<div>Ben'Dar looks at Xian blankly for a moment. Then he nods and says grimly, "Yes, I meant to kill him. He was foolish to attack so many, especially without any way to escape." He holds out his gore-encrusted pike to the wizard and adds, "Would you like to learn?"
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<div>In addition to continuing the horse husbandry training, Ben'Dar will spend his spare moments putting the finishing touches on his wolf headdress. Specifically, he will look for good quality leather, which he will braid into long, thin lengths and attach them all along the bottom fringe of the headdress (these will hang down behind him while he wears the headdress). Into these braids, he will weave beads, feathers, claws, teeth, etc. He is also on the lookout for two good-sized yellow gems to set in the eye sockets of the headdress. He is careful to keep this out of Strie'bog's sight, seeing as how the bard has a wolf for a pet, Ben'Dar does not want to upset him.