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37. Katai <br>
Katai is a culture
teaming with life over 7 million strong. They<br>
are the most populated nation on the world
and have 1 million just<br>
in the 20 cities. Most of Katai is
hills and plains but there is an<br>
extensive river network which allows the
citizens to transport<br>
materials and people from place to place
quicker than overland routes.<br>
Many of these rivers go hundreds of miles
inland and extend out into<br>
the sea nearby. Katai has no forests
of its own and must trade with<br>
Choshai for its timber for ship production
which makes them an<br>
important trade ally. Katai crime
gangs do help to promote piracy<br>
on the rivers and open seas so piracy is
common in some high traffic<br>
areas even while the military tries to
stop them from their operations.<br>
Citizens have
thousands of ships and boats. Most are small<br>
purpose craft like junks which serve as
cargo, transportation or<br>
fishing mainly. But every level of
society from the lowest peasant<br>
to the richest Katai household has craft
that serve in virtually<br>
every purpose. There are three main
groups of trade going on with<br>
the various ships. The huge
agriculture market moves all the food<br>
around to various distribution
centers. The metals from the mines<br>
and hills give a metal cargo trade market
and thus complete the<br>
manufacturing market in the cities for
finished goods from simple<br>
every day items to fine luxury
Two cities Tirat
and Katai (with over 200,000 people which is<br>
the world's largest known city) are inland
and land locked too far<br>
from the sea or river. There are 8
cities that are right on the<br>
ocean coastline. They are:<br>
Civilian Encounter Chance<br>
City River Ocean
River Ocean Hex Hexes #<br>
Tiansar -
300 20%
20% 2/7 10/10<br>
Si'chava -
270 -
25% 6
Koulou -
290 -
40% 15
Musdao -
5% 24 1<br>
Qimou -
800 -
90% 42 40<br>
Dzhamou -
150 -
20% 12
Ul'liaou -
180 -
20% 15
Jiuquo 750
530 45%
50% 15/15 10/11<br>
Total 750 2820 <br>
Katai is a huge
land with thousands of miles of coastline. So<br>
there is no short coastline for any one
craft to patrol or use. As<br>
a result the above encounter chances are
slightly different than<br>
other cultures. The above cities are
all coastal cities. Jiuquo is<br>
near a river though not right on a river
so they have a lot of river<br>
craft as listed above while also a lot of
ocean going craft. Tiansar<br>
also is near a river so has both river and
ocean traffic. The column<br>
listed as Hexes is the number of hexes
around the city the ships tend<br>
to stick in. For example, Dzhamou,
most craft stay in the nearby 12<br>
hexes around them. This would be 3
rows and about 6 hexes on each<br>
side. Thus the 20% chance of
encounter is chance of encountering<br>
just one Dzhamou ocean going craft.
These hexes are not set in<br>
stone but are only here as a general
reference. The # column is the<br>
number of craft typically found in each
hex at any one time. More or<br>
less may come about due to time of the
year but this is the typical<br>
amount. If two numbers then first #
is for river and second is for<br>
ocean. Qimou is a large city and
thus has 800 craft at any one time<br>
in port or at sea or in some other
combination. They utilize up to<br>
120 miles out to sea around the city for
various purposes like fishing<br>
or trading. The area here is so
crowded with ships its sometimes<br>
hard to navigate with all the ships.<br>
The other cities
are those that are on a large river network or<br>
at the end point of a river itself.
