<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1>
49. Novarask<br>
The Crystal City
is so shrouded in mystery and legend that no<br>
one really knows much about it that has
ever returned. It has been a<br>
matter of scholarly debate for many
years. In fact the city is<br>
located on a river and the harsh north
sea. The north sea in winter<br>
can be so fierce and deadly even the city
will avoid it. So the<br>
city do not have river or ocean going
craft. For those who are<br>
lucky to get to the north sea they may
pass the Crystal city as it<br>
may be hidden by magics or the rock wall
itself. Those who do find<br>
the area may find the Lesser city which
looks more like a simple<br>
barbarian area. For those on the
river coming from the south<br>
there is magic that prevents ships from
going all the way up. Once<br>
in awhile the Council of Five will order a
mission to a far away<br>
land like the Dark Lands for some
purpose. In this case a ship will<br>
be built. This ship can even sail in
the icy north ocean. It will<br>
have great magics on board that allows it
to complete its mission.<br>
A high wizard will be on board to help the
crew survive the trip. <br>
50. The Nylasa<br>
Both groups avoid
the river and ocean due to enemy nations all<br>
around them. They fear being
captured by slavers or killed in raids.<br>
So the river is not used at all unless its
a rare transportation raft<br>
to get to one point or to cross a swollen
river. <br>
51. The Omavor<br>
These tribes are
mostly made up of hunters. There are two tribes<br>
deep in the mountains but two south tribes
have access to rivers.<br>
The Burga have hills & forests with
about 100 miles of river they<br>
can utilize. Thus these people tend
to have 30 craft on the water.<br>
Mostly for fishing, transportation or
hunting. The Omaga tribe have<br>
about 220 miles of river that is in
forest, hills and mountains.<br>
This tribe can tend to have about 45 small
river craft. Chance of<br>
encountering the Burga craft is 5% while
the Omaga river chance is<br>
about 8%.<br>
52. Regis Baya <br>
This culture is
land locked and has no access to river or the<br>
ocean so they have no ships of any
53. The Rhuselska<br>
These peaceful
hunters prefer to hunt and defend their land from<br>
invaders rather than sail the sea.
The Rhuselska are on the border<br>
of the northern sea with over 180 miles of
coastline and tundra. But<br>
they do not wish to enter the cold and
fierce sea since they could<br>
not control it. The two tribes that
do have river access are the<br>
Miriska and Moeska. The Miriska
tribe may have around 25 river<br>
craft on the river that spans about 180
miles in length. The chance<br>
of encountering such a craft is 10%.
The Moeska's river goes to the<br>
northern sea but myths and legends prevent
them going to far north<br>
due to the magics they fear in that
area. But the part of the river<br>
they do sail on spans about 60 miles plus
another 80 miles into<br>
another tribe's land where they may trade
if the need arises. The<br>
chance of encountering a craft on this
river is 10%. The Moeska<br>
tribe will have about 15 river craft on it
at any one time. These<br>
craft are simple rafts for transportation,
hunting, cargo or fishing.<br>
54. The Rizeela <br>
Peaceful men who
know the ways of war who prefer hunting and<br>
farming but always alert for
enemies. In past have fought wars<br>
with Qa'indi and helped Bhamotin against
the Cerulean Empire.<br>
They are always alert for Cerulean and
L'p'nth trouble that could<br>
lead to a war. These tribes are land
locked but do have river access.<br>
Two of the south tribes have access to
river on each side of the<br>
river. These are the Azer and Qazela
tribes. Each share a river<br>
that is about 150 miles long. They
do not enter the plains from<br>
the hills as that would get dangerous from
the nearby Cerulean<br>
empire. They stick to the hills and
mountains. Each tribe field<br>
about 25 river craft each for total of
50. This gives a chance of<br>
encounter with one in any one river hex at
15%. Most of these craft<br>
will be used for hunting, fishing, trade,
transportation or cargo.<br>
They will have to trade with overland
caravans for timber for these<br>
rafts and boats.<br>
55. Ro'babza<br>
The nation is a
mix of a civilized city and several tribes<br>
spread around the vast south plains.
