[pnpgm] Game Update #45 - File #264 - Party enters manor

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Sun Sep 3 04:58:26 CEST 2023

*Sex.....Character Name...Player..................Type....Not es.....*
*Male...Klorgar..........Tobie.Bonahoom...Tracker...Human,.......... *
*Female.Varo Mineholder..Bess.Hadley......Merchant..Human...........*

*Game Web Site – http:/nrgcomputers.com/RQ/rq.htm (case matters)*
*Public posts/actions to pnpgm at list.powersandperils.org (mailing list)*
*Private emails (not public actions) to pnpgm at comcast.net*
*Game Update #45 sequence (file #264)*
*Admin Note: Wow. 9 Weeks. So sorry for life but did not have choice.*
*From Rocky: [Re: Actions]*
*"Quiet. Stay still." Rocky says quietly. "Hope he didn't notice …*
*GM: Ack.*

*From Mournath: [Re: Actions]*
*Following Rocky's lead, Mournath freezes and remains quiet. Slowly …*
*GM: Ack.*

*From Varo: [Re: actions]*
*As decided, Varo pairs with Juno and search towards the left side …*

*When they reach the manor, Varo readies her bow, makes sure her …*
*GM: Ack.*

*From Juno: [Re: Reactions]*
*“We should retreat and report as it seems unusual.” …*
*GM: Ack.*

*[New Stuff]*

*[Fireday, Movement week, Storm Season, 1625, Genertela, Glorantha]*

*[Time: 3;03 pm]*
*[Back at Village...]*

*As decided, Varo pairs with Juno and search towards the left side of 
the village. *

*In one of the humble houses, that appears to have belonged to an older 
couple from the hand-crafted quilts & such around. Varo is touched by 
the evidence of loving work done here, then spots a brooch with a small 
ruby, lying under the bed. She considers whether or not to pick it up, 
then sweeps down & gathers it & shows it to Juno, saying, “This needs to 
be returned to its owner or her family. My grandmother had something 
like this herself. I hope we can find family.” She finds herself with 
tears starting to form, & wrapping it in a scrap of calico found nearby 
& placed it in one of her jerkin’s interior belt pouches, patting its 
hidden place to show Juno where it was.*

*They continue to search & go on to the next house where Varo witnesses 
by peeking through a window, Varen inside & tucking something away out 
of sight on his person. She quietly passes this information on to Juno 
as they progress around to the house’s entrance, which appears to belong 
to a runemaster, or priest with similar duties. *

*She is becoming increasingly unhappy at their finds here. Was no one 
left alive - & if so, where were they? Would there even be a survivor to 
return the ruby pendant to? She is becoming a bit angry & sends a quick, 
silent prayer to the Earth Mother, Ernalda, for balance in her thoughts 
& emotions, so that the truth might be discovered. She feels a bit of 
calm return, then she touches Juno before they leave the priest or 
runemaster’s house & asks him – “Please, let us not share that I found 
the ruby pendant for now. We need to find out what’s going on - & what 
Varen is looking for. What did he remove from this house that he did not 
want us to know about? Or will he share his discoveries to us all?*
“*If we find no one, I will bury the pendant in the graveyard, or offer 
it formally later to Ernalda in the memory of those who lost it.”*

*[Time: 4;03 pm] *

*Later, as they re-gather & share their reports, Varo asks Juno “Do we, 
or do we not, share that Varen pocketed something & challenge him? I 
will remain silent until later, when he or Jaren are not around, if you 
agree.” *
*As they leave the village for the manor, the information she & Juno did 
not share remains only their knowledge. The discoveries of the 
slaughtered attackers has alerted them all to possible remaining dangers.*

*“We should retreat and report as it seems unusual.” Juno wonders if 
there was in thing in the rune priest room that could help*
*him and his dream to become one ?*

*Juno feels nervous and pray’s in his mind to big O “give me courage to*
*accept the things I cannot control and do the things I can and the wisdom*
*to know the difference.”*
*As the party leaves the village Varo weaves and interacts with various 
party members. Talking in low whispers about what she saw. She does not 
seem to spark much interest except from Marusk. Marusk shrugs, “just ask 
him directly. Or I can...”*

    *About 30 minutes later, Marusk does ask as the group stops for a quick 
5 min rest. “Did you find something Daren of interest?”*
*Varen glances at Jaren who is looking ahead to the trail they are 
heading. Jaren remains stone faced. Daren glances at Marusk and nods. He 
pulls his bag from bag and opens it to pull out a book of some sort. “It 
looks to be a Diary of some sort or journal.” He closes the bag as he 
holds the book in his other hand. “Don't understand the language. It 
reminds me of Praxian. This nice cover shows it was made definitely from 
a city book shop. A simple peasant would not have it. Well bound and 
decoration of small runes indicate person was a priest of some sort. I 
figured once we get time we could see if anyone read it. Maybe the last 
entries indicate whoever was invading their village?”*