These cities tend to only have<br>
river going craft but may have a small
amount of ocean going craft.<br>
In the Hexes column below is the number of
nearby river hexes the<br>
city has access to.<br>
Civilian Encounter Chance<br>
City River Ocean
River Ocean Hex Hexes #<br>
Koi'lan 410
50 15%
1% 31 3/-<br>
Scaloo 380
10 25%
1% 24 5/-<br>
Kodao 500
200 70%
70% 10 20/20<br>
Choundeu 780
100 70%
25% 6 20/5<br>
Pamau 125
250 35%
40% 6 7/8<br>
Shantou 200
200 10%
10% 25 2/2<br>
Sangsao 100
100 50%
50% 10 10/10<br>
Ci'jian 110
220 20%
40% 10 4/7<br>
Da'qaid 240
60 40%
10% 10 8/2<br>
Li'jian 100
700 5%
90% 10 1/20<br>
Total 2945 1890<br>
Koi'lan is a city
with 31 river hexes it can have access to the<br>
north or down south to Tiansar and the
south ocean. Scaloo, Kodao and<br>
Choundeu are all on the same river which
leads to the ocean. Scaloo<br>
is deep inland while Choundeu is nearing
one end and Kodaois at the<br>
sea part of the river basin. The
city of Pamau is at the sea but it<br>
has 6 hexes of rivers that go into the
mountains. This river is not<br>
used as much by most civilians other than
hunters, farmers and miners.<br>
Shantou and Sangsao are on the sea with
the first being midway and<br>
second at the sea coastline. Ci'jian
is a city where the river craft<br>
is mostly timber oriented where they go up
river to meet with trade<br>
convoys on the road to deliver new wood
from the Choshai forest.<br>
Da'qaid and Li'jian are on the same
river. Most civilians do not<br>
venture far into the river mountain hexes
as that frontier sees some<br>
high dangers (like occasional Zen'da
travelling bands). They tend to<br>
stick to the hill river hexes.<br>
The grand total of
the Katai Civilian fleet is as follows - 3,695<br>
river craft and 4,710 ocean going craft in
the water in various levels<br>
(10-60% of those total in the water at any
one time depending on the<br>
time of year. At least 80% of these
craft are not sophisticated<br>
enough for any battle conditions.
About 10% may be prepared for a<br>
pirate repulse if the sailors are skilled
while another 10% may be<br>
just designed to be well protected (like
rich merchant ships). It<br>
is not uncommon to have water traffic jams
in some areas of a river<br>
or river basin area due to the amount of
water craft. But the Katai<br>
have learned to live with this as a
everyday thing and thus this<br>
tends to only upset outsiders.<br>
For the military
Katai has an Imperial fleet and nine provincial<br>
fleets. Their strengths are as
PATROL Encounter Chance<br>
2% / 0%<br>
0% / 1%<br>
5% / 0%<br>
2% / 0%<br>
0% / 10%<br>
0% / 2%<br>
5% / 0%<br>
5% / 0%<br>
2% / 0%<br>
80 70<br>
Encounter chances
will depend on the time of the year and how<br>
busy the military may be at the
time. For a culture of millions 80<br>
warships is nothing compared to many other
cultures so they are<br>
spread thin. Imperial warships will
patrol the coast and rivers<br>
depending on trouble spots or imperial
decree. Chance of encounter<br>
varies from 2 to 10% depending on
coastline and river length. Chance<br>
of encountering a Tiansar based warship is
2% in the open nearby<br>
coast and 0% (no chance) on the
river. Koi'lan no chance of warship<br>
encounter and 1% of encountering a river
patrol barge. Si'chava there<br>
is a good (5%) chance of spotting a
warship on active patrol in this<br>
area. The Musdao fleet is always
concerned about nearby Chunrey so<br>
tend to always keep the sailors in top
notch readiness. Choundeu<br>
tend to patrol the river in pairs so there
is a good chance of<br>
seeing not one but two river patrol barges
at any one time. Scaloo<br>
river patrols are thread bare so its hard
to find them in any one<br>
river hex. Sangsao doesn't have much
to patrol so there is a good<br>
chance of seeing a warship here.
