[pnpgm] Game Update #47 - File #268 - on the Blood Trail

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Sun Oct 8 04:51:45 CEST 2023

*Sex.....Character Name...Player..................Type....Not es.....*
*Male...Klorgar..........Tobie.Bonahoom...Tracker...Human,.......... *
*Female.Varo Mineholder..Bess.Hadley......Merchant..Human...........*

*Game Web Site – http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm (case matters)*
*Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)*
*Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net*
*Game Update #47 sequence (file #268)*
*Admin Note: None*
*From Rocky: [Re: Actions]*
*Rocky nods towards the trail of blood and says "Who is gunna check …*
*GM: Ack.*

*[New Stuff]*

*[Fireday, Movement week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]*

*[Time: 7;43 pm]*
*Rocky nods towards the trail of blood and says "Who is gunna check out 
the trail a blood droplets?"*
*As the party rounds the corner to this side passage they see the body. 
Varo confirms the man is indeed dead. From a precise slash from the 
blade to his chest that cut his artery under the arms. *

*Marusks reads the floor. The party did not really clean their boots 
coming in and so has tracked in dirt compared to the others who live 
here who use sandals or such. He spots the dirt trail of faint flecks of 
dirt from the white floor going east to the right. One set of tracks 
seems to be moving faster due to large stride as if catching up to the 
other. *

*Just then Kaz and a young robed one rounds the corner. Kaz stops in his 
tracks seeing his fellow brother on the ground. The other young male 
leans down and chicks his friends body and glares at the party. *

*Kaz frowns and then blood rushes to his face, “you come here and kill 
one of us in the first few minutes? Was this your intention? We are 
peaceful but we will defend this place!”*
*I'm sorry...” He moves toward the east and waves for the party to follow.*

*Kaz waves at the robed man and whispers in his ear. The young robed man 
goes off down the other side passage. But it not hard to guess he is 
going after reinforcements.*

*The party rounds the corner to see a long hall about 40 feet long. But 
it ends in a wall. There is a door near the end of the hall on the left. 
Doesn't take a master tracker to figure out Verek and Jaren went inside 
the room.*

*Marusk gets to the door and listens. Just in time to have Rocky and the 
rest arrive. A subtle noise is heard like a click and then silence. *

*Before Klorgar can warn about traps Marusk opens the door. He steps 
inside and lets the others look inside.*

*For those who enter it is a room 40 by 30 feet. There are no windows 
but there is a skylight in the room with the room glowing through. 
Candles are lit and the mass of the room are bookcases. In front are 6 
book cases with a couple feet separation between. On the left and right 
are 2 more book cases on each wall. On this side of the room there are 
no book cases. On the bookcases are mostly scrolls or parchments. The 
few books are small but a few larger tomes are seen. But its mostly 70% 
scrolls, 20% small books and 10% larger tomes. In center of the room is 
a wooden simple table with 4 chairs with cushions. On the table is a 
large candle lantern with 4 large candles. There are a couple of closed 
scrolls and a quill and ink. *

*Between the book cases are runes about chest height that seem to be 
primarily of the moon and earth. But there are a few others that are 
less not as large as those. They are ornately made brass runes with 
jewels. All runes are round in shape.*

*Varo steps inside quickly and spots it first. She picks up Jaren's bag 
below the table next to a chair. She knows it is Vereks and has been 
opened. Something must've been removed.*

*Rocky and Marusk inspect the wooden floor which is a dull white wood 
making it almost concrete like the other floors of the manor. The dirt 
trail does end in this room and only 2 spots of blood can be seen. But 
both seem to end around the table. *

*But there is no other door and no sign of the other two.*

*Kaz joins and sees no one inside, “The library? Clearly not here lets go.”*

*Juno's skin prickles as a small draft hits his arm but is it more 
concern that if the others come the party will be trapped in this room?*

*GM: Actions? Comments?*

*Next update....next tue/wed? When posts come in :)*

*GM: Was hoping to get more posts. But we'll move on. But after this 
point there is little I can do without posts. So keep that in mind. ;)*
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