<font face="Courier New, Courier" size=1>
Character Name Type
Status/Notes Sex<br>
?? Chris
Wells...........Ben'dar...........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma<br>
R4 Tom
Crockett..........Caladan...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma<br>
R1 Marcel
Liberty........Chion.............Sailor..Normal/Human Ma<br>
W3 Ryan
Torres...........Farseeker.........Warrior.Normal/Human Ma<br>
W2 Sergi
R4 Tim Falkenberg........Malradh ben
Kasha.Merc....Normal/Human Ma<br>
R3 Wayne Richardson/Uji..Thig..............Sidh MU.Normal/Faerry
Do Robert
Maxwell........Strie'bog.........Artist..Normal/Human Ma<br>
R3 Orion (Paul
Broman)...Trembyl...........Wizard..Normal/Human Ma<br>
W3 Wout
Broere...........Unali.............Ninja...Normal/Human Fe<br>
R3 Scott
Adams...........Xian..............Wizard..Normal/Human Ma<br>
W2 Alex
Koponen..........Z'leyra...........Healer..Normal/Human Fe<br>
Animals: Ventrius/Pogo Thig's dogs, Firesnake of
Z'Leyra's Eagle, 2 Draft Horses,
Wolf - Boyzdar<br>
6 Captured Zen'da Horses<br>
Game Web Site - For updates, files, links,
<a href="http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem" eudora="autourl">http://www.funport.com/longshot/pbem</a><br>
Public posts/actions to pnpgm@abroere.xs4all.nl
(mailing list)<br>
Private emails (not public actions) to
Game Update #86 in sequence (file #315]<br>
Admin notes: Well! I checked my
Dimensional PO Box. I saw NO<br>
presents for my birthday! Geez.
Fine. -40 to ALL combat rolls<br>
for everyone :). Last Thursday ISP went
out when Bellsouth<br>
(which is not my ISP but the infrastructure for
web routers in<br>
the area) went down. Was without Internet
access for 2.5 days.<br>
Then Saturday night for a few hours. Then
today some power<br>
flickers off and on (Sunday). So I guess
I'm back now. But<br>
the updates will be slow coming as we form a
plan of attack.<br>
Once combat does occur it will be in 1 or 2
phases per update<br>
simply due to the MASSIVE logistics
involved. A 2 phase<br>
combat could take up to 4 hours to type
up. :) Four hours<br>
of work and 4 minutes of reading on your
end. Doesn't seem<br>
fair huh? :)<br>
From Ben'dar: [Re:
In the ransacked
Ben'Dar notes
Praelux's nervousness but says nothing about<br>
it. He
assumes it is shock. Ben'Dar is relatively young<br>
himself and is
probably feeling some shock himself at all<br>
the carnage in the
In response to
Praelux's question, he smiles and says, "An<br>
interesting group
of people, aren't they? They come from<br>
many different
lands and different cultures...." Ben'Dar<br>
begins telling
Praelux about his friends, using the<br>
conversation as a
distraction from the horrible work they<br>
must do in moving
and burying the slaughtered villagers.<br>
In the abandoned
Ben'Dar carefully
scans the insect tracks and tries to<br>
locate the
greatest concentration of them. He tries to<br>
discover where the
insects ended (where they are now). He<br>
wants to try to
capture some of them alive to examine.<br>
"The blue
insects... they seem to be linked to the magic of<br>
the claw.
But how?" If he can capture any of the blue<br>
insects alive, he
will bring it to the others for closer<br>
examination and
possibly some magical analysis from the<br>
Moving southward after the thief......<br>
Ben'Dar hears
Farseeker's words and shakes his head, "One<br>
thing does not
make sense to me. This thief fled from<br>
Z'leyra and I.We
easily killed his companion and sent him<br>
flying... away. Yet he has power enough<br>
with the claw to
slaughter an entire village." His brow<br>
furrows in
confusion, then he shrugs his shoulders and<br>
says slowly,
"I think a night battle will be to our<br>
This thief does not know we track him, or he<br>
would have taken
steps to cover his tracks or speed his<br>
progress, like
becoming a bird as he did before.<br>
The claw seems to
take some time to use, given Z'leyra and<br>
my easy defeat of
him when we came upon him suddenly. When<br>
we get near to him
tomorrow, we should slow our pursuit and<br>
discover his
position before he knows we are near. We could<br>
send Z'leyra to
make herself unseen to fly ahead and locate<br>
him." A
gleam comes into Ben'Dar's eyes as he anticipates<br>
the battle,
"Then we can ambush him under cover of night!<br>
Even if he uses
the claw, he will be dead before his animal<br>
friends can come
to his aid!"<br>
GM: Ack. <br>
From Strie'bog: [Re:
When the party
regroups with the tracker, Strie'bog will tell<br>
them fully about
the vision he had. "Friends, this slaughter<br>
has happened
before. I asked the Gods of Life to teach me<br>
the stories of the
Zen'da, for the village that was attacked<br>
had lost their
storytellers. At this past village, I<br>
remembered another
village that was destroyed by animals.<br>
Even the horses
turned against the villagers. This is why<br>
the claw was
buried and forgotten; forgotten at least by<br>
most. In
many stories, items of such great power could be<br>
used for great
good, or unthinkable evil, it only depends<br>
upon the person
who wields the item. Many times, there is<br>
also a price that
must be paid. As we ride, we must consider<br>
two things.