*Daren hands the book to Marusk. It is maybe 50 pages thick. Seems that 
maybe 30 are written on. Juno and Varo glance at the pages as Marusk 
flips through. Dates seems to be universal language and it seems if read 
correctly this journal was kept for the last 4 years.*

*Varen slings his bag back on his back. “Let's go, please.”*
*[Time: 7;38 pm]*
*At the Manor the party watches as the person takes water from the well 
and moves back to the front door.*

*"Quiet. Stay still." Rocky says quietly. "Hope he didn't notice us."*

*"When he has gone inside we cun sneak up un try da door." Rocky adds. 
Varo can't help but giggle a bit as she pictures the party snaking up to 
a door ready to pounce on the poor defenseless door.*
*"Varen, ya sure dese da ones what kilt da villagers?"*

*Daren squints at the manor in the distance, “Honestly no clue if same 
person. But there are no other villages or homes for 2-3 days travel. So 
chances are must be. As to them being bad folks likely. They ARE in my 
manor. Now we need to remove hem if not by force but by strong persuasion.”*

*Following Rocky's lead, Mournath freezes and remains quiet. Slowly he*
*lowers himself closer to the ground to reduce his profile. He looks in*
*the direction that Rocky indicates, and mentally prepares for a*
*possible battle.*

*When they reach the manor, Varo readies her bow, makes sure her shield 
is in place on her back, & whispers a prayer to the Earth Mother for 
wide-open eyes & prepares to listen to the group’s plans. She wonders at 
Varen’s now-seemingly-convenient memory problem. Was she simply too 
suspicious & is Varen truly trying to rid his home of invaders? Did she 
notice any grief on his part for the villagers’ apparent fate at all?*

*Are these folks inside cultists of some kind? Who is betraying who 
then? She will follow a plan to rid this place of any invaders, but 
wants to see more of the area around the manor itself. What do other 
windows possibly show of the spread & placement of whoever inside? She 
very quietly asks the others if they should try to peek in the other 
windows to determine how many are inside, while preparing herself to 
fight. She looks about for hiding spots & sees that there’s not much 
cover anywhere – just the occasional tree & the well itself.*

*Minutes seem to pass. No one speaks up on plans or ideas. Varo murmurs 
to herself bad others but no response is coming fast. Finally Daren who 
seems agitated waiting speaks up, “he's inside. I was expecting a front 
door assault but if that is the only good plan given so be it. Let's go. 
Rocky watch house and ground for traps or trip wires just in case since 
you have good night eyes.”*

*Daren steps out of the bushes into the wide clearing and Jaren quickly 
follows followed by Rock and the others. Quietly they move toward the 
manor. Trying not to make noise as they step on branches or such. The 
air is crisp and a bit cool. There is little tree growth so not many 
birds in this clearing making noise except the crickets or frogs.*

*The part watches the windows closely. Since it is night most are 
shuttered from the wind. Those down and upstairs most are dark so no 
idea who maybe at window or in room. The few that have light only 1 
windows on upstairs left showed a shadow moving around. It is too random 
to be a fireplace so probably a person. But it is not agitated movement 
like if they see the party they aren't seeming to move fast. Could just 
be a person moving across the room but since it is upstairs it is hard 
to tell.*

*Marusk whispers to Daren, “you say there are 2 back doors are they 
easier to make entry than the front door? Would they give better cover 
and places to hide for entry?”*

*Daren shrugs, “I'm no warrior...rear left is hallway to kitchen and 
storage. Rear right is at a library. That'd probably be occupied this 
time of night.” If dinner time which, probably is, then that kitchen has 
a few. So front should be a bit safer.”*

*Maybe its nerves but those answers were fast almost stuttering over 
himself as he replied. *

*About 30 feet from porch Varo wanders over to wheel and glances around 
it but sees nothing suspicious. Rocky raises a hand as he concentrates 
on the area.*

*Wooden steps that could be a problem if creaky. So he halts the party 
at the porch and motions for half to take sides of the porch to hide. He 
then takes a step. There are 4 steps up. He takes a 2nd but skips the 
2nd to 3rd step. He stands and still no creak. A single dimly lit porch 
candle lantern shines dim light and Rocky steps to the top of the porch. 
He tentatively steps forward and tests the wood. The door itself is only 
5 feet away and after 2 steps nothing. The 3r step a creak. He pauses. 
No dogs to bark? No cats on porch? Good.*

*For a eternity he waits and the door does not open with a army of 
fighters. He gets to the door after what seems likes hours but is only 
3-5 minutes. He turns to the party and waves of rheum to come forward he 
whispers to use his steps and avoid the board he points to. *

