Hi all, <br><br>yesterday evening i used the influence chance formula but i have some doubts, can you tell me if the calculation is correct?<br><br>the human player is trying to influence an elf.<br><br>the human player has IC (nfluence chance) of 17.<br>
<br>First of all i have to take into account the appearance reaction, so the human is perceived by the elf as having an IC of 7 (17-10)<br><br>Now, the suggestion is CLEARLY to the listener's advantage.<br>The listener is a Personal contact of the influencer (i assume this means that the two persons are friends, am i right?)<br>
Finally, the listener is under pressure from some other source to refuse the request.<br><br>So, according to the influence chance table on page 18, Book I, the values are these:<br><br>+40%<br>+40%<br>-40+W (the listener has a will score of 14)<br>
<br>i end up with a 61% chance of success.<br><br>7+14+40+40-40=61<br><br>Is this correct?<br><br>thanks in advance<br>