Same goes for the Jiuquo fleet.<br>
Finally Ci'jian is not so rich so the
chance of seeing a warship<br>
is not so high.<br>
Each warship is
small to medium while the imperial warships may<br>
be fairly large. They do not have
sophisticated weapons but can hold<br>
their own if need be. Each river
barge has 40 soldiers in its crew.<br>
These soldiers are not elite.<br>
Katai pirates are
common in some areas due to the crowded sea and<br>
river lanes. Many criminal
organizations do nothing but piracy on<br>
the high seas in fast moving ambush
38. The Kazi<br>
The Kazi are in a
barren and desolate area full of badlands for<br>
the most part. They are one of the
most blood-thirsty warriors on<br>
the continent. They are mostly
warriors, hunters and raiders but<br>
some of the tribes do have rivers nearby
which the Kazi will often<br>
use. One river goes all the way to
the western sea but they never<br>
go that far (they typically stop where the
river ends at the base of<br>
the badlands in the west). The Kazi
are friendly toward Dwarfs and<br>
the Caldo so they have some experience on
the river with these people.<br>
While they do not do major trade they will
barter for things they<br>
need. Six of the 8 tribes have
access to nearby rivers and may use<br>
them. These tribes have 60-80 miles
of river at their disposal.<br>
They will often use this small stretch of
water for transportation,<br>
fishing or hunting. The break down
of the river craft is as follows:<br>
Tribe Number of River Craft River Hexes Encounter
Total 75<br>
The 75 river craft
is assuming the max number of craft on the<br>
river at any one time. Usually 1/3rd
to 2/3rd may be on the river<br>
at any one time. Most of these craft
are light wooden boats not<br>
ready for battle. The Kazi have no
ocean going ships or warships.<br>
There is enough nearby forest to maintain
enough wood reserves.<br>
There is a special society of dagger
duelist that use boats for<br>
ceremonial challenges of Dagger members.
For more detail see the<br>
special ship section.<br>
39. Kirazan <br>
This land locked
nation is a major trade center for nearby<br>
cultures. They have no sea or river
craft at all. However, rich<br>
citizens may own a craft or two in the
Shestar city or along the<br>
Shestar river.<br>
40. The Kll'maun <br>
The tribes are
made up of fanatical skilled fighters who are<br>
also known to be deadly trackers.
There is only one tribe that has<br>
direct access to water. The other
tribes along the Eastern Forest<br>
have coastal areas that are to the ocean
but the tribes wish not to<br>
have any sea going craft. With this
said though individual tribesman<br>
may meet up with ocean going craft for
trade but this is a in-frequent<br>
event. The forest is plenty of land
to hide the tribes from invaders<br>
so the tribes do not have to put up much
defense on their coastal<br>
borders. As a matter of fact pirates
use the coastal forest zones<br>
to hide ships and wait for others that
pass by for prey. The coastal<br>
tribe villages have been known to attack
pirate camps often so pirates<br>
stay at their own risk.<br>
The only tribe to
have some form of craft is the tribe set in<br>
the hills and mountains - the
Soraun. This tribe are chaotic oriented<br>
and are followers of the Sorceress of the
Dark Lands. They act like<br>
a small army for her but they know it is a
relationship that is on the<br>
edge at any time which could break
if one did something to offend her.<br>
This tribe has 9 river hexes (180 rough
miles) of river in the<br>
hills and deep into the mountains.
This river extends west and<br>
southward through the great plains.
The tribe will have 15 river<br>
craft on the river or riverbank at any one
time. For those who are<br>
in their land the chance of encounter is
5% per river hex. These<br>
craft are not battle designed but mostly
are for transportation,<br>
scouting, hunting, tracking or minor
mining operations. The<br>
warriors on these ships though are ready
for battle and can fight<br>
while on the river.<br>
There is a rumor
among those in the Dark Lands that the Soraun<br>
have a special craft that do missions for
the Sorceress. She will<br>
send her minions to the Soraun and a small
band of warriors will<br>
use this craft and head down the long
winding river to shorten the<br>
lengthy ocean trip. Because this
single unusual craft goes through<br>
enemy territory she has implanted many
wards and magics on it. <br>
41. The Kolari <br>
These tribes are
in a rugged but beautiful land with hills,<br>
mountains and forests. The culture
is divided between two groups<br>
based on a religious schism. The two
groups are designated by a<br>
ending "i" or
"o". The Kolari tribes are partially civilized.<br>
Each group tends to hate each other.
