<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1> Finished couple more
creature files...<br>
* True Dragons<br>
Dragon - OCV 22-21 DCV 5(10)-6(11) NWI -7 to -6
S 80-90<br>
St 32-60 NAV 6-7 Renaemd to True
Enl 80-231 DTV -8 -11 Int 10-9<br>
Added Female Dragon Form<br>
Special -Edited<br>
Special-Section C) Chart Edited/Appended
to (Added Shadow/Neutral)<br>
So Dragons got a bit dumber :)<br>
Added Lun (Dragon)<br>
Richard: In reading this one is he more a
spirit or a dragon? :)<br>
Added Fantil Devil - Chaos<br>
Added Fentil Devil Copy [Chaos]<br>
Added Surge [WOWSERS!!!!]<br>
Added Fentil Devil Female <br>
Note: You guys gotta see Surge!!!<br>
* Shadow Creatures<br>
Added Kejani Ki<br>
Richard: No PR and NF?<br>
Added Kejan'po <br>
Richard: No PR? Size?<br>
Added Kiana'nir<br>
Richard: No PR/Size?<br>
Kiana'shan <br>
Special-Edited Energy drain
changed from 2D6 to 1D6<br>
Shadow Beast OCV 15-14 S 100-80<br>
Richard: No PR/Size?<br>
Shadow Fox DTV 0 to -1 Enl 40-76<br>
Special-Edited Note-Edited<br>
Richard: No PR? Size?<br>
Added Shadow Hawk<br>
Shadow Warrior Hpv 10-12 S25-18 St15-12
MR15-13 Enl40-12 DTV 0 to -1<br>
Special-Edited Note-Removed<br>
Added Shadow Worm -<br>
Richard: Your file has 2
HCs. Which is which NA or 5%?<br>
* Balance Creatures<br>
Added Cailoa - Alignment Balance<br>
Added A'equin<br>
Zehani Wolf S 24 to 20 HC 39 to 30% DTV -3
to -4 NF/Note- Appended<br>
Asaghi HC NA to 20<br>
Robes 10GC to 20GC and +1 to +2 by wearing
Enl 60-73 Typo-* for DTV Appearance-Edited
Richard: Hmm..I note a typo..let me check..oh
yearh in the<br>
* note you have DYV instead od DTV may
want to fix that :)<br>
Alignmnet - Balance<br>
Bouba - Changed Alignment from Elder to Balance?<br>
Male - Enl 20-82<br>
Female Enl 20-59
Male S 40 - 38 NF 1D3 -
Changed! DTV 0 to -6 MDV 5 to 6<br>
HC 39-53<br>
Added Female version<br>
Added Appearance/Special info<br>
Richard: He changed alignments? :)<br>
Bush Warrior<br>
St 19 to 16 MR 15 to 14 MDV 1 to 2 HC 65
to 60<br>
Added Edited Speciak,<br>
Changed Resin Doses, Deleted Cost of
EnL 2-26 MDV 1-2 HC 65-60<br>
AHP - 35 to 33 S
38-46 NF added *<br>
HC NA to 42<br>
Added Note at end of special.<br>
Enl 20-96 DTV -5 to -4<br>
CDF 8 to 10 HC NA to 44<br>
Special Changed note from Killed/Astral
Fire, Archery to 7 to EL8<br>
EnL 160-143 DTV -6 to -5 CDF 8-10 HC
Richard: What's the Big Jump in CDF? 8 to
10 for?<br>
AHP 8 to 9 S 14-8 St
12-15 Enl 24 to 20 DTV -3 to -5 HC NA-11<br>
Special 1D6 to 1D3 Reinforcements
Added paragraph to special<br>
Enl 24-20 <br>
Added Omari<br>
Appearance Edited Added notes
Enl - 34-87 DTV -4 to -5 HC 49-55<br>
Added Seker<br>
Seninetl Beast<br>
AHP 10-20 CDF 5-6 Special 2d100 to
d100 returning distance<br>
Richard: Another CDF boost?<br>
Int 4 to 8 HC NA - 36<br>
Special- Blood HC 40 to 30 MDV 20-15
STB 4-3 / Intellect 3-4<br>
Enl - 70-76 Appearance-Edited<br>
Richard: So dragons get dumber but Te'sla
double in Smartness? :)<br>
Special - MEL 2d6+4 to 2D10+4<br>
INT 10-8<br>
Richard: Another creatuer getting
Ok. Those are the changes in above
creatures..more to come..<br>
Richard is adding a lot of good new critters.
Richard di<br>
you see the last post on this? I had some
questinos there<br>
like this one. If you edit/change anything let
me know here<br>
so i don't to go through the file again that takes up
of time :)<br>
4 files down...6 to go...<br>
Law, Sidh, Chaos, Neutral, Animals and elder...<br>
More to come when I get them done...<br>
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