending always<br>
seemed weak but on second review it does seem to
work for a basic<br>
Telepathy spell. <br>
A) Emotional Empathy<br>
This spell will project to all
those in the affected area a sense<br>
of empathy and ease. It can be used in
many ways. It can be used<br>
to give the emotions of the caster to others to
influence others.<br>
Examples would include sending empathy of ease
to wounded in the<br>
area so they feel more at ease. it would
not decrease their pain<br>
but might ease their mental stress. In a
crowd it could be used<br>
to send paranoia, fear, hatred or other emotions
to the crowd to<br>
influence them. MDV of each target in the
area will use their<br>
MDV to resist the spell. This only
sends emotions to the<br>
subconscious of the targets but does not
directly influence them.<br>
Based on those emotions the target will react
normally based on<br>
those emotions. Only one emotion can be
sent out in the area<br>
at one time. The referee is free to decide
the actual effects. <br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"
(Radius) [Or touch if one person]<br>
Duration - EL+1 turns<br>
Alignment - Elder<br>
Example: A wizard sees a mob that has trapped a
felon in a barn.<br>
The mob is considering actions. The evil
wizard will cast a EL3<br>
Emotional spell to send out hatred. The
mob mentality is suddenly<br>
increased and they burn the barn down. But
if the person in<br>
the barn also casts a spell like this he could
send fear or love<br>
and may negate the evil wizard's spell.<br>
B) Mind Reading<br>
This spell allows the caster
to read the thoughts of others in<br>
his ranged area. He will have to see the
person but not is not<br>
required to have eye contact. If there are
obstructions in the<br>
area he can't read the target. It will
read the immediate thoughts<br>
of the target for the duration. From this
information intent and<br>
motiation can be gained for the caster. If
the person is a magic<br>
user MDV will be used to resist the spell.
There is no MDV resistance<br>
for non-magic users (innate or trained).
Success will read the<br>
immediate thoughts. Failure gives nothing
and Abysmal will give<br>
wrong thoughts or flashes of old thoughts.<br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"
(Radius, must see target)<br>
Duration - EL+1 phases<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
Note: This and the first spell will give actual
reason to use Mind<br>
Shield in defense against these spells.
Otherwise Mind shield<br>
does not get much use in the game. The
thoughts can be complete<br>
thoughts since mental thoughts are split secont
and not limited<br>
to any particular time. But the Referee
could allow a thought<br>
to last only a phase amount of time if he
wishes. As if the<br>
thought was spoken.<br>
36) Nature Powers<br>
This family has the following member
Note: This family is actually for future Druids
if they are ever<br>
developed in the game. Since Druids are
oriented to protect and<br>
use nature and the earth as their focus this
family gives a good<br>
start for spells for them. The referee can
assign this family<br>
for other alignments and orientations.<br>
A) Oak Sage<br>
The caster can ask nature for
information. It is used in two<br>
ways. Cast at basic cost the caster can
ask a tree for information<br>
it may know. The caster is actually asking
the Earth and Tree<br>
spirits for information. Typical
information requests may be if<br>
a animal or certain plant is in the area.
If a person (the person's<br>
image is flashed via subconscious mental images)
has passed the area<br>
recently. The questions asked must related
to what is KNWON to the<br>
spirits of the area. If it is beyond their
reason or logic then<br>
it will not be worth asking. Cast at
double the mana cost caster<br>
can ask the entire forest as a single entity of
nature the same<br>
question. In which case only one answer is
returned. The answer<br>
will take longer to respond however.
Success reveals the answer,<br>
failure nothing. Abysmal may give
misleading or wrong information.<br>
Cast in first way tree must touch. Cast in
the second way the<br>
range is an effect area for all trees and plants
in area. The<br>
type of question and any qualifiers is up to the
Referee. <br>
Range -
Touch or 2 miles (EL as power) <br>
Duration - EL+1 minutes [Time
spell remains in effect]<br>
Answer time - 10-EL seconds<br>
BMC - 5<br>
Alignment - Elder/Druid<br>
Example: A Druid sees a red flicker in the sky
at nightfall. he<br>
wonders if there is a forest fire nearby.