Only one tribe (a forest<br>
tribe) has no access to water or ocean
areas. The Kolari have no<br>
ocean going ships other than light craft
that stay within sight of<br>
the coast. If they travel further
out they are likely doomed. The<br>
breakdown of the boats are as
Nearby hexes
Boats Encounter Chance<br>
Tribe River Coastal
River Coastal River Coastal<br>
Kolavassi 12
- 5%
12 -
- 2%
- 10% -<br>
2 3%
6 5%
14 -
- 10% -<br>
Total 54
The listed Coastal
number in the table is coastal craft only<br>
and not ocean going but listed to separate
the areas. Most rivers<br>
go right to the sea. Pirate activity
in the area is moderate as<br>
most tribes can't battle on the water and
are easy prey. <br>
42. Lemasa<br>
Lemasa was once a
great empire nation that had control over<br>
many people. There were great wars
with the Fomorians which made<br>
them decline however. Even now
though they are still powerful.<br>
Being a island nation they have a great
strategic location away<br>
from other nations so they can rule their
nearby waters with little<br>
interference. The Lemasans are one
of few people who know the<br>
existence of the Easter Lands. A great
Western Continent far out<br>
to sea. It is a very private and
state secret. Only the Emperer,<br>
close advisors, select privileges sea
captains and select merchants<br>
may know of this information. It is
a trade and colonial monopoly<br>
they wish to keep from their
enemies. Only a few select ships<br>
head to the Eastern Lands on approval from
the Emperor. These<br>
ships may be the only public location (if
you call it public)<br>
where a map may exist to the Eastern
Lands. The chance of finding<br>
a map (since it would be well hidden on
the ship by natural or<br>
magical means) is only 2%. The
civilian fleet breakdown is as<br>
City/Area River
Ocean Hexes Encounter Chance<br>
- 530
-/18 - / 50%<br>
City 100
410 5/3 30% /
City 200 270
10/3 30% / 65%<br>
City -
190 -/12
- / 25%<br>
- 160
-/6 - / 40%<br>
City -
110 -/4
- / 25%<br>
Island -
240 -/46
- / 10%<br>
Colony -
120 -/- * - /
80 -/- * - /
Colony -
50 -/- * -
/ 8%<br>
30 -/1
- / 10%<br>
30 -/2
- / 25%<br>
Towns -
80 -/2
- / 10%<br>
Total 300 2300<br>
The Colonies are
not on the map but in the Eastern Lands. The<br>
Hexes are the number of river/ocean
coastal hexes around the area.<br>
For river hexes this is the total amount
of river hexes. For<br>
Coastal this is the estimated
"area" the citizens tend to utilize<br>
for their home port. The encounter
chance is the chance of<br>
encountering one craft in any given hex in
that area.<br>
The Lemasan Empire
and kingdoms have nine fleets. Their strengths<br>
are listed in the table below. The
Empire has a force of 2,400<br>
marines, organized into 480 five-man
units, who serve as pilots for<br>
vessels headed east. (No vessel can
legally head east without a<br>
pilot team.)<br>
Total Encounter %<br>
44 5%<br>
30 20%<br>
16 15%<br>
10 5%<br>
8 5%<br>
6 5%<br>
4 2%<br>
3 2%<br>
2 2%<br>
27 123<br>
The Encounter
chance is the chance of encountering such a<br>
warship in the immediate kingdom patrol
zone. The imperial navy<br>
itself patrols a wider area while vassa
only may patrol 5 nearby<br>
hexes. There are 2 rivers and thus 2
river battle barges that<br>
patrol these two rivers. The chance of
seeing the river barge on<br>
patrol for Khara's river is 20% while the
Kai'cera river is 10%.<br>
Pirates seek the
island for rumors of vast treasure and hope of<br>
learning the secret of some mystery far
off land. There is a large<br>
forest on the island as well for ship
43. L'p'nth<br>
The L'p'nth are
just as home in the desert as they are in the<br>
hills and mountains to the north.