The tribes are poor herders<br>
and hunters while the capital city is
civilized. The nation has no<br>
ocean going ships but may have coastal and
river small craft. The<br>
city of K'lza'babwe likely has 50 river
craft at any one time along<br>
80 miles of river in their immediate
area. These are mainly for<br>
cargo, fishing, pleasure (in the small
lake) and transportation.<br>
Chance of encountering such civilized
river craft is 20%. The tribe<br>
N'yetali likely have 30 small craft for
fishing and transportation<br>
that can sail the 160 miles of river. The
chance of encountering<br>
these craft in any one river hex is 5%.
The Hobali tribe may field<br>
20 coastal craft for fishing or
transportation. Chance of<br>
encountering these craft along the 100
milss of coastline is 5%.<br>
There is a river of 100 miles in the south
that goes to the southern<br>
seas. It is shared by the Kunni and
Zuiassa tribes. The Kunni are<br>
likely to have 10 craft along their 40
miles of river they utilize.<br>
This would give a encounter chance of
10%. The Zuiassa will have<br>
10 in the river and 10 that head along the
coastline for fishing<br>
mainly. Chance of encountering them
on the river is 5% and 2% along<br>
the coastline. The summary chart of craft
lists 30 for Ocean but<br>
these are coastal craft only. They
would not last long in the deep<br>
sea out of sight of the land.<br>
56. The Robari <br>
The Robari are a
culture that prefer to stay in their hills and<br>
mountains. While the Ullan tribe
have access to the sea and the<br>
Roban have access to a nearby small river
both tribes refuse to use<br>
any of it. They are surrounded by
enemies from the Rogizini in the<br>
north to the cruel desert A'ha'kacili
57. The Rogizini Empire <br>
This Empire is one
of the oldest empires in the world. The<br>
river basin is highly irrigated and
agricultural areas. This empire<br>
is surrounded by enemies but is powerful
enough it can maintain its<br>
own power in the region. The ten
cities of the empire control in<br>
their immediate area 9-14 coastal hex
zones around them where their<br>
citizens tend to travel back and
forth. The breakdown of the<br>
civilian ships are as follows:<br>
Hexes Encounter %<br>
City/Area River Ocean
River Ocean River Ocean<br>
- 140
- 14
- 30% <br>
55 -
14 - 2%
- 250
- 12
- 65%<br>
Towns -
600 -
12 - 80%<br>
City 100
210 7
12 55% 55% <br>
Towns 100
560 7
12 20% 75% <br>
Zirinava City
- 14
- 25% - <br>
Zirinava Towns
- 14
- 5% -<br>
Rogh'sa City
160 810
8 11 30%
City -
510 -
13 - 65%
Towns -
130 -
13 - 15%
- 170
- 11
- 20%<br>
Towns -
250 -
11 - 35%<br>
- 110
- 11
- 15%<br>
Towns -
200 -
11 - 30%<br>
City -
190 -
18 - 15%<br>
Towns -
500 -
18 - 45%<br>
- 300
- 9
- 50%<br>
Towns -
155 -
9 - 20%<br>
Total 540 5250<br>
Where it says
Towns this is the area where coastal or river<br>
towns/villages/hamlets have craft as
well. The river traffic tends<br>
to be fishing or cargo ships that do not
enter the sea. The coastal<br>
ships serve every other purpose a ship can
perform. The fleet is<br>
divided among the various nobles. The
eight fleets of the Rogizini<br>
Empire are as follows:<br>
The encounter
chance for each warship represents a common patrol<br>
in any one given hex for that
province. For the "area" see the<br>
civilian chart for number of hexes they
patrol. For the imperial<br>
they can be called anywhere at any time so
they may have to go the<br>
entire 60 plus hexes. The river in
the plains have a very light<br>
forest around the river banks and so does
Shiazi island but not<br>
enough to maintain a large effective force
without stripping it<br>
completely. So the Rogizini have to
import and trade for timber.<br>
Rogizini pirates are common along the
entire coast, though they tend<br>
to avoid the capital.<br>
58. The Sarghut<br>
These tribes on
the vast eastern plains do not have access to<br>
any ocean hexes. The only tribe (of
the 3) that does have a nearby<br>
river is that of the Tsashut but they do
not use the river at all.<br>
They prefer to stay on the plains.<br>
59. Shiben<br>
This small duchy
is land locked in the hills. While the sea<br>
and some river areas are nearby they have
no ships or boats of any<br>
kind. Rich shiben citizens may have
ships in nearby ports they<br>
rent or own however.<br>
60. Shurikal <br>
The city of
Shurikal itself cares nothing of sailing the high<br>
seas. The tribes however have nearby
rivers and some coastal areas<br>
they may on some rare occasion use those
rivers for fishing, hunting,<br>
transportation or cargo purposes.
