[pnpgm] Game Update #42 - File #252 - Combat Aftermath

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Wed Mar 22 22:21:50 CET 2023

[Sent from Thunderbird]

Sex.....Character Name...Player..................Type....Not es.....
Female.Varo Mineholder..Bess.Hadley......Merchant..Human...........

     Game Web Site – http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm (case matters)
     Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)
     Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net

     Game Update #42 sequence (file #252)
     Admin Note: None

        From Rocky: [Re: Actions]
         Rocky, seeing Jaren fall over goes to him and casts a Heal2 in 
an attempt to help him. Not being skilled in treating poisons he asks 
"Any a you know ….  If no one speaks up he will do his limited best.
        GM: Ack.

        From Juno: [Re: Actions]
         I have some first aid skills and plant lore and healing spells. 
I also have
counter magic. Juno use all his skills knowledge and spells he tries a
counter magic (1) and Heal(2) spell wise. He looks to varo as well.
Is there plants or things around to help?

             But first he looks around stands still and see any or tries 
to detect if any are dangerous or will be moving or able to cause us 
damage. Basically survey the aftermath and if there is anymore clear and 
present danger detect enemies(1) spell cast.

         He says, "I'd rather send these creatures back to the sea but …
        GM: Ack. Rolled plant skill but no go.  Major issue is the 
darkness so hard to forage around.

        From Varo: [Re: Actions]
         [Varo has some knowledge (~25% for each) of healing poisons & 
finding healing plants & identifying plants,which triggers the actions 

         Varo is across the camp area from Jaren, but when she turns she 
sees some greenish gas or cloud around Jaren & Jaren on the ground. "Get 
away from …

         She, too will cast a Healing Spell at level 2, to add to any 
healing effects being given Jaren.
        GM: Ack.

     [New Stuff]

     [Windsday, Movement week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]

     [Time: 7;13 pm]

        The entire combat takes less than a minute but the swamp does 
not seem to lose a beat.  Frogs and insects do their song. Then the 
patry sees Jaren fall.

        Juno scans the area.  Studying each of the six creatures to 
ensure none are moving.  But it seems none are.  He doesn't realize that 
#1 was down not seemingly to move.  Then to stand and move again toward 
party.  Juno would ask others about it and the theory is the creature 
must've been temporarily knocked out or stunned.  Then it moved again.  
That or possibly it regenerated? But that same creature had a serious 
chest wound so maybe it was just stunned?

        Juno says, "I'd rather send these creatures back to the sea but 
don't want to touch them. We could burn the bodies but that may attract 
attention to a really large fire."

        "I'd rather just get out of here asap but we need to tend to see 
if Jaren is ok first."

        Also he continues to say  "If after he is cared for and we are 
safe I would like to checks the horses make sure there ready, fed, 
watered and gathers his arrows and javelins with out disturbing the 
creatures.  Put out fire collect supplies break camp  and and get moving"?.

        "Does that make sense any thoughts? how do we dispose or do we 
just get moving ? Do we check the bodies for treasure. I'd rather not 
dare touch these dangerous creatures.

        Juno prays for a answer from his higher power. "O please help 
our fallen soldier."

        He also prays for the souls of these creatures. "Do we let them 
live or do we kill the ones alive out of mercy?"

        Varo is across the camp area from Jaren, but when she turns she 
sees some greenish gas or cloud around Jaren & Jaren on the ground. "Get 
away from that cloud!"? Varo yells. "Get Jaren away from there – he 
shouldn't be breathing that – that could bad be poison to everyone! Get 
him away from that creature! Everyone away from there!”

        She runs toward him, but also starts looking around the area 
around & outside camp, looking for any plant that she might have learned 
of to help deal with poisonous gas, as well as digging into her pack for 
any poison treatments she may be carrying, although she's not sure the 
emetic in the first aid kit she's carrying will help. She arrives where 
Jaren has been moved to, still going through her medical supplies.

        "Are his clothes wet from that stuff? If so, get them off - & 
hold your breaths! Is he breathing? If not, get him turned over on his 
stomach or his back & push his chest down for a couple seconds, then let 
go to force him to breathe in good air. Get him to cough – clear his 
lungs. Hold  your own breaths & take turns!"

        Varo doesn't know if she can help, but she runs over with her 
supplies & looks around for any plants that might help. She will do what 
she can, but try to keep others from breathing any traces of what caused 
Jaren to collapse. She is worried her knowledge is not enough, only 
basic, & as she runs she prays desperately to Ernalda that she has the 
knowledge needed, or the medicine, or that it it nearby. "Please clear 
Jarenâ" lungs of that poison or whatever that cloud was, Mother Ernalda, 
& give him clean, free air & aid to help him now!She joins the others in 
their efforts, but feels compelled to look out beyond the camp's area to 
see if there are any plants that could help. She adds a brief prayer 
that her eyes be clear to anything that could be of use, simply praying 
under her breath as she searches the area from near Jaren.

