<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1> * Special /
Mythical / Legendary Ships<br>
This section details special and unique ships
that has roamed the<br>
Perilous Lands throughout history. Many
are legendary while<br>
others are simple yet have special
purpose. The exact details of<br>
the ship is up to the Referee, this section only
details a starting<br>
point. The Size and Crew for example are
largely up to the Referee<br>
unless stated otherwise. These ships are
in no particular order<br>
or priority. These ships will first be
listed with their home<br>
nation listed then the name or purpose of the
ship. The following<br>
sections are outlined here:<br>
1. A'korchu - Griffin Korchu
Deathwing Carrier / Death Ship<br>
A. Korchu
Deathwing Griffin Carrier<br>
B. Korchi Death
2. Ba'rual - "White
3. Bhaomtin - Order of Fiery Citadel
4. Caldo - Dagger
Giant Ballista boat / Stone ships<br>
5. Choshai - Timber/Wood
6. Clima -
Pirate/Raiders, Tribute, Priestess Boat<br>
A. Climan
B. Climan
Tribute Ships<br>
C. Climan
Priestess Ships<br>
7. Dawana - Missionary
Order - Missionary boats with towers<br>
8. Dechat - Dechat
9. Dirllar - Swamp Boats /
Pirate Swamp boat / Smuggler<br>
A. Dirllar
Swamp Boat<br>
B. Dirllar
Pirate Swamp Boats<br>
C. Dirllar
10. Djanesborg - Archer boat / Pirate
Archer boat<br>
A. Archer
B. Archer Pirate
11. Donara - Ghost ship of Evil One / Sea
A. Evil One Ghost
B. Sea Star
12. Ashudan - Jewel merchant ship <br>
13. Kingdom of East - Asaoc Smuggler
14. Fomoria - Tribute Ships / Fog Ships /
A. Tribute
B. Fog Ships<br>
C. The Fomorian
15. Port Doman - Slaver ships<br>
16. Fierazi - Del'nord prophecy ship<br>
17. Katai Junk<br>
18. Kazi - Dagger Challenge Raft<br>
19. Kll'maun - Sorceress Ship<br>
20. Novarask - Crystal Ship<br>
21. Ticasi - Scholar of Magic Ship /
Ticasi schools<br>
A. Magic Training
B. Other School
These represent the most special, noteworthy,
mystical and<br>
unusual ships of the Perilous Lands. More
details are in<br>
the following sections.<br>
1. A'korchu - Griffin Korchu Deathwing Carrier /
Death Ship<br>
A. Korchu Deathwing Griffin
In the land
of A'korchu Griffins are royal animals and<br>
respected. As a result
the navy has formed a small force of<br>
specially built ships that
carry these animals from place to<br>
place over the sea. In
times of war these ships can number up<br>
to 5 but usually only 2 exist
at any one time in active service.<br>
At least one stays in or near
Korchu city at all times. Only<br>
those the God Emporer gives
permission to or his nobles may<br>
ride these beasts so this
force is a elite support service of<br>
the navy. These craft
tend to be ready with 60 rowers and can<br>
hold up to 30 griffins in
their special holds which allow the<br>
beasts to escape up into the
air on a moment's notice. These<br>
craft tend to look just like
horse carriers so a enemy ship may<br>
be caught off guard when a
flock of flying griffin riders are<br>
sent their way.<br>
Recently in
a battle with Dirllar one such Griffin Carrier<br>
was used. It turned the
battle for the warships against the<br>
strong pirate group. The
pirates were so much surprised they<br>
could not fight on two fronts
and were quickly defeated.<br>
This ship
itself is not a warship but serves to support<br>
warships. Most of these
ships stay along the main island's<br>
coastline rather than stray in
deep water. Working with these<br>
beasts on water can be deadly
at times if the animals scare from<br>
magic or storms. Because
of this it is normal to have one deck<br>
hand play music to calm the
griffins down in their pens. In at<br>
least one situation a storm
caused one carrier to get lost and<br>
the animals got so scared they
killed 2 sailors and 1 warrior<br>
until they were calmed down
and taken under control. While<br>
serving on these ships is a
priviledge it is also a high risk.<br>
In A'Korchu
Griffins are sacred animals tied to the god<br>
Murmur. Their breeding
and use is proscribed without the<br>
explicit permission of the God
Emperor and/or the temples of<br>
Nergal or Murmur. As a
result they are only used for military<br>
purposes or as guardians by
Korchi divines, as a general rule.<br>
Given this status, the penalty
for killing a griffin, wild or<br>
not, is worse than
One of the
standing vessels is stationed at the capital,<br>
berthing at the God Emperor's
dock, during peace. The others<br>
may berth at the city of
Nerghu. While others may sail in<br>
regimented patrols around the
island. <br>
Suggested details: Trireme
size but not ram capable. Use of<br>
ram would scare the
animals. Depending on time of the year and<br>
war preparation 2-5 exist. Two
carry 30 Griffins. The others<br>
will have 10 or 20. One
Griffin Master controls and treats the<br>
beasts like a Husbander if
hurt or need to help the warriors.<br>
One sailor deck hand per 10
Griffin's serve as helpers for<br>
warriors preparing mounts,
weapons and armor. Those same deck<br>
hands will also serve to clean
the holds when not doing their<br>
other duties. Due to
length of food stores ships typically only<br>
sail 1-2 days out of supply
line range or a nearby friendly port.<br>
In a pinch, the Captain will
feed a slave or crewman he doesn't<br>
like to the Griffins.