They are a nation of fanatical<br>
religious warriors who will seek conquest
and conversion to their<br>
faith. This nation has no sea going
craft. They do have some river<br>
and lake craft however. The
breakdown of these craft are as follows:<br>
City River Craft Lake
Craft Encounter chance<br>
20 50%<br>
K'p'ch is near a
30 mile wide lake where they enjoy to fish and<br>
relax from the hot desert sands. So
these lake craft are fishing,<br>
transportation or salt collection
craft. L'p'nth city is near a<br>
river to the east but its almost 100 miles
away and near Katai land<br>
so they do not use it at all. The
river from the mountains south to<br>
L'd'm to H'ss'r mountain is over 500
miles. They use the river to<br>
protect the H'ss'r mountain citadel and to
supply it with warriors<br>
and supplies. They will also patrol
the south but only about 60<br>
miles south of the H'ss'r mountains.
About 50 river craft come from<br>
some hill and desert villages along the
river bank. These tend to<br>
be fishing, supply and transportation
craft. They are not prepared<br>
for any battle. L'd'm keeps 3 patrol
river battle barges on constant<br>
patrol One tends to be in the hills
and mountain part of the river.<br>
One is always on the look out south of the
H'ss'r mountains and the<br>
other one is in the north end from the
hills down to the H'ss'r<br>
mountains. These 3 craft have
dedicated highly trained priestess<br>
who are ready to fight to the death to
protect their land. The<br>
chance of encountering these river barges
are 2% (North), 2%<br>
(Middle) and 10% (South of H'ssr'
mountains). <br>
44. Ma'helas<br>
The Ma'helas
countryside has been conquered in the past but now<br>
they rule their own nation. Hele was
founded to guard against an<br>
important mountain pass and now serves as
a fortified buffer against<br>
their neighbors. Hele is on a long
and winding river which helps to<br>
support their mining operations.
Pirates will use this nation to<br>
patrol for prey due to the lack of
punishment in their justice system<br>
(no death). But the idea of going
into Oblivion does turn some<br>
pirates away. The river winds for
almost 400 miles while they have<br>
over 150 miles of coastline. The
breakdown of ships are as follows:<br>
Civilian Warship
Encounter Chance<br>
City/Area River Ocean River
Ocean CR / CO / WR / WO<br>
City 150
310 5
5 10%/ 60%/ 2%/ 2%<br>
City 230
20 3
- 15%/ 2%/ 1%/ -<br>
Towns - 150
- 5 - / 30%/
- / 5%<br>
Towns 150
- 2
- 10%/ - / 1%/ -<br>
Patrol -
5 - / - / - / 5%<br>
Total 530 500
10 15<br>
The Coastal hexes
are 8 and River hexes in total are 19. All 5<br>
Triremes are based out of Matan
city. Coastal and River towns are<br>
villages and hamlets along the river and
coast which use those areas.<br>
Ocean patrol are those warships on patrol
1-3 hexes from coastline<br>
or civilian ships in ocean transit.
For encounter chance CR is<br>
Civilian River, CO is Civilian Ocean, WR -
Warship River and WO is<br>
Warship Ocean. The chance to
encounter such craft in any particular<br>
waterway hex. The military guards
mining ships up the river so why<br>
they have a large military presence on the
river. These ships can<br>
enter both the river and ocean with little
45. Marentia<br>
Marentia is a
powerful nation in the region not only on land<br>
but also in the Sea of Tears.
