<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1> <br>
Character Name Type
Status/Notes Sex<br>
Aren Solest Duke
Normal/Human Ma<br>
Warrior Normal/Human Ma<br>
Wh Tom
Wizard Normal/Human Ma<br>
?? Marcel Liberty
Sailor Normal/Human Ma<br>
?? Burton Choinski
Sailor Normal/Human Ma<br>
Rh Bob Eldred/Nomad
Sailor Normal/Human Ma<br>
Wh Ryan
Farseeker Warrior
Normal/Human Ma<br>
Wh Tim Falkenberg
Malradh ben Kasha Merc Normal/Human Ma<br>
Suresh Nambler Spy
Normal/Human Ma<br>
Rh Orion (Paul Broman)
Fighter Normal/Human Ma<br>
Warrior Normal/Human Ma<br>
Wh Franseco B./Bondo
Noble Dead /Human Ma<br>
Rh Scott
Wizard Normal/Human Ma<br>
Wh Wout
Ninja Normal/Human Fe<br>
Wh Alex
Healer Normal/Human Fe<br>
-- Chris
Warrior Normal/Human Ma <br>
-- Lyman R. Hampton
Scholar Normal/Faerry Ma<br>
-- Wayne Richardson/Uji
Sidh MU Normal/Faerry Ma<br>
Rh ------???-----------
Archer Normal/Elf Fe<br>
Rh Sergi Sallent
Unsure Normal/Elf Ma<br>
Rh Npc
Marta Valnon Noble
Normal/Human Fe<br>
Ally Section - Diplomats/Ex prisoners - 26
G1 Akat, Zenon
(Goidan), Chandris,
Eri (Kolari)<br>
G1 Vaeth, Tuon
(Donaran), Vaidia,
Anil (Donaran)<br>
G2 *Zablin, Ris
(Zen'dan) Ayddar Nylykerka
G2 Nil
Spaar (Ursmaian), Norda
Proi (Lemasan)<br>
G3 Walling, Dex
(Helvan) Zing,
Troyis (Kll'Maun)<br>
G3 Amin, Rajwani
Shah (Ro'babzan)<br>
G1 Jevan, Corz
(Bhamotin), Jezek,
Gord (Bhamotin)<br>
G1 Qualres, Diana (Shuikalese),
Oolas, Kirz (Katalan)<br>
G1 Abzyon,
Wi (Choisuan), Xavier,
Rua (Fomorian),<br>
G1 Makki,
Pov (Katalan), Matta,
Kartz (R'hiselkan)<br>
G4 Zenakhis, Trom
(Fomorian), Ackbar, Feli
G4 Jozak,
Mer (Robari), Zabel,
Eti (Artadan)<br>
G4 Goins, Sharmon
(Teosian(, Havirmar Havigashu (Vahearian)<br>
Email Status <br>
Marcel Liberty/Chion
kzinti_maouse@yahoo.com Working <br>
broere@powersandperils.org Working<br>
akoponen@mosquitonet.com Working<br>
Animals: Ventrius/Pogo Thig's dogs, Firesnake of
Tikil (Cholan's Ferret) (in bag)<br>
2 Wagon Horses, Hippogriff<br>
Powers & Perils Web Page - for some who
might want it:<br>
http://abroere.xs4all.nl/broere/pnp/) or
<a href="http://www.powersandperils.org/" eudora="autourl">www.powersandperils.org</a><br>
Game Web Site - For updates, files, links,
<a href="http://users.cybermax.net/~longshot/pbem/index.htm" eudora="autourl">http://users.cybermax.net/~longshot/pbem/index.htm</a><br>
Public posts/actions to pnpgm@abroere.xs4all.nl
(mailing list)<br>
Private emails (not public actions) to
2 Game Update #291 in sequence (file #485)<br>
Admin notes: None<br>
[Recap] - None<br>
[New Stuff - Current Situation]<br>
From Jordi: [Re: Actions]<br>
OOC 1: Sorry for the
lack of posting. A really bad week.<br>
OOC 2: Some of the
actions/dialogues are previous to the<br>
current moment we are
GM: Never need to apologize for no
actions. Stuff happens.<br>
As to the actions we can
do that retro-active. You've<br>
posted alot of stuff so
will handle in chunks.<br>
From Jordi: [Re: Actions]<br>
Jordi speaks with Sava,
hoping he will be able to end the<br>
dialogue before they
meet the party: "Two considerations.<br>
First, we're going to
meet a party. They are mostly humans.<br>
They are in a climan
fortress, slaughtering climans. The<br>
leading group are good
chaps, but I don't trust some of the<br>
rest of the group.