Notoriety of these ships is 10 (See Site<br>
Book for the use of
Notoriety). The chance to encounter such a<br>
craft along the shoreline is 1
in every 100 miles of coastline<br>
(10%). They are on
constant patrol to keep the people in line. <br>
Korchi griffin riders are
known and feared by all the nations in<br>
their sway. The existence of
these ships is also.<br>
B. Korchi Death Ship<br>
legendary ship has been known to exist for over 400 years<br>
some believe. The
stories of this ship are told to kids by<br>
parents to make them sleep and
behave on the A'korchu island. It<br>
is part of the God Emperer's
elite fleet. This ship is of<br>
Trireme size and speed.
The captain is a Lich. 6 lesser priests<br>
of Nergal or Murmur who help
control the crew support him. All<br>
crewmen are dead under the
total thrall of the Lich Captain.<br>
Various beasts (D6) may be
present on the ship to help fight.<br>
Depending on the God Emperor's
standing with the Court of Nergal,<br>
and the political situation,
the elite fleet will have 1-3 of<br>
these vessels.<br>
When this
ship enters battle it emits a large cloud that<br>
operates as Fog of
Death. The ship itself seems to seep this<br>
fog out into the water from
the very hull itself around the ship.<br>
The ship will try to grapple
enemy ships then board to kill those<br>
who were unlucky to die from
the fog. This ship is used in battle<br>
to engage the strength of the
enemy force. Encountered at other<br>
times it only engages warships
and large merchant vessels.<br>
Anything less is
ignored. The chance of survival for anyone<br>
encountering this ship who
can't escape (highly rare) is slim<br>
to none.<br>
The crew
does not need food or other normal supplies so rarely<br>
will they take booty unless
they are in need of some material for<br>
repair of their ship.<br>
Suggested details: Trireme
size and crew details. Fog of Death<br>
ability should be a few hexes
outside the hull in a surrounding<br>
nature (EL1D3+6). Since
triremes tend to be large craft this<br>
makes a large fog bank.
The ship itself may not have any other<br>
weapons but can ram. The
crew itself may not be as fully strong<br>
as a normal trireme in some
cases 80% of normal crew size due to<br>
loss of crew. But if the
Lich needs he will take captives to<br>
create more dead sailors for
him to control. This ship has a<br>
notoriety of 5. While it
may be known on the main island outside<br>
this area it has a mythical
sense to it. Most will think it only<br>
a myth since eyewitnesses are
few if ever to survive. The chance<br>
of encounter is slim or as
high as 3% per ocean hex around A'korhu<br>
(coastline). This ship
has been known to sail as far west as the<br>
eastern side of Goidan, south
as the mainland coastline and as<br>
far east at the Dirllar
2. Ba'rual - "White Jolt"<br>
This ship is
owned by Kixer Armon of Ba'rual city a rich and<br>
powerful merchant. The
"White Jolt" is named due to its purpose<br>
as a water headquarters for
selling weapons. Kixer will use this<br>
ship to conduct business in
arms dealing that may be legal or<br>
illegal in some places.
