[pnpgm] Test ignore unless wanna see last update

P&P GM pnpgm at comcast.net
Wed Mar 8 20:47:10 CET 2023

So i'm testing the new emali client - THunderbird.  So doing a direct 
cut/past from openoffice to see if it sends it (skip the odd characters).

Ignore unless you wanna see this last update -


*Sex.....Character Name...Player..................Type....Not es.....*
*Male...Klorgar..........Tobie.Bonahoom...Tracker...Human,.......... *
*Female.Varo Mineholder..Bess.Hadley......Merchant..Human...........*

*Game Web Site – http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm (case matters)*
*Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)*
*Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net*
*Game Update #40 sequence (file #243)*
*Admin Note: None*

*From Rocky: [Re: Actions]*
*As Rocky readies and aims his arbalest at the nearest walktapi he yells 
"Beware poison breath!" After shooting he switches to shield and sling 
while retreating while sthating "They regenerate! So finish them off 
with Disruptions after they are down." While slinging projectiles at the 
walktapi he continues "Do not sever any part as that will grow into 
*GM: Ack. I did say Rocky did not know what these creatures were in 
chat. Based on rolls of Lore and such. Logically a dwarf would not know 
of such. That is the problem with players who have access to rules. They 
simply look up the monster. Its a bit unfair. As it influences others 
even though that character doesn’t know what they are. GM can only do so 
much to describe a creature but this is why I try to change stuff for 
example if you expect regeneration then maybe they have that at 2x and 
another added bonus. Only way to balance undo balance. :)*

*From Razgor: [Re: Actions]*
*Razgor grabs his bow and retreats, tries to stay out of range while 
shooting the closest.*
*GM: Ack.*

*From Juno: [Re: Actions]*
*Juno hopefully can run to his horse and use it as cover cast a 
protection(2) spell on himself *

*Then draw his bow and fire at the nearest enemy.*

*Unless …¦.*

*There close enough already and from his horse he would like to cast a 
spell on his javelin MULTIMISSILE (1). Then he can fire it at any left 
alive, or not disabled, or the closest one for two hits.*

*As he runs he thinks “Man those things are scary looking.”*
*GM: Ack.*

*From Varo: [Re: Actions]*
*[Personal note first: I got my eye injection, so vision a little better 
- I was having vertigo from the double-vision caused by the distortion 
of the retinal area in my left eye - very hard to see with a line 
showing up as doubled -one line straight & the other curved weirdly & 
both crossing over each other (- my poor brain trying to put it all 
together) - you get dizzy & headaches from trying to see. But better 
now; distortion still there, but improved - can at least see some things 
fairly normally in that eye now. Sorry I missed last update. - Nice story!] *
*Varo hears the alarm from Mournath from her spot near the horses, where 
she has been brushing down Duster & the other horses after a hard day€™s 
work pulling carts. *
*She can see the creatures coming, but has no idea what they are. She 
decides to cast Detect Traps, … wondering if that spell might give any 
information on anything possibly dangerous about them.*

*She prepares her bow for firing, even as she prays, and moves behind 
her horse for cover as she draws & readies her bow for firing, looking 
at the two closest targets. She will hold off actually firing until her 
spell has results, then call out to everyone any information the spell 
might provide (hidden weapons, poison, speed, or no traps seen?), then 
she will fire at the closest one, if firing at the creature IS warranted.*
*GM: Ack. Glad eyes are better. I may post here or a separate post my 
eye stuff. I was glad you weren't flooded out or such that-was what I 
figured why gone.*
*From Rocky: [Re: Actions]*
*[Okay..so Rocky doesn't know what these monsters are.] Rocky will shoot 
the closest then ready his shield and sword and fight to protect the 
rest of the party.*
*GM: Ack. I did the Lore rolls since you did specifically refer to them 
as if you knew them and no on that. As to others no one did that so no 
rolls for them. I've been in way too many games at cons of D&D where you 
have 4 vets and 4 newbies. The vets know the creature and blurt out 
'slice below the ribs!' Or some such weakness newbies don't know . So it 
taints the game out of GMS favor. If everyone know you simply fire 2 
torps in the death star exhaust it ruins the drama and the surprise. 
This is one reason I enjoy playing D&D but not Gmed it so I have very 
low experience on monsters there. So I'm glad to be surprised. *

*[New Stuff]*

*[Windsday, Movement week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]*

*Another day in the swamp brings a slew of bugs that seem to crawl down 
pants leg and up to the most sensitive parts. The party moves as quickly 
as a walking ground with some horses can do. Unlike rivers where camps 
are generally made the marsh is one giant squishy boggy mess. So it is 
difficult to make a camp within at most 50 feet. Sentries have to be 
wary of gators who can get on shore fast. *

