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J. Vahear <br>
As a island nation Vahear has a great strategic location for<br>
conquest of the nearby sea. As a
island shaped as it is the inlet<br>
lets fleets of ships sweep out in 3
directions (sea of Tears and<br>
the seas to the South East/South West).
Pirates also use this inlet<br>
to hide their ships and then go out on
raids before being seen. For<br>
those with the courage to visit the cities
and towns of this island,<br>
they find they are dens to pirates.
It is said the black market<br>
here is vast and if it can't be found here
it can't be found anywhere<br>
else. Due to the pirate influence
here on the island merchants have<br>
set agreements to sail the seas without
being attacked. This may be<br>
from tributes to working for the pirates
themselves. Very little<br>
civilians actually have some free control
of their fate here or if<br>
they do its not for long. There are
good forest reserves for new<br>
timber if need on a couple of the islands
and mainland. The break<br>
down of the ships are as follows:<br>
City/Area Civilian Warships Trireme
Vahear City
16 9
Inannadan City 120
15 8
Vahear Island 185
29 9 [Coastal Towns]<br>
15 4 <br>
Olphar Coast
5 1 [Coastal Towns]<br>
Mossal Island
5 1 <br>
Undisan Island 10
5 1 <br>
Bista Island
5 1 <br>
Rey Deu Island
5 1 <br>
10 4 [Active
Ocean Trael
10 1 [In transit]<br>
Total 1500
120 40<br>
Chance of encountering a Civilian around Vahear island itself<br>
is 70% along the coastline. Chance
of encountering a warship around<br>
the Vahear coastline is 15%. Chance
of civilian encounter around<br>
Olphar coastline is 60% but a military
encounter would be 10%.<br>
Chance of encountering a Vahear civilian
craft around the 4 islands<br>
are 12% while a military encounter would
be 5%. Chance of encountering<br>
a military warship in open ocean is
2%. While chance of encountering<br>
a Vahear civilian on transit in open ocean
is 5%.<br>
K. Xan
Xan has the best of both worlds with access to the Sea of<br>
Tears and the Western Sea. But they
are not as powerful enough to<br>
effectively conquer both at a time.
There has been a plan in the<br>
works by the leaders for over 75 years to
do a canal between both<br>
seas at the shortest distance (about 60
miles). They know if they<br>
could do such a canal they would prosper
by charging transit fees<br>
and grow even more powerful. But the
problem as always is money.<br>
They have the slave labor but if they had
the money the project<br>
would last for a couple decades
likely. It is rumored the leaders<br>
have even sought out wizards to create
paths in the mountains with<br>
magic. It is even said the High
Elder (of the Dark Lands) was<br>
approached but refused. Xan knows if
this canal were to exist<br>
though Fort Kira as the spearhead by Clima
and Gom would have major<br>
problems with it as the balance of power
would surely shift to Xan.<br>
So the Xan leaders are always approaching
Atler and Fomoria with<br>
possible sources of income for large deals
or contracts. It is an<br>
uphill battle to make the canal that may
never come to life The<br>
breakdown of ships is as follows:<br>
City/Area Civilian
Warships Trireme<br>
Xantia City
45 10<br>
Western Shore
5 -<br>
Erdan City
30 5<br>
Eastern Shore
5 - <br>
Ocean Transit
- -<br>
Total 600
85 15<br>
The military tends to keep 5 ships on each shore on constant<br>
patrol. Ocean transit are those
ships that are at least over 1 hex<br>
away from Xan's coastline at any one
time. The Western shore tends<br>
to be crowded with traffic (up to 20 ships
in a Western Shore<br>
Coastline hex) making a chance of
encountering a Xan civilian on<br>
the west shore at 80%. The Eastern
shore tends to be less crowded<br>
with about 5-10 ships in any eastern shore
hex at any given time<br>
making it a 40% chance of encounter.