The sailors are well trained and<br>
moderately paid to serve the
captain (an ex-Marentian citizen<br>
named Ando Morz). The
captain is highly skilled as a seaman and<br>
navigator. The ship has
a large hold that can store many weapons.<br>
This hold also serves at times
as a walking shop where clients<br>
can enter and buy
weapons. Staterooms also are lavish to berth<br>
clients and conduct deals over
a feast. The ship has varying<br>
levels of ship weapons of a
light nature (small catapults,<br>
ballista, archery weapons,
etc.). These weapons will shift<br>
depending on the amount of
cargo on board, status of client<br>
and the destination of the
ship. Kixer may often visit the<br>
ship himself but he will tend
to have his second in command<br>
handle the "dirty"
business. This ship was specially built<br>
and is sea-worthy but it tends
to stay on Lake Cholchara to<br>
conduct its business.
However in some rare occasions when the<br>
profit is enough over the
journey expenses the ship will sail<br>
down through Lake Sivas and
out into the Sea of Tears to perform<br>
special deals. Nerid and
the Rogizini Empire tend to be the<br>
farthest this ship will
go. There is profit to be had north of<br>
the Zen'da plains but Kixer
knows the danger is too great<br>
sailing up the rivers of the
plains so he will not sail north<br>
of Cholchara Lake.
Notoriety of this ship is only 1 since it<br>
is kept private in most public
circles. However, in criminal<br>
organizations its notoriety is
at least 3. <br>
Suggested Details: Merchant
class ship with one large hold and one<br>
small hold. The small one is a
mini shop for displaying wares. The<br>
other is the cargo hold.
Crew is normal for merchant class ships.<br>
There is an additional 2D10+2
guards depending on the value of the<br>
arms and the clients on
board. Guards are loyal to Captain Ando<br>
and Merchant Prince Kixer. The
sailors may be varying loyalty to<br>
captain Ando but fear Kixer
totally. Ship weapons are light. It<br>
has no ram. The ship has
a special flag that reveals its<br>
identity to those who may know
it (pirates, criminal gangs or<br>
clients). Weapon loads do not
alter ship speed. Exact cargo<br>
loads depend on the
Referee. There is a basic encounter chance<br>
of 3-5% or up to Referee to
3. Bhaomtin - Order of Fiery Citadel fleet<br>
This small
elite warship fleet is based around the island lake<br>
area where Bhamotin city
is. This Order guards the entire lake<br>
from any intruders. At
least that's the theory. In practice<br>
however it's been a long time
since any nation got that far<br>
inland. Therefore, while an
elite force, the ships tend to be<br>
lax. This small group of ships
helps to train the elite marines<br>
of the nation. The lake
itself may only have 150 miles of water<br>
so the chance of encountering
any single Fiery ship is at least<br>
5%. These ships are known to
have specially made Fire Weapons<br>
(firepot, fire catapults,
flame-thrower, fire archery weapons,<br>
etc.). These ships tend
to only stay in the lake but if the<br>
need is serious they may go up
the river on a rare special<br>
mission. These ships are
personally overseen by the Bishop<br>
Admiral from his offices in
Bhamotin city. Their commander is<br>
the Primate of the Knights of
the Fiery Citadel.<br>
Suggested details: Bireme size
warships. Normal design with<br>
special flame related weapons.
It is a fleet of five ships. The<br>
flagship's hull has magically
cured timber. It is exceptionally<br>
hard. Notoriety of these ships
is only 2 since they are in a<br>
restricted area. Most do not
know they exist. Suggested number of<br>
ships is 5-7 at any one time
(gives about 1 ship per lake hex at<br>
any one time with 7).<br>
4. Caldo - Dagger Giant
Ballista boat / Stone ships<br>
These ships
are drenched in the history of Caldo and its wars<br>
against Giants. These
ships reflect those past wars as they<br>
are the guardians of Caldo
against Giants of all kinds. Even<br>
if such Giants are not as
common as they once used to be, these<br>
ships serve as a morale and
comfornting boost to the people.<br>
These ships are specially
built to contain Giant killing weapons.<br>
These weapons tend to be
ballista or catapults with stones that<br>
can kill a giant with a single
skilled hit. ?he crews of these<br>
ships are trained in such
battles even to the point of fake Giant<br>
targets in the river.
