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Fremea considers the offer made by Oby and wonders if there is more to this generous offer. She shrugs and decides she will take them up on it, though only wants to have good rangers to go with her to hunt, as they will know how to stealth in the forest. "There is something else I would like though. From the Herbalist shop." She speaks this to Oby.<br><br>Fremea will learn Katai at least.<br><br><The only thing she will not reveal to anyone is the true name of the Seker and another other private thoughts she learned from him. Otherwise, all is told.><br><br /><hr />Windows Live™ Hotmail®…more than just e-mail. <a href='http://windowslive.com/howitworks?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_t2_hm_justgotbetter_howitworks_022009' target='_new'>See how it works.</a></body>