     Rocky, seeing Jaren fall over goes to him and casts a Heal2 in an 
attempt to help him. Not being skilled in treating poisons he asks "Any 
a you know how ta fix poison hurt?" If no one speaks up he will do his 
limited best.

        Juno scans the area and the monsters satisfied the creatures 
seem to be dead. HE moves to help Rocky. He has a bit better knowledge 
on plants and first aid.  But its just too dark to ascertain nearby plants.

        Both Rocky and Juno help to move Jaren a bit further away from 
the dead creature to avoid the gas.  But it seems to have been in the 
immediate area around the creatures body.  Both hear Varo yelling 
warnings but too preoccupied to react and let it sink in.

        Juno finds Jaren is still breathing but his pulse is weaker.  
Lifting his arms it seems to drop a bit harder than normal which may 
imply his body is weaker.

        As Varo sans the camp area for plants she passes eyes over the 
campfire several times.  Then she recalls from her Cult a story of a 
battle their group had with some Praxians.  The Prax force led the cult 
group into a area full of berries. The cult group was hungry after 
chasing the Prax group for days over mountains. The cult settled and ate 
the berries.  But they were poisonous.  By the time a cult leader 
realized it was too late. She recalls though that charcoal used with 
some plants or liquids allowed the body to up heave or throw up the 
poison.  While it still had some effect it was mostly diminished.  Varo 
moves to the campfire and digs to find bits of charcoal.  The fishing 
villages they passed used this to roast by fire the fish they caught.  
So the group had been given some of the charcoal and small fish.  But 
Varo is unsure how much to use or how to use it or in what combo.

        As Rocky and Juno cast their healing spells on Jaren, Maruska 
sees Varo and nods.  “That could work. Mix about this much...” he leans 
and breaks a bit of the charcoal off.  “With some juice.  But unsure we 
have any like apple juice.  So some water will have to do.”

        As Varo and Marusk work on the potion, Jaren is stirred up a 
bit.  HE begins to wake up but seems a bit out of it.

        Varo rushes over and tells Jaren to drink it but she has to 
force it down his throat as he is too weak to understand or too tired.  
A minute passes and Juno helps to start the process.   His first aid 
skills are a bit better than the trio. He places fingers in throat to 
cause a gag reflex.  Jaren then throats up the stomach contents.  But 
issue is the lungs have most of the as so Varo and Juno help to do 
compressions and making him to sough as much as he can to clear his lungs.

        About 7 minutes later Jaren is helps to sit up.  “I feel just 
weak but don't feel much else going wrong?”

        Juno, Varo and others discuss the situation.  With the healing 
magic and other treatment he should be fine but needs test.  Maybe the 
gas itself only weakens their foe so to make them easy prey?

        Varen listens to Juno's words and considers them.  “Moving out 
at pitch darkness in a swamp is as bad as it can be.  At least a forest 
we might have a chance. But a swamp has places you step and quick sand.”

        Marusk nods, “I agree.  We could dump the bodies into the water 
but we'd attract gators and other animals.  Not sure we want a pack of 
gators coming into camp.  We could take them south.”  He waves around 
reminding that they are in a niche in the land with water from north, 
east and west.  “Then dump them maybe 50 feet off from here.  But again 
we'd attract land animals.  We need to set out in morning that way.  My 
suggestion is pile the about 20 feet south of the campfire. WE post an 
extra sentry and move in the morning.”

        Varen asks, “wouldn't that just attract predators to feed tonight?”

        Marusk shrugs, “It would.  But travel at night is dangerous even 
more so. When folks are hurt in a forest and no time to buy the dead 
like these creatures they do this.  As long as a sentry holds a fire 
torch it should make predators leery of coming close.”

        Juno is not convinced but sees how Jaren can barely keep his 
head high.

        Varen looks around.  “Fine lets get 3 sentries.  Jaren can rest 
and hopefully be better in morning.”

     GM: Actions? Comments?

         Next update...Next week Tue/Wed?

     GM: A quick update.  So I reworked the poison gas cloud as it was 
more long term CON damage than actual hit point short term stuff.  So 
with the 2 healing and Varo's help it should flush out Jarens system.  
Below is book keeping stuff.  Last weekend for D4 Beta.  Technically 
this Open Beta can be easy to get.  I think KFC gives you access for a 
simple sandwich if I recall. But that will take up my time from Fri noon 
to Monday 3pm.  So will do next update next week.  Probably move onto 
the next thing.  Stay tuned!

     GM: Experience/Item Use:

         Player            Notes
        Klorgar         +5% Composite Bow,   -5 Arrows (10 left)
        Mournath     +5% Composite Bow,   -2 Arrows (12 left)
         Rocky         -1 Bolt (18 left), -2 Sling bullets (13 left), 
Heal 2 -POW
        Varo        +5% Bow,             -4 Arrows (35 left)
         Juno         Protection, MultiMissile, Coordination spells -POW

        All others if at 100% no skill boosts.  Others who fired did not 
lose arrows or such if miss – easy to collect back.  Only those who hit 
and got skill bonus are listed above.  Many misses first 2 rounds. :)

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