<div>Ben'Dar comments to Z'leyra, "Whatever you did, it must have saved the Eagle. I was sure it would die from such a fall. You continue to impress me with your magic and healing skills. And I am glad for you, my friend. It would not be easy to lose such a trusted friend as your eagle. Have you decided what name you will call it?"
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<div>When the two ride back past the dead wolves, Ben'Dar pauses and examines the carcases. He has wanted a good wolf skin for some time. If one of the wolf skins is in decent shape (including the face & head), Ben'Dar carefully skins it. His intent with it is to make a sort of macabre headdress with the wolf's head as a hat, complete with upper jaw/fangs and eyes replaced with some sort of semi-precious amber stones. The skin would hang down over his shoulders and down his back. (It will give him some practice on his Tanning skill)
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<div>(OOC: I guess the injured warrior died then? I was thinking he was just injured and we had done some healing on him and were going to question him...)</div>