Marentia is self-sufficient but still<br>
does a lot of trade as they are a central
trading point from east to<br>
west. Marentians combine both
qualities of a civilized man and<br>
barbarian warrior. This unusual
quality allows them to be fit in<br>
just about every terrain from the plains
to the sea. Marentia is in<br>
a strategic place and well defended with
allies all around her. She<br>
is at peace with Thaliba but the pirates
of Porta do not support this<br>
peace and will prey on Marentian
ships. The only real threat to<br>
Marentia is L'p'nth who often raid her
eastern borders. But in the<br>
sea Clima is her major threat to all
levels of naval operations.<br>
Piracy in Lake Sivas is rare but along the
long winding, over 500,<br>
miles of shoreline they do often prey on
traffic when they can.<br>
All cities but Scortsi, which is in the
hills, have access to the<br>
sea or the rivers. The breakdown of the
ships are as follows:<br>
Encounter Chance %<br>
City/Area Lake River
Ocean Lake River
Maren City 150 50
300 20%
5% 20%<br>
Sivas City 200
- 410
10% - 15%<br>
Malnon City -
- 250
- - 25%<br>
Cholchara City 100 240
20 15%
35% 2%<br>
Valeu City 75
150 10
10% 15% 1%<br>
Asichi City 60
10 -
10% 10% -<br>
Coastal Towns - -
- -
Lake S Towns 125
- -
5% - -<br>
Lake C Towns 100
- -
10% - -<br>
River V Towns -
50 -
- 5% -<br>
River C Towns -
50 -
- 5% -<br>
Sea Travel -
- 100
- -
Total 800 550 1200<br>
Maren city is on
Lake Sivas and most of their traffic tends to<br>
stay in the Lake itself. But many
ships head out into the Sea of<br>
Tears via Sivas city. Lake Sivas
covers around 560 miles of water.<br>
Lake Sivas has no craft that tend to visit
the nearby rivers but<br>
they have Lake and Sea Traffic. Their
immediate coast covers about<br>
12 hexes and most Sivan craft extend out
another 2-3 hexes away<br>
from those coastal areas. Malnon
city only has Sea craft which<br>
tend to stick close to shore, if not on a
trip, about 1-2 hexes<br>
away from the 5 main coastal hexes around
Malnon city. Cholchara<br>
city mostly stay to the nearby lake
however they may sail down to<br>
Lake Sivas and the Sea of Tears. The
Lake Encounter chance is for<br>
Lake Cholchara and that figure halved
(round up) is the chance of<br>
encountering a Cholchara craft in Lake
Sivas. Valeu traffic tends<br>
to stay on the river or Lake Sivas.
They do have a few merchants<br>
with Sea worthy craft that will take the
long trip down the river<br>
to Lake Sivas then the Sea of tears but
mostly they stick to the<br>
river. Asichi city is so far north
they don't bother going to the<br>
Sea of Tears since its an expensive trip
for most of their merchants.<br>
They will stay mostly in Lake
Cholchara. However two or three craft<br>
may be found in the Zen'da river nearby
trading with a local tribe<br>
or two. Coastal towns are Sea of
Tear Coastal towns and villages<br>
that also supply Sea of Traffic
craft. Lake Towns are those hamlets<br>
and villages along the two lakes that only
do lake traffic craft.<br>
Lake S is for Lake Sivas and Lake C is for
Lake Cholchara. River<br>
Towns are those small towns that tend to
support the river traffic<br>
with river only boats. Lake V is for
Valeu's river and C is for<br>
Cholchara's river. These craft only tend
to stay in the river itself.<br>
Sea Travel are those ships in the Sea of
Tears going on some trip or<br>
merchant convoy. Of the Lake craft
at least 260 of those listed<br>
total above is for Lake Cholchara and the
rest are in Lake Sivas.<br>
the breakdown of the military fleets are
as follows:<br>
Warship Trireme<br>
4 Ocean Fleet<br>
4 Ocean Fleet<br>
4 Ocean Fleet<br>
Lake Sivas
1 Ocean Fleet<br>
1 Ocean Fleet<br>
1 Ocean Fleet<br>
1 Lake Fleet<br>
- Lake Fleet<br>
- Lake Fleet<br>
- Lake Fleet<br>
- Lake Fleet<br>
Cholchara Patrol
- Lake Fleet<br>
50 16<br>
The military navy
is in two groups. The First is the Ocean Fleet<br>
which is based in Maren, Sivas and
Malnon. Chance of encountering a<br>
Lake Sivas warship in any Lake hex is
2%. Chance of encountering a<br>
warship along the coast is 2% and the
ocean around the coastal zones<br>
chance of spotting a warship is also
2%. Valeu city does not need a<br>
warship in the river but often one does
visit and tour the river.<br>
The chance of encountering this ship is 2%
on the Valeu river. One<br>
warship patrols the Cholchara river south
of the city to Lake Sivas<br>
with a 2% chance of encounter. One warship
patrols the Cholchara<br>
lake and encounter chance is 2%. In
the chart that shows river<br>
warship the 2 listed is from the 50 total
not in addition to.<br>
Timber has to be traded or paid for
through the port of Kasha in<br>
Bhamotin for new ship production.