To encounter a warship in<br>
either the western or eastern shore
coastline is a 5% chance. Most<br>
of the warships stay in port always being
maintained for any sign of<br>
trouble from enemy nations. The Sea
of Tears fleet however is also<br>
on many recon missions to scout the nearby
nations for build up or<br>
raids. Thus the Erdan fleet is
designed for scouting and raiding<br>
compared to the Xantia Fleet. Xan
has access to nearby forests so<br>
they have great timber reserves.<br>
23. The Fierazi Tribes<br>
The Fierazi are
land based tribes that rarely if ever visit the<br>
sea. Very few tribe members may
never see bodies of water bigger<br>
than a river or the few lakes in the
area. Thus they have no sea<br>
going ships at all. However due to
the forest rivers and few small<br>
lakes they do have small light craft. Most
of these may be fishermen<br>
or transport ships. The Fierazi are
not used to water combat so no<br>
water warship exists for the tribes.
If they do engage in battle<br>
it will be a melee combat rather than ship
to ship. Due to the<br>
hostile nature to outsiders the rare cargo
transport may meet up<br>
with only Caldo river ships if at
all. They will not barter with<br>
anyone else. In fact the tribal
shamans tell of stories of dangers<br>
that exist in the water. There are
many myths and legends of the<br>
rivers and lakes. One in particular gets
told over and over. The<br>
myth as told by the Shamans states that in
one of the lakes if a<br>
large gray ship is seen by a Great Shaman
then this is a omen to<br>
visit that ship. It is said that on
the ship could be the key to<br>
the old empire del'nord power. But
the legend also states that<br>
the ship could also, if the shaman doesn't
have complete faith,<br>
awaken a great danger to bring the old
empire del'Nord back into<br>
24. Ghazai<br>
The Ghazai are
fierce and vicious jungle fighters but they do not<br>
do sea going battles. The Great
Chief believes the gods forbid them<br>
to exit the jungle and enter the Great
Water. In fact scholars<br>
believe this to be a tactic to keep the
tribes in line and stay in<br>
their borders as they have little
population as it is. They do have<br>
however a few river craft used for
transport and the Great Chief<br>
allows use of the river but not the
ocean. These boats tend only<br>
to be for fishing or transport
purposes. The chance of encountering<br>
a Ghazai craft in any Ghazai river hex is
5% These river craft are<br>
not prepared for battle in the
25. Ghiamen<br>
The Ghiamen while
organized at times have no desire to enter the<br>
cold north seas. They have no ocean
going ships but the rivers in<br>
the forest do have some barbarian craft
that usually help in trading<br>
and hunting. The only tribe to have
a river is the Ghomen who have<br>
about 150 miles of river running through
their forest. They do use<br>
it for transportation and occasional
fishing. At any one time there<br>
may be 5-10 craft on the river. The chance
of encountering a craft<br>
is 3% per river hex. These craft,
mostly small rafts, are not battle<br>
26. Goidan <br>
Goidan is a island
nation in a desolate part of the Western<br>
Sea which sees a lot of storms. The
barbarian tribes are not one for<br>
ocean going ships due to their level of
technology or desire, but<br>
they are one for some light river craft in
their swamps and two<br>
rivers. Trade is conducted by ships
from Fomoria and Dirllar that<br>
keep a tight reign on their market and
thus in a way protect the<br>
island from pirates and outsiders going to
the island. The river<br>
craft the tribes have are not advanced but
simple craft to serve a<br>
purpose usually of transportation or
fishing/hunting. They tend to<br>
be wooden curraghs that would not last
long in the open sea. It is<br>
said the Red Branch keeps a ship for
combat training in times of war<br>
if needed but the tactics and training is
primitive. The Barbarians<br>
keep the rivers clear of outsiders while
the Fomorian and Dirllar<br>
ships skirt the shore of the ocean.
The tribes do keep a river ship<br>
of war in each river for a total of 2
warships. But these craft<br>
would not last long up against a fortified
Trireme. But they do help<br>
defend the river against light
craft. They are also there to keep<br>
the peace along the river in
skirmishes. The people will tend to<br>
have0 transportation or fishing
The Connata
tribe control the northern river of 100 odd miles<br>
and tend to have 15 civilian craft at any
one time on the river.<br>
This gives about 12% chance of
encountering such a craft on the river.<br>
The UiNeill control the southern river and
tend to have 18 craft on<br>
the river at any one time in their 100 odd
miles of river. This<br>
gives a 15% chance of encounter.
