<div> Arawn smiles and nods in regards to Strie'bogs offer.</div> <div> </div> <div> "Thank you. It's appreciated and will greatly improve communications with your friends."</div> <div> </div> <div> Extending his hand forward he touches the Bard on forearm and begins to invoke the power of elder magic to bless him with knowledge of the Marentian tongue as he continues to speak with the forest-child, his speech shifting from the sacred Tongue of the Woods to Marentian.</div> <div> "It is a pleasure to have made your aquaintance and I hope we might have some time to journey together for a while. I have heard you mention the troubles that may plague this forest as well as your mother and I will do what I can to assist both. Perhaps in the process I might be able to find some answers to my own dilemma." He looks thoughtful as he mentions the last.</div> <div> </div><p>
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