<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1> Law Creatured...<br>
Richard - Just some clarifications no errors.<br>
Ahura S 15-34 St 80-52 NF 1D3-1D2* Enl 75-50 MDV 16-15
Int 8-6 HC NA-33<br>
Apperance - Minor Edit<br>
Added Ahuras, Labura <br>
Amaliel Enl Enl 1000-98 DTV -6 to -5 Int 8-7 HC NC-42
Angels of Fury AHP 30-33 St 50-40 Enl 100-71 DTV -8 to -4 HC
Appearance - Edit Special-Edit<br>
Hafaza S 40-48 St 20-28 Enl 100-85 DTV -7 to -3 HC
NA-32 Special-edit<br>
Kerubim ENl 150-116 DTV -5 to -6 Int 9-8 HC NA-56<br>
Appearance - Edited EL10 to EL8 Magic
Special - EL5-EL4 Powers <br>
Maskela S12-11 Enl 100-120 DTV 0 to -3 Int 10-9 HC
Special - Edit EL4 to EL5 in
Vereghina AHP 24-20 S25-24 St 120-78 Enl 50-26 dTV -9
to -5 INT 3-4<br>
HC NA-44 Added Note<br>
Added Argol [Giant]<br>
Added Blancara [Male/Female]<br>
Added Cadue/Cadue Elder<br>
Daeta A'miri AHP 7-10 ENL 6-17 HC 16-15
Added Dolaura/Delaura Queen<br>
Richard: Is that 3 days underwater or 3
hours? Just making sure :)<br>
Says SB+sTB (3) days but wanted to make sure
wasn't a mistkae :)<br>
Added Edali/Edali Divine<br>
Richard: Edali Divine "metal beings" they
LOOK like metal with<br>
grayish faces or they are in fact metal
aka robot type beings? :)<br>
Just wanted to clarify this.<br>
Fire Snake AHP 14-15 S 3-4 Enl 16-67 HC 8-28 Special -
Flaming Steed DCV 9(12)-9(13) S36-38 A10-20 MR 28(44)-28(52)
EnL 32-52<br>
DTV 0 to -3 Apperance - Edited<br>
Richard: Special- Old - See in darkness, magic
or not.<br>
New - See in
darkness (the magic is gone). Does this mean<br>
they no
longer see in darkness 2 hexes out in magical darkness?<br>
Added Labbrila<br>
Ahh.a. cute fluffy Vegetarian!..run..oh nevermind..
Has its uses :)<br>
Added Master [Pretty nifty but I was thinking Yoda when formmating
Mushrussu ENl 56-106 DTV -5 to -6 MDV 14-15 INT 5-6 HC 55-60<br>
Added Divine Mushrussh (Cool!)<br>
Added Tower Lord<br>
Richard: Nice and fills in some gaps for
Bhamotin. Hrm..is the<br>
Column of fire inches in terms of ACTUAL inches
or hexes? :)<br>
Just making sure.<br>
Added White Otter<br>
Added Warders<br>
Richard: Interesitng but some clarifications.
They never leave<br>
or found out of water but they can be
adopted? So A person<br>
might be able to use one as a pet but they
hardly leave the<br>
water? Or they naturally aren't out of the
water? I'm confused<br>
on the Dead thing. Dead go around the
water shore attacking<br>
otters in your world? :) Just seems
weird for playing term<br>
since most characters aren't dead. But I
could see their<br>
use if a person dies I guess on the water shore?
:)( The<br>
age reduction thing Can a person go below 1 or
0? :)<br>
Added Zshar-ptitsa<br>
Richard: Clarifications :) Nice Bird
though :)<br>
1) Bird Glows - Distance as for same
effect of a Feather distance?<br>
2) How quickly do the feathers
regrow after plucking?<br>
3) Apple- Once failure can't eat
another ever?<br>
Are they
cumulative effects?<br>
Double Life - Does
this occur for Elfs and their long age?<br>
4) Sing - Distance as for EL Cure
Pluck feathers
forever won't sing or just for short time?<br>
5) How often does it eat? Would seem
these golden apples would<br>
be extremely rare
and thus their eating might be staggered?<br>
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