Those in the Eoghan tribe have<br>
learned to use the swamps for their
survival. They tend to have 12<br>
craft in the swamps hunting or fishing at
any one time for the various<br>
villages. The chance of encountering
a swamp boat is 5% in any swamp<br>
27. Gom <br>
Gom has a long
history of warfare and defeat which has made them<br>
weary of combat. They tend to prefer
others to fight for them. Most<br>
Gomese seek personal profit so trade is
common on the seas for the<br>
Gomese. Most of the
military fleet is rowed by slaves. Gom is<br>
known as a good trade center in the Sea of
Tears. When the center<br>
of the dynasty changed from Gom city to
the more isolated Sheiram<br>
many did not favor that decision. It
is cut off from the Sea of<br>
Tears. The one river that is there
runs over 1,000 miles to the<br>
Southern Ocean through the great desert
and jungles to the south. As<br>
a result of this long journey most do not
wish to take the long trip<br>
at all. Most civilians who have
naval interests move to Gom city<br>
itself. The breakdown of the Gom
ships are as follows:<br>
City/Area River
Ocean Warship Trireme<br>
City 100
25 10<br>
Towns 100
12 2<br>
Sheiram City 300
- -<br>
Towns 350
- -<br>
Patrol -
5 2<br>
Patrol -
3 -<br>
Transit -
5 1<br>
Total 850
50 15<br>
The Gom Towns
cover the northern coastal towns and coastlines<br>
that would contribute to ocean
traffic. South towns are those who<br>
contribute to the river traffic on the
southern river. Ocean and<br>
River patrol are when warships are on
patrol in those areas and the<br>
amounts. Ocean transit are ships
that are in the Sea of Tears (or<br>
rarely Southern Seas).<br>
For river
encounters the chance of Civilian encounters on the<br>
Gom river is high 60%. The chance to
encounter the 1 Gom River<br>
warship in the 100 miles of Gom river is
2%. The 320 miles of the<br>
southern river are heavily trafficked for
the most part and encounter<br>
chance is 15% for civilian craft and for
the 2 military patrol craft<br>
it is 8%. For the greater amount of
river (1000+ miles) the chance<br>
of encountering a Gom river craft is just
2%. The Gom Southern River<br>
patrol (2 warships) would never venture
past the mountains into the<br>
desert and jungle part of the southern
river. The chance of<br>
encountering a Gom ship in the sea of
tears is about 2% in any one<br>
Ocean hex. The northern Gom
coastline is crowded most of the year<br>
and chance of encountering a Gom civilian
craft is 30% in any Gom<br>
coastline hex. Chance of
encountering a Gom warship on the northern<br>
coastline is 10%. Gom resources for
ship replacement is not great<br>
so they have to trade for timber or gather
it from the Wild Forest<br>
on the northern side of the Sea of
28. The Helva <br>
The Helva are a
vicious tribe that rather fight than co-exist<br>
with their neighbors. This
matriarchial society is always on the<br>
watch for their neighbors and weary of any
advances on their<br>
territory. They are always watching
for problems and will be ready<br>
to stop any invasions even if its just the
least amount of people.<br>
The tribes are land locked so do not have
any ocean going craft.<br>
But two of the tribes do live alongside
rivers. These are the Kiesa<br>
and the Karashaka whoa re in the mountains
and forests respectively.<br>
The Kiesa live near a winding river on
their southern area and tend<br>
to have 12 small wooden river craft on it
at any one time. The<br>
chance of encountering such a river craft
is about 2%. The other<br>
Karashaka use the river to move among the
hills and small mountains<br>
faster. They tend to have 8 ships on
the river at any one time.<br>
These craft do not enter into the heavy
mountain chains though only<br>
stay to the hill river hexes. The
chance of encountering such a<br>
craft is 5%. The Kiesa tribe do not
stray far from their nearby<br>
territory while on the river. These
tribes do not have any river<br>
warship craft. Most tend to be
fisherman, transportation or small<br>
trade craft (usually of small to medium
raft size). <br>
29. The Humagi<br>
The Humagi are
like the Helva, vicious fighters. They are known<br>
to capture and torture people like the
Helva but also take heads as<br>
trophies or just eat the person.