The Apina tribe may occasionally<br>
get desperate due to famine or disease,
during such times they may<br>
trade with passing ships for food or other
supplies they need. In<br>
some even rare occasions they will trade
gems for food if things are<br>
really bad. The few river craft that
may exist are as follows:<br>
River Craft River<br>
Number Hexes Encounter
Chance %<br>
Total 37<br>
The Kon are not
stupid. They know at one point in the river is<br>
a fortress setup by Aredan to guard that
part of the river. They<br>
will only use the northern 6 hexes of the
river if at all. The<br>
Morkel tribe use about 180 miles of the
river in the hills and<br>
mountains. The Apina will if they
need to make small boats to<br>
head up river through the badlands to
speed up travel time. They<br>
tend to use 100 miles of the river.
But when need is great they will<br>
use about 60 miles of their coastline
nearby to fish or trade. The<br>
split encounter chance is finding a Apina
craft in the first 100<br>
miles of the river while the second lesser
figure (2%) is finding a<br>
craft in the 3 hexes to the right of the
river basin. The Dirani use<br>
the river for transportation through the
badlands. But this amount<br>
is half of what it could be. They do
not cross the badlands to the<br>
coast. Desperate pirates will use
the badlands to hide in if being<br>
chased. But they tend not to stay
long due to the fierce tribal<br>
61. Taolisa <br>
This island nation
has had a difficult history. At one time<br>
they were very bloody and fierce
pirates. Then they were conquered<br>
by Lemasa but once that conquest ended
they turned to piracy and<br>
raiding again. The island has a
large merchant fleet that does<br>
a lot of trade. The dark side of the
island deals in a lot of drug<br>
sales however that tend to be on the black
market end of things.<br>
The Sea Guard is known far and wide for
their brave sailors and<br>
great training programs. The Taolisa
are also known for lighthouses<br>
which many nations later developed for
their coasts. The breakdown<br>
of the ships are as follows:<br>
Civilian Military Encounter
City/Area Ocean Craft Warships
Civilian / Military<br>
320 13 /
6 50%
200 13 /
6 30%
Towns 440 14
/ 6
30% 1%<br>
Transit 140 6
/ -
1% 1%<br>
Patrol - 10
- 2
- 2%<br>
- 4 /
- 1%<br>
Total 1100 60
/ 20<br>
Both cities tend
to have their city home craft around half of<br>
the island so each city divides up the
island. The total island<br>
covers about 22 hexes. The coastal
towns are towns all along the<br>
coast of the island that also have ocean
going craft. Ocean transit<br>
are ships in deep sea or nearby Lemasa or
mainland doing trade or<br>
other purposes. Coastal patrol are
warships that patrol the island<br>
back and forth. These warships are
always looking out for trouble.<br>
Ocean patrol are ships that head to the
North-east & East (1), South-<br>
East patrol (1) and 2 warships that patrol
the ocean to the West and<br>
North-west. They patrol a 100 square
mile area usually in any given<br>
area of their patrol sector. Having
a past of piracy the military<br>
will try to stop piracy in large amounts
that interfere with growth of<br>
the nation. But in small amounts
where it interferes with foreign<br>
ships near their island they tend to be
more ignorant. Resources<br>
for new ships are poor so they have to
import or trade timber.<br>
Though there is one merchant with 3 ships
that heads to the forest<br>
on the northern side of Lemasa and braves
grabbing timber from there<br>
for sale. Its a risky
operation. The nation is one of a few rare<br>
nations that have elite trained marines
(2,000) that are used in<br>
naval battles while also guarding the
Taolisa's harbors. These<br>
marines are a elite group from the Sea
Guard and highly respected<br>
on the island.<br>
62. Teos <br>
This nation is
divided up with jungles on one side and hills the<br>
other. About 30% of the people live
in the hills, 60% in the jungles,<br>
and 10% live along the coastal
plains. Most find the jungle easy to<br>
hide from invaders and thus more
protection. They are the world's<br>
largest producers of emeralds and thus
have many merchants who seek<br>
this trade niche. While a peaceful
people who tend to prefer to avoid<br>
battles they maintain a military only to
avert Cerulean naval<br>
interests in the area. The breakdown
of the ships are as follows:<br>
Warship Encounter Chance<br>
City/Area River Ocean River Ocean
River Ocean <br>
City 30 360
- 6 15%/-
City 120 160
8 6 15%/2%
City - 120
- 6
-/- 25%/5%<br>
Towns 20 120
- 7 15%/-
Towns 80
30 -
- 15%/- 25%/-<br>
Towns - 210
- 10
-/- 50%/5%<br>
250 1000 8 35<br>
The River Inda has
8 river barges while the Teosa city river is<br>
too small to merit a patrol.
