<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1> Ok. Finished
Animals... Two Days not bad..<br>
Antelope EnL 5-19 HC9-14<br>
Aap AHP2-3 OCV 1-0 DCV 2-8 EnL 3-4 DTV 0 to -1 Poison Dose
less by 1 Dose<br>
Boar AHP8-10 OCV 3-2 DCV 5-8 NWI -4 to 0 EnL 10-16 HC 14-15<br>
Removed - ** 60% are piglets. Reduce stats as for Bear
cubs above. All<br>
others are mature adults.<br>
** Richard: This NF note no longer applies?<br>
Camel - Divided up into new forms<br>
Camel [Domestic, Draft] Alignment -
Camel [Domestic, War]
Alignment - None<br>
Alignment - None<br>
Cat AHP 4-5 NWI +2 to 0 D 13-15 A20-24 EnL 5-17 DTV 0 to -1
MDV 2-3<br>
HC 5-7<br>
SS Diurnal Herbivore to Nocturnal Carnivore<br>
** Richard: Another Size 0?<br>
Cliff Bear DCV 4-8 MR12-14 HC 35-42<br>
SS Di Carnivore to Di Omnivore
NF *** Edited<br>
Deer DCV 6-8 Enl 6-20 DTV -2 to -1 HC 13-15<br>
Desert Lion DCV 5-6 NWI -3 to -4 D14-15 MR 6 to 6(20) EnL
CDF3-2 MDV 4-5 INT 4-5 HC
NF */** notes edited<br>
Dog I AHP 6-9 S8-9 EnL 2-17 MDV 1-2<br>
Dog II AHP 9-10 DCV 4-8 St 30-20 EnL 4-21 DTV -2 to -1 MDV
2-3 HC21-16<br>
Dog III AHP 10-14 OCV 4-2 DCV 5-8 EnL 6-32 DTV -3 to -2 CDF
Donkey 6-8 DCV 4-8 NWI 0 to -3 EnL 2-17 MDV 1-2
Draft Horse OCV 8-2 DCV 4-8 D10-13 A10-18 NC Changed Enl14-33
HC36-34 NF ** Note edited<br>
Eagle ENl 12-17 DTV -2 to -1 MDV 2-4 HC16-10<br>
HF * Edited<br>
** Richard: ERROR-NF you hae 1-6 and 6-9 Need to fix. Same
for Falcon<br>
Falcon AHP5-6 OCV 1(3)-2(4) Enl 6-15 DTV 0 to -1 MDV 2-1
Removed- * As for Eagle Richard is this correct?<br>
Hawk AHP8-9 EnL 12-16 DTV -2 to -1 MDV3-4 HC14-10<br>
Changes SS Herbivore to Carnivore<br>
Hyenda OCV 3-2 DCV 4-5 NWI 0 to -2 EnL 6-29 DTV -2 to -1
Leopard OCV 5-2 DCV 7-5 MR 28-8(28) EnL 10-44 MDV4-5 HC19-23<br>
Removed Special and moved ot a ** note<br>
Lion DCV 5-4(7) NWI -1 to 0(-2) A14-16 MR21-7(21) NF (10) Changed<br>
EnL 10-45 DTV -4 to -2 HC15-23 <br>
Mule St 25-24 MR16-17 NAV 0-1 EnL 6-10 DTV -2 to -1 HC24-15<br>
Ox ODC 10-9 NWI 0(-4) to 0(-3) St36-30 EnL 16-50 DTV 0 to -1<br>
CDF 3-2 Int 1-2 HC38-23<br>
Riding Horse I MR24-25 EnL 6-31 MDV 1-2 HC15-21<br>
Riding Horse II MR26-27 EnL 8-33 MDV 2-3 HC16-22<br>
Riding Horse III MR28-29 EnL 8-37 MDV 2-4 HC18-25 NWI 0 to -1<br>
DTV -2 to -3<br>
Riding Horse IV Enl 10-50 DTV -3 to -4 MDV3-5
** Richard: What does the NF ** mean for Riding Horse III?<br>
Swamp buffalo NWI 0(-2) to 0(-4) EnL 14-40 HC28-31 NF
Tiger DCV 6-4(7) NWI -5 to -4 A17-19 MR24-7(25) NAV 0-1 EnL 15-70<br>
MDV 5-6 HC 21-34 */** Edited<br>
War Horse I NWI 0(-1) to 0(-2) EnL 8-31 HC17-21<br>
War Horse II OCV 6-5 NWI 0(-2) to 0(-3) NAV0-1 Enl 10-41
INT2-3 HC18-24
War Horse III NWI 0(-3) to 0(-4) S23-24 A14-15 Enl 12-47
HC 21-28 <br>
War horse IV DCV 7-9 NWI -1(-4) to 0(-5) St21-22 D15-16
NAV 0-1 Enl15-63 MDV5-7 INT3-4 HC24-35<br>
** Richard: What's with the NAV 0 to 1 for 2 of them? :)<br>
Waste Lion - Made Male/Female Forms<br>
Richard: Why is female CDF 3 and Male 4 it seems
female is a bit<br>
tougher? Shouldn't it be reversed?<br>
Wild Cat - Deleted my note But ENL changes and a few things
Wild Dog AHP 8-9 NWI 0 to -2 S 25-20 Enl 3-15 DTV -2
to -3<br>
MDV 3-4 HC10-13<br>
Wolf NWI -2 to 0(-2) A18-19 Enl 24-26 MDV8-7 HC25-22<br>
** Note 50 to 30%<br>
Bear OCV 8-2 DCV 4-8 Enl 13-44 CDF 3-1 MDV6-1 INT4-3 HC
** Richard: CDF 3-1 Bears are nasty creatures A Cow has CDF 3 but<br>
Bear CDF 1? :) <br>
Goat AHP6-7 EnL 2-11 MDV1-2<br>
Vampire Bat OCV 1-0 DCV 4(8)-2(6) NWI 0-0(-2) St8-6 D6-12<br>
A60-16 MR 5(24)-5(21) EnL 12-5(15)** DTV
-1 to 0 HC NA-4<br>
Added ** note<br>
Added Auroch <br>
Added Bull (Cattle)<br>
Added Cow<br>
Added Hippopotamus <br>
Added Pig<br>
Added Crocodile <br>
Added Anaconda<br>
** Richard: You say - <br>
Special - This serpent is 20 to 30 feet
long. It lives by consuming<br>
animals up to the size of a donkey in one
Should that be Dog? I've heard of Anaconda's eating
dogs but a<br>
donkey size animal? :)<br>
Richard: Could you do some minor rules on Size and/or FP in
to animals? Ie if we have pig now might be nice to
know how mucha<br>
a standard pig could produce FPs wise :). How
about swarming<br>
rules with insects (bees, ants, etc.)? How about data
on some<br>
more sea creatures specifically Dolphin and Whale since I
those 2 might be seen often for players. Insects don't
a fair shake either :). But no biggie we got enough data
work with for that sorta thing.<br>
Two files to go.. Chaos/Neutral 8 down 2 to go<br>
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