They are specially trained horse<br>
warriors who aren't fully capable in the
water. They are a land<br>
locked culture so there is no access to
the sea for ocean going<br>
ships. But there are two Humagi
tribes that have access to nearby<br>
rivers. The Srimoga have about 160
miles of nearby river to enter<br>
while the Kaoga have well over 250 miles
of river. They will use<br>
these rivers for patrols, recon, fishing
and transportation. Most<br>
river craft are wooden rafts but some may
be as large as 20 person<br>
rafts. The Mopoga tribe do have a
nearby river but do not venture<br>
on it as the Zen'da are very territorial
of their river. The Humagi<br>
do not have river warships. It is
common knowledge that most<br>
outsiders should avoid these river areas
or risk their lives at<br>
great peril. The chance to encounter
a Srimoga river craft in any<br>
nearby river hex is 3% while the chance to
encounter a Kaoga river<br>
craft is 10%.<br>
30. The Ipanza<br>
The Ipanza are a
hardy people who live in the most extreme cold<br>
climate in the Perilous lands called the
Frozen Lands. It is nothing<br>
but Tundra for hundreds of miles.
These nomads are hunters and<br>
gathers who try to survive in this harsh
environment. They rarely<br>
deal with outsiders. There are no
rivers in this area so no river<br>
craft exists. There are hundreds of
miles of coastline but the arctic<br>
like northern sea tends to be so cold,
stormy and in some cases full<br>
of floating icebergs that they do not
desire to sail the sea. So in<br>
all these people have no ships or boats at
all. The only time they<br>
may trade is with Novarask or in the Dark
Lands nearby if at all. <br>
31. Iravoy <br>
Iravoy is land
locked with no rivers just miles of hills. They<br>
do not have ocean or river going
craft. However a rich Iravoy<br>
citizen may own a craft that is berthed in
a Aratad Confederacy port.<br>
32. The Izza<br>
The Izza are hated
by many neighbors so know they could not<br>
muster a well defendable fleet.
Being nothing but jungle land<br>
there is no good port as well.
Though they allow Port Doman to<br>
help them in times of war. The only
craft the Izza may have is an<br>
occasional coastal craft that is for
transportation (going from one<br>
place to another) to avoid long areas of
jungle. The chance o<br>
encountering such a craft along the Izza
coast is only 2%. These<br>
craft would not last in the open sea so
only stay within a few<br>
hundred feet of the coastline.<br>
33. Ja'xon<br>
Ja'xon is a small
nation but it controls a major land trade<br>
route that is heavily used. In some
ways the river allows trade<br>
to be sent through the desert and their
land all the way up to<br>
Roghara city. Since Ja'xon is
friendly with the Shanda they use<br>
the city as a trade site as well.
Ja'xon has no ocean going ship.<br>
The river that goes through Foha does go
to the southern seas but<br>
goes through the desert and jungles to the
south. The desert tribes<br>
raid any Ja'xon if they see fit therefore
most Ja'xon do not travel<br>
that far south on the river. If at
all they only travel 20 odd miles<br>
into the desert away from Foha port if
that. Ja'xon has 2 river<br>
warships that are large patrol barges
based at Foha city. They keep<br>
the peace from any desert raiders or enemy
craft that may brave going<br>
up the river toward their land. Most times
those these 2 river<br>
warships are idle and their crews do get
lax most of the year.<br>
The city of Ja'xon
does keep some river craft in the deep mountains<br>
(about 50 at any one time) for mining
operations mainly. Half of<br>
those may be non-merchant pleasure
craft. They seek a part of the<br>
river that is known to have a 3 mile
rapids area which fun seekers<br>
love as tourist spots. The chance of
encountering a Ja'xon city<br>
craft in the north 60 miles of the river
is high at 50%. These river<br>
people tend to feel safe in this part of
their territory even from<br>
Gom. Foha on the other hand has
about 30 craft at any one time on<br>
the river portion they control (up to the
desert). The chance of<br>
encountering such a craft is only 10% at
any one time. These people<br>
tend to only use the river for a purpose
like fishing or<br>
transportation up river. They know
the desert and thus raiders are<br>
always nearby. Foha is also a trade
center that sees a lot of traffic<br>
so the river craft mainly serve as
transportation here. Most rich<br>
Ja'xon city land owners who may own a
bigger sea going ship will<br>
berth it in Roghara city to the