The army itself will lure Giants to the<br>
river where these ships can
then act. The Dagger Guard ships<br>
have estimated to kill over
285 giants in their past using these<br>
boats in recent recorded
history. These ships stay in Caldo's<br>
main river port berthed 95% of
the year. The other times of<br>
the year they may be on parade
or training sessions. The chance<br>
of encountering such a craft
in Caldan territory on the river<br>
is 2%. In the past there
have been times when even the Mountain<br>
Dwarves have asked for help
where the river goes through the<br>
Suggested Details: Small
warship or penteconter size. Should<br>
have 1-5 Giant killing weapons
per ship of the fashion and type<br>
the Referee chooses. The
most common weapon would be a stone<br>
throwing catapult where the
deck has loads of large stones that<br>
need 1-3 sailors just to load
such stones. The weight of these<br>
stones may slow the craft
down. Generally most ships will have<br>
D30 of Giant stones (the size
of a giant head), D20+20 Medium<br>
stones (half a head size) and
up to D100 Small stones that will<br>
wear down Giants as they pelt
the Giant. A good placed Giant<br>
Stone can kill a giant if hit
in the right place on the head.<br>
Small stones do not kill but
Medium stones can kill with<br>
cumulative wounds. The number
of these ships should be 1-3 at<br>
any one time (D3) that
exist. No more than 3 was generally ever<br>
needed. The notoriety of
these ships are only 4 on the scale as<br>
everyone in Caldo knows about
them. Sidh may know about them but<br>
most other human cultures may
care less. Up against human<br>
warships these warships may
battle normally but small stones<br>
will do no damage to ships
(will hurt crew). Giant stones are<br>
known to hull a ship while
medium stones are known to take out<br>
masts and people on
5. Choshai - Timber/Wood Ships<br>
These ships
are merchant class ships or large sea barges that<br>
are known as Timber carriers.
They are specially designed to<br>
efficiently haul the vast
amounts of timber from their forests.<br>
While it may carry small
amounts of wood on deck it doesn't<br>
carry wood in holds like most
ships. The ship is equipped with<br>
raft like pods alongside and
to the rear (tied by strong rope<br>
or metal chains). These
pods carry the bulk of the wood to<br>
the final destination.
Each pod has the wood tied down so<br>
they do not fall into the
water or overturn. They use bladders<br>
under the raft pods for
balance. The advantage is these ships<br>
carry THREE times the amount
of timber that most other merchant<br>
ships carry. In some rare
cases ships of double size can carry<br>
4-5 times as much instead of 3
times (but these ships are more<br>
rare and expensive). The
disadvantage of these ships is they<br>
tend to be unwieldy and hard
to maneuver. In stormy or high<br>
seas these pods can be
dangerous to the mothership and so are<br>
often let loose. These special
timber ships only sail in calm<br>
Suggested details: Merchant or
barge ships. They are rowed<br>
or towed from place to
place. There are 3 sets of timber pods.<br>
Each "pod" is a
large raft as small as 5x5 or as large as 50x50<br>
feet wide They have bladders
to keep them steady in the water<br>
and chains/rope to tie them to
the mothership. Each pod may have<br>
a single person to help
navigate them into position or control<br>
the timber weight if they
shift. One set of pods (1-3) is<br>
directly to the rear of the
mothership. To the right and left<br>
of the ship is another set of
pods (1-4) that are tied directly<br>
on the mothership or extended
out to float freely by rope or<br>
chain. The crews of these
ships are so highly skilled in<br>
controlling these pods but it
takes total concentration. The<br>
ship will have an additional
1-5 sailors for the handling of<br>
the pods from the motership
(via signals and flags) depending<br>
on the amount of pods. These
civilian ships are not combat<br>
ready. They will jettison
their pods and flee if threatened.<br>
These ships have a notoriety
of 2. They are not famous outside<br>
the territory but passing
merchants do tell of their unique<br>
design and thus get the word
6. Clima - Pirate/Raiders,
Tribute, Priestess Boat<br>
All facets
of life in Clima are ruled by covens of priestesses<br>
who worship the Court of
Sammael. Their authority is not open to<br>
question and is enforced with
the strictest authoritarian<br>
The ruling
coven of the culture is called the Ghova Hand. It<br>
is organized as follows:<br>
1 Immortal Ghova Command over all facets of
Climan life.<br>
Her will is law.<br>
2 Left Ghova High
Priestess of the Faith.<br>
3 Right Ghova Administrator of
the Civilian Government.<br>
4 Mah Sangho
Administrator of the Military<br>
Lamagho Administrator of
Foreign Affairs<br>
Administrator of Trade Affairs<br>
Inaigho Governor of the
Capital District<br>
