[pnpgm] Hiatus or a really long vacatoni

Scott Adams longshotgm at comcast.net
Thu May 2 15:21:06 CEST 2024

ell we are at that date...

Originally it was planned last Jan but eye doc reset that.

But after some hurdles the time for surgery is today.

As to update ?I have it at 80% but with busy IRL and the dwarves off 
slacking could not finish it.  I had hoped to finish adventure.

I am sorry for the delays.  At least my pnp record is intact 23 years 
only hiatus was one summer when a kind player killed Greg Reid aka 
Bertram who was aruging over rules for a full summer.

That was maybe 4-5 months.

Even with dad dying in 2002 and bro in 2020 and mom having her issues in 
2023 I basically maintained a schedule for sanity.

So today is what I'd term a maintence surgery.  Doing a tube shunt (left 
eye has one already from a decade or so ago) and some eye work.  I give 
it a scale of 1-2 on 10 on a  death chance. Course get tonsiles or 
appendix and could die.  Heck clippe toenails and could sever a nerve 
and die.

In this process had heart issues.  Some issues for heart but typical for 
age.  For those like Wout/Alex around in 2010 I had a brain stroke.  My 
left Corotiod they found was 40% smaller at birth.  We did not know 
this.  So it caused clog and straight to brain.  At that time I 
recovered in 3 days to 99%.

Now the clog may be deeper.  15 years later.  I'll have to get a CAth to 
verify this.  But this routine procedure to do a stint or balloon in 
that neck could dislodge and cause a stroke.  Unsure how risky it is.  
But I'd term it a 5-6 /10 on risk of stroke or other.  That may be done 
mid may.

Later this year if I survive will be a 2nd eye surgery later this year 
or next year on a cornea transplant and stem cells and cataract.

I'd rate that surgery as a 6-7 mayb e5-6 if I'm put to full sleep.  Just 
never know with that neck artery.

So today I'll be patched up.  I can't bend or lift over 10 lbs. I 
believe I'm not allowed ot use pc or watch tv ( I can listen) for a week 
or two.  BEnd/lift is 2 weeks.  So unsure when I cna let alex know I'm 
ok.  It may be days or up to 2-3 weeks.

If I don't survive (always a remote chance)  Alex can let you guys know 
by ened of may.

Together with mom's stuff, needing to get roof repaired by the evil 
state and state farm and work issues I've been super busy. Sorry for all 

Once I hire the roofers I should be able to have free time to finish 
update but that may be juneish.

Thanks to you all for taying around.  I need to get on discord and post 
there but so busy.

I'm off work tll May 30 so if I cna use pc I'll try to do that stuff.

I know at least 3 of you have been sick or in hospital so you know how 
I've been doing as you are in same boat.

Thansk for sticking there.

A special shout out to Wout and Alex who are the OGs been around since 
1999 to hear my xcuses. 🙂

Cya on the other side..which side we shall see...

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