<div>****** Back in time just a bit, in the camp..... ********</div>
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<div>Conversation with Farseeker: Ben'Dar scowls at first, but his expression gradually changes to one of contrition as he realizes the truth of some of Farseeker's words. He mutters softly, "We Zen'da do not forgive betrayal easily. But you are right...I allowed my emotions to get the better of me. For that, I am sorry."
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<div>Conversation with Cetric: When he turns around and sees Cetric standing in front of him, Ben'Dar tenses, clearly expecting a fight. He slowly relaxes and regards Cetric skeptically as he listens to his words, but makes no reply at first. When Cetric pauses, he says, "I reacted too quickly earlier. Now that I have thought on the matter, I realize that my friend is dead already and any chance to bring him back should not be ignored." Ben'Dar looks down at the ground and scowls, then mutters, "Please do what you can to help him..."
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<div>****** Back to the present...... *******</div>
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<div>As the party travels, Ben'Dar rides next to Z'leyra and explains about Tef'wo's peculiar behavior. He says, "I know that you can speak the tongue of horses. Can you ask why he was acting that way?"</div>
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<div>To Praelux's request, Ben'Dar nods and says, "Your people have sacrificed more than anyone else in this fight. Your claim on the spoils of war is well deserved." He looks around and asks, "Agreed?"