[pnpgm] Magic and plusses

John Hooten jhooten at windstream.net
Sat Aug 21 06:25:16 CEST 2010

  Math errors!

if need 1425 casts of BMC1 then only need to cast at El0 thus 1425 mana
But 135 BMC20 is only 2700 at El0...still an oops
So the BMC1 is about twice as easy when looking at mana costs

Yup it has always been far easier to get high BMC spells to practice up 
when you look at number of castings

BUT high BMC spells can be harder to get, note the starting spell limits 
for example
They are also slow to learn
And could take days to recover from single casts where low BMC can be 
cast multiple times

So the real comparison is the Mana costs, the life blood of the mages
This is where fast mana recover is the true power level and why any 
natural mage is nasty!

On 8/20/2010 11:11 PM, Schnockel wrote:
> My biggest issue is that it's less costly to improve higher BMC spells 
> to high levels than it is lower BMC spells.
> for instance, to get a BMC1 spell to EL15 requires over 1425 
> successful casts.  A BMC20 spell only requires 135.  The higher the 
> BMC, the lower the number of successful casts.
> It costs almost 10,000 mana to get to EL10 with a BMC1, but only 1900 
> mana to get EL10 with a BMC20 spell!!!
> something is seriously wrong....BACKWARDS...with that.
> That's the problem with letting me have access to spreadsheets.
> I think that the tweaks should be stuff like "don't need hands to cast 
> that spell" or "don't need verbalized words"...essentially once you 
> get proficient with a spell, it simply becomes easier to cast...
> Think of the gods...think of them as VERY high MEL and EL...but they 
> still need to cast spells like a mortal?  They simply will effects 
> into being.  High level wizards should become more like that...kind of 
> like merging your learned spell casting with an innate ability.
> my 3-cents
> Dave

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