[pnpgm] Game Update #67 - File #465- Horses sent ahead

pnpgm pnpgm at comcast.net
Tue Jul 12 03:46:37 CEST 2016

   HT     Player        DS    Character Name    Type    Status/Notes  Sex
   -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
   FH.John Haight.......HY..Arawn.............Druid  .Normal/Alfar .. Ma
   --.Tobie Bonahoom....YY..Fremea............Sidh....Normal/Faerry.. Fe
   W3.Mark Murtha.......HN..Kell..............Trader..Normal/Human....Ma
   W2.David Sanders.....HN..Kiet.Sunan........Acrobat Normal/Human  ..Ma
   R4.Wout Broere.......YY..Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human  ..Fe
   R3 Panthera..............Pyandalgor........Hunter..Normal/Human....Ma
   R4.Alex Koponen......YY..Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human  ..Fe
      Animals: Corona [Eagle] Z'leyra

       Game Web Site - http:/nrgcomputers.com/pbem/
       Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
       Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net

       Game Update #67 sequence (file #465)

       Admin Notes: None.


       [New Stuff]

           [Janaq 7th, 1635TH]
           [Sivas, Marentia]

           [Early morning]

             Though the plan was to leave on the 8th, Arawn and Chion
           has arranged to send the horses early.  Sadly the day
           before the party got a messenger note that Unali has been
           called away by Duke Aren to infiltrate L'p'nth.  Though
           Arawn may occasionally teleport back to get grain and
           other things he can pick her up if she returns early.

             `Chion has shared his plans to travel in a flash to
           Port Doman for some errand.  For Z'leyra she recalls the
           jungle not so fondly.  The temple and the Hydra among
           other nasties were difficult when they visited there.  She
           does the math and it was Apris, 1631 almost 4 years ago.
           She is curious on why Chion is going there again but figures
           if it was important he'd say why.

             Those who assemble are amazed at Arawn's horse.  The snow
           white color like Corona is striking.  It doesn't take a
           empath to also notice her bearing.  Like most horses they
           have their head down and looking down.  But she is often
           looking forward head tall.

             Fremea explains she will fly and takes no horse.  Kiet and
           Kell checks the loads and finds that no horse is overloaded
           though some are close.

             The party notice that Kell's horse looks a bit above
           average.  Those who sense magic detect magic from one
           horseshoe on the horse for Kell, Kiet and Arawn.

             Some leave gear on their horse so the tribe in the plains
           can unload it though nothing vital for security.

             Chion looks at the 6 horses.   He calculates the weight of
           them all around 5,800 pounds.  That' is the same as 23
           people so it will take 3 trips.

             He gathers Fuk, Lucria and Pyan's horse.  He then teleport
           to the teleport circle near Cetric's village.  Villagers
           come forth and gather up the horses.  Chion then returns
           to Sivas.  Chion then takes Kell and Kiet's heavy horses
           to the village and returns.  With Z'leyra'a horse last
           he explains he will run out of energy so can't come
           back.  So he'll stay the night and return in morning.
           He then teleports with Z'leyra's horse.

             Just before the party separates to do final last
           day things, Kes comes running up.  Cholan's wife
           is with a man carrying a large sack.  She waves to
           the group.  "Glad I didn't miss you!"  She catches
           her breath and the man drops the sack not so gently.

             "Farseeker heard about your journey he sent this
           bag to help.  He is considering entering into a venture
           with a wizard n mass production of these things."  She
           opens the bag and pulls out a blanket.  The party is
           a bit confused.

             "These are magical.  What you do if I read his note
           right is tap this circle here."  She shows the small
           rune on the top left.  "It will warm the blanket and
           keeps you warm for at least 8 hours.  Which is the
           typical sleep cycle.  This rune on this side...it
           lowers the temperature.  I forget how he said how
           to do it.  But I think you do your finger counter
           clockwise to lower the heat if its too hot.'

             "I have a blanket for each of you."  She begins to
           pull each out and hands them out.  Then one is left.
           "Where...is..Unali?"  She shrugs.  "Well you can
           keep this one for her.  The Colonel is considering
           investing if the wizard can mass make them but I
           don't think he can so far."