Horagho Governor of
Famagho Governor of
Governor of Melecin<br>
Damagho Overseer of
Islands and Colonies<br>
Administrator of Piracy<br>
Administrator of Public Rites and<br>
Public Safety<br>
Ghova - The Bride of Sammael, Dictator of all, etc.<br>
She is the absolute ruler of
the Climan state and sets all policy.<br>
As long as her perfection is
unquestionable that cannot change.<br>
When she proves fallible, she
is sacrificed and one of her coven<br>
becomes the new bride.<br>
Left Ghova -
Oversees all temples, temple lands, the treasury<br>
and all sects worshipped in
Clima. In charge of persecuting and<br>
eradicating non-approved
cults. Handles major rituals that do not<br>
demand the Immortal
Right Ghova
- Oversees civilian government at all levels to<br>
insure its efficient operation
and adherence to the faith.<br>
Commands a secret group of
inquisitors who aid in this task.<br>
Mah Sangho -
Overseer of the Army, Navy and Marines. She is<br>
responsible for training,
equipment and insuring that the serving<br>
personnel adhere to the
Lamagho -
Minister of State. In charge of Climan diplomacy and<br>
Kahgho -
Overseer of Internal and External trade. Governor of<br>
the office of Taxation. As the
only nation Clima has barely<br>
legitimate trade dealings with
is the Rogizini Empire, she<br>
coordinates a lot of smuggling
Inaigho -
Commands the Immortal Palace, the High Temple of<br>
Sammael and the Sacred Guard.
She is responsible for insuring<br>
the sanctity and devout faith
of all three.<br>
Horagho -
Governor of Vizan and commander of its garrison.<br>
Rules the faith in the Vizan
district and is responsible for the<br>
area's security.<br>
Famagho - As
for Horagho except for Shimama.<br>
Eagho - As
for Horagho except for Melecin.<br>
Damagho - In
charge of security for all Climan owned islands<br>
and colonies. She insures the
strength of the faith in these<br>
areas and works to eradicate
the influence of other religions.<br>
She is also responsible for
utilizing the areas profitably.<br>
Caigho -
Overseer of Climan Piracy and the slave trade. She<br>
must insure all individuals
involved operate as the government<br>
requires. She also insures
that Clima receives its proper share<br>
of all profits (30%).<br>
Banagho - As
administrator of Public Safety she commands all<br>
police forces and courts on
the home island. Those forces work<br>
with those of her sisters to
insure the complete devotion of the<br>
people. It is also her duty to
plan and orchestrate the many<br>
important public rites Clima
practices. She insures that they<br>
occur properly and that all
citizens play their part devoutly.<br>
As many of those rites are
orgies, it can be an interesting task.<br>
Clima has
mastered the sea in its long history. As a result it<br>
has many ships. While there
are no super ships there are ships<br>
that need special
A. Climan
is a state sponsored and controlled profession for<br>
the pirate groups that work
out of Clima. The three main island<br>
cities of Shimana, Melecin and
Vizan have headquarters to 3 major<br>
groups. All pirate vessels are
rated as auxiliaries in the Climan<br>
fleet. They fight as such in
time of war. During peace they operate<br>
with a degree of independence.
A select council of priestesses<br>
chaired by the Caigho
administers them and collects taxes on their<br>
profit. As needed, they can
and will send vessels on missions for<br>
the faith. These pirate
groups primarily operate in a two hundred<br>
mile wide circle around the
home island. The primary targets for<br>
raiding are Bhamoti and Aratad
shipping. They do not restrict<br>
themselves from taking others.
The primaries are who they are<br>
looking for and who earns them
the greatest bonus from the faith.<br>
These pirate groups are always
fighting for control of the Sea of<br>
Tears against the Portan
Pirates. These ships are fast and can<br>
overtake most normal craft on
the water. Most of the pirate groups<br>
are all male but there may be
an occasional female sailor,<br>
ex-priestess or priestess
throwbacks that help them. The pirates<br>
choose their prey wisely. They
will not raid a simple fishing<br>
craft but will target merchant
ships that pass by fairly quickly.<br>
Suggested details: Penteconter
class warship or small sailing<br>
vessel. Pirate captains may be
skilled or trained by the military.<br>
Climan pirates often take
prisoners to sell as slaves or ransom.<br>
These ships are oriented for
speed rather than ship-to-ship<br>
combat. This speed is used to
elude as well as pursue enemy craft.<br>
Cargo space is large for their
size. The notoriety of these pirates<br>
is 6. All of the Sea of Tear
nations have heard of them. Those<br>
outside the sea may have heard
stories but don't fear them as much.<br>
B. Climan Tribute
merchant class ships serve to support official state or<br>
civilian pirate operations.