He casts EL4 Oak Sage<br>
and asks the entire orest if there is a fire and
where it may be.<br>
The forest is about 12x10 miles in size.
The spell will do 16<br>
miles so will cover the entire forest
easilly. It will take him<br>
6 seconds to get a answer back and learn that
the forest fire<br>
is on the edge to the west about 3 miles and
spreading fast. This<br>
allows the druid to either help fight it or
leave the area before<br>
the fire approaches.<br>
Note: The information must be limited by the
Referee. Something<br>
like "How many magic users are in the
forest" can't be asked<br>
but a "How many humans are in the
forest" might be answerable if<br>
the forest knows it. The use of this spell
works through the<br>
spirits of Earth and Forest. If the Druid
has been bad to those<br>
spirits the spirits may not answer. This
could allow a sort of<br>
Infamy value for the druid. If he has been
good to those spirits<br>
and trees then he will get good response.
This allows al evel<br>
of good/evilness to the druid for nature.<br>
A) Vine Carrion<br>
The nearby plants will project
out vines and leaves that will<br>
begin to attack and eat a target. The
level of attack is minimal<br>
and a simple Strength x 2 roll is able to escape
the attack. But<br>
the target is eaten if its already dead or
knocked out. The vines<br>
will turn carnivoorous. The method of
attack is up to the Referee<br>
but can include mouths, acid, slow digestion or
other forms of<br>
attack. The type of plant will also
determine level of attack.<br>
A large elephant plant is huge and could eat a
animal but a small<br>
bonzai bush might only eat a rat. The
main effect is a carrion<br>
scavanger type attack. Once duration ends
and the plant has not<br>
completed digestion or eaten the target the
plant will revert to<br>
its original state. If the plant is
already carniorous it will<br>
eat the target but in its original form (like
instead of mouths<br>
with spell it might attack by slow
digestion). The range is<br>
an assigned area where the plants will change to
this form. Once<br>
the area is assigned it will remain in
place. If the caster is<br>
in the center it could be attacked. The
center of the area can<br>
be assigned away from the
caster. Caster can move and cast<br>
other magic after area is defined. The
strength is a modifier<br>
added to the strength roll. It determines the
level of strength<br>
for the plants trying to grab and hold the
target. <br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"
(diameter) <br>
Duration - EL+1 hours<br>
Strength - ELx3<br>
Alignment - Elder/Druid<br>
Example: A druid spots a hunter in the woods
poaching illegally<br>
deer. He decides to help the
animals. He casts a EL2 spell and<br>
throws it out toward the hunter who is
nearby. The trees around<br>
him begin instant attack. The hunter is
not strong enough to<br>
free himself. The referee determines the
plants will use a<br>
form of acid to slowly digest the hunter.
It will take 2<br>
hours just to kill the target as he is slowly
eaten. He also<br>
determines a plant will drain 2 energy points
per hour away<br>
from target. It is a painful and slow
death which might allow<br>
other hunters to fear the forest.<br>
Note: A simple Plant Attack type spell.