Our horses could betray us, and what do we do<br>
with the item once
it has been reclaimed?"<br>
At the village,
after saying a quick prayer for the safety<br>
of the villagers,
"I wonder if the thief truly has control<br>
over the
item." Looking to Caladan and Z'leyra, "You have<br>
shown more
understanding about magic than I possess. Stories<br>
only tell a part
of those mysteries. Could the claw have a<br>
purpose of its
own? Can an item have a will to do things in<br>
excess of what the
wielder desires? There are stories in<br>
which the weak of
will were consumed by relics of great power.<br>
I am loathed to
think that one man could have this much<br>
contempt for life
without some type of influence." Later,<br>
as we get closer
to our objective. "When we encouter the<br>
thief, or when it
looks as if our horses are being influenced,<br>
I will sing a song
to calm them. Hopefully this will soothe<br>
their spirits
against the influence."<br>
GM: Ack.<br>
From Chion: [Re:
Chion went with
Z'leyra, correct?<br>
Chion, being
tired, will contemplate teleporting to near where<br>
the man is. He
should be just about getting used to how to<br>
survive in the
plains. He won't do this, but when they stop<br>
to check their
boots and such, he will ask Z'leyra, "Do you<br>
wish to make up
the lost distance? We can leave the horses<br>
and animals here
and traverse the distance in an instance. I<br>
think that enough
people have died, but am trying hard to be<br>
wary of the great
council I have recieved prior to travelling<br>
to the plains.
Perhaps I should have taken the initiative and<br>
ended this evil
earlier. Perhaps the loss of members of some<br>
villages will make
others stronger. I cannot say which route<br>
I should have
followed. But each passing day bends me toward<br>
a particular
action. An action which I have performed in the<br>
past so many
times. I could have destroyed the menace without<br>
much thought days
ago. Today I find it harder. Why should I<br>
forgive such a
creature when others do not? What chance is<br>
there of their
escaping our punishment? It is har d for me<br>
to consider
Cetric's absolute abandonment of his tribe's<br>
tradition any
better than the compulsion of animals which<br>
attack their
masters? I'm sorry, I do not mean to burden<br>
you with these
thoughts of mine. What I will do I will do<br>
To Thig he will
ask, "Do you think the person whom holds the<br>
relic claw is
capable of controlling it?<br>
When we found the
graves, were they uncovered by claw or by<br>
shovel? Or both?
If he is travelling East, could his final<br>
destination be my
homeland of the Dark Lands? And if so, does<br>
he deserve a
chance to make his mark, whatever it be, and live<br>
with the power he
has sought, gathered, and gained? There are<br>
so many questions
that pop into one's head when one gets tired<br>
and is
GM: The previous night yes you
went with Z but last night (the<br>
present night) I
didn't think you would? Graves were clearly<br>
dug by
shovel. Even a mass of animals would take much longer<br>
to do so.