They are cargo ships meant to store<br>
booty and tribute. There is a
moneylender on board who does<br>
nothing but record the
tributes and booty gained. She is employed<br>
by the Council of Overseers
and responsible to them. While these<br>
ships are the end result of
raids they are also a target FOR<br>
raids by other pirates and
nations. Such ships that encounter<br>
tribute ships find higher than
usual treasure amounts. The chance<br>
of encountering a tribute ship
without some protection or among a<br>
convoy is slim. If a convoy
exists there is a 10% chance of a<br>
tribute being there.<br>
Suggested details: Merchant
class ship that tends to tag along<br>
with pirate raids or actions.
These ships may have a guard or two<br>
to protect the booty and
vaults. Other ships prey on these ships.<br>
They utilize hidden money
vaults on board so the crew does not<br>
lose that much. Referee should
determine the location and details<br>
of these areas. The notoriety
of the tribute ships is 3.<br>
C. Climan Priestess
Priestesses rule Clima. They control the fate of the nation at<br>
all times. A Priestess is
always present on any Climan vessel<br>
trireme size or larger. Where
a single priestess is present, she<br>
has at least one acolyte or
slave servicing her. There is a 25%<br>
chance of one being present on
any other military ship and a 10%<br>
chance on any Climan ship of
merchant size or higher. In time of<br>
war, flagships are manned by
an entire coven of priestesses.<br>
Often, the Ghova and her
personal coven man the flagship of the<br>
main fleet. These Priestesses
are trained in the powers of the<br>
sea and other forces. The
power level of the priestess on a<br>
Climan military ship is as
D100 MEL
D100 MEL D100 MEL<br>
01-10 2
61-69 7 95+96
11-22 3
70-78 8
97 13<br>
23-35 4
79-85 9
98 14<br>
36-50 5
86-90 10
99 15<br>
51-60 6
91-94 11 100
is the MEL of the priestess encountered on board the ship.<br>
If it is MEL16 or higher there
is a chance that the High Priestess<br>
or higher Temple priestess are
on a ship for some special ritual<br>
on a nearby island (thus in
transit rather than helping in naval<br>
operations). For civlian
craft that do have priestess in private<br>
service the MEL chart is used
above but with a Roll Modifier of<br>
-20. This reflects that
these Priestess may not have cut it in<br>
Priestess society or their
Suggested details: For ships
with Priestess there tends to only<br>
be one Priestess max.
Personal space of the sect and inner<br>
politics tend to prevent more
than one priestess being on one<br>
ship unless they are going to
a nearby ceremonial island for a<br>
ritual. She may have a
untrained acolyte with her as aides but<br>
they will likely not be
prepared for magic at this stage (due to<br>
age and personal
competition). If these acolytes are trained<br>
in magic they will likely be
in a training cruise with the<br>
Priestess. Sailors respect
these Priestess and give them deference<br>
at all times. Notoriety
of these ships is 6 as for the pirates.<br>
7. Dawana - Missionary Order -
Missionary boats with towers<br>
Religion is the center of life for Dawana. While they do<br>
not have a strong military or
even a civilian fleet they do believe<br>
in spreading the faith.
As a result over the centuries they have<br>
sent out missionary ships from
the Missionary Order.<br>
faith is an applied, sophisticated, Daoist doctrine that<br>
guides all aspects of life for
the faithful. Those who become<br>
priests fanatically adhere to
these tenets. Seventy percent of<br>
the priesthood are common
priests. They follow the tenets of the<br>
faith and apply them at home.
Their goal is to help everyone gain<br>
the greatest understanding and
benefit possible. Another 25% of<br>
the priesthood belongs to
various militant orders. They emulate<br>
the might of nature as they
master the philosophy of the faith.<br>
Their goal is perfection of
their arts and defense of the people<br>
from evil and/or invaders. The
final 5% of the faith belongs to<br>
the Missionary order. It is
their mission to spread the blessing<br>
of the faith to other
cultures. They strive to do so in any way<br>
that fate allows. One such
method is with Missionary ships. The<br>
Missionary Order reads divine
omens and sends out missionary ships<br>
at religiously auspicious
times. 1D3-1 such vessels are sent each<br>
year. Missionary ships spend
years on the high seas trying to<br>
convert people to the faith.