The Referee is free to<br>
decide the parameters of the attack. It
could be anything like<br>
strangulation, acid, cutting blows, bludgeon,
impaling, mouths,<br>
blood or energy drians to anything he can
decide. Depending on<br>
the level of attack will determine how logn the
target dies and<br>
is eaten. This typically will attack any
living things in the<br>
effected area. This could be a very nasty
and cruel spell to use<br>
which could help spirits but make the druid very
scary to outsiders.<br>
C) Oak Strength<br>
The caster gains strength
through local touch with a strong and<br>
ancient tree. The tree must be at least 30
years old and have some<br>
form of constant contact with the caster through
direct contact<br>
with tree or its roots/branches. If
contact is broken the caster<br>
will immediately lose the effects of the spell
and be exhausted for<br>
EL phases. During this exhaustion he can
do no other action. The<br>
contact is for ONE specific tree. It does
not work with small plants<br>
or bushes or even the grass. The older the
tree the more strength<br>
is gained through its ancient strength of the
tree spirit itself.<br>
Per 50 years the tree has been around add 1 to
the boost for strength.<br>
The caster can end the spell at his will with a
Will roll and subtract<br>
EL of the spell from the D100 roll. If he
does this then there<br>
is no exhaustion. In tapping this
strength the caster will lose<br>
EL Energy points per turn in contact. This
allows the symbiotic<br>
relationship for both tree and caster. The
tree uses this energy<br>
for its own purpose to gain water or convert it
to photosynthesis.<br>
Strength Boost - (EL+1)+Age Modifier<br>
Range - Touch
[Constant touch of tree or parts of tree]<br>
Duration -
EL+1 turns<br>
Alignment -
Example: A druid is fighting a Chaotic Wizard
and 3 bandits with<br>
him. He casts EL4 Strength. The tree
he finds is a ancient 300<br>
year old tree one of the oldest in the
forest. He gains 5+6<br>
11 to his strength. This could increase
his Strength bonus if it<br>
goves to the next level. The tree will
gain 4 energy from the<br>
caster and he is draine 4 energy points at the
end of the spell.<br>
Note: This is a modified form of Earth Strength
but oriented for<br>
Shamans or Druids. It shows how a druid is
tied to the forest.<br>
D) Vines<br>
This spell is mainly used in
Jungles. Forests can use this<br>
spell but there must be long enough limbs or
vines to work with.<br>
Use of this spell allows the caster to move
across large distances<br>
with the trees helping him. Vines from
trees (or limbs) are<br>
reinforced by the magic of the spell and help by
the tree spirits.<br>
Success reinforces their strength to hold the
caster. Failure<br>
does nothing and uses the basic vine
strength. Abysmal may actually<br>
weaken the vine and cause anger of the tree
spirits. The spell<br>
is cast and the aura from the spell reinforces
the vine or limb<br>
on touch by the caster. No other magic an
be cast during this spell.<br>
The Caster can end the spell with a Will x 2 -
EL of spell on D100.<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x3 turns<br>
Alignment - Elder/Druid<br>
Note: Ok. So this is your basic Tarzan ability
of swinging on vines.<br>
But druids could use this as a mode of movement
in a large jungle.<br>
There must be enough vine and material for the
caster to use for<br>
this spell and movement to work. The
referee will have to determine<br>
the chance of such material existing. The
amount of movement<br>
will also be up to the Referee. A good
rule of thumb is a mile<br>
can be crossed in the span of a minute using
this ability if there<br>
is enough material.<br>
E) Thorns<br>
This spell causes plants to
grow thorns. If a plant like a rose<br>
has pre-existing thorns they will be also
used. The thorns will<br>
then eject from the plant and shoot toward the
target. The amount<br>
of thorns from a group of plants are in the
Thorn Amount formula<br>
below. The range is how far the plants are
from the caster. The<br>
distance is how far the thorns can be ejected
toward the target.<br>
Thorns will regrow back and eject again once a
turn. They are<br>
fired at the wish of the caster. But once
fired it takes a turn<br>
for them to regenerate back.
The chance for each thorn to hit<br>
is using the MEL+EL as the OCV on the combat
table. The target<br>
can dodge and uses his normal DCV to avoid the
thorns. Armor<br>
protects as normal. <br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"
[60 degree cone)<br>
Distance - EL+1" [How far thours are
ejected at target]<br>
Damage - 1D3+EL per
Number - 1D10+EL per
Alignment - Elder/Druid<br>
Example: A druid is attacked by 2 bandits who
think he has no weapons.<br>
They approach. The Druid spots 3 plants
near them. He casts a EL4<br>
Thorns spell. The range is easy enough sa
they are only 30 feet<br>
away. The distance the thorns are ejected
is up to 50 feet. Since<br>
the bandits are only 10 feet away they are
attacked. The plants<br>
create 8, 3 and 4 thorns each. All 15
thorns are ejected at the<br>
two enemy. 8 hit one bandit and do a total
of 16 points of damage.<br>
The rest fly by and miss the enemy.<br>
Optional: Spell can be used for Poisoned
thorns. Used in this way<br>
the spell is cast normal. But the amount
of thorns is reduced 50%<br>
rounded up. The damage is reduced by 50%,
rounded up. But the<br>
thorns are laced with a Base Line EL slow death
poison. <br>
Note: The druids main attack spell. <br>
F) Water Detection<br>
The Druid can ask the trees
and plants around him like that of<br>
using a Oak sage spell but wher ethe nearest
fresh water source<br>
is. The answer is given on success with
distance and how far<br>
underground it is. Failure gives nothing
and abysmal gives<br>
misleading information. This works only in
places where plants<br>
or trees exist. The range is how far the
water source can be<br>
found. If the roots of a tree can't reach
water bigger than<br>
some pool it gives nothing in reply.
