<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1> The following are the
changes from the PNP Creatures information.<br>
In this particular case it only is for the Kotothi Alignment<br>
creatures. Richard sent me the files based on alignments
seperate so tackling them one at a time. I'm editing my
creature book 3 file that i did a decade ago. ITs a slow
but the Kotothi were the biggest chunk.<br>
This is here to show what is changed. Richard, please
and if you see something wrong and change it let me know :)
do have noted at least 2-3 things that are awkward you need
check into, richard. Here it comes..<br>
[The changes show the State A-B where A is the original stat<br>
and B is the new stat]<br>
Each creature has new Stats C, PR, Size and god references
those aren't noted below. When I say Append - that
of notes has been appended with info. When I say Edit
or Minor<br>
Edit that shows the amount of edit the section has been
Athach DCV 4-2, EnL 20-111, HC NA-78 Appearance - Append
Richard: You note something like this See Relevant
section for impact<br>
of thrown stones? Is this in your new
rules your working on?<br>
Baobhan Sith AHP 5-16, OCV 4(8)-7(14) MR 7(28) -
EnL 50-45, DTV -5* to -2, HC NA-15 Special
--Append and removed -:<br>
No person that is affected by their powers can
attack them<br>
for any reason.<br>
Beithir - DCV 4(8)-4(10) MR-9(30-9(36) ENL 28-88 DTV
-5 to -6 HC NA-57<br>
Special-Added Immunity to Lightning.<br>
Append- Jewel is AHP to AHP/2 value.<br>
Added - Border Redcap - New monster<br>
Added Bugbears - NEW<br>
Richard - You mention appearance Ursold is this a
Chimeara - S 32-48 ENL 25-98 HC NA-56 Special-Edits/Append<br>
Added - Cuca and Cuca Queen<br>
Richard Should queen have CL 1?<br>
Cu Sidhe ENL9-27 DTV -1 to -2 HC 21-19
Special-Minor Edit<br>
Dae'ta Koti DCV 3-7 NWI -3 to 0 A-8-40 MR
7-9 ENL 6-65 DTV -2 to -3<br>
CDF 1-9 SS Int to Noc. Int 3-5 HC 16-30
Warren Master - Added<br>
Richard: Big jump in A? <br>
Daoine Sidhe - ECV 6-7 S 12-14 A-18-33 MR 12-13 ENl
35-71 CL-1-NA<br>
MDV 14-12 Int 8-7 HC NA-16<br>
Added Daoine Sidhe Magician<br>
Richnard: CL 1 to NA? Also - Typo-2 By bys in
Special After E) :)<br>
Dirailla-ta (removed -) Enl $-7 DTV 0 -1 CDF 1-6
MDV 3-5<br>
HC NA-7 Special-Edits<br>
Richard: Big CDF boost there?!<br>
Dirasa Added!<br>
Elder Dragon S 110-120 ST 60-70 ENl 90-226 DTV -9 -12 CDF
14-18 HC 85-116<br>
Earth Eater St 21-30 ENL 24-90 DTV -10 to -6 HC NA-60
Firbolg/Firbolg Magician - Added<br>
Fusin/Fusin Ruler - Added<br>
Gartula/Gartula Male Leader - Added<br>
Earth Giant - Enl 42-85 HC-NA-50
Appearance-edit Special-Append<br>
Fire Giant - Enl 48-133 DTV -6
to -7 HC-NA-67 Appearnace-edit<br>
Forest Giant - Enl 28-90 HC-Na-52
Appearance-Edit Special-Append/Edit<br>
Frost - Enl-51-116 dTV -6-8 HC-NA-68
SS Int Omn to Noc Carni<br>
Use Cold EL5-EL6<br>
Richard: Is the SS for real? Changed
from Omnivore to Carnivore?<br>
Hill - ENL-24-72 DTV-5 -7 HC
-NA-58 Special-append<br>
Mt. Giant - DCV 3-4 D 10-11 A-6-7 Enl-
90-129 DTV -7-6 HC-NA-55<br>
Storm - DCV 2-3 S 96-92 St 78-76
Enl-75-101 DTV -7-6 HC-na-64<br>
Giant General Notes edited<br>
Goblin - ?? 9-19 NF 10 changed ENl 10-35 HC
13-9 NF note appended<br>
Appearance-Edit Special-Edit<br>
Added Elite Goblin, King Goblin<br>
** ?? Something changed from 9 to 19 but I lost that
attribute :<<br>
Gorgon -DCV 2(3)-3 MR 9(15)-9 ENl 30-43 DTV -3-2 int 5(6)-5
HC NA-18<br>
Added Gorgon (Sighted) Special-Edited<br>
Great Ape Male - Hp-30-28 OCV-10-9 DCV-3-4 S 32-34 Enl-18-79
Female-DCV 2-4 NWI -2 -0 D 10-16 A 15-10
MR-10-11 Enl-3-39 dTV-2-3<br>
CDf 2-4 INT 5-4 HC na-20<br>
Richard a Big CDF jump from 2-4 for Female Great
Great Serpent S75-74 NAV-3-4 Enl-60-142 DTV -6-7 HC NA-63
Great Spider - HP16-28 DCV2-3 S28-18 St80-76 Enl12-99 DTV
CDF 2-12? INT 4-5 HC NA-47
Apperance-Append Special-Edited<br>
Richard: HUGE CDF Jump from 2 to 12. My
guess is a typo? :)<br>
Also suggestion. Since this
creature learns languages how about<br>
making its brain some NMI item for
languages or something?<br>
Grundwergen ENl-18-48 DTV -5-4 INT 4-5 HC 19-34
Richard: Confirm this please. - Must have WSB +9 to
even hurt it?<br>
That's a mighty tough creature :)<br>
Added HerenSuge<br>
Alignment - Kotothi <br>
Alignment - Kotothi <br>
Alignment - Kotothi<br>
Hydra - No change! [only one seems to not have changed! :)]<br>
Childredn of Hydra - MR 15-14 MDV 6-5
Apperance-Added to Special-Edit<br>
Minotaur DCV 3(8)-4 D14-10 Enl 16-61 DTV -2-4 HC 26-38<br>
Bullman added<br>
Added Nebora<br>
Ogre NWI-5 -6 Enl 18-53 DTV -6-5 HC50-42<br>
Added Spriggans<br>
Sprite HP 4-6 OCV0-1 Enl 30-43 HC8-10 Apperance-Minor
Special-Minor Edit<br>
Alignment - Kotothi<br>
Trold Folk HP 9-10 Enl 20-40 HC NA-16<br>
Added Trold King Append to Note/NF
Added Eld Troll/ Eld Troll Female<br>
Troll NWI -1-2 A8-10 Enl 12-51 HCNA-35<br>
Added Elite, Troll King<br>
Wood Troll Male S25-24 Enl 8-68 DTV -2-4 HC
Female S18-20 MR 12-13 Enl 25-57 HC
NA-31 Special-Edit<br>
[Missing Rock Troll in the Kotoh file?]<br>
Wyvern HP 25-27 S29-30 Enl21-83 dTV -4 -3 HC NA-36<br>
Apperance-Edit Special-Edit<br>
That's it for Kotothi creatures..now for next file..<br>
It'll take me awhile to finish it all.<br>
Richard? Comments?<br>
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