<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1> * Gods of the
There are many Gods that represent
the waters. The below is<br>
just a sample of the main gods. While this is
not all of the<br>
possible gods these represent the main ones
only. These Gods<br>
can be used in the game to flesh out more details on
sailors and<br>
those who worship them. This material is
directly from Richard<br>
Snider's Gods documents with some notes (which are not
his). <br>
Contact Level - 5<br>
God of the Elder Seas, Patron of
Sailors, bane of Tiamat, Lord<br>
of the Burning Spear, the lustful
Appears riding the back of a pair of
dolphins carrying a trident<br>
that burns with eldritch flame. If
summoned to the land he is<br>
ALWAYS hostile.<br>
Note: Many sailors may wear or have
posession of trinkets that<br>
represent this God. As a
patron to sailors they sometimes<br>
believe he gives them good luck.
Contact Level - 7<br>
Sister of Kototh, Mother of Gods,
the Eternal Sea, enemy of man,<br>
the Serpent Ocean, eater of the
Land, Lady of Shipwrecks, Patron<br>
of Mer, harvester of sailors,
reviler of the Moon, Mistress of the<br>
She manifests as a monstrous serpent
miles in length. May not be<br>
summoned out of water unless the
summoner is in the Upper World.<br>
Notes: Many sailors fear this
god. They believe she is the cause<br>
of shipwrecks. In regions
where vast ship graveyards exist she<br>
has strong influence. <br>
Contact Level - 4<br>
Son of Tiamat, Lord of the
Myrmidons, Marshal of the Seas, the<br>
boat-breaker, God of Deadly Waters,
the wave warrior, Destroyer<br>
of Man, Enemy of all mammals.<br>
Manifests as a hideous merman with a
Notes: Obviously this god has
influence among the Mer Folk.<br>
But outside this culture Kingu is
known to bring water dnagers<br>
like whirlpools, some storms,
mysterious "area" (like triangles<br>
or magnetic area) and underwater
dangers like reefs that seem<br>
to crop up or move. <br>
Contact Level - 7<br>
The Immortal Serpent, Brother and
enemy of Tiamat, Kototh and<br>
Utgard Geror, God of Elemental
Waters, quester after knowledge,<br>
patron of Domiel, adviser of Mimir,
Lord of the Flood, Guardian<br>
of Pure Waters, thief of the
immortal tome, Lord of Capricious<br>
Wit, the prankster.<br>
See water serpents and imagine one
three miles long.<br>
Note: While not as popular on the
sea this God seems more to<br>
be worshiped on land by farmers who
tend to the land.<br>
Contact Level - 4<br>
The playful hunter, Lord of Aquatic
Animals, Patron of the<br>
Dolphin, guardian of man at sea,
Lord of the Friendly Current,<br>
enemy of monsters, the bringer of
joy, Servant and friend of Zu.<br>
Appears as a large sea otter with
sapphire eyes and a ready smile.<br>
Note: this god is popular with many
sailors. They hope the god<br>
bestows good travel at sea and
profitable at fishing.<br>
Contact Level - 4<br>
Goddess of Mer, Queen of the
Undines, the sea witch, consumer of<br>
the unwary, the treacherous consort,
paramour of Manannan,<br>
Consort of Dagon.<br>
Manifests as a stunning undine with
a radiant crown.<br>
Note: Most sailors tend to know this
God through myth and<br>
stories. <br>
Contact Level - 3<br>
The jealous king, Warlord of Mer,
Master of Battles, Enemy of<br>
Men, Consort of Oannes.<br>
Manifests as a bearded merman
carrying a barbed trident.<br>
Note: Many sailors or marines know
of this God. They hear<br>
stories of great battles and
wars. they try to learn from<br>
these stories to better
themselves. <br>
Contact Level - 7<br>
The thinking one, Warden of
Knowledge, father of sweet water,<br>
Patron of the Asrai, Lord of the
Water Spirits, dweller at the<br>
heart of the world, Keeper of the
Eternal Secret, the eye-keeper,<br>
he who exacts payment, Lord of the
Eternal Well, he who knows all,<br>
Patron and Mentor of Zu.<br>
Does not manifest for anything. To
contact him you must travel to<br>
his realm. There are no
Note: Many peasants know of this God
in hopes to gain favor with<br>
him for better water
conditions. Everything from better well<br>
water to rivers that seem polluted
or diseased.<br>
Contact Level - 7<br>
God of the Waters, Lord of Immortal
Wisdom, turner of the flood,<br>
Lord of Magical Knowledge,
instructor in the arts of survival,<br>
patron of man, deliverer from
demons, Father and Councillor of<br>
the Gods, the Dead and Undying
Only his voice answers any summons.
He cannot be compelled to<br>
manifest physically.<br>
Note: By far this is the one of the
most popular Gods for the<br>
waters. Popular with sailors
and land folks alike. Many<br>
respect Enki if they don't worship
him outright.<br>
Contact Level - 6<br>
The Personification of Death, Son of
Abaddon, Champion of<br>
Destruction and Decay, Lord of
Insolence, master of primordial<br>
waters, Bane of Life, slayer of
Manifests as death with sickle
except wears iron gauntlets and<br>
eyes burn a fiery red. All who die
feel his touch. He is death.<br>
Note: Some sailors seem to have a
secret regard for this God.<br>
Some cults have sprung up that
worship this god and try to<br>
force his will in the area.<br>
Contact Level - 4<br>
Consort of Tiamat, God of the
Depths, Master of the rites of<br>
the sea, Lord of Subterranean
Waters, Master of the Watery Dead,<br>
reaver of the skies, and spinner of
the waves.<br>
Manifestation as for Poseidon
without the trident.<br>
Note: A popular god among those who
wish to explore the sea<br>
and what lies below the
Contact Level - 5<br>
Daughter of the Raging Seas, the Sea
Hag, treasurer of Ocean,<br>
Consort of Kingu, mistress of
monsters, Goddess of Powers, Lady<br>
of the Elder Seas, Mistress of the
Watery Realms, Keeper of the<br>
Watery Dead, collector of might and
She appears as a gorgeous undine.
Must be forced into her true<br>
form, a corpulent and revolting
Note: Some sailors worship or hate
this god depending on what<br>
they believe and how they wish
things done. <br>
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