Range - 2 miles (EL as
Alignment - Elder/Druid<br>
Note: Yes there is Detection and Fire Detection
but this works<br>
with Water. Since the druid may have a tie
with Water spirits<br>
this gives him a spell for his family of
spells. It gives<br>
resh water. But it could give other
sources of water if the<br>
Referee wishes. The tree could also point
out the nearest source<br>
of water is a canteen on the caster's very
back. <br>
G) Spores<br>
This spell will create spores
or use pre-existing spores to<br>
eject from plants. The spell works exactly
like that of Thorns.<br>
But there is no damage from the spores.
The spores cause the<br>
targets in the area to cough, breath hard and
become blinded for<br>
a short period of time. It can be used as
a distraction tool for<br>
the caster. If someone is allergic to
spores this could be deadly<br>
to them however. The spores ejected do not
roll to hit the targets<br>
but explode within 1 foot of the target in the
air. The dust<br>
cloud covers the area listed below. The
spores will remain in the<br>
area magically for EL phases. But wind can
move the spores if<br>
it is magical winds. Normal winds will
just stir the spores up<br>
in the cloud. The druid entering the cloud
can be affected as well. <br>
Range - EL+1" feet
(Diameter of cloud from spore explosions)<br>
Alignment - Elder/Druid<br>
Note: Could add edge for a druid to flee or
fight. <br>
H) Glow<br>
The caster will cause the
plants to glow in a faint greenish hue.<br>
It converts plant cells to glow. The use
of this spell can cause<br>
plants to glow as a signal, warning or to help
caster locate his<br>
way in a forest. Cast at 2 x the cost the
glow is only seen by the<br>
caster. Used in this way the caster can
tag the plant and use it<br>
as a beacon. He could dig treasure near
the plant and use the plant<br>
as a beacon for it. He can spend 1 mana
point per day the glow<br>
will remain. The distance this glow is
seen in a unobstructed<br>
area is ELx100 feet. But the caster can
vary that distance to make<br>
it brighter or lower as he wishes. <br>
Range - Touch [to
Duration - EL+1 days<br>
Alignment - Elder/Druid<br>
Example: A druid has a bag of a plant that
is of great healing<br>
value. He places it in a sealed bag and
digs it under a tree.<br>
he then leaves the forest after casting a x2 EL4
spell on a plant.<br>
The plant will glow only for him for 5
days. He can then return<br>
as he sees fit to regain the treasure. He
could also cast it<br>
at normal to warn others to avoid that plant or
Note: A cool spell with many uses. Ever
walk a path and find<br>
the road littered with skulls as a
warning? A totem? Well this<br>
could be used to dot a path in a pernament magic
effect to warn<br>
others of entering the forest.<br>
I) Sleep<br>
This spell works like Watchful
Sleep. But it has the trees and<br>
plants around the caster to be the one to warn
the caster of danger.<br>
The caster will sleep during this spell.
Anyone that enters the<br>
ranged area will alert the plant life.