In the leading group there is another<br>
elf, Neva, my
girlfriend. I'm sorry, but she can be a little<br>
bit jealous. So be
careful, because I don't fear monsters,<br>
but I fear hurting
Neva. Second, can you magically heal me,<br>
please? I'm low in my
magic energies, and very tired."<br>
GM: Ack.<br>
[Sava looks at Jordi and nods
silently and looks a bit disappointed.]<br>
Sava: "I understand." [She
releases the arm of Jordi] "Climans?<br>
They had just conquered
a few nations recently. Have they gotten<br>
that powerful?
Never mind. There will be plenty of time to<br>
talk about that
later. As to Never I understand how things go.<br>
As to healing....I've
not used my powers in sometime. I don't<br>
know how long as a
matter of fact....I was trained in healing<br>
for our kind..but its
been so long. Let me concentrate."<br>
[She places hands on Jordi's wounds
and casts a healing spell<br>
but it fizzles and
fails. She looks up at Jordi with sad<br>
eyes] "I'm not a high
trained healer. I'll try again." [She<br>
casts another spell and this
time it works. The wound heals<br>
up about halfway. You
heal about 4 points and only have 5<br>
points of damage.] "I
hope that helps."<br>
From Jordi: [Re: Actions]<br>
(If she can't/doesn't
want to heal Jordi, he will cast a healing<br>
spell, EL 1 first,
EL 0 if first attempt fails). Jordi almost<br>
doesn't pay
attention to the orb. he is interested in returning<br>
to the
party. However, as it doesn't seem treatening, he tries<br>
to speak with
"Can you understand
us? If you were another prisioner of the<br>
monster, can you
move up and down? Can you speak with us? Can<br>
we help
GM: Ack<br>
[The white orb begins to streak a
bit of a tail behind it when<br>
it moves. It circles
Chion and comes back hearing Jordi and<br>
hovers near Jordi. It
hovers there a second then from the<br>
rob yet from everywhere...yet
from inside jordi's head..jordi<br>
hears a voice..]<br>
"I seek the one that is to
be. You are not the one. You<br>
were the one that
[It then does as previously stated
seems to dive for the<br>
floor and go through
From Jordi: [Re: Actions]<br>
When Jordi returns with
the party and discovers that there is<br>
no combat or inmediate
treat, the first line in his list of<br>
priorities is to hug
& kiss Neva (no cheek kiss, a real kiss!!,<br>
no matter humans are
"Let me introduce you
Princess Sava. The monster that kidnapped<br>
me also kidnapped her
some time ago. The monster wanted to<br>
learn magic, and
Princess Sava paid with prison her negative<br>
to teach it. I had
better luck, and I was able to kill it."<br>
Jordi will briefly
introduce Sava to the members of the party<br>
(including Neva) and
will spy Neva's reaction.<br>
GM: ACk. I sent you email this
question but maybe you didn't<br>
get it. For my
reference are you and Neva lovers? I know<br>
is a coarse question but
helps in the interactions.<br>
[Neva is glad to see Jordi back and
smiles broadly. Then she<br>
hears the introduction of
Sava. Jordi sees Ben'dar and Caladan<br>
introduces him. The
party doesn't seem too surprised that<br>
two members have joined their
band. Seeing as Z'leyra, Jordi<br>
and the diplomats are all new
members from the original party.]<br>
Farseeker: "Welcome.
We'll do full introductions later and chat<br>
how we got where
later. We gotta move..."<br>
[Neva whispers to Jordi]<br>
Neva: "Glad your back.
