<BR><BR><B><I>"Paul L. Ming" <pming@northwestel.net></I></B> wrote: <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">> 2) When creating magic users, as they buy their initial spells, do<BR>> they buy that at the "instructed" rate or the "alone" rate? Oddly, the<BR>> book does not specify.<BR>I give the player a choice. If he goes the "alone" path, then he has <BR>studied on his own, or maybe had some kind of intuitive feeling for <BR>magic, or was around a lot of spell casters when he was a child so he <BR>had a head start on it. If he goes the "instructed" rate, then he has a <BR>master/mentor from which he learned everything.<BR>The difference: "alone" sets the character on his own. He has no <BR>master to worry about, obey, or otherwise 'have to deal with'. So he <BR>won't be summoned by his master to go on deadly quests, or on completely <BR>boring and mundane ones. Additionally, he can choose any spell
to learn <BR>from his Path regardless of it's BMC (see below). If he chose <BR>"instructed" then he has a master whom he still owes 'fealty' to. His <BR>master will request certain tasks, items, etc. from the character, and <BR>the character's reputation and his masters are linked; if his master <BR>goes nutty and wipes out a town, he will likely become an outlaw as well <BR>(or at least a highly suspected individual). Also, an instructed caster <BR>has more limited choices in spells; he can only learn those that his <BR>master has. I generally keep it simple, and say a master only allows his <BR>apprentice to learn spells that have a BMC of no more than 1.5 (ru) <BR>times the characters starting MEL. This includes the specific spells of <BR>a 'group' spell (like Fire Powers, for example). So a MEL 3 character <BR>could learn spells from his master that have a BMC of no higher than 5. <BR>He could learn Travel Powers, but he wouldn't have the spell Interworld <BR>Travel
yet as it is BMC 10. Once he attained MEL 7, he would then be <BR>able to add Interworld Travel to his list.<BR><BR><BR>Paul L. Ming<BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR></BLOCKQUOTE>I like your idea on involving the master. It's something that hasn't come up in our campaign, but I'll have to keep it in mind for when I GM.<BR><p>
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