They will then move, howl<br>
(as if wind is blowing through them) and send a
sensation to the<br>
caster. This would include animals that
enter the area that intend<br>
harm to the caster. The effect could scare
those that enter the<br>
area and wake up the caster. The basic
wake chance is that of<br>
Watchful Sleep.<br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"
Duration - EL+1 hours<br>
Alignment - Elder/Druid<br>
Note: A modified form of Watchful sleep for
Druid. The howl can<br>
be just as eerie for the enemy as the druid
waking up.<br>
J) Cocoon<br>
This spell will regenerate
energy and hit points back to the caster.<br>
It works like a Regeneration spell but slightly
modified. The caster<br>
must sleep during this spell. The caster
must be surrounded by<br>
plant grown (branches, leaves, moss,
etc.). If there is no plant<br>
life then the spell will not work. Once
the spell is cast the<br>
caster will try to fall asleep. As soon as
he does the spell will<br>
go into effect. If the caster wakes he
will negate the spell.<br>
If he wakes up before a hour is completed for
that part of the<br>
spell he will gain nothing. The spell must
work for at least 2/3rds<br>
of the house to gain the benefit for that
hour. Once the spell<br>
ends the plant life around him will be decayed
and drained of<br>
life force and energy. If the plant life
around him is touched<br>
with a Withering Hand the effect of the spell is
actually reversed<br>
and will DRAIN not heal the listed
amounts. The frequency is the<br>
amount of times it can be cast once. The
amount of decay from the<br>
plants depends on how long caster sleeps from
the spell duration.<br>
Thus a spell that lasts 10 hours and caster only
slees 3 the decay<br>
would be 30%. <br>
Duration - EL+1 hours<br>
Hits back - EL+1 per hour [HPV
Energy Back - EL per hour [Energy poitns
Frequency - 10-Max EL days <br>
BMC - 6<br>
Alignment - Elder/Druid<br>
Example: A druid is helped to prepare a area by
allies. He<br>
will then sleep for the night and cast a EL4
Cocoon spell.<br>
The spell will last for 5 hours once he falls
asleep. It will<br>
heal 5 hits and 4 energy back per hour. He
an only use this epell<br>
every 4 days (Max el is 6). He sleeps for
3 hours and gains<br>
15 hits and 12 energy back. On the fourth
hour he is awaken early<br>
20 minutes into the hour so he gains nothing for
that hour. When<br>
he wakes the plants are decayed. <br>
Note: A druidic regeneration form of
spell. I added the withering<br>
hand part since that spell exists. It
allows evil wizards to<br>
actually harm a druid using this spell.
37) Corpse Explosion<br>
The caster can target a already dead corpse and
cause it to explode<br>
into a million pieces. The body must be
dead. It will fail on<br>
damaged, unconscious or fully walking living
persons. This can<br>
affect animal as well as humanoid corpses.
The explosion can cause<br>
minor damage to everyone nearby the corpse
within 1 hex of it. It<br>
is used on one corpse at a time. <br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"
Damage - 1D3+(EL/3, rounded
Alignment - Chaos<br>
Note: This could easilly fit in Necromantic
Powers. The explosion from<br>
bone and tissue can impact against others and
cause minor damage<br>
that would typically range from 1-6
points. It can also cause the<br>
enemy to be distracted or cause an alarm as
suddenly their allies<br>
are exploding around them. In some
cultures this would be the<br>
ultimate in messing with with this dead and
could anger them<br>
greatly. It is a very disgusting spell but
gives another power<br>
for the Necromancer. <br>
38) Amplify Damage<br>
This creates an Aura around the caster that
causes enemy damage to<br>
be amplified. The listed damage is added
in additional to any<br>
normal damage. The Rang eis a area effect
where all those in the<br>
area are affected. The spell moves with
the caster. He can not<br>
cast any other magic during this
spell. Caster does not suffer<br>
from this spell but he can exclude his allies
from the damage.<br>
The damage increase can be if the damage is
physical, mental or<br>
energy based damage. <br>
Range -
(EL+1)x2" (Radius)<br>
Duration - EL+1 turns<br>
Damage - +EL+1 [Each
time those affected are damaged]<br>
Exclusions - EL+1 [Those caster can exclude from
added damage]<br>
Alignment - Law<br>
Note: A basic Damage boost spell. A
optional rule could be used<br>
for one target and that target takes more
damage. A good example<br>
Damage formula might be +(EL+1)x3. <br>
39) Golem<br>
This spell will create a companion that will
fight for the caster.<br>
The caster can control its attacks and
movements. The caster<br>
can cast other magic and move while the golem is
around. There<br>
are three types of Golems which can be
created. The type of golem<br>
created depends on the EL as follows:<br>
EL Golem<br>
0-2 Clay Golem<br>
3-4 Iron Golem<br>
5+ Fire Golem<br>
The golem has the form of a human but has no
mouth or nose. It<br>
has eyes and ears which can allow it to see and
hear. It will<br>
fight hand-to-hand and can not use any
weapons. The characteristics<br>
of the golems are as follows:<br>
Clay Golem: Made of earthen type clay which is
strong enough it<br>
acts as natural armor. The clay has a
Immunity to Fire at the<br>
EL of the spell. It however will take
double damage from water<br>
or cold spells.<br>
Iron Golem: Golem made of metal or iron like
substance. It is<br>
as hard as steel in some cases and can be very
hard to fight<br>
hand-to-hand without a weapon. It could
even break weapons<br>
based on the level of hardness. It is
immune to missile weapons<br>
which just bounce off it unless they do 3x the
AV of the golem.<br>
It has the Fire immunity as for Clay but at half
the Immmunity.<br>
It will take double damage for Cold or Water
spells. <br>
Fire Golem: This golem is a Iron Golem but has
the ability to<br>
emit fire in its strikes with its hands.