Other questions are rhetorical. :)<br>
From Z'leyra: [Re:
Z'leyra stops and
takes her boots off. Using a damp cloth she<br>
cleans the
insides of her boots and her feet. She tries to<br>
clean her
socks as well, letting them dry while she eats and<br>
talks with
her companions.<br>
She tries to
figure out how slow she should go to have the<br>
together, at night, when they catch up to the<br>
graverobber...presuming his pace remains unchanged. The<br>
spell's cumpulsion
doesn't let her stop for long, but<br>
doesn't make her
go at her fastest pace.<br>
Responding to
Strie'bog, Z'leyra says "It all depends on the<br>
Claw and how it
was endowed with it's magic. Items with a<br>
purpose and will
of their own are rare and usually quite<br>
powerful. The Claw
may be powerful enough, but that doesn't<br>
tell us whether it
has it's own spirit or is but a very<br>
powerful tool for
dealing with animals."<br>
"I think that
some folk not only will rob graves but wantonly<br>
animals using them as weapons. These folk care little<br>
or nothing
for others and seek only their own goals<br>
of how they hurt others. Most would call them<br>
To Chion Z'leyra
replies "If we don't catch up soon it might<br>
be best for
some of us to leap ahead, preferably at night so<br>
we can
surprise him while he sleeps. We don't want him<br>
attacking any
other villages."<br>
GM: Ack. <br>
[New Stuff]<br>
Octaqi 18, in the 163rd Year
Time: Roughly
5:49pm] [Day 48 of Trip]<br>
Location: The L'p'nth
[A female that Chion met peers
out a castle window and waits<br>
for some time. She
turns and anger flares in her eyes.]<br>
Man: "We did as
ordered. But no one showed up. Our patrols<br>
find no one.
It was a hoax."<br>
Female: "Hoax!" [She
slaps the man] "Is that a hoax? This<br>
Chion person stole
our weapons. The bravado and the<br>
insanity of
it! I do not accept this!"<br>
[Another man in a corner with
a uniform on]<br>
Man: "Chion sounds like a
Katai name."<br>
Female: "Really?
After we translated the letter. Of<br>
course it
does! I'm surrounded by idiots! The Master<br>
will learn of this
and he'll be ...upset..."<br>
[The female turns back to the
window and looks out into the<br>
empty canyon.]<br>
Female: "I want to know
this man. Find out about him.<br>
[Another man this one older
and more stripes on his<br>
uniform speaks.]<br>
Man: "The plan
Female: "Yes. That
is paramount. The plan continues.<br>
this setback means
Octaqi 18, in the 163rd Year
[Meanwhile somewhere on the
Time: Roughly
9:12pm] [Day 48 of Trip]<br>
Location: Caladan's
[Two days ago --]<br>
[As the camp falls to slumber
screams from females are suddenly<br>
heard in one part of the
village. Warriors on sentry duty,<br>
Xian and Trembyl rush to
the scene. There they find Caladan's<br>
firesnake trying to
snuggle up against a bedroll for warmth.<br>
Apparently something had
woke it up or someone touched it<br>
from its sleep
Trembyl: "Well go get
Xian: "Me?"<br>
Trembyl: "You had more
experience with it."<br>
Xian: "Gee
[Xian grabs his staff in one
hand and motions for the adult<br>
female and teen girl in
the corner to stay put. Xian<br>
creeps closer and pets
the snake. It liked the touch and<br>
Xian coaxes it to his
arm. Xian seems to handle the snake<br>
well and allows it to
sleep nearby his bedroll.]<br>
[For the next few days its
found that one boy around 8 seems<br>
to befriend the
snake. It doesn't bite him or seem to<br>
sense danger from the
boy. Xian lets the boy take care of<br>
the snake but gives him
warnings of its painful bite.]<br>
Octaqi 19, in the 163rd Year
[Meanwhile somewhere on the
Time: Roughly
1:08pm] [Day 49 of Trip]<br>
Location: Caladan's
[A day ago...]<br>
[Trembyl and Xian sit and
finish their lunch and talk about<br>
the past
Trembyl: "So you decided
to stay here because you were worried<br>
about an attack or
Xian: "Yes. Plus I
would likely just get in the way. I'm not<br>
the best
Trembyl: "Why not get
with Farseeker and get some body building<br>
and weapons
[Trembyl notices a man exit
out the lodge building with smoke<br>
following him.]<br>
Trembyl: "You believe in
those smoke visions they speak of?"<br>
Xian: "Well they use