Of the 3 cities each has 1 Trireme of<br>
the listed warships. The dual
encounter chances are for civilian and<br>
Warship River craft and civilian and
Military ocean craft in any given<br>
hex or area around that city. Most
of the warships are built for<br>
patrol duties, scouting and outrunning
enemies. They try to avoid<br>
battle. Pirates do not enter the
rivers but may stick to the city<br>
for berth or a coastal town to hide out
63. Thaliba <br>
Thaliba is a
diverse culture of mixed extremes. Fortress Thalib<br>
is the center of power and civilization
for the Thaliba nation. While<br>
in porta the criminal gangs rule in utter
chaos. The tribes are<br>
barbarians who serve only as a buffer
against outsiders. Thalibans<br>
prefer to stay isolationist and do not
deal with outsiders. Porta<br>
is the one city where trade (at your own
risk) is done. The Golden<br>
Guard is the only military force the
outsiders may ever see. The<br>
breakdown of ships is as follows:<br>
River Craft Ocean Craft Encounter Chance<br>
Thaliba Fortress
- 1% / -<br>
Thaliba Margins
- 5% / -<br>
140 5% / 20%<br>
Porta Margins
30 5% / 5%<br>
50 170<br>
Thaliba fortress
may occasionally have to send out missions of<br>
trade, military scouting or other purpose
so up to 4 craft of medium<br>
size is kept for river travel. Most
of the time of year though these<br>
stay in the safe fortress docks. The
city margins however may have<br>
more craft for fishing, trading, hunting,
cargo and transportation.<br>
These people may be more visible on the
river but still a low chance.<br>
Porta has many ocean craft (a lot are
pirates) who seek their next big<br>
payoff. Porta is controlled by 10
gang bosses but only 2 of them own<br>
the fleet of 4 warships. Pirates
control up to 13 more at any one<br>
time in the city (they call it
home). The problem is getting this<br>
"fleet" to organize into a
strong united front in a threat.<br>
64. The Thaliban Tribes<br>
These tribes do
not like outsiders and prefer to stay away from<br>
all cities or away from those who live in
them. They are paranoid<br>
and defend their area with a fierce
nature. These tribes have no<br>
ocean going craft as they wish not to
visit the ocean at all. The<br>
Bumai have access to Lake Cholchara but do
not enter it due to the<br>
Marentians and the cities there.
They stick to the mountains. Two<br>
of the tribes have access to a flowing
river through their forest<br>
area. The Batani have about 180
miles of river and the Tilini have<br>
about 120 miles of river. The Tilini
do not enter the part of the<br>
river where the plains start and the
Thaliba fortress is. They fear<br>
the citizens and the magics in this
area. The Batani have 20 river<br>
small craft at any one time on the river
(10% chance of encountering<br>
one craft in their river hexes). The
Tilini have 10 craft usually (5%<br>
encounter chance). These craft serve
as personal fishing, hunting,<br>
cargo or transportation craft. They
also serve as a communication<br>
system that allows the two tribes to alert
each other of outsiders<br>
in their land.<br>
65. Ticasi<br>
Ticasi is a small
nation but powerful in the world of academics.<br>
It is one of the most important centers of
learning in the world.<br>
The civilian fleet of 120 ships is mostly
fishing which spreads out<br>
up to 100 miles away from the
coastline. The Coastal Guard patrols<br>
the small 20 odd miles of coastline and
are based in the Ticasi<br>
coastal fortress. The schools have
large interest in the ships via<br>
the following fields of study: Astronomy
(trying to learn navigation<br>
by the stars), Engineering (better ship
design and construction<br>
techniques), Geography (mapmaking
improvements to help sailors on<br>
trips), History and Military History (so
that people can learn from<br>
past mistakes and improve on them in naval
warfare), Magic (in new<br>
and mysterious magical techniques from
ship protection to magical<br>
ship weapons) and finally Navigation (for
improvements on navigational<br>
aids and training navigators). It is
common for rich merchant<br>
families or military sailors to send
people here to study the<br>
techniques to take back home.