But we do have to talk about her later."<br>
From Jordi: [Re: Actions]<br>
(OOC: I imagine someone
introduces Ben'dar)<br>
Ben'dar. My name is Jordi. You can use my spear,
you wish, until
you find one. Perhaps it's too short for you,<br>
but nonetheless,
it's an spear...".<br>
Jordi tries to speak
with Unali when nobody else can hear him:<br>
"By the way, I will never
play cards games with you... I don't<br>
like to
In the next combat, Jordi will
use his bow to hurt the guards;<br>
when close combat begins, he
will take again sword and shield,<br>
and will enter the fray.<br>
GM: Ack. But the comment to
Unali I'm confused on. May have<br>
to email me that one
privatley :)<br>
From Unali: [Re: Actions]<br>
As no one takes the
staff, Unali will pick it up, saying It<br>
is no good leaving this
around for anyone to grab. Who knows<br>
how who is still lurking
somewhere behind us."<br>
She will be at the front
attacking the two guards, hoping to<br>
join Farseeker in the
fight "Come on Farseeker, Let's get<br>
him." <br>
GM: The Staff is yours. You
can lay it and then come back for it.<br>
From Chion: [Re: Actions]<br>
Chion will allow
Jordi to heal him at this point prior to<br>
proceeding. If
there is any way he can get armed with a bow<br>
and arrow or some
other projectile(s) this would be great. I<br>
don't remember if
he still has the crossbow from way back<br>
when or if he has
any more bolts for it if he does. Please<br>
let me know. Also,
if no-one else was going to take the<br>
priestess' staff,
he would do so (especially if he doesn't<br>
have any of these
ranged weapons).<br>
GM: The bow is taken by
Ben'dar. But there is a Sling and<br>
Light Crossbow in the
hall. The one guard in the room<br>
killed had the
crossbow. You could use that. The Priestess<br>
staff Unali takes
especially since she is in the room and<br>
you didn't know anything
about it :). As to healing. Will<br>
have to see if Jordi
wants to do it. Sava could do it if<br>
needed but she doesn't
quite know you yet. Jordi? Z'leyra?<br>
Let me know and I can do
it retro-actively. You'd better<br>
use the crossbow rather
than Bow but it seems Ben'dar will<br>
take Jordi's
spear. So you can take the bow if you want<br>
but skill wise I'd use
the crossbow. Especially since you<br>
don't have Bow skill
:) But the thing is Bows load faster<br>
than crossbows.<br>
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]<br>
If Jordi's spear is big
enough, Ben'dar will have that at the<br>
ready, rather than the
"Thank you Jordi"
Ben'dar says through interpreter Caladan. (Is<br>
there a common language
that most of the party knows that<br>
Ben'dar could start
learning? Now isn't the time obviously,<br>
but I'm just wondering
for future reference...)<br>
GM: The Spear will be
sufficient for now. He carries it on<br>
his back. As to a
common language most speak Marentian.<br>
You will have time to
learn that between now and the next<br>
adventure..assuming you
live. <br>
From Ben'dar: [Re: Actions]<br>
Being at the front
position per Farseeker's direction, when the<br>
door opens and the two
guards emerge, Ben'dar doesn't hesitate.<br>
Being quicker (leather
vs. plate mail) and ready for trouble,<br>
he uses the guards
surprise to his advantage and with an ear-<br>
piercing, whooping
warcry, he charges the closest guard, attacking<br>
aggressively with
Jordi's spear. Ben'dar tries to attack at such<br>
an angle that the East
guard (his target) is in-between him and<br>
the West guard. He
doesn't want to get attacked by two guards at<br>
the same time!
Optimally, he would like to cause the East guard<br>
to fall backward into
the West guard and tangle them both up on<br>
the floor. (Yeah,
I know this last part is a pipe-dream, but hey,<br>
a guy can hope!
