<div><font face="Courier New"><font face="Courier New">GM said: "I had asked who would want to go track and<br><br> who would want to head to the village for information.<br><br> Since no one had said they were going to track for sure<br>
<br> rather than WANTING to track I assumed that was to be<br><br> all heading to the village. Ergo the last update. But<br><br> Z'leyra did want to go tracking. So I'll put a hold<br>
<br> on this part for now. Z'leyra tracks. I assume Ben'dar<br><br> since you really wanted to you'll join her?"</font></font></div>
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<div><font face="Courier New">OOC: Yeah. I actually posted an action for Ben'Dar to go out and begin tracking/scouting after he had words with the elder, a couple updates ago. <font face="Courier New">:-) </font>But anyway, yes, Ben'Dar is a man of action and will definitely join Z'leyra for a high-speed chase!
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<div><font face="Courier New">OOC 2: Have a good vacation Scott.</font></div>
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<div><font face="Courier New">IC: Ben'Dar looks up from the tracks and glances off to the East. To Z'leyra, he says, "Two sets of tracks leading out from here, and we just back-tracked one of them here from the west. So it looks like they've all headed off together to the East?" He looks at Z'leyra questioningly. Leaning back in his saddle, he twirls his spear negligently in one hand. "Only 8 of them though. Hardly worth our trouble to ride after so few..." he adds with a grin and a wink to Z'leyra. Ben'Dar slides easily off of Tef'wo and walks around the abandoned gathering spot, looking for any additional clues.