[pnpgm] Game Update #-27 - File #8 - 7/31 progress

pnpgm pnpgm at comcast.net
Sun Aug 1 04:19:20 CEST 2021

Sex.....Character Name...Player..................Type....Notes.....

         Game Web Site – http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm (case matters)
         Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
         Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net

         Game Update #-27 sequence (file #8)

         Admin: None.

            From Pyan: [Re:Actions]
                 I know it was a long time ago 
but I'm still kicking myself in the butt every 
time I think of the language necklace. about the 
fact, I was too shy to speak up.

                 Maybe the god could just put a 
note in Pyan's file saying, "This one could be a trouble maker."

                 I ran the post through Grammarly 
in can anyone was having trouble understanding 
it. damn, autocorrect keeps changing what I wrote 
then when I go back and try to edit it's no longer what I thought it said.
Something about being in the presence of the 
avatar effects Pyan's perception of time. it 
seems like an eternity to Pyan to get his turn 
with the Avatar. This gives him plenty of time 
for it to slowly dawn on him that something is 
wrong. Only Keit knows Omavorand yet the avatar 
is speaking nothing but Omavorand everyone is 
acting like they can understand him perfectly 
fine. andhatch a Pyan He does know what's happing 
but he knows there is somethingstrange about the 
avatar's commutation and since the best, the 
party could do to explain to Pyan what the 
necklace doe was, itallows you to copy the 
ability of communication you hear someoneuse. 
Pyan knows he wants a part of whatever is up with 
the avatar'sstrange speech even those he doesn't 
know what's happening. But didn't hereturn the 
necklace when he was done using it? Pyan searches 
all his allpockets thoroughly for the necklace on 
the off chance that he didn't; trying hisbest not 
to attract the attention of the strange man that 
seems to knowmore than he should about the party.
            GM: Ack. No biggie.  There may be a 
new chance later on. :) All I will hint at this 
time.  The scene was for Z mainly.  Other stuff 
was spice.  I do appreciate the post on your 
intentions. Yeah I do not spell check anything 
from From..GM: So it keeps player text unchanged so it can be read.

       [New Stuff]


         GM: Actions? Comments?

             Next Update...Maybe a week or so?

         GM: Another small update.  Some 
progress.  I've personally been busy with issues 
with my mom's health, comcast and other 
stuff.  IT should settle a bit now.  Looks like 
Tobie I got him 80% done, Gilbert seems to be 
100% but yet to review sheet and Gerald is 
99%.  So some more progress.  Stay tuned.  I'll 
work on sheets tue/wed on days off.

                 So we are at
                 * 100% 2 done
                 *  85% 4 at 85%
                 *   0% 2 at not started

            * IBT: 24 Days (format may mess up in email)

                   Player                Status
                 Arawn           Not supplied
                 Dorhak  Not supplied
                 Fremea  Not supplied
                 Kiet            Not supplied
                 Pyandalgor      Not supplied
                 Raddok  Not supplied
                 Unali           Not supplied
                 Opus            Given – Not 
processed - #1 Queue – Started about 20% done.
                 Z'leyra Not supplied

            * Rune Quest Characters

                   Player        Status
                 Tobie           Helped make – 
85% done – Need gear/spells to finish
                 Panther Not supplied
                 Bess H  Given starting versions – About 85% done
                 Wout            Not supplied
                 Gerald  [Work in progress] – 85% done need gear/spells
                 Alex K  Finished – Not processed - #1 in Queue
               Gilbert   100% done need to review sheet

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