[pnpgm] Game Update #51 - From darkness to light

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Thu Nov 30 02:49:16 CET 2023

*Sex.....Character Name...Player..................Type....Not es.....*
*Male...Klorgar..........Tobie.Bonahoom...Tracker...Human,.......... *
*Female.Varo Mineholder..Bess.Hadley......Merchant..Human...........*

*Game Web Site – http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm (case matters)*
*Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)*
*Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net*
*Game Update #51 sequence (file #284)*
*Admin Note: None*

*From Rocky: [Re: Actions]*
*Rocky walks forward keeping Jaren between himself and Daren. Then upon*
*being noticed he steps to the side and says "STOP!" very loudly. Arbalest …*
*GM: Ack.*

*From Juno: [Re: Actions]*
*Juno draws his sword as well if violence happens. *
*GM: Ack.*

*From Juno: [Re: prepared]*
*Juno thinks to himself, growing up he had gotten some …*
*GM: Ack. Good stuff.*

*From Varo: [Re: Disruption]*
*sarcastic feedback from schoolmates as …*
*GM: Ack. Very good rpg stuff that is what counts.*

*[New Stuff]*

*[Fireday, Movement week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]*

*[Time: 7;54 pm]*

*Juno thinks to himself, growing up he had gotten some sarcastic 
feedback from schoolmates as he spoke of his god very often. He was well 
liked but others were confused to see he often prayed to his god for 

    *He thinks to himself further that, I learned early I was given a gift*
*of power from the universal spirit and could wield this God given powerful*
*magic often and a lot with out running out.*

*He thinks I can have faith that I’m doing the correct thing. I must hope*
*this does not turn into a trap but he is wondering what did we get wrapped*
*up in. He prays once again, as he does a lot for guidance, great O have I*
*helped evil ?*

*Juno then decides to put a protection 2 spell on himself in case another*
*thing blows up. He laughs to himself better be safe than sorry.*

*Rocky walks forward keeping Jaren between himself and Varen. Then upon*
*being noticed he steps to the side and says "STOP!" very loudly. Arbalest*
*ready, aimed to fire if violence threatened. If violence occurs he fires at*
*Varen, drops the arbalest, readies small shield, draws his blade and*

*Juno draws his sword as well if violence happens. *

*Varo continues to follow Kaz, close behind the leaders of their group. 
She was puzzled about the runes she saw in the library, but the pictures 
along this passage downward, & the remarks she overhears from the 
swordsman next to Kaz tell her whatever is happening must be linked to a 
solstice, or the moon’s conjunction which was due very soon tonight. *

*Some kind of terrible power must be available to be grabbed by whoever 
is in the “magical” spot at the right moment. Neither Jaren or Varen 
should have such power, since they had resorted to murder & deceit & 
betrayal to obtain it. Such actions were very much out of Balance, 
benefiting only the two men, to the detriment of the innocent natives 
here - the dead folk of this village, & the future denizens as well. 
Varo is feeling the horror of the situation prays for self-control to 
manage her anger, a her fear, too. She finds herself with her bow drawn, 
arrow nocked & ready to fire at either or both of those men as soon as 
she sees them. It’s all she can currently do to try to disrupt their 
plan & hopefully knock the two men out of the place they needed to be, 
or otherwise distract them when this “alignment” occurred. She raises 
her bow & sights over the men’s shoulders to seek a target ahead of them 
in the upcoming chamber below, moving as silently as she can in her soft 
boots. She would have to at least wound them, if either they made any 
move to fight, or just tried to continue whatever ritual or spell they 
were doing - and try to knock them to the ground or away from wherever 
they were standing. Hopefully, such would interrupt any spell or action 
the two were working on.*

*“Oh, my Earth Queen Ernalda, please guide my aim tonight to stop this 
terrible grab for stolen power by these evil men. Please keep me & my 
friends in the Balance & the Light, & bring the Moon to hear your call 
for Balance for our world. We need not kill tonight if we can disable 
and imprison them, but if death must come, let it be in your favor, for 
the Balance of the World. Keep us steady & faithful to hear your choice 
for us all. Amen.”*

*Jaren turns at hearing Rocky. He draws his sword and levels it. Further 
into the cavern Varen laughs, “the brave little one approaches..hah I 
see the others now. Thank you for getting me here. Course-” *