*Rocky watches as everyone gets up to the door and surround it having 
snucked up using their best stealth skills on this simple wooden door. 
Rocky looks to Daren.*

*Daren barely whispers, “keys?” he shifts the bag form his back now on 
his front but doesn’t open it. “I lost those when I was attacked. 
Probably on that cliff face.”*

*Marusk leans forward as the two argue over keys. HE twists the knock 
and it ones with a soft click. Everyone looks at the door. Rocky moves 
Marusks away and a couple other of the heavy fighters step forward. 
Rocky opens the door slowly and light comes out. Rocky peeks around the 
edge of the door and sees a foyer hallway. It is about 15 feet wide and 
10 feet long. On the edge a very dim candle on a old pedestal burns. 
There are hooks for coats and cloaks. Looks like 2 robes and a riding 
cloak is on a few of them. On the ground are shelves on both sides of 
hall that hold shoes. In this case maybe a dozen – 8 saddles, 3 sets of 
boots and a simple riding shoe that is a half boot. So at least a dozen 
here? Unless its Varen's stuff.*

*Beyond the hall it opens to a foyer/parlor. This is about 50 feet wide 
and 30 long. There are couches, chairs and a couple small tables for 
resting and probably waiting. Directly ahead behind the parlor is a door 
that is closed. Rocky opens and peeks around the wall to check the 
parlor but finds it empty.*

*The party enter and closes the door. So far no wires or alarms it 
seems. But there are no experienced thieves in part to be sure. Daren 
whispers a final warning, “remember these people slaughtered the 
village! They took my home. Probably killed my staff. Killed the kids in 
the village. They deserve no mercy.“*

*A quick scan shews no valuables here. Just a table wooden coaster for 
mugs. But somewhere in this place is Varens vault or the riches the 
party are going to get. Rocky tries the door and find a well lit hallway 
going left and right only. To the right he sees it bend to the north 
from the right side. To the left about 50 feet there is a single door o 
the north side of wall. Right side of hallway is only 30 or so feet 
before it bends to the north. Left side there seems to be a bend at the 
end but the light is dim there. *

*Daren points to left. The party places 2 to watch the right and moves 
to the left. Daren takes up the rear with the sentries. Party gets near 
the door and Daren shakes his head that he vault is not here. *

*Just as Rocky gets to the door of the one in this hallway a robed man 
appears from the left bend and stops suddenly. Rocky raises his arbalest 
and others raise weapons. A easy shot to kill the man before he yells 
Rocky figures.*

*At the back Daren, Jaren and Marusk remains as sentry to watch the rear. *
*The Rest are looking at the robed man. The man stands about 5' 10 with 
a thick brown neared and in his 30s it seems. HE has brown hair and his 
robe opens up like a normal robe with a string tie around his waist. His 
robe is light tan with white and gray markings. It is not to decorative 
but just has a thin stripe of white on the sides and gray on shoulders. 
There are no runes on it except a very faint tan of a half moon that is 
barely seen on the robe. *

*Before Rocky fires or costumiers firing the man speaks. “Hello?” he 
says in tradetalk. “Are you here to see the clan elder? If so right this 
way. We do not have visitors here. In fact first visitor in 3 years. We 
have neighbors but they never visit.”*

*Varen mumbles under his breath, “take him now!” Then he leans toward 
Marusks, “no wait! If we take the elder the rest fall. So lower weapons 
and follow. Pass it forward.”*

*Marusks moves from watching the rear, but Jaren continues doing this, 
motioning to lower weapons and to move forward to move ahead.*

*GM: Actions? Comments?*

*Next update....next tue/wed?*

*GM: Finally its out! A miracle. On a day we were supposed to have a 
hurricane that is nothing but a blow hard for me. A day I have a bad eye 
bug so worked slow. :) So one chapter is done dealing with lawyers and 
getting mom medicaid. At least till next year. But with that I have to 
followup on bills and process through medicaid. So its a lot of extra 
work. I start my vacations next week till December. I have less vacation 
Since used alotfor her hospital stay. So instead of 4 day weekends only 
have 3 day weekends. So every Thursday off. So that mean s a bit more 
free time but still got lots to do. So I won't really have any vacation 
time this year I can see. I wanted to play D4 but hadn't had time since 
May. :) Once we finish this game we'll move back to the pnp stuff. I had 
hoped to get a lot more IBTs but that hasn't happened. But I will 
process the 2-3 IBTSI have so far. Then wait for rest. Once IBTS are 
done we can start a new adventure. But that's my agenda lots of stuff to 
do lessee tie - #adulting. Blah. Since no plans were made in the weeks 
between I moved party up to front door. ;) *

*IBT- In Between Time – Between adventures of pnp for free form free 
lance activities.*
*Website not udated yet but its ../264.txt*
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