The chance of encountering a Ticasi<br>
civilian ship in the 1 hex of coastline is
90% while further out to<br>
sea it decreases by half for every hex
going out (45%, 23%, 12%, 6%,<br>
etc.). The Coastal Patrol - the military
fleet - has 10 warships (1<br>
which is a Trireme). At any one time
3 of these warships are in<br>
training operations to train military
officers and sailors. Chance<br>
of encountering a training warship is 5%
since they are out in the<br>
Sea of Tears). Two warships tend to
patrol the coast at any one<br>
time (chance of encounter is 10%).
The rest stay in the fortress<br>
harbor. There is a rumor the Scholar
of Magic has a personal ship<br>
that is a battle ready merchant
ship. It looks like a merchant<br>
ship but has hidden magic that make it
looks weaker than it really<br>
is. What particular magics no one
knows. <br>
66. The Timbaza <br>
They are peaceful
fisherman and hunters. They only fight in<br>
self-defense. Never known to invade
anyone and suffered greatly as<br>
a result from their neighbors. They
will tend to have 20 coastal<br>
fishing craft in the water at any one
time. They avoid the rivers<br>
as that would bring slavers and
attacks. The fishermen stay only<br>
within sight of the land since their small
fishing boats are not<br>
ocean worthy. These craft are also
not battle ready. The summary<br>
chart lists 20 River but they are really
coastal craft. The chance<br>
of encountering one of these craft along
the coast of their territory<br>
is 5%.<br>
67. Treaus<br>
Treaus has no
military fleet but they may have a few river and<br>
coastal civilian craft. They have
about 40 miles of river and 40<br>
miles of coastline these craft will sail
on near Treaus city. Treaus<br>
city will have about 90 craft in berth of
its river docks. While<br>
the coastal towns and villages will have
another 15 or so. The<br>
chance of encountering a river craft is
75%. While the chance of<br>
encountering a coastal craft is 10%.
The river craft do not enter<br>
the forest and only stay by the plains and
the river hexes. All of<br>
these river craft are not sea worthy ships
so stay close to shore.<br>
68. Valheim <br>
Valheim is a
central point where it is the only city for 200<br>
miles for nearby cultures. The
Valheim river runs through their<br>
tiny nation for 120 miles. It then
continues for another 280 miles<br>
through the mountains in two branches. The
Valheim culture have no<br>
ocean craft but they do have river
craft. Of the 150 river craft<br>
50 are home to Valheim city itself and 100
are from river towns on<br>
the plain. All of these craft can go the
entire length of the river<br>
if they are transporting, trading or
scouting. But most craft stay<br>
on the plains. About 10% may enter
the mountain river hexes (10% =<br>
15 for an encounter chance of 5% in any
one river hex). The majority<br>
stay within the 120 miles of river in
their territory (giving a<br>
encounter chance of 25% in any given river
hex). These craft tend<br>
to be fishing, hunting, transprotation,
pleasure or cargo haulers.<br>
They do not need river warships as the
land forces tend to control<br>
69. The Vassa <br>
They are peaceful
hunters who have lived in their land since the<br>
great migration. Often they are
raided by neighbors and they return<br>
the favor in equal fury. They are a
vengeful people. They are skilled<br>
hunters & warriors who prefer peace.
They like to trade, entertain,<br>
have festivals and enjoy solitude in the
woods. They are known as<br>
quick thinkers and generous friends.