plants and herbs for some of the smoke.<br>
This could create
visions or hallucinations for each person.<br>
That is clear
enough. But there are times when some have<br>
said their visions
come true. "<br>
Trembyl: "So then you
believe Cetric's vision of an invasion?"<br>
xian: "Invasion of the
plains. Based on what we found at the<br>
graves I'd say he
saw the past not the future. But from<br>
what I understand
from the elders visions are only of the<br>
future. So
I'm unsure. He may have seen metaphorical<br>
visions and that
ended up to be us. That or he truly saw<br>
a possible
invasion. But with most visions its hard to<br>
judge time
Gib'borah: "As a boy I
only had one vision in the smoke<br>
rituals. I
saw myself in battle with a Giant. The elders<br>
and others at the
time laughed at me. Then Grog appeared<br>
on the
plains. I did battle him before we got to an<br>
unsteady alliance
with him. So that vision came true."<br>
[Xian and Trembyl stand and
greet Gib'borah.]<br>
Gib'borah: "I'm expecting
some visitors. We will be in<br>
conference for
several hours. As honored guests your<br>
welcome to join
us. The others may refuse but I'm<br>
[Soon riders. Usually
one male with 3-4 warriors each<br>
rides into the
village. Then more in the same type of<br>
groups enter. It
is later learned they are village<br>
Sha's (Chiefs) with
escort warriors. They enter the<br>
village lodge and wait
for others.]<br>
Trembyl: "This is not
good. Chiefs are arriving. Could<br>
this be a war
[Soon Gib'borah walks up with
a tall looking warrior.]<br>
Gib'borah: "this is
Gidwani "Swift Wind" he is my oldest<br>
Gidwani: "Friends of my
brother Caladan. Welcome. I'm<br>
sorry I missed
Caladan. I've been away."<br>
Xian: "Swift
Gib'borah: "He was always
a very fast runner."<br>
[The four enter the
lodge. The conference begins and its<br>
learned that one Sha
from the far east has learned of<br>
a village (Clan Rusa)
that had its members disappear.<br>
Based on their
investigation they have learned the Bova<br>
may be behind
this. The conference soon indeed turns<br>
into a war
conference. Xian and Trembyl become nervous<br>
and whisper to each
other in the far back.]<br>
Trembyl: "A war could
spill over into Ba'rual or even<br>
L'p'nth could take advantage if the Zen'da<br>
fight other
Zen'da. This is not good."<br>
Xian: "I
Octaqi 20, in the 163rd Year
[Meanwhile somewhere on the
Time: Roughly
5:00pm] [Day 50 of Trip]<br>
[Location - Empty Village]<br>
[Ben'dar continues to
keep the nervous Praelux busy with<br>
talk and
distractions as they explore the empty and<br>
village. As if everyone just disappeared leaving<br>
food and other
things only seconds ago.]<br>
[Ben'dar and Praelux
head to track the bug trails. The<br>
trails are tiny
very hard to follow. The wind has blown<br>
most of the trails
away already. After circling and<br>
retracking it
takes about 20 minutes and Praelux points<br>
to a place in the
ground about 75 feet away. Both head<br>
that way.
There they find a hole in the ground. At first<br>
glance it might be
a snake hole. But there are a few bugs<br>
crawling around
inside and outside the hole.]<br>
Praelux: "Probably
goes underground."<br>
[Ben'dar leans down and
examines the bugs. He figures out<br>
how to capture
some of them. But he is unsure of touching<br>
directly. He then fealls in his pack he has a old bit<br>
of cheese left
over. He stabs the cheese with his fighting<br>
dagger and places
it on the ground and waits. Soon four<br>
blue insects crawl
onto the cheese and Ben'dar raises the<br>
dagger. The
bugs inspect and begin to eat the cheese as<br>
Ben'dar twirls the
dagger looking at the insects. Careful<br>
not to let them
onto the dagger he heads back to the empty<br>
[Ben'dar gets to the
village and places the dagger on the<br>
ground and beckons
for the others. Shortly all examine<br>
the insects.
They seem to be the size of a pinky finger<br>
Very tiny. They look just like normal red<br>
love bugs.
They have tiny tiny eyes and antennae that<br>
move back and
forth. They have 8 legs/arms. Their<br>
carapace is a
shell like that of the love bug or beetle.]<br>
Balrog: "Ohh!
