[pnpgm] updated status sitrep

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Mon Jun 24 04:48:06 CEST 2024

pre-script   This is a repost from 6/13 on my status. List was done and 
should be back now.
I will add a PS to the end on a even newer update

Just an update. Eye surgery was 5/2.  Very routine.  But there was a 

Long story short first 2 days was fine.  I even got on computer and read 
email on Sat 5/4.  Not for long bt enough to read emails.

Sunday 5/5-5-6 midnight.  At midnight Monday I did roll overin be on 
sideof surgery. Suddenly extreme pain 9/10 out of 10.  About 45 min 
enough to cause me to throw up from the pain.  Next day Monday I was 
sick but pain was about 3/4.  Not much sleep monday.

Finally Tue pain wa about 1/2 or less.  So great.  I decided to get some 
sleep.  Woke up mid afternoon.

But I was at 98% vision loss only seeing lights barely.  Go to ER they 
were useless.  Take eye pressure (it was fine) and call eye doc so 
left.  Just one minor test using a hand held scope, a barf bag (not 
needed) and a mini sprite to sooth stomach nerves. So that sprite was 
aparently a thousand bucks.  bah....

Wed go to eye doc all checks fine on surface of eye.  Surgery was to 
relieve pressure and that was 100% success.  Still is.  Doc orders a B 
Scan which is a ultrasound.  Do that an ddoc says bad swelling and 
ilquid on retina.  That explains vision loss.

Over next few days it'd got better.  Maybe a week later 30% then 50%..etc.

So currently 85-90% back to normal.  Pain is 0.3-0.5/10.  Very minor but 

Odd art is color spectrum was affected.  YEllow was showing up as white. 
But this explained by swelling.

As of now color seems fixed but need more time to ensure this.

A 2nd B SCan other day shows 90% swelling gone.  So still 10% That took 
i5 weeks.

So I plan to return to work on 7/4.  Have one last eye dc visit on 7/1.

So hoping next 3 weeks will decrease teh 10% and remove the pain.

I am back on the pc.  But mostly on a limited effort due to eye fatigue.

So that's it!.

Course after this all settles I do have another health issue to deal 
with....so if I survive that then probably can get back to pbem end of july.

Stay tuned...hope all is well with you guys.


PS 6/23
Colors see fixed now seeing yellows for whites. :) Still very minor 
aches in eye (0.3-0.5/10) but about 95% back to normal. Endurance 
building up and fatigue seems less. Plan is to work 7/4 after 2 months.

Once things settle down I still have a date for a heart cath lab. While 
this is routine and I have 0 risk forheart. my Neck corotoidseems to be 
clogged up again it was at birth 40% smaller. This is when I got a brain 
stroke in 2010 a couple of you will know this.  I was able to recover 
99% back.

BUt it seems more severe this time.  While its a routine test. 
Outpatient.  I feelsignificant risk from this neck artery.  Like 80+% of 
risk I feel.
So if they do a balloon or stints in that neck artery then it could 
unclog the other end and send immediate stuff to brain. Causing 
immediate strke in brain or at worst death.

So I post poned it a few weeks ago.  I am going ot talk to doc and get 
his risk levels. Then see if I'll do this routien test.

So that is next in my plate.

So stay tuned...

But I'm basically "back" but got prep and catch up stuff to do before 
this test before I can do update work.  Sorry.

Stay tuned.
I really need to get on discord and doa note teher...been so delayed on 
msgs there...sigh

On 5/20/2024 12:47 AM, Alex Koponen wrote:
 > Hi Folks,
 >   Sad to say Scott's vision is impaired, which will probably impact 
his ability to game master.
 > Best wishes to Scott and his health.
 >     Alex
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