These tribes have no access to<br>
any river or oceans thus they have no
boats of any kind. The<br>
Voloravassa tribe have a nearby river in
the Omaga territory but they<br>
do not enter the deep mountains.<br>
70. Zarun<br>
This culture has
gentle people who have seen a lot of war in their<br>
past even with the Great Lich their main
enemy. The nation has been<br>
trying to rebuild for a long time and the
hopes are on trade in the<br>
sea for expansion of their national
income. The forest produce fine<br>
wood for their fleet of ships. The
Zarunese are proud of their<br>
freedom. Because of this pride they
maintain a small warship fleet.<br>
The nation hopes that due to no taxes this
will lure more citizens<br>
into the land and thus grow the economy by
their support. Zarun is<br>
friendly with the Confederacy so its not
uncommon to find Zarunese<br>
craft in Aratad's harbor. The river
Zara extends for about 220 miles<br>
from the sea. It twists through the
plains, hills and mountains.<br>
But the Zarunese avoid the river (northern
80 miles) that enters the<br>
hills and mountains due to the skirmishes
with neighbors there.<br>
Those who do enter this end of the river
tend to be brave hunters<br>
or miners who wish to strike it big.
Most of the civilian fleet<br>
stays to the river plain hexes. The
breakdown of the ships are as<br>
Encounter Chance<br>
City/Area River Ocean
Warship CR/CO Warship<br>
City 160
- -<br>
Towns 140
3 30%/-
Towns -
3 -/30%
Patrol -
- 5%<br>
Patrol -
- 2%<br>
Transit -
-/2% -<br>
Total 300
300 16<br>
CR is Civilian
River craft encounter chance and CO is chance for<br>
civilian ocean craft in any given listed
hex area. So for the river<br>
there is a 30% base chance of encountering
a river boat while only<br>
5% for a warship encounter. Ocean
patrol is a patrol area which is<br>
due west of Zara city all the way to the
Aratad gulf. Ocean transit<br>
tends to be ships in transit (70% is the
ocean patrol zone and 30%<br>
elsewhere in the Sea of Tears).
Pirates find it difficult to remain<br>
in this area due to patrols but do slip in
to prey on the occasional<br>
easy target. The flagship of the
navy always remain in Zara's harbor<br>
ever alert for any future problems. This
flagship is a trireme which<br>
is often used for military shows or
political events. The warships<br>
can enter both the river and ocean with
ease as long as they tend to<br>
get back to shore no more than 3 days for
71. The Zen'da<br>
The Zen'da are
hunters, herders and raiders who rule most of the<br>
continent's largest plain.
They have had a dramatic effect on many<br>
nations of the west. The Zen'da are brave
horse warriors who keep the<br>
plains in constant observation for any
intruders. While they have no<br>
access to the ocean and thus no sea worthy
craft, the border of many<br>
tribes have a network of rivers.
These rivers are used by the tribe<br>
as transportation, scouting, patrols,
cargo and mild fishing. The<br>
tribes know the river defines their border
so they use it as a patrol<br>
zone for small light river craft. They
know horses are fast but in<br>
fast flowing river currents river craft is
even faster and thus this<br>
allows faster communications across the
plains as well. Eight of<br>
the tribes have access to rivers in or
along their territory. The<br>
breakdown of these river craft are as
Tribe Craft Number of River
Hexes Chance<br>
Cu'truna 14 16- North/West
Border 5%<br>
Bra'mani 28 16- Through
territory 5%<br>
E'ponischa 22 12- North
border 8%<br>
Fel'oros 26 36- West
Fel'masa 10 7- Mostly
avoid 5%<br>
Draca'epi 12 14- Mostly
avoid 3%<br>
Ga'fel'ora 35 18-
Ser'manda 17 11- Through
land 5%<br>
Total 164<br>
These 164 craft
are a typical amount on the rivers. When you<br>
consider its out of 275,000 people that is
a very small amount. The<br>
central river that runs to the Cholchara
lake is used the most for<br>
outsiders and Zen'da people. They
use this river as a way to trade<br>
with Marentia. These craft are not
battle ready but the warriors on<br>
them will not hesitate in using them for
battle if the situation calls<br>
for it. At least 99% of these craft
could not go up against any<br>
modern warship. Pirates would be
stupid to enter the plains and<br>
try to do piracy. So they avoid the
rivers all together. <br>
<div>Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network</div>
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