It will add fire<br>
damage beyond the basic damage. It also
has the ability of<br>
Clays in immunity to fire. The internal
heat it has will<br>
negate the disadvantage of Iron Golems to Cold
or Water so<br>
it will take damage as normal for those.<br>
The golem will appear where the caster assigns
it and if the<br>
caster does not direct it to a target it will
fight the nearest<br>
target (ally or enemy). It will remain
until the duration expires.<br>
The Distance listed is how far the golem can be
away from the<br>
Caster. If it leaves the area it will
retreat till it is within<br>
the area again.<br>
Range - (EL+1)x2"
[How far away golem can appear]<br>
Distance - 2" (EL as power) [How far
Golem can be from caster).<br>
Duration - (EL+1)x2 turns<br>
Alignment - Balance<br>
The attributes of the Golems are as
Damage EL<br>
Clay Golem (EL+1)x2 EL+4 EL+2
EL+3 EL+4 +2 1D6+EL EL<br>
Iron Golem (EL+1)x3 EL+6 EL+4
EL+4 EL+5 +3 1D8+EL EL+1<br>
Fire Golem (EL+1)x4 EL+8 EL+5
EL+5 EL+6 +4 1D10+EL EL+2<br>
HPV - Hit Point Value MR
- Movement Rate<br>
EL - Combat EL in hand-to-hand<br>
MDV of Golem - MEL+EL of
A caster can create any golem within his EL
limits or below. If<br>
one is of EL 10 he can create any of the
three. If his EL is 4<br>
he can create a Clay or Iron golem. All
rolls for above formulae<br>
are made by the Referee and he secretly keeps
the information.<br>
The effect of Severe and Deadly hits do not
increase the Golems<br>
basic damage but will add to it. For
severe hits the Golem<br>
will add (EL/2 RU) while Deadly will add EL to
the damage.<br>
Optional: Cast at x4 the cost a number of Golems
can be created<br>
equal to the Caster's EL.<br>
Example: A wizard creates a EL3 Iron
Golem. The Referee does all<br>
the rolls and the Golem ends up with the
following Stats -<br>
HPV: 12 OCV: 9 DCV: 7 MR: 7 [2/2/2/1] NAV: 8 SB
+3 Damage 1D6+3<br>
EL: 4.The caster has a MEL of 8. Thus the
MDV is 11. A ready<br>
made fighter is created that will last 8
turns. IT will take<br>
a hit doing 20 points to kill the golem.
The golem will do<br>
an average of 7-12 points on each hit with a -4
to each combat<br>
roll. On a deadly hit it will score 11-16
points of damage.<br>
Note: A very powerful companion thus the
high BMC. We have<br>
Dark Companion and Shadow Warriors but for those
not into those<br>
powers (more Lawful rather than chaotic or
Shadow oriented) then<br>
this is a good alternative. There are ways
to limit this spell<br>
like frequency of its use or to decrease the
formulae above.<br>
Continued 2 of 3<br>
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