*[Time: 7:11 pm[*

*[Round 1]*

*As the lumbering creepy fish-human things move slowly into camp not 
much is heard except the crackle of the campfire, squish of boots on wet 
ground, the plop plip of the swamp waters as surface is broken by waves 
or other things and the annoying constant buzz of swamp insects.*

*The sentries are Klorgar, Mournath and Juno. So they already have 
weapons in hand and prepared. Klorgar swings to the south west as he 
spots 2 of the creatures (#3/4) and with his composite bow already 
loaded he fires on #3. The arrow hits the beast in the left leg doing 4 
points but does not fell the creature. *

*The second sentry – Mournath aims his prepared composite bow at 
creature #4 and hits it in one of its tentacles (#1) for 2 points.*

*Marusks stands a bit startled by these strange creatures and loads his 
composite bow. He aims at a creature and arrow flies to his right out of 
the bow and the bow itself falls out of his hands as he fumbles. He 
looks around hoping no one saw tat fumble disaster – so embarrassing.*

*Juno moves to grab his javelins. As he runs he thinks/ “Man those 
things are scary looking.” As he does he casts a protection spell on 
himself and it seems to work as a faint red hue is seen around his body.*

*As Rocky readies and aims his arbalest at the nearest creature he yells 
"Beware poison breath!" While the dwarf has never seen such creatures 
there is a odd resemblance to octopus. Having visited the sea side 
village he has seen at least one cut up and the sailor talk about them. 
Something about a ink or cloud. Maybe Rocky did not understand the 
sailor well but maybe it is poison? He aims at 3 and 4 but too many 
folks in his line of fire past the campfire. He glances to north west 
toward #1 and 2. Less in his line of sight except Razgor who hopefully 
won't step in front of his bolt. He aims at creature #1 and hits in the 
abdomen doing massive damage. The creature staggers back a foot then 
collapses. *

*As Rocky fires the creatures lumber forward. Creature #2 moves south 
east while 3 and 4 move north east. The party notices these things are 
very slow on the ground but show signs of fast swimmers. So the humans 
have a speed advantage. *

*No one seems to notice two more slink out of the swamp water to the 
north east. They quietly lumber south west. *
*Klorgar hears #1 fall with a wet plop and pivots seeing #2 lumber 
forward he aims and fires his compoiste bow again hitting the creature 
in the Right Arm for 2 points. *

*Varo hears the alarm from Mournath from her spot near the horses, where 
she has been brushing down Duster & the other horses after a hard day’s 
work pulling carts.*

*She can see the creatures coming, but has no idea what they are. She 
decides to cast Detect Traps, wondering if that spell might give any 
information on anything possibly dangerous about them. She sends off a 
prayer to Ernalda as she looks, a bit horrified by the creatures’ heads 
& tentacles: “Oh mighty Earth Queen – what are these things coming 
towards us? Be with us & help keep the balance. If they are – or are NOT 
dangerous, let us know quickly – for everyone’s sakes! Be with us now & 
guide us into wisdom & safely deliver your children.” *

*Her silent pray is sent as its faster than speaking it that time wold 
allow. But the spell goes off but she feels nothing. Problem is a 
definition of a trap? Do gods see a natural behavior as a trap or do 
they see the magical flying dagger under sleeve of a person as a trap? 
So it is unclear if spell worked or not. But it doesn't take magic to 
figure these things are dangerous. Anything brave enough to exit water 
to attack a party is either stupid or brave and dangerous. *

*Varo thinks to herself – “Maybe creatures of the sea? Does that make 
them deadly?” She prepares her bow for firing, even as she prays, and 
moves behind her horse for cover as she draws & readies her bow for 
firing, looking at the two closest targets. She will hold off actually 
firing until her spell has results, then call out to everyone any 
information the spell might provide (hidden weapons, poison, speed, or 
no traps seen?), then she will fire at the closest one, if firing at the 
creature IS warranted.*

*Razgor loads his composite bow and aims at one creature but the shot 
goes wild. He braces his body so his Pike is nearby leaning on him. 
Based on their speed retreat is not super vital at this point. But soon 

*Juno moves toward his javelins and casts a spell around him and them.*

*Marusk draws his blade and scans the area. He spots the 2 new comers 5 
and 6 - “2 more in north west.” *

*Mournath aims again fires but his arrow also misses.*

    *Varen draws his blade while Jaren draws his own. Jaren motions for 
Varen toward the campfire, “Stay by the fire.” As Jaren looks around for 
the nearest attacker. *
*Klorgor aims at creature #3 hits it in his right arm doing 4 points. *

*Varo aims at #3 seeing the horses become nervous so she may not be able 
to fire from behind long. In case they rear up and arrow in back would 
not do well. Her arrow hits #3 where it was previously damaged in left 
leg doing *
*enough damage to force the creature to fall down. As its leg is disabled.*