    *Varen stops as a bright beam of white seems to shine from above. Rocky 
can see it from some opening high above that he cant' see. But to the 
others only see the path from above at this angle. “-if it was a Moon 
week and or a month this would be far more powerful.” Varen continues. 
Now the beam that seems to sparkle slams into the pool of water. The 
pool is about 10 feet im diameter and seems to be motionless but the 
water source is not seen. *

*The beam hits a object above the pool a open glass container that may 
be like a lantern? It seems a large crystal is in the container that 
hangs by a couple of thin lines from the rock above. Rocky can see this 
container but not the others. Inside Rocky sees what has to be a crystal 
lattice or a large gem or prism? The light from above hits this 
container and splits into 3 perfectly aligning with the room and 
container. Maybe there is another container far above no one can see to 
direct this light from outside? The beam of light divides into 3. One 
angles almost 45 degrees to the far left wall, the other to far right 
wall and the 3rd all at same angle to the wall above Jaren and Rocky but 
its contact is not seen at this angle. *

*On the left and right walls is another container of glass with another 
series of crystals or whatever it is inside. The beam seems to be 
amplified and bounced back into the pool of water. The 3 beams perfectly 
converge in the center of the pool. Kaz just looks shocked confused as 
to what is going on.*

*“But you are too late.” He reaches in his tunic and places a talisman 
or some artifact on top of the etunic. This must've been what he was 
looking for in the bag in library. As he does this he steps into the water.*

*Rocky aims at Varen's chest. The pool of water begins to glow an 
sparkle. Juno, Varo and others draw weapons. *
*Suddenly Jaren moves to the side startled by the word stop from Rocky. 
He raises his sword and steps in front of Rocky. Could he still be body 
guarding Varen? Rocky grunts as he loses his shot with Jaren blocking him.*

*“I feel so tingly...and....powerful.” Varen says.*

  *At this Jaren move around again and faces the pool. Now Rocky fires.*

*The time seems to slow down as the bolt flies toward Varen only 30 or 
so feet away. A true aimed shot for his chest. Varen notices this and 
smiles. He waves a hand. The bolt stops in mid air 4 inches from his 
heart. It rotates as if held by a invisible hand. Then reverses course 
straight for Rocky. *

*Rocky prepares to leap away but the bolt again stops a few inches form 
Rocky and falls to the ground. “The powers of the moon are in me! I do 
not intend to kill you. You and the others have a use for me. A god can 
use followers and his own army of disciples. Kneel and swear loyalty I 
will spare you.”*

*At this Marsk fires his bow and it flies past Rocky and Jaren. But the 
arrow goes wild as if deflected by some force. Jaren roars and charges 
the pool with his sword. *

*Varen clapses his hands together and pushes his palms outward. A beam 
of white light hits Jaren and he goes flying to the side wall. Rocky can 
see a smoking hole in his chest maybe 3 inches diameter. Jaren looks 

*Varo aims and fires her bow. This time from the darkness the arrow is 
not seen. The arrow impacts on Varen's chest but as it does a sparkle of 
white forms around the arrow as if a tough armor or shield is there. But 
the party knows he has light basic armor not like chain but more leather. *

*Varen smiles, “think on it.” With that he begins to float above the 
pool. He extends his arms to his side as Rocky switches to melee 
weapons. Suddenly the walls start to rumble and shake. Pieces as small 
as pebbles or as large as boulders begin to fall from the ceiling of the 
cavern. Varen levitates upward as Rocky charges but it is too late. A 
large opening in the ceiling of cavern reveal night sky and the moon 
above. “Tootles!” the man who hired the group says as he moves up and 
away out of sight.*

*Kaz looks to Varo, “you didn't tell me could fly.”*

*Suddenly the passage begins to shake. If Varen can do this maybe he'll 
take the whole manor with him. *

*Kaz looks worried, “let's get out of this death trap.” Then runs with 
his own bodyguard back down the passage. Marusks seems to agree and 
gives chase. Kaz's fellow cult member says, “the observation room we can 
get to the roof to find him or outside the front door.”*

*Varo and Juno lean over Jaren who is coughing up blood. His eyes seem 
to stare out into a void of infinity. “...equal...righteous..ca-” Then 
he slumps and dies. *

*GM: Actions? Comments?*

*Next update....next tue/wed? When posts come in :)*

*GM: Hope everyone had a good feast day. A good point to stop for now. I 
am hoping to end the adventure one way or another (victory or TPK) by 
end of year. So that I can prep for any surgery I may do. If not then it 
could be delayed awhile as I receiver. I enjoyed the role playing this 
is after all a role playing game not a roll game :)*

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