Bugs. Kill it! I Hate bugs."<br>
Caladan: "These are
the bugs that were here and the<br>
village? Don't seem to harmful to me."<br>
Farseeker: "Doesn't
need to be. A single bug like a bee<br>
or ant can
be harmless. But a swarm of bees and ants<br>
can kill a
[Kasha uses a finger to
turn one bug over.]<br>
Balrog: "Hey
Kasha: "It didn't
bite me."<br>
Balrog: "Still
foolish. Don't know if its poisonous."<br>
Farseeker: "Look
under it. Seems to have a mouth with<br>
pinchers. At the back looks like a stinger but<br>
Farseeker: "As if
it can jut out or extend."<br>
Thig: "I don't
sense magic from them or magical ability.<br>
I can't
detect poisons so don't know if they have it<br>
Balrog: "Not
magical? Then they are just normal bugs."<br>
"Wait! Now I know these critters. I saw one<br>
under the
glass. It was in Woundenal's cabin. He<br>
had 3 in a
jar. There were others but I didn't pay<br>
attention at the time."<br>
"Really?" [Standing] "Woundenal does examine bugs<br>
plants. So that's nothing unusual there."<br>
Kasha: "What's
wrong Cetric?"<br>
[This causes the others
to look over to Cetric and the warriors<br>
who have been
chatting quietly.]<br>
"Nothing. But I've just been informed by Rin that<br>
those are
the same type of bugs seen across the plains<br>
recently. It seems they appeared only a couple of months<br>
They must live underground and so never seen before<br>
recalled. There have been tremors lately and that<br>
caused the ground to open up their homes to<br>
Caladan: "You Knew
of these for how long and just now<br>
Cetric: "For
awhile. But I personally did not know of them.<br>
didn't put it together as a major thing. But now that<br>
have been seen in two villages there must be some<br>
Balrog: "No
[Ben'dar examines the
bugs. He recalls that there were some<br>
of these bugs
around the wolf bodies as well. So they<br>
must be scavenger
bugs? He recalls he got bit by one when<br>
taking the skin
but that was...a couple days ago..he'd<br>
have some reaction
by now if it was poison. Come to think<br>
about it Cetric
was also bitten by one or two when digging<br>
the grave.
Strie'bog almost was but he was able to flick<br>
off the bug before
it did anything. Ben'dar gets and<br>
cleans his dagger
but leaves the cheese.]<br>
GM: Ben'dar has nothing to
keep the bugs in. But if others<br>
had something they
could try or kill them and keep in<br>
Thig was here before he left again to track<br>
with Z'leyra so
there was a short time before the urge to<br>
leave again.
[Later on the trail...]<br>
[Farseeker hears Ben'dar and
Farseeker: "The Thief is
a coward like most Thieves. err..<br>
mean..most..sorry Balrog."<br>
Balrog: "I
Farseeker: "He can attack
almost defenseless villages but<br>
not well armed and
skilled people like ourselves. He<br>
is likely
preparing a place for defense. A night battle<br>
is hard to
do. There are many pros and cons about it.<br>
We will have to
form a plan soon. As to the thief once<br>
we find his exact
location it doesn't mean he no longer<br>
has the
Claw. The thief could just be a pawn."<br>
[Strie'bog explains his
Caladan: "It sounds like
the invaders the Elder spoke of<br>
invented or had
this item when they invaded last time.<br>
Which means its
not a Zen'da item. That is good to know.<br>
As most things can
be used without magical ability the<br>
Claw may be able
to be used by anyone. We will have<br>
to destroy the
claw as best we can."<br>
[Thig turns and stops.
He flies toward Strie'bog.]<br>
Thig: "The Claw could
easily have a will of its own. Many<br>
items do.
The high powerful items do. The Element-- err<br>
I mean a staff we
found recently seemed to have a lifeforce<br>
in it as
well." [He stops and ponders his words] "This is<br>
what I fear about
the staff Chion carries. I sense it<br>
has a will of its
own. Woundenal even commented on this<br>
at least that's
what Farseeker told me. It seems Caladan's<br>
master was leary
of the staff and its purpose. If this<br>
energy or
lifeforce is animal could the claw affect it?"<br>
[Thig hears Chion ask the
question on control.]<br>
Thig: "Likely the user of
the claw controls the nature<br>
of the
power. But depends on their sheer will if they<br>
can control
the device or vice versa. The Faerry are<br>
known to
create devices that can surpass a human's will<br>
and take
over them rather than being used. Wasn't that<br>
Life Sword
or Light Sword ..whatever it was called that<br>
killed that
lich one such device with a will of its own?"<br>
[The party that is not
tracking camps in the empty village.]<br>
GM: Since there were no talks
on following or camping.<br>
Octaqi 21, in the 163rd Year
[Meanwhile somewhere on the
[Day 51 of Trip]<br>
[Z'leyra continues to
track. Over the last 3 days her spell<br>
has told her the Thief
has not moved beyond 1-3 miles in<br>
a area he is currently
at. There was that one time he<br>
even gained height which
may indicate he was some bird at<br>
that time. Course
this still doesn't mean the thief has<br>
the claw. But the
thief has stayed put. Which could be<br>
good or bad.]<br>
[In the morning the party
breaks camp and continues to<br>
track Z'leyra and the
GM: Morning Healing/Mana
Chion - Your at 51.25% of your Max CA.