*Razgor aims at #2 hits in right leg doing 4 points.*

*Rocky arms himself with sling and shield. Aims at #4 and hits in right 
arm but the projectile bounces off his tough hide.*


*[Round 2]*
*Mournath aims at one of the creatures and fires but misses.*
*Klorgar aims at #4 but also seems to miss maybe its all the writhing 

*Jaren shifts some of the logs in the campfire. So they can be ready 
made torches. “Use these they might not like fire?” He tells Varen.*

*Varek nods to Jaren and raises his sword in guard position.*

*Marusk aims at #6 and fires but also seems to miss.*

*Varo pivots and aims at #5 hitting him in the left arm but the arrow 
bounces off his tough hide.*

*Razgar aims at #4 and also seems to miss.*

*Rocky aims at one creature and fires his sling hitting on tentacle #4 
but the projectile bounces off his tough hide.*

*Mournath aims at #4 and again misses!*
*Juno steps back then throws a javelin at #4. As the Javelin flies it 
magically divides and copies itself. One Javelin hits in the right leg 
doing 2 points. The other hits in the left leg doing a massive 8 points. 
The creature loses his lumbering stance and falls as his leg is disabled.*

*Creature #1 is down on the ground but not moving much. Creature #3 and 
#4 have disabled legs so are on ground but not able to move. Creature #2 
moves east more toward Klorgar. Creature #5 and #6 move south west 
toward Rocky. *

*Klorgar aims at the downed #4 and misses! How can one miss a body on 
the ground? *

*Razgar aims at #2 but misses by a few inches.*

*Varo aims at #6 hitting in the left arm but the arrow bounces off the 
tough hide.*

*Rocky turns and aims at #6 hits in the left arm but the projectile 
bounces off his arm hide as well. *

*Juno sees #5 and #6 but Varo is almost due north of him so might 
hither. #2 is also blocked by others so dangerous shot. He throws the 
Javelin at #4 which is on ground the second magical copy hits along with 
the non magical copy. One hits in right and one in left arm. Doing 7 and 
8 points. The creature does not seem to be moving anymore at all.*

*Marusk fires his bow on #2 hitting in tentacle 1 doing 4 points.*

*Klorgar aims at #2 but misses and 10 feet closer.*
*GM: Actions? Comments?*

*Next update – Next Week? Hopefull...*

*GM: Finally its out! So much stuff in IRL but at least most of doc and 
taxes visit is done. So next week is actually free. But I need to 
install/upgrade my email software. Supposedly for my data security. Even 
though I've had 0 virus, a few harmless malware (quickly removed) and 0 
email data/phissing issues ISP is refusing to keep old formats. So even 
though I'm 100% secure I gotta upgrade by 3/31. So sadly means tue/wed 
likely ding that. So if I finish early will do update for next 2 rounds. 
Lots of misses bad rolls. :< Juno – I don’t seem to see how many 
javelins you have but based on gear weight I assume 2. Which means all 
used up. *

*GM: Map - *

  */I\ = North 1 Hex = 10 feet, 1 column/row = 5 feet*

          *1 2 3 *
*/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ A*
*\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ B ** = Campfire= L23/L24*
*/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ C*
*\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \5_/ D K = Klorgar [H14] *
*/1 \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ 6_ E V = Varo [N29]*
*\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ F R = Razgar [I23]*
*/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ G D = Rocky [K28]*
*\__/ \2_/ \K_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ H M = Mournath [O15]*
*/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \R_/ \__/ \_ I E = Veren [M23]*
*\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ J N = Jaren [M24]*
*/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ D__/ \_ K U = Marusk [L21]*
*\__/ \__/ \__/ \_U/**\__/ \__/ L J = Juno [S29]*
*d/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \EN/ \__/ \_ M *
*\__/3 \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/V \__/ N H = Horses tied to tree*
*/ \__/ \__/ M\__/ \__/HH\__/ \_ O O/P 26/27*
*\__/4 \__/ \__/ \__/ \HH/ \__/ P*
*/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ Q 1 = Creature #1 [E2] – KO/Dead? On ground*
*\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ R 2 = Creature #2 [H8]*
*/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \J_/ \_ S 3 = Creature #3 [N5] [Disabled on ground]*
*\__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ T 4 = Creature #4 [P5] [Likely Dead]*
*/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_ U 5 = Creature #5 [D32] / 6 - [E34] *

*Campfire – 100% 1-3 hexes 75% 4 50$ -5 25%-6 10%-7+ hexes*
*90% of map 8s flat dry *
*Only a couple trees a few chest high bushes*
*Water – brook/stream level column -5+ so 5 columns west of map*
*Stream/brook winds south to north then winds to North East*
*Stream/Brook more a open glade in large spots.*

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