Some have been as far west as Fomoria<br>
and Goidan and as far north as
Choshai. One's discovery of the<br>
Eastern Lands greatly aided
Dawana's struggle for independence.<br>
Few return in less than five
years and many are never heard of<br>
again. Many persecute these
craft or arrest the sailors if they<br>
wish to. The Missionary Order
has learned to deal with those who<br>
hate them and spread the faith
to the worthy.<br>
skill in reading a person is mastered by the Head<br>
Missionary on each ship. He
will be at least Inai rank and has<br>
a group with him who are also
skilled in the faith. There will be<br>
4-6 of these assistants. The
rest of the personnel on the ship are<br>
its crew. It has eight sailors
who are not priests and at least<br>
two priests from one of the
militant orders. The common sailors<br>
are likely to learn much and
return home as initiates of the<br>
priesthood. The sailors and
missionaries will fight fiercely to<br>
defend the ship and faith.
Each ship has a special mini-temple<br>
where daily worship is done
and serves as a floating site to<br>
preach to those they
feature of the ship is an Astronomical Tower. This tower<br>
allows the Head Missionary to
navigate with the stars since maps<br>
may not be well researched. It
also serves as a focus for<br>
astronomical study of the
powers that influence the natural<br>
beings and forces they
worship. The chance of encountering these<br>
craft is slim. It would have
to be a special situation the Referee<br>
determines. There may only be
1 ship of this nature in every 2000<br>
miles of sea.<br>
Suggested details: Merchant
class ship. The total crew is 15-20<br>
people. It has a designated
temple to serve as a church area<br>
either on deck or below deck
(enough room for 10-15 people).<br>
This church takes the place of
a normal cargo hold. The Tower<br>
is a forecastle that is 10x10
feet in size max and 10 feet tall.<br>
At the top are plates that can
be moved to allow viewing of the<br>
stars with navigational aids.
Special mirrors act as a primitive<br>
telescope to reflect the night
sky on a solid black table. Rituals<br>
are done on this table to gain
favor with the gods. If this tower<br>
is destroyed or burnt down the
morale of the crew decreases. If<br>
the church area or the sacred
Dawanese books are destroyed the<br>
crew will avenge the
destruction. These ships are not battle ready.<br>
Notoriety of these ships is 8
around the island of Lemasa but<br>
only 3 within 1000 miles of
Dawana. Beyond that notoriety of<br>
the ships goes down to
8. Dechat - Dechat Pirates<br>
Dechan pirates are known in the waters south of the Sea<br>
of Tears as a fierce group
with the same level of respect as<br>
the Climan and Portan Pirates.
They tend not to take prisoners.<br>
They don't attack Cerulean
ships. Exempting them preserves Dechat<br>
from conquest by the Cerulean
Empire and provides a large market<br>
for their loot. Any other
nation is open season. Rogizini ships<br>
are attacked on sight.<br>
city's black market is huge and not controlled by a<br>
single family or group. There
is a non-binding agreement by the<br>
major captains in dealing with
booty. Certain captains go after<br>
certain materials. This
agreement is understood by the 5 major<br>
captains and is rarely broken
without a good reason. If one<br>
group finds booty the other
group "owns" they sell the goods<br>
to that group at a fair price.
The chart of goods is as follows:<br>
Sea Captain Booty preferred<br>
Noman Kha Gems <br>
Ali Mala Slaves
Armor/Weapons <br>
Lady Boma Spices and
9 Others Everything
top 4 sea captains have extensive spy networks which<br>
inform them of shipments of
the goods they seek. Their council<br>
effectively rules the nation
of Dechat. The city's Emir does<br>
not dare oppose them and
profits greatly by giving them their<br>
Suggested details: Warship
class small to penteconter size. Most<br>
of their vessels are small,
lateen rigged sailing ships. Many<br>
of the pirates are trained
archers and may have archery based<br>
ship weapons. Noman Kha's
flagship is Bireme size, double<br>
masted and armed with a
NOTE - Noman Kha and Lady Boma
tend to operate EAST of Dechat.<br>
They raid Teosan shipping and
the Katai trade primarily. Ali<br>
Mala and Serban are most
commonly found WEST of Dechat. Their<br>
prey is generally Ma'helan,
Fomorian and Rogizini shipping.<br>
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