The Thaliban forest are off<br>
limits for any timber industry.
46. The Mopazi <br>
This tribe has
about 100 miles of coastline along the jungle.<br>
However, each year they lose 5% of their
population from slavers,<br>
disease and the jungle. Because of
this the tribe tends to stay<br>
way inland away from the ocean so the Izza
and others can't raid<br>
and take slaves. Because of this
they have no ocean craft at all.<br>
Pirates know this fact so may land a ship
at the beach that is<br>
being chased to flee capture from
authorities. Once every few<br>
years there may be a rare case where a
person has done a crime that<br>
requires banishment. In this case
the tribe will create a raft and<br>
set it afloat in the sea which will lead
to the person's certain doom.<br>
47. Nerid<br>
Nerid is a port
river city that has many neighbors around it.<br>
A lot of their economy is oriented toward
making ship repairs and<br>
catering to pirate bands. The true
power is in the pirate bands<br>
from Donara, Aratad and Empire of
Ced. While the people of Nerid<br>
may be more kind the pirates are cruel at
times. Most of the river<br>
craft stick to the mouth of the river and
only about 40-60 miles up<br>
the river. There are only 2 warships
and both tend to only stay in<br>
port. They are vastly outnumbered by
neighbors and even the pirates<br>
in port. At any one time 2D6 (2-12)
pirate ships may be in port.<br>
At any one time the people will have about
60 civilian ships in<br>
Nerid's port and 40 along the river in a
couple hamlets. The mouth<br>
of the river is crowded with 10-15 in any
one river hex giving a<br>
encounter chance of 50-75%. The
small coastline (about 60 miles)<br>
encounter chance is about 25%. OF
the 60 in port the number includes<br>
the 2-12 pirate ships. These are only the
native ships. Foreign<br>
ships in for repairs may be as high as 30
at any one time in Nerid<br>
port. Of the 100 native ships all are
ocean worthy to enter the Sea<br>
of Tears but many would not last too long
in extensive trips. The<br>
warships can patrol he coastline or the
48. No'mal<br>
This small nation
once liked pirates but now have a blood feud<br>
with the Dechan pirates and ships.
They will prey on such ships<br>
given the chance. They would invade
Dechat if it weren't for<br>
Cerulean support. Civilian ships are
as follows 310 from Coastal<br>
towns and 190 from No'mal itself where
they berth. All are sea<br>
worthy ships that do fishing, trading or
transportation mainly.<br>
Chance of encountering a civilian ship in
any one coastal hex is<br>
30%. Chance of encountering a
warship on patrol is 5%. Most of<br>
the warships tend to stay in port but 1-3
will go out to patrol the<br>
nearby ocean or coast at any one
time. Pirates avoid this nation<br>
(especially Dechan pirates) due to their
dislike of pirates.<br>
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