Sorry long day and 4 hours sleep. PFS?<br>
Regardless. Not *1* system out there is perfect. IF you find
one its a lie :)<br>
Games are made by humans. Humans make mistakes.<br>
The nice thing about pnp is make it up as you go along.<br>
Just about ever pnp major group on this list has/had house rules.<br>
To fix or refine or better explain rules.<br>
Richard's big motto is if don't like it ignore it.<br>
Some of my fav games like Fringeworthy has seen 6 editions.<br>
If want 1st play 1st if want 5th play 5th. There is no end all be
all rule final set.<br><br>
<pre>Not in PFS
"W hen Do you iGnore the rules ?Use the Core Rulebook and
supplemental texts when atall possible to create rulings. Because PFS
aims to offera predictable, fair, and balanced experience at all
tablesinternationally, sticking to the texts is critical to ensuring
aneven play experience for all players."So obviously you're supposed
to ignore the text and do what everyone else doing.
--- I
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