<div>Ben'Dar wonders about all these insane frogs and bugs. Something seems familiar here. He thinks about the claw and wonders if somehow it is acting against the party or if it has fallen into enemy hands. His eyes shift around, trying to see Z'leyra.
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<div>Ben'Dar experiments with his jaw muscles and tries to open his mouth just enough to crush the annoying beetle between his teeth. Mmmmmmm......</div>
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<div>If Ben'Dar becomes unparalyzed, he will do the following:</div>
<div>1) Yell "Archer!" and point at the trees from which he saw the last arrow come from.</div>
<div>2) Kill goblin (i) if it's still near him.</div>
<div>3) Take down the man that's attacking Unali.</div>
<div>4) Charge the location from which he saw the last arrow come from, riding Tef'wo if possible.</div>