             Kes then realizes the party is anxious to move and
           says her farewells.

           Actions? Comments?

           Next Update....Friday?

           GM:  I'll hope Wout comes back.  I suspect he's just
                super busy.  If he does he'll join instantly
                back in with help from Arawn.  I hate to leave
                him behind but I don't know his situation at
                this point.  Ok.  This is just a primer update
                to get ready to move.  If there is anything
                else to do for Jan 7 do it now before next
                update in a few days.  Next update we'll move
                and teleport you guys to the village and start.
                Chion can return and take everyone in one leap.
                Once in village (early early morning) you guys
                need to let me know how long there or if you
                will head out asap.  As I type this there is
                a major storm outside and I should turn off
                pc but want this out. :)

           GM: Roster at top updated to reflect Horse types.

           GM: Encumbrance:
                 No horses are loaded down badly.  Some space does
                 remain but some like Kell (5.5 lbs), Kiet (0) and
                 such have no room left before it is a factor.  So
                 horses will do well.

           GM: Magical Bags: I hope I updated all sheets with these
               magical bags.  If not let me know.  Given by Z'leyra.

           GM: Party Speed - 29 miles per day.  Riding Horse IIIs slowest
                 for party.  Fremea also flies 29 so same speed as
                 slowest horse.  Fremea has no horse so will be flying.

                 I will assume a 7am to 6pm travel day.  Due to
                 winter daylight hours.  I assume a 10 minute each
                 hour to allow rest and grazing of horse.  At 11
                 hours that's 110 minutes.  So really only going
                 9 hours of travel.  That's 3 miles per hour which
                 is not that much really unless its bad weather.

                 BUT If Z wants to do less travel or more she'll
                 need to decide from above data points.

                 So 29 is slowest horse and Fremea's speed.  But
                 if Z wants to make it less let me know.

           GM: So I do not need to ask each time a person enters a
               building, shack, tipi or whatever I will need to know
               now what you "carry".  I will assume the following
               unless stated otherwise.. If you enter a place and forget
               to bring something then its up to you to decide to take

               Fremea - Take it all.  IF leave bags elsewhere must
                  let me know.  Otherwise taken.

               Pyan: Armor, Daggers, Spear, Slings, Bow/Arrows.  All else
                  left on horse.

               Kiet: Armor, Helm, Daggers, Tulwar.  Leave Javelins,
                 Shield, bags on horse.  Magic items unless worn
                 left in bags.

               Kell: Helm, Armor, Dirks, Spears.  Shield left on
                 horse unless stated otherwise.  Bags/Magic items
                 unless worm left in bags on horse.

                 Z'leyra: Helm, Armor, Gr Sword, Staff, Daggers, Slings,
                   taken.  Shield on horse.  Satchel and Bags left
                   on horse unless stated otherwise.  Magic unless worn
                   item left on horse.

                 Fuk: Sword, Armor, Daggers.  Bags on horse
                 Lucria: All weapons, Armor.  Bags on horse

                 Arawn: Armor, Bow, Sword, Helm.  Shield, Javelins
                   left on horse.  Bags left on horse.  Magic items
                   unless worn left on horse.

           GM: This last weekend I got tons of bounces about 12.
               Including from my own email.  Not sure why but I guess
               someone is forwarding email and their isp has issues.
               But if you do post and its not in the update AND/or list
               archives then I never got it.  So you'll need to let me
               know of missing posts.

           GM: Now sure if you guys read the normal P&P list (not mine)
               you may know this.  But if not Thomas is trying to figure
               out who might be interested in a pnp pbem game he'll do.
               He requests those who are interested to go to Rpol to
               sign up.  I don't have the exact URL though.  For
               those who may not know Thomas actually ran Caladan. He
               left long ago from this game.

           GM: Food/Water report is now online at bottom of links.
               I'll be using this to balance the figures.  You
               may notice one person has no food :<  Maybe that
               person will fix that? :)

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