north. Another 20 odd craft may be<br>
on the river at any one time from river
bordering villages and towns<br>
(usually in their hex) for fishing,
pleasure, mining or transportation.<br>
These river craft are in the river between
Ja'xon city and Foha and<br>
the chance of encountering a river craft
in these areas increase at<br>
times by 10%. There is a rich
merchant in Ja'xon who does charter<br>
a small fleet of ocean going trade ships
for the Sea of Tears (based<br>
in Roghara). But this is only done
during the summer months when<br>
travel is best. The number varies from
10-20 ships depending on the<br>
level of trade goods to ship. River
pirates who have strayed from<br>
authorities (escaped from really) or in
hiding seek the river for<br>
shelter. They know the mountains are
safer than the jungle and<br>
desert so some may risk the trip up the
river and prey on Ja'xon<br>
river traffic.<br>
34. The Kakana <br>
The Kakan tribes
are not very big but they worship the god Kototh.<br>
Part of this religion makes them think
like a serpent and thus fear<br>
water. While they live by the ocean
and two rivers they do not use<br>
the water at all so they do not have any
craft. In fact they live<br>
deep within the jungle, many may never see
the water in their everyday<br>
life. Kototh may imbue a quest on
one of their great elders every<br>
few years. In this case that elder
may override his imbred fear of<br>
the water and build a small raft to brave
the river to go to a nearby<br>
land for scouting or some other
purpose. But this would likely be<br>
the only reason they would ever create
such crafts. One such quest<br>
was found out by a trader when he spotted
a Kakana near the road in<br>
the desert far to the north. The
single warrior was there seeking<br>
out some strange object of merit.
This person was last seen entering<br>
the great desert but never again.<br>
35. The Kalem <br>
The Kalem are
almost the opposite of the Kakana in their nature.<br>
They are more peaceful but dedicated
warriors when they need to be.<br>
They have a short area of jungle coastline
to the sea. They prefer<br>
to hunt and farm in their isolated
villages. The only time they will<br>
make a small shoreline boat is to trade
when times are hard for their<br>
people like during sickness or other
problems with the people. During<br>
these rare events they will make 1-2
coastline boats to watch for<br>
passing ships to trade with. The
chance of encountering such a craft<br>
during the spring and summer is 2%.
During fall and winter they would<br>
not do this at all due to the storms and
their inability at ocean<br>
seamanship in the rough seas. These craft
stay within sight of land<br>
since if they head out of sight of land
they are doomed.<br>
36. The Kameran<br>
The Kameran are a
small tribe who pride themselves in the<br>
conquest of the forest and nearby
hills. Their weaponsmiths are<br>
known far and wide for their unusual metal
weapons. While the Kameri<br>
tribe in the hills have no water for craft
the Alesi tribe in the<br>
forest have a nearby river they do
utilize. The river is used for<br>
transportation, hunting, moving simple
cargos of metal or minerals,<br>
fishing and secret rites. These
secret sites are performed by the<br>
Blue Moon mystical lodge which is a subset
of the Ancient Moon group.<br>
This sub-group has found they do their
best work during certain<br>
periods (phases) of the moon. They
have learned the river shifts,<br>
though very subtle, at certain times
(tides). This group even helps<br>
nearby villages to plan their harvest and
growing periods based on<br>
the moon with the help of the flowing
river nearby as it shifts. It<br>
is said this group has a hidden base at
the tip of the river but is<br>
hidden by some means (its unclear if its
magic or nature - rumors say<br>
both). At any one time the river
will have 30 river craft on it.<br>
While about 80 miles of the river is in
their established area<br>
another 220 odd miles are in other
areas. They are friendly with<br>
the nearby Zen'da clan so they drift down
the long winding river<br>
(about 250 miles up to the point in the
west where it branches<br>
northward and continues westward).
The chance of encountering an<br>
Alesi river craft is 10% in the 250 odd
mile river stretch. The<br>
chance of encountering them in the eastern
part near the Moon<br>
fortress is 15%. These craft are
simple rafts or small barges not<br>
prepared for battle.<br>
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