[pnpgm] Game Update #22 - File #121 - Troll Combat 11+12

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Mon Apr 4 06:08:55 CEST 2022

Sex.....Character Name...Player..................Type....Notes.....
Female.Varo Mineholder..Bess.Hadley......Merchant..Human...........

         Game Web Site – http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm (case matters)
         Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
         Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net

         Game Update #22 sequence (file #121)

         Admin: None.

            From Bess: [Re: Actions]
                 [ooc: my apologies for the late 
entry for #20. I have had the worst humdinger of 
a cold for 6 days now & not getting much better 
(seems to be same cold going around here right 
now – everyone’s getting it.) – got tested 
forfor covid & strep in my doctor’s parking lot 
Friday, altho my home covid was negative & I 
never get strep throat. That strep test was 
negative, so waiting on the doctor’s covid, 
altho I don’t believe I have covid. I only took 
the home test because my doctor asked me “Why 
not?� (that made me feel stupid, but I 
haven’t been exposed to anything, as been home 
for days!) This week has been GLUCK! I feel like 
I'm having a hyper-allergic cold event - yuck!] ---

                 [Starting today’s post from 
seeing where we all are now after update #20. In 
addition, still not sure how often spells can be 
cast, so just do what she can, DM, if I post too 
many. They are being used in the order of 
priority I chose – Enemy, Traps & Healing (1st or 22nd level, depending)] ---

                 She will then cast Detect 
Enemies & wait for its results, passing on what 
she finds from the spell in a quiet voice to the 
others. She will then cast Detect Traps at the 
cabin, while facing toward its door. She will 
again report the results of her spell to the group.
  GM: Ack.  You get well.  I was there 
recently.  So rest and ignore the game till then 
no need ot rush back.  Good luck and stay 
safe.  As to spells it depends on their strike 
rank so if 2 spells are SR 3 and 2 that takes up 
5 of your 12 SR slots.  Many are just that 
2/3.  But generally with a 5 SR ready /prep pause 
its 2 spells on average per round.  Sent results 
to ya on the spells already.  But since said you voice them will report here.

            From Rocky: [Re: Actions]
                 Rocky looks around for other 
Trolls to attack, planning to use a Disruption 
spell then melee if he finds one to fight.
            GM: Ack.

         [New Stuff]

         [Windsday, Fertility week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]

         [Time: 10:12 am]

         [Round 11-12]

            Juno moves toward the others and joins at the cabin door.

            Varo concentrates and casts a enemy 
detection then says 'enemy' and gestures 2 
fingers.  She shakes her head on area outside 
cabin but points inside the 2 inside.

           As the last troll falls before her, 
Varo steps back, withdrawing her rapier & taking 
a deep breath as she quickly scans around for any 
more trolls. She wipes her sword on the troll's body.

  Varo then does a trap detection spell wondering 
if it covers more than the door and hopefully the 
window.  She speaks word 'traps' and shakes her 
head sensing nothing hoping spell did not fail.

            She than asks “Does anyone need healing?”

            Mournath moves to west wall to get to 
the window.  The window and finds this is a side 
by side window slats that open inward.  With a 
single line in middle.  He gets closer to look inside as

            Razgar ignores Mournath and moves 
east to join the others at the front door.

            Juno casts protection on Varo.

            Rocky looks for another troll but sees none outside.

            Jaren looks around wondering why no 
action.  Wondering if he should just open door 
and push someone inside or order folks in first?

            As Jaren considers this since no one 
is looking at window he examines it and finds it 
a side by side slant wooden window.  Seems to 
open inward not outward. He tries to push a 
finger on the slant to nudge it slightly but it 
seems firm possibly locked.  The single line 
between slants its difficult to see in from his distance away from window.

         GM: Actions? Comments?

             Next update?....Wednesday?

         GM: A short update since no 
combat.  Everyone is feet away from front door 
but Mournath in back.  So will remove map no need 
for it now.  Still unsure who will do the door 
stuff.  So will wait for who enters.  If not 
Jaren may just burst in.  Mournath will email ya.

Basically need plan on who does what for cabin.

         GM: 130 Miles out – personal note for me.

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