I've had my share of foot-in-the-mouths and brain-farts resulting from my asking hastily spouted-off stupid questions, and for some reason I'm anxious and paranoid that the question I'm about to ask you guys is going to be added to that 'stupid list'<br>
But I've been rolling this one around ever since Mr. Snider did his awesome and much-awaited Christmas Present post for "The Western Lands". I'll just ask it: Shouldnt the Western Lands actually be called the Eastern Lands? (oh boy, here it comes, I bet...)<br>
>From what I recall, Lemasa 'discovered' what was termed the "Eastern Lands" in the Culture Book, and they are on the eastern coast of the Perilous Lands continent. Also, a map in the back of the Site Book indicates this eastern-compass orientation.<br>
Am I missing something, nitpicking, or am I so incredibly naive? Or is it just the way things are and I should be grateful?