Battery 96.25% Full<br>
Strie'bog - Your
at 95.55% of your Max CA. <br>
Z'leyra - Got your report in ICQ just now.<br>
Everyone is at 100%
health. Aside from Balrog who is -1 from<br>
energy level (due
to poison) all are at 100% Energy Level.<br>
If not posted
above everyone is at 100% Mana strength.<br>
GM: No Random encounters for both
groups or Hole/Snake encounters.<br>
[At Sunrise on day 51 the party
heads out. This day they<br>
travel fast. They know
the thief is only a day's ride<br>
at max. Z'leyra may
already be very close.]<br>
[During the ride Caladan is quiet
and so is Cetric. Until<br>
near noon.]<br>
Cetric: "I'm worried that this
could lead to war. Zen'da<br>
do fight Zen'da.
That is normal. There are always border<br>
disputes. Clan
disputes. Warriors will try to raid other<br>
villages for horses
either as a contest or in real challenge.<br>
That is part of life
here. But this could lead to a full<br>
tribe fighting another
tribe. Something we've not seen for<br>
some time."<br>
Caladan: "Do you wish to stop
and let Gib'borah handle this?"<br>
Cetric: "No. We don't
know what could happen if the Claw<br>
remains in their
hand. But I fear our mistakes could<br>
lead to war. We
will have to be very careful. I hate to<br>
say this but there
should be no prisoners or survivors."<br>
Caladan: "I don't know if we
can do that. It depends on what<br>
happens. We'll
have to handle it as it goes along."<br>
[Around 3pm Caladan stops and raises
his voice.]<br>
Caladan: "Friends. We've
been on this quest for over 50 days<br>
since we left our
homes. If any wish to stay behind while<br>
we go on I won't feel
bad about it. I suspect this coming<br>
night will be dangerous
for all. This is my homeland and<br>
my quest."<br>
Balrog: "No way. I might
get something out of it!"<br>
Kasha: "This evil we must
Farseeker: "We are wasting
time. Let's go."<br>
Caladan: "Thanks
[Another hour an a half the party
catches up to Z'leyra who<br>
stopped to meet them.
Z'leyra had gone their slowest speed.<br>
Z'leyra reports the thief is
around 6 miles from here. Lodd<br>
reports that the party should
cross the border within the<br>
[The party continues on and soon the
sun sets. Another<br>
few hours and the party is
stopped. Z'leyra reports the<br>
Thief is only 3 miles
Caladan: "We should plan
now. Suggestions?"<br>
Thig: "I can teleport over the
spot. Then in the dark go<br>
invisible and using my
mind spells detect how many minds<br>
are there. This
will give us a rough idea of their camp<br>
and how many we are
dealing with. I can then come back<br>
and report the
Farseeker: "No one light any
lights or campfire. They<br>
are still likely awake
at this hour and could have a patrol<br>
out for
Thig: "Ahh..Z'leyra you can
stop now. I hate for you to<br>
walk into their camp
while we are still planning. You<br>
should end the
GM: Actions? The Thief is 3
miles SE of the party's current<br>
location. Anyone
wish to disagree with Thig's plan? If<br>
not I can then do it and
report results with maps and such.<br>
Unless other plans are
Next update Friday.....<br>
Actions? Comments?<br>
Plans and actions need to be made.<br>
Aside from player roster above (except
Xian/Trembyl) the party<br>
consists of Cetric, 3 Warriors (not Vlad), and
The night is so dark at this point (no moon)
only about 2 feet<br>
can be seen in front of a person. This
limits those who can't<br>
see in the dark. I suspect the map and
info Thig could give<br>
is better to have to make final plans. I
already have the<br>
map done aside from placing people (gotta do
that). <br>
Everyone is together. I figured the party
would stop at 2 or<br>
3 miles from the Thief. Since there was no
post otherwise.<br>
I won't rush the party into any combat until its time and plans are voted
on and final.<br>
<div>Longshot - ZC of AdventureNet International Echomail Network</div>
<div>Fringe BBS - EWOG II - 904-733-1721</div>
<div>Telegard / Allfix Beta Site</div>
<a href="http://www.funport.net/~longshot" EUDORA=AUTOURL>http://www.funport.net/~longshot</a></div>
<div>ICQ: 24436933</div>