:) )<br>
Even though these
enemies are heavily armed and armored, Ben'dar<br>
hopes that if he can
throw them off balance (psychologically if<br>
not physically) right
from the start and put them in a defensive<br>
stance, much of their
equipment advantage will be negated.<br>
Ben'dar's intent is to
engage the guards near the door to the<br>
North that they entered
the room from, allowing the rest of<br>
his friends to get into
the room behind him and into position<br>
to the south. He's
trying to avoid letting the guards move up<br>
to the East door and
bottling us up there. That would be<br>
considering their heavy weapons & armor.<br>
(If Jordi's spear isn't
big enough for me to use, then I'll<br>
have to think up a new
strategy for Ben'dar...let me know.)<br>
GM: No. This is good enough
actions to work with.<br>
From Z'leyra: [Re: Actions]<br>
Z'leyra will help any
injured party members that need healing.<br>
(Note that using healing
skill before magical healing makes<br>
for much more effective
healing). If none request healing<br>
she will assist in
taking down the men on plate.<br>
She will venture in
behind other party members and go around<br>
and attack the guards
from behind after they are distracted.<br>
If a guard focuses on
her she will switch her axe EL to<br>
defensive combat.<br>
Later she will evaluate
the bodyguard and plate armored folks<br>
weapons, armor and
items. Making sure the valuable stuff will<br>
get added to the party
treasury. (Though not yet loading herself<br>
down carrying plate
armor - that is for later after we clean the<br>
place of enemies).<br>
GM: Ack. You see Sava start to
heal Jordi and stop and give<br>
quick healing treatment
to him. You improve his chances and<br>
help heal 2 more points
in the treatment.<br>
GM: Ok. So Chion. Z'leyra you
offer to heal folks but do you<br>
do magic on Chion?
Jordi you? Sava can offer with a bit<br>
of hesitation.
Effect will be less (see above for the<br>
clue). <br>
Time: Estimated 7:17am-7:32am
- Morning Day 22<br>
[Backing up a few seconds from preious
[The door opens but at such an angle the
missile weapons have<br>
no good angle. Farseeker is
the first to rush into the<br>
room. Triest runs in next with
ready crossbow. He takes up<br>
a position in the middle of the
small cave room. Unali rushes<br>
in and joins near Farseeker.
Neva joins Triest. Ben'dar<br>
eager to avenge himself rushes in
with great excitement and<br>
joins near Farseeker. Caladan
comes in and joins the middle<br>
ranks of the room.<br>
Then the guard in Plate with the
Pike turns to face the others.<br>
His eyes seem to be a glaze in the
flicker of the dim torches<br>
in the corners. He just stares
at the party as they rush<br>
in. Then he says, seemingly to
no one:]<br>
Guard: "They are here. Yes, My
[The guard slides his pike down at a angle
ready for attack.]<br>
[Chion, Kasha, Cholan, Z'leyra, Jordi,
Sava, Xian, Amin,<br>
Aren and the other diplomats soon
join the mass of party.]<br>
[The two guard see those with weapons,
outnumbered 10 to 1<br>
and the missile weapons now aimed at
them. Yet they seem<br>
to be oblivious to it all. The
second guard prepares for<br>
GM: The party had to enter the room due to
position of the<br>
door and how it opened in
order to fight. No initial<br>
action was taken until then
since there could be<br>
mis-fires on the party
entering and such.<br>
Turn 1: Phase 1<br>
[Those in the first ranks move
to the side and let those<br>
with missile weapons
easy pickings of the guards.]<br>
[Thig fires his repeating
crossbow and hits the guard but<br>
the damage doesn't do
anything past armor.]<br>
[Neva aims at West guard and
the arrow hits doing a massive<br>
penetration hit.]<br>
[Caladan fires and hits but
the strike doesn't penetrate the<br>
plate mail.]<br>
[Triest fires at East guard
but misses entirely.]<br>
[Chion fires the crossbow he
just found but the shot goes<br>
wild and misses
[Xian fires his Arbalest at
West guard, hits but the damage<br>
is nominal.]<br>
[Farseeker charges West guard
and thrusts his Great Sword<br>
at the Pikeman. He
hits and the blade penetrates the<br>
plate for 3
[Unali moves besides
Farseeker. She knows plate is hard<br>
to kill so she goes for
killing blows this time since<br>
subdual is dangerous
considering their armor and gear.<br>
She swings both daggers
at the guard. The first dagger<br>
hits the upper right
shoulder of the guard and does 3<br>
points past the armor
the other dagger hits but does<br>
not penetrate the
armor. However the first dagger is<br>
enough to take the guard
out. He falls to the ground dead.]<br>
[Ben'dar with a great battle
cry charges the East guard as<br>
he sees the West guard
all. He rushes forward with the<br>
Elven spear and twists
just as he gets to the guard with<br>
the battle axe.
The spear plunges into the side of the<br>
guard and does a massive
13 points of damage (9 past<br>
the armor). The
guard doesn't even give out a yell but<br>
does fall to the
ground. Ben'dar surprised that it was<br>
over that soon just
looks down at the guard.]<br>
GM: Wow...one phase..sure the
missile fire helped but<br>
they didn't even get a
swing in! Darn it. Maybe I<br>
should've had 30 plate
guardsmen here? Oh well note<br>
for next time i
guess. Gee that was a let down. <br>
Neva bow
Farseeker 3 damage
with Great Sword<br>
Unali 1 damage
with dagger<br>
Ben'dar 9 with
Aren: "That was quick.
Too quick."<br>
Caladan: "Yes that was
strange. What did that guard<br>
Farseeker: "He was talking to
someone but not sure who."<br>
Thig: "No. I don't think
to anyone. But i think he was<br>
hearing something.
Since I know the magic of such<br>
mental communications
I'd say it was that."<br>
Farseeker: "So they know we are
Thig: "My guess is yes.
Maybe the stairs ward was more than<br>
a simple trap. But
maybe it was an alarm system."<br>
Neva: "But they would have had
those guards in the hallway<br>
bustling against us in
the stairs."<br>
Farseeker: "She's right.
The stairs are a better tactical<br>
position for them to
have taken us on than the hallway."<br>
Aren: "Then they know we are
here but didn't act?"<br>
Thig: "That's my
Xian: "Great."<br>
Kaska: "This guard the
one...Ben'dar?...took out...is still<br>
alive. But
barely. Just knocked out it seems."<br>
Amin: "This pikeman is
[The party looks at the door in the
north. A few go to the<br>
south of the room to ensure
there are no magics in the area<br>
and hidden guards.
Especially in the alcove to the south.<br>
But neither is found.]<br>
[The door is a solid iron door with
no form of window or slit.<br>
It has a single door handle to
pull the door open. No<br>
magic is sensed from it.
No sound can be heard but it is<br>
a thick door. The guards
do not have keys on them and<br>
it doesn't seem to be a
complicated lock if it is locked.]<br>
GM: Now what? <br>
Actions? Comments?<br>
Next update Friday <br>
Level 6 - Kaylle [Searching rooms], Valgor [Dead],
Level 7 -<br>
Unali, Chion, Caladan, Suresh,
Farseeker, Xian<br>
Aren, Amin, Dex, Wi, Kasha, Ris,
Shah, Cholan<br>
Jordi?, Z'leyra, Neva, Triest,
Main cave - Spaar, Qorz, Marta, Talz, Females (2)
[Level 2]<br>
Level 7 - ???<br>
5 6<br>
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *%%%%%%%%%%|<br>
%Room A %%%Room C
%% %%
%Map %%% Conf. %% Room D
%% T%%%%%%|<br>
% Room %%% Room %% Meeting %%%%%%%%
%%%%=%%%%%% %%
Room %%% %%%%%%%|<br>
%%% %%%%%
%% %%
%%% %%%%%%%%=%%%%%%%%%=%%%%%%==%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|<br>
K|%% \
%%%%=%%%%%%%%=%%%%%%%%% Room G%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|<br>
L|%% Party%%%%%
%%% %%%%%% Sentry %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|<br>
M|%% %%%%%5 Room E%%% Room
%%%%%%Room %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|<br>
N|%% %%%%%%%Office %%% F
%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|<br>
%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%|<br>
P|%% %
Each Row = 20 feet. Each
space _ = 5 feet.<br>
The * is the stair entrance to 6.<br>
T = The gem or whatever inlaid